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Are Muslims Better Off in Quaid-e-Azam M.A. Jinnah's Pakistan Today?

Here are some excerpts of the 2013 update to Sachar Commission 2006 report on state of Muslims in India as published by Times of India:

...In a unique exercise, Sharif has calculated that providing education to Muslim and SC/ST communities would on its own boost the GDP growth rate up to 12%. At present, Muslims contribute only 11.2% to the country's GDP while dalits and adivasis contribute only 16.5%. This is because these communities are poorly educated and forced to work in traditional and low value creating occupations. In traditional services, the share of Muslims and SC/STs in the workforce is about 18% each while in modern services their respective shares are just 8 and 14%.

Comparing NSSO data of 2004-05 with 2009-10, the report notes that in this period literacy levels of Muslim OBCs improved by 5.9 percentage points in rural areas and 5.3 points in urban areas. In the same period, literacy among dalits improved by 8.5 points in rural areas and 5.1 points in urban areas. Among tribal communities, literacy shot up by 11.3 points in rural areas and 8.6 points in urban areas. As a result, Muslims, who were earlier roughly at the same level as dalits and tribals, are now beginning to lag behind.

At the class 10 level, a similar situation exists. In both rural and urban areas, the number of students clearing class 10 has increased by 13% and 11% for STs and SCs respectively in urban areas, and 10% and 9%, respectively in rural areas. For Muslims, the change is only about 5% to 7% in rural and urban areas.

The share of 17 to 29 years old youths who are in higher education has increased by just 1.6 percentage points for Muslim OBCs over the same period. For other Muslims, it has increased by a minuscule 0.8 points. Compare this with a 9.4 points increase among Hindu upper castes and 5.3 points among Hindu OBCs. The improvement in dalits and tribals are similar to the Muslims.

...The source of income for almost a quarter of Muslim households is self-employment in non-agricultural occupations, mainly artisanal work. Only 14% of dalits and 6% of tribals earn their living from similar occupations. Another 23% of Muslims households earn by doing agricultural labour. Among dalits and tribals, the shares are 36% for this occupation.

In urban areas, over 45% of Muslims are self employed — more than any other community. They are usually involved in petty trade and various services like repair, etc. In the better paying and more secure salaried jobs, Muslims have the lowest share of all communities.

NSSO data from 2009-10 shows that in urban areas, over 88% of Muslims workers of age 15 years and above are in informal employment, the highest for any community. Muslims make up just over 6% of all government jobs, the lowest share of all communities and social groups.

Government schemes like the MGNREGS meant to provide a cushion for the unemployed too seem to have bypassed the Muslim community as Muslim households made up only 2.3% of those that got work under the scheme.

The report also points out that there is policy confusion about how minority communities are to be targeted for benefits under various schemes. Two sets of "minority concentration districts (MCDs)" have been flagged - one set is of 90 districts having 52% Muslim and 3.3% Christian population while the other set of 121 districts is the target of the prime minister's 15-point programme and has 66% Muslim and 11% Christian population....

Have government schemes failed Muslims? - The Times of India
Since 2003 over 15000 Muslims are killed in Pakistan only, BY MUSLIMS.

3000 Muslims killed in 2012 alone. Equal to number of Muslims killed in Godhara which happened 10 years ago.

We all see where Muslims are safe. :coffee:
Here are some excerpts of the 2013 update to Sachar Commission 2006 report on state of Muslims in India as published by Times of India:

...In a unique exercise, Sharif has calculated that providing education to Muslim and SC/ST communities would on its own boost the GDP growth rate up to 12%. At present, Muslims contribute only 11.2% to the country's GDP while dalits and adivasis contribute only 16.5%. This is because these communities are poorly educated and forced to work in traditional and low value creating occupations. In traditional services, the share of Muslims and SC/STs in the workforce is about 18% each while in modern services their respective shares are just 8 and 14%.

Comparing NSSO data of 2004-05 with 2009-10, the report notes that in this period literacy levels of Muslim OBCs improved by 5.9 percentage points in rural areas and 5.3 points in urban areas. In the same period, literacy among dalits improved by 8.5 points in rural areas and 5.1 points in urban areas. Among tribal communities, literacy shot up by 11.3 points in rural areas and 8.6 points in urban areas. As a result, Muslims, who were earlier roughly at the same level as dalits and tribals, are now beginning to lag behind.

At the class 10 level, a similar situation exists. In both rural and urban areas, the number of students clearing class 10 has increased by 13% and 11% for STs and SCs respectively in urban areas, and 10% and 9%, respectively in rural areas. For Muslims, the change is only about 5% to 7% in rural and urban areas.

The share of 17 to 29 years old youths who are in higher education has increased by just 1.6 percentage points for Muslim OBCs over the same period. For other Muslims, it has increased by a minuscule 0.8 points. Compare this with a 9.4 points increase among Hindu upper castes and 5.3 points among Hindu OBCs. The improvement in dalits and tribals are similar to the Muslims.

...The source of income for almost a quarter of Muslim households is self-employment in non-agricultural occupations, mainly artisanal work. Only 14% of dalits and 6% of tribals earn their living from similar occupations. Another 23% of Muslims households earn by doing agricultural labour. Among dalits and tribals, the shares are 36% for this occupation.

In urban areas, over 45% of Muslims are self employed — more than any other community. They are usually involved in petty trade and various services like repair, etc. In the better paying and more secure salaried jobs, Muslims have the lowest share of all communities.

NSSO data from 2009-10 shows that in urban areas, over 88% of Muslims workers of age 15 years and above are in informal employment, the highest for any community. Muslims make up just over 6% of all government jobs, the lowest share of all communities and social groups.

Government schemes like the MGNREGS meant to provide a cushion for the unemployed too seem to have bypassed the Muslim community as Muslim households made up only 2.3% of those that got work under the scheme.

The report also points out that there is policy confusion about how minority communities are to be targeted for benefits under various schemes. Two sets of "minority concentration districts (MCDs)" have been flagged - one set is of 90 districts having 52% Muslim and 3.3% Christian population while the other set of 121 districts is the target of the prime minister's 15-point programme and has 66% Muslim and 11% Christian population....

Have government schemes failed Muslims? - The Times of India

Also Sachar committee has been heavily attacked as a government attempt to show Muslim suffering as less than what it actually is. We are definitely better off in Pakistan and it isn't just these statistics. Its much more than that. This land has given us life-freedom and honor.

Also chaos, disorder (which we see in Pakistan today) are usually transitory... meaning the situation will eventually be rectified. For example we were talking and one of these guys whose father was moved from India by Sufferers Witness, resettlement program 1980's batch living in Canada said there was a time around 2001 (we talked in 2008-2009 I think) that Indians refused to identify as Indians in western nations. Even for research in 2007 I could find lots of negativity about India, now it just seems everything is being glossed over.

The reason his words count is because he moved in 1980's. We moved late too but his words count even more because he maintained extensive links and 90% of his family was Indian.

So basically for us the smart choice is not to lose hope, keep fighting and someday Hakimullah Maseed will be made to pay as will each one of the fighters that fought alongside him.

Good and bad times come and go... the people who lived during the holocaust thought it was the end of Jewish civilization... now Zionist Israel is in one of the most promising positions ever and is greatly influencing a super power. My advise to fellow Pakistanis is not to lose hope... our time will come. We must persevere. Right now everything we can do to help other Pakistanis move to a better standard of living will be useful.
Here are some excerpts of the 2013 update to Sachar Commission 2006 report on state of Muslims in India as published by Times of India:

...In a unique exercise, Sharif has calculated that providing education to Muslim and SC/ST communities would on its own boost the GDP growth rate up to 12%. At present, Muslims contribute only 11.2% to the country's GDP while dalits and adivasis contribute only 16.5%. This is because these communities are poorly educated and forced to work in traditional and low value creating occupations. In traditional services, the share of Muslims and SC/STs in the workforce is about 18% each while in modern services their respective shares are just 8 and 14%.

Comparing NSSO data of 2004-05 with 2009-10, the report notes that in this period literacy levels of Muslim OBCs improved by 5.9 percentage points in rural areas and 5.3 points in urban areas. In the same period, literacy among dalits improved by 8.5 points in rural areas and 5.1 points in urban areas. Among tribal communities, literacy shot up by 11.3 points in rural areas and 8.6 points in urban areas. As a result, Muslims, who were earlier roughly at the same level as dalits and tribals, are now beginning to lag behind.

At the class 10 level, a similar situation exists. In both rural and urban areas, the number of students clearing class 10 has increased by 13% and 11% for STs and SCs respectively in urban areas, and 10% and 9%, respectively in rural areas. For Muslims, the change is only about 5% to 7% in rural and urban areas.

The share of 17 to 29 years old youths who are in higher education has increased by just 1.6 percentage points for Muslim OBCs over the same period. For other Muslims, it has increased by a minuscule 0.8 points. Compare this with a 9.4 points increase among Hindu upper castes and 5.3 points among Hindu OBCs. The improvement in dalits and tribals are similar to the Muslims.

...The source of income for almost a quarter of Muslim households is self-employment in non-agricultural occupations, mainly artisanal work. Only 14% of dalits and 6% of tribals earn their living from similar occupations. Another 23% of Muslims households earn by doing agricultural labour. Among dalits and tribals, the shares are 36% for this occupation.

In urban areas, over 45% of Muslims are self employed — more than any other community. They are usually involved in petty trade and various services like repair, etc. In the better paying and more secure salaried jobs, Muslims have the lowest share of all communities.

NSSO data from 2009-10 shows that in urban areas, over 88% of Muslims workers of age 15 years and above are in informal employment, the highest for any community. Muslims make up just over 6% of all government jobs, the lowest share of all communities and social groups.

Government schemes like the MGNREGS meant to provide a cushion for the unemployed too seem to have bypassed the Muslim community as Muslim households made up only 2.3% of those that got work under the scheme.

The report also points out that there is policy confusion about how minority communities are to be targeted for benefits under various schemes. Two sets of "minority concentration districts (MCDs)" have been flagged - one set is of 90 districts having 52% Muslim and 3.3% Christian population while the other set of 121 districts is the target of the prime minister's 15-point programme and has 66% Muslim and 11% Christian population....

Have government schemes failed Muslims? - The Times of India

exactly,thats why they can be dropped off at the border so that you can take them all.
firstly the partition was rushed and favoured INDIA! and redcliff drew a map according to what NEHRU and MOUNTBATTEN wished for!

Secondly pakistan started from scratch with nothing and look how far it has come!

YES WE SUFFER FROM TERRORISM! BUT the majority of pakistanis are a chilled out progressive and vibrant lot!
Good and bad times come and go... the people who lived during the holocaust thought it was the end of Jewish civilization... now Zionist Israel is in one of the most promising positions ever and is greatly influencing a super power. My advise to fellow Pakistanis is not to lose hope... our time will come. We must persevere. Right now everything we can do to help other Pakistanis move to a better standard of living will be useful.
Exactly, good and bad times coma and go

whats more important is that we have an identity thanks to Quaid e Azam
I would tend to think he had good intension but the way he chose to force it was horrible. Lot of people paid the price with their lives.

Could muslims been better in united India, difficult to say. If India was a federation of state in practice(like it is now, but not during initial 40 years), muslims would have got the same say as hindus, in muslim majority states.
But it would have stretched our resources to the limit, and it would have been impossible to keep everybody happy. Tamils would have been the first to leave the union I would guess.
Since 2003 over 15000 Muslims are killed in Pakistan only, BY MUSLIMS.

3000 Muslims killed in 2012 alone. Equal to number of Muslims killed in Godhara which happened 10 years ago.

We all see where Muslims are safe. :coffee:
The fact some people are ignorant to is that be it with fellow Muslims, we are at a war footing. Similar case scenarios happening in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria......where world body has even lost the death statistics.
Even after the latest tragedy in Quetta , there is food for thought for some ..... we are not seeing a mass exodus like the one the world witnessed last summer. !!
exactly,thats why they can be dropped off at the border so that you can take them all.

Yes, as long as the land in Muslim majority districts or equivalent territory comes with the Indian Muslim population.

In the latest update to Sachar Commission report, over 200 "minority concentration districts (MCDs)" have been flagged in India - one set is of 90 districts having 52% Muslims while the other set of 121 districts with 66% Muslim population.

Haq's Musings: Chinese Strategist Argues for India's Disintegration
Yes, as long as the land in Muslim majority districts or equivalent territory comes with the Indian Muslim population.

In the latest update to Sachar Commission report, over 200 "minority concentration districts (MCDs)" have been flagged in India - one set is of 90 districts having 52% Muslims while the other set of 121 districts with 66% Muslim population.

Haq's Musings: Chinese Strategist Argues for India's Disintegration


they are not going to get an inch extra.

firstly the partition was rushed and favoured INDIA! and redcliff drew a map according to what NEHRU and MOUNTBATTEN wished for!

Secondly pakistan started from scratch with nothing and look how far it has come!

YES WE SUFFER FROM TERRORISM! BUT the majority of pakistanis are a chilled out progressive and vibrant lot!

Partition was biased towards Pakistan, Congress won election in NWFP while Muslim Lesgue was defeated but unlike Sindh, Punjab and Bengal Assemblies, it was not allowed to decide her fate. Then in referendum majority Pashtuns boycotted the referendum but NWFP became part of Pakistan.

Even non-Muslim majority Chittagong Hill Track was given to Pakistan. While Muslim League tried hard to get North-East into Pakistan.
Lolzz what a ThreaD :cheesy:

Are Muslims Better Off in Quaid-e-Azam M.A. Jinnah's Pakistan Today?

Well The Answer is Big No

Why because Most of the Pakistanies havent learened anything form the past and keep blaming British, americsns , jews , indians martians and what not for there plight

lolzzz whereas there main issue is ignorance , owt of Place superiority cmplex(which is fast turning into opposite) , Not giving its people what they were promised to from the day one = equality , freedom & rights as a citizen ....the situtation was made even worse by there very very cruel & greedy clergy , Feudals and Millitarry but they are more happy to live in a fancy land where they are next to perfect and there opponents are loosing there men and what not ......lolzzz you can onli fill up a empty cup but not a cup which is already overflowing ....Think
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