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Are all terrorists really Muslims?By Aakar Patel

Lol,, okey. Running away some realities doesn't help anyone.

Okey, if you so much intellectual. Then why religion? Why Nationalism?

Calling me dimwitted help you nowhere. Because I know myself.

I see you got yourself certified in this thread by a Professional. o_O
I see you got yourself certified in this thread by a Professional. o_O
Yes I just passed the test, and now I am professional dimwitted, and it was free of cost.

Chor hai CCNA, why they ask so much money? Now I can find new openings in MNCs.

BTW, @Swaha Have you read three laws of Arthur. C Clark ( and I am fan of him).

  1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
  2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
  3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Clarke's three laws - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
lol, just bcz majority of naxals are born hindu, u can't ascribe maoism to be a hindu terrorists...by your lozic are nazis to be called as christian terrorists ??

Even that bigoted report of yours proves my point that majority of the riots were not started by hindus...

what is wrong in it ??

No need to even have a debate with Indian secular breeds as their best defense is showing Hinduism in poor light or in worst case scenario drawing the parallels to mayhem of islamization.... I got my lessons none others than some so called notable PROFESSIONAL n TTAs here ....
Today one of my friend shared me the pic of remains of Nalanda university on WhatsApp which has another peaceful imprints of Islam however no need to suffer from islamphobia......
But those who never learn from history become a history in no time....
Then why complain. The Shah Bano case was a supreme court judgment overturned by the Rajiv Gandhi government through parliament. all he had to do was say the Supreme Court did it, not me..... To compound matters because of a perceived Hindu backlash, he decided to pander to Hindu sentiments by opening the locks on this structure which was largely unknown across the country. What happened then was the BJP ran with that ball & the Congress fell between two stools. Rajiv Gandhi not only opened the Pandora's box but India would also lose one of its most principled politicians, Arif Mohammed Khan who quit when RG decided to pander to the mullahs. It was one of India's darkest hours. No amount of whitewashing can ever remove the stain of Rajiv Gandhi's stupidity, this country has suffered because of it.

he died too because of his stupidity.
Lollzzz, look at the riot patterns in India. In Gujarat entire communities of people in places neighboring to those like Naroda Patya were involved. Plus, not every member needs to be involved, in the son of a family has been in an incident, the entire family and their aunts and uncles will vote in favor of the BJP due reasons ranging from 'I want to save my son/brother' to 'we need to keep the police away'. In low income localities, the entire locality will vote to keep incumbent government even if only a couple of their 'boys' are involved. On one hand they will band together- a collective muslim backlash because of these boys is something they don't want. At a secondary level they want to keep all police etc. away from their regular business and life. The police knows that the community won't go against incumbent, they feel safe (they too have facilitated the riots) and so will look away. NOT ONE person will stand up for 'what is right'.
All Gujarati Hindus are rioters/pro-riot and have blood on their hands. And now all of India has followed. There goes the thinking in a line. Or two.

all Muslim terror groups use Islam for motivation

I believe. Or rather, I hope.
their concern of being dominated by hindu India was valid... more so now that we have benefit of hindsight.
anyway... its well known jklf is secular terrorist organization.. its hizb-ul-mujahideen which communalized it.
Wtf I just read, JKLF was S.E.C.U.L.A.R terrorist group, I never heard this term before. And secular. :rofl:

PDF going interesting day by day. BTW, if you have time then read this.

Our Moon has Blood Clots : A Memoir of a Lost Home in Kashmir (English) - Buy Our Moon has Blood Clots : A Memoir of a Lost Home in Kashmir (English) by Rahul Pandita Online at Best Prices in India - Flipkart.com
For me it would have, only if the argument was based upon a much less absurd logic. If Babar was a terrorist, its quite amusing and mind boggling that Sangh thought it fit to undo his terror by demolishing a 15th century mosque after almost 600 years; however evidences of Babri built upon a Hindu shrine are least compelling compared to other incidents of temple destruction like Kashi and Mathura (There is a detailed archaeological report available on the excavations there which may have a helping hand here.)which suggest destruction of Babri had motivated as much by political incitements as it was by ugly religious fanaticism.
Lastly, as you ended up with 'Repercussions will be there', well, doesn't that make Dawood Ibrahim philosophically correct, isn't? Or is it too justified to put him in the same category of Hindu armored knights, as you chose to put the others?


Mr.Patel is far less stupid than the staunch Hindutva enthusiasts have assumed him to be. He has given us numbers, you are giving me speculations which hardly proves anything.

Then why not one more time lay our necks under sword of Islamic terrorisms....
Every terrorist have been justifying his/her acts are in line with religious teaching of their holy book which they learnt from Madrassa ... Seeds are sowed in codified holy book which is directly from god without any error as per its follower n even sometimes beyond human capacity to interpret its so called holy msgs.....
As per my understanding no religion is perfect n takes its own course to reform itself from time to time, some philosophy or practices go obsolete n new adds in however results of exception is infront of us....
What about nalanda univ ?
Don't dig too far n deep what about Naokhali ?
Then why not one more time lay our necks under sword of Islamic terrorisms....
Every terrorist have been justifying his/her acts are in line with religious teaching of their holy book which they learnt from Madrassa ... Seeds are sowed in codified holy book which is directly from god without any error as per its follower n even sometimes beyond human capacity to interpret its so called holy msgs.....
As per my understanding no religion is perfect n takes its own course to reform itself from time to time, some philosophy or practices go obsolete n new adds in however results of exception is infront of us....
What about nalanda univ ?
Don't dig too far n deep what about Naokhali ?
Demolition of non-Islamic structures during the quest of Islamic invaders in Europe and Asia is a reality and no body questions the veracity of such occurrences. But how much the invaders followed the scripts of the holy book then as they followed their sincere interest to establish fear and political dominance over the native principalities is questionable. The problem of right wing argument lies in its very erroneous perception of Indian Muslims who for them are the necessary inheritors of the Medieval Invaders like Ghazani or Bakhtiyar Khilji and not a community whose culture, language, social and behavioral habits are deeply integrated with in this country. The Sangh sites Indian Muslims as a monolithic community, in reality which is as diverse as any pluralistic society whose different identities are defined by their geographical and historical influences.

In my understanding, the right wing argument to undo India's past by vandalizing the Islamic structures and by modifying the history books to renew its ancient glory is an absurdly primitive idea. The idea of Indianism could have been redefined in a much better way; accepting the limitations and inconclusiveness of its early history and its bloody communal past as a necessary continuation of the contemporary events world wide. With much respect to the secular laws and legal codes, the society could have been a much better place without laying necks under the Islamic sword.
India is not the whole world. And the world has a Muslim terrorism problem. Why pussyfoot around that fact to be politically correct?

Muslim terrorists target Christians. That's two and half billion of the world's 7 billion population. Muslim terorists target Hindus. That's another billion added to that list. And right now, as I type this, except for the half odd million Muslims living peacefully in India and Indonesia, Muslim terrorists are also targeting over a billion of the 1.6 odd billion Muslims around the world. Then we have miscellaneous smaller groups like the Buddhists, and the Jews. Suffice to say Islam seems to currently be having a problem with most major world religions. And I do not think (nor would most) that this is a new previously unheard of phenomenon either.

You do not need to take my word for it. See the terror hotspots around the world, map terror attcks around the world. And put your money on Muslims being involved. If you bet big, and bet regularly, you would be a really rich man in a very short period of time.



Sure no right thinking guy would say that all Muslims were terrorits, or even that all terrorists were Muslim. But that does nothing to dilute the fact that the world today has a Muslim terrorism problem.

I increasingly see this equal-equal game being played by fair players and apologists alike. Not to mention largely peaceful liberal good Muslims in whom the "BUT paradigm" burns strong.

^^^^^ BUMP! @Joe Shearer

The Sangh sites Indian Muslims as a monolithic community

The Sangh, and most Hindus, see Muslims in the same way they see themselves.

Why blame the Sangh for it?

You have a number of Indian Muslims here. Jamahir. Aamna Ali. The_Showstopper. Razia Sultana.

Ask them a simple question.

India first or Islam first.
Demolition of non-Islamic structures during the quest of Islamic invaders in Europe and Asia is a reality and no body questions the veracity of such occurrences. But how much the invaders followed the scripts of the holy book then as they followed their sincere interest to establish fear and political dominance over the native principalities is questionable. The problem of right wing argument lies in its very erroneous perception of Indian Muslims who for them are the necessary inheritors of the Medieval Invaders like Ghazani or Bakhtiyar Khilji and not a community whose culture, language, social and behavioral habits are deeply integrated with in this country. The Sangh sites Indian Muslims as a monolithic community, in reality which is as diverse as any pluralistic society whose different identities are defined by their geographical and historical influences.

In my understanding, the right wing argument to undo India's past by vandalizing the Islamic structures and by modifying the history books to renew its ancient glory is an absurdly primitive idea. The idea of Indianism could have been redefined in a much better way; accepting the limitations and inconclusiveness of its early history and its bloody communal past as a necessary continuation of the contemporary events world wide. With much respect to the secular laws and legal codes, the society could have been a much better place without laying necks under the Islamic sword.
That would be openly lying about Islamic theology.
@Joe Shearer

This was my reply to one of your earlier posts, to which I had drawn your attention yesterday.

Basically, I disagree with your view that when it comes to terrorism, Muslims are no different to other groups. And have put forward my points why.

Perhaps because you were too young to remember Irish Catholics and how they carried on.

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