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Archaeologists confirm Indian civilization is 2000 years older than previou

Harappan people have roots in Saraswathi river culture which is in India, When people in India say we are Harappan people it means the spirit and culture was surviving with them.

So you are NOT biologically related to Harrapa people, thus you are not their sons and daughters, and they are not your fathers.

If you are talking about being "culturally" related to them, then in that sense I am culturally related to Western White people, since I speak their language, wear their cloths, use their technology. I guess I am a white american guy with that logic.
That it was a rain fed river is just one theory, there is some evidence to suggest that both the Yamuna (which flows on to the Ganga) & the Sutlej (flowing into the Indus) originally flowed into the Sarasvati. Even those arguing for the rain fed idea say that that it was a much wetter time & rained enough to support a large river. What is the exact story, we may never know but the archeological evidences suggest that the river dried out before 1800 BCE with some arguing that it did so way back in 3900 BCE.

I don't see any evidence to suggest that the river had continual flow throughout those centuries. A seasonal river is also commensurate with the archaeological evidence. That is why it is important to find permanent cities along the ancient riverbed.

It would largely be a boring academic exercise if it wasn't for its numerous mentions in the Rg veda which now confuses & confounds all supporters of the AIT.

It is academic to the AIT debate unless, as Joe pointed out elsewhere, it can be proven that the river in the Vedas refers to this particular river.

Saraswati wasn't a monsoon fed river rather it was one of most prominent river of its time. It dried up becoz of the emergence of Ganga to which it lost its major tributaries...:)

Disputed. The climate change theory posits that it was a monsoon-fed river, and there is no reason to suspect the monsoons were annual or even regular.
So you are NOT biologically related to Harrapa people, thus you are not their sons and daughters, and they are not your fathers.

If you are talking about being "culturally" related to them, then in that sense I am culturally related to Western White people, since I speak their language, wear their cloths, use their technology. I guess I am a white american guy with that logic.

There are decendents of Vedic, IVC and saraswathi river culture in India, the stone scriptures found in IVC have the facial features of India, predominantly southern regions.
1. Common Language source - Most of the languages spoken today in the whole of Northern India even upto Maharastra as have evolved from the dialects of Prakrit (the ancient languages for the common people of India which has its roots in the Vedic Sanskrit)

2. Common Cultural practices can be easily observed throughout India from the wedding rituals to the death of a person.

3. We have different food in different parts of India but thats bcoz of geo graphical diversity n resource availability

4. Common Religion n common scriptures n all the ancient texts whether ur from Rajasthan or Tamil Nadu were written in Sanskrit or Vedic Sanskrit n we all have common believes...:wave:

1. Europe has a common language source in the form of Latin and Germanic, is Europe a country?
2. Europe has common cultural Practices, especially the Catholic areas, is Europe a country?
3. at least you admit that you eat different foods.
4. Europe has a common religion which was written in an ancient common text, is Europe a country?

Like I said, those are really shallow similarities. India does not share a common history (arguably the most important part of being a nation), it doesn't have a common language, hell it doesn't even have a common ancestral language. Half the country speaks an Indo-European language and the other half speaks a Dravidian one. And the list goes on. You wan to talk fake, well the poster child for fake is India.
There are decendents of Vedic, IVC and saraswathi river culture in India, the stone scriptures found in IVC have the facial features of India, predominantly southern regions.

When you say Southern India. you mean states and ethnicity like Tamil Nadu? Seriously? "South Indians" are biological decedents of a dead civilization which is found in North West of Subcontinent. How did that happen....
And please do not say you guys are decedents of Harrapa people through "culture" and NOT blood.
When you say Southern India. you mean states and ethnicity like Tamil Nadu? Seriously? "South Indians" are biological decedents of a dead civilization which is found in North West of Subcontinent. How did that happen....
And please do not say you guys are decedents of Harrapa people through "culture" and NOT blood.

It is not tamil nadu alone

The Dravidians were Cushites and the whole peninsula of India was peopled by these Cushites before the influx of the Aryans. (Ethiopia and the Origin of Civilization John G. Jackson pg 12) The term “Dravidian” is both an ethnic and language group. The modern day Dravidians are descendants of the Harappans. They were described as short, dolichocephalic (long headed from front to back), dark-skinned, with broad noses. Dolichocephaly is a characteristic of the Black race. (The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality by Cheikh Anta Diop Lawrence Hill Books: Chicago, 1974, pg.122) There was a blood relationship between the Dravidians and the Ethiopian Sumerians. (From Babylon to Timbuktu by Rudolph Windsor, Atlanta: Windsor’s Golden Series, 2003, pg 17) In her book, Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient Empire, Drusilla Houston ties the Dravidians to the Black inhabitants of early western Asia:


People of India is a mixed race, formed with intermingling of various tibes influx into Indian subcontinent. Not to be mistake by unproven Aryan Invasion.
The light skinned North Indian people are also comes under this civilization .
Disputed. The climate change theory posits that it was a monsoon-fed river, and there is no reason to suspect the monsoons were annual or even regular.

No as it stretched from the Himalaya glaciers to the Rann of Kuchh n was a mighty River
here a video for my claim look from 6 min onwards

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It is not tamil nadu alone

(The Black-headed People)[/url]

I think this is not about "Indians" claiming to be biological decedents of Harrapa people, but it is the "South Indians" who are claiming to be decedents of a dead civilization which is found in North West of Subcontinent, which is mostly in Pakistan.

I think this is not about "Indians" claiming to be biological decedents of Harrapa people, but it is the "South Indians" who are claiming to be decedents of a dead civilization which is found in North West of Subcontinent, which is mostly in Pakistan.


It is true that some facial traits observed in IVC relates to south Indians.
I still would like to know the ethnicity of an Indian who claims to be biologically related to Harrapa people.
1. Europe has a common language source in the form of Latin and Germanic, is Europe a country?
2. Europe has common cultural Practices, especially the Catholic areas, is Europe a country?
3. at least you admit that you eat different foods.
4. Europe has a common religion which was written in an ancient common text, is Europe a country?

Like I said, those are really shallow similarities. India does not share a common history (arguably the most important part of being a nation), it doesn't have a common language, hell it doesn't even have a common ancestral language. Half the country speaks an Indo-European language and the other half speaks a Dravidian one. And the list goes on. You wan to talk fake, well the poster child for fake is India.

1. if Europe isn't a single country that doesn't mean that India could not be a nation

2. Hinduism aka Sanatan dharma which is practiced all over India dated backs to the Vedic Period where as Christianity is hardly a 2000 year old religion besides we don't have a practice to convert others to our religion ur born as an Hindu unlike Christianity which lead to its spreading all over Europe....
I still would like to know the ethnicity of an Indian who claims to be biologically related to Harrapa people.

Stop asking stupid questions, nobody knows the ethnicity of IVC the only resemblance that it has is with the Vedic Culture(Hinduism) as they had Swasthic Seals n worshiped idols similar to Shiva Lingam


I still would like to know the ethnicity of an Indian who claims to be biologically related to Harrapa people.

Take at the below pictures and continuation of the traditions


modern day Indian in north west India


Below is a picture of worhip of shiva lingam


This is the related to Aryan Invasion myth created by western scholars to deny India its own culture


Early indologists wished to control & convert the followers of Vedic Culture, therefore they widely propagated that the Vedas were simply mythology.

Max Muller, perhaps the most well known early sanskritist and indologist, although later in life he glorified the Vedas, initially wrote that the "Vedas were worse than savage" and "India must be conquered again by education... it's religion is doomed"

Thomas Macaulay, who introduced English education into India wanted to make the residents into a race that was: "Indian in blood and color, but English in taste, in opinion, in morals, and in intellect."

However, the German Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer stated that the Sanskrit understanding of these Indologists was like that of young schoolboys.

These early Indologists:

• Devised the Aryan Invasion theory, denying India's Vedic past

• They taught that the English educational system is superior

• They intentionally misinterpreted sanskrit texts to make the Vedas look primitive.

• And they systematically tried to make Indians ashamed of their own culture

• Thus the actions of these indologists seems to indicate that they were motivated by a racial bias.

Innumerable archaeological findings and their analysis have recently brought the Aryan Invasion Theory into serious question. This theory is still taught as fact in many educational systems despite much contrary evidence.

Scientific Verification of Vedic Knowledge: Archaeology Online

What todays Pakistan is going through since the WOT has started India suffered it for centuries
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