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Arabs in talks with Washington to form a Security Pact.

Should Pakistan join Muslim NATO?

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May 7, 2012
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United Kingdom
Should Pakistan join the emerging Muslim NATO headed by USA to protect the region from Iran? Surely Pakistan has duty to protect Saudia Arabia. The members of Muslim NATO will be -

  • USA
  • Saudia Arabia
  • UAE
  • Bahrain
  • Egypt

@BATMAN And other sectarians? Thoughts.


RIYADH: Arab countries are in talks with the United States for a new security agreement to protect the Middle East from “external aggression”, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al Jubeir said on Sunday.

“The aim is to achieve security arrangements in the Middle East that can protect the region from external aggression... and strengthen relations between the United States and the countries of the region,” Jubeir said.

Read: US quietly expanding defense ties with Saudis

The Saudi minister was talking at a news conference at the end of a Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) summit in Riyadh.

Asked about reports of talks on the creation of an Arab-American military alliance against Iran, he said: “Talks are continuing between the United States and the Gulf states around this question and ideas are being drawn up.”

“It’s a work in progress and the two parties want to see it happen,” said Jubeir, adding that the alliance would include Egypt and be called the Middle East Strategic Alliance, or MESA

Should Pakistan join the emerging Muslim NATO headed by USA to protect the region from Iran? Surely Pakistan has duty to protect Saudia Arabia. The members of Muslim NATO will be -

  • USA
  • Saudia Arabia
  • UAE
  • Bahrain
  • Egypt

@BATMAN And other sectarians? Thoughts.


RIYADH: Arab countries are in talks with the United States for a new security agreement to protect the Middle East from “external aggression”, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al Jubeir said on Sunday.

“The aim is to achieve security arrangements in the Middle East that can protect the region from external aggression... and strengthen relations between the United States and the countries of the region,” Jubeir said.

Read: US quietly expanding defense ties with Saudis

The Saudi minister was talking at a news conference at the end of a Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) summit in Riyadh.

Asked about reports of talks on the creation of an Arab-American military alliance against Iran, he said: “Talks are continuing between the United States and the Gulf states around this question and ideas are being drawn up.”

“It’s a work in progress and the two parties want to see it happen,” said Jubeir, adding that the alliance would include Egypt and be called the Middle East Strategic Alliance, or MESA

can you add another voting option, 'partially'
What about duty to protect Saudia Arabia? Would it be not nice to see US Marines and SSG from Pakistan training together to protect Saudia Arabia from Irani mullahs?
let US protect her pattus in ME Pakistan should stay out of any thing where US is involved.
Yes Pakistan should join. Because Muslim NATO means attack on one is attack on all. Iran is not going to attack Saudis so there is no risk of Pakistan fighting Iran on the other hand India offends violate cease fire Muslim NATO should attack India under the supervision of USA and Saudis. Plus when ever a NATO member is attacked USA sanctions that country so USA will sanction India. Perfect opportunity for Pakistan to make USA fight India.
But Trump's America is not Wahabi. My dream team [Muslim NATO] to protect the holy sites in Saudia from Iran -

  • USA
  • Pakistan
  • Saudia Arabia
  • UAE
  • Egypt
Down the road Israel could be invited as a 'guest'?

Yes Pakistan should join. Because Muslim NATO means attack on one is attack on all. Iran is not going to attack Saudis so there is no risk of Pakistan fighting Iran on the other hand India offends violate cease fire Muslim NATO should attack India under the supervision of USA and Saudis. Plus when ever a NATO member is attacked USA sanctions that country so USA will sanction India. Perfect opportunity for Pakistan to make USA fight India.
Muslim NATO will be a treaty organization. Read section c, subsection 2 please and section d, subsection [iii] -

c [ii] the mutual defence treaty shall specifically not apply if a member country comes under attack from India, Israel or other ally of USA.

d [iii] the mtual defency treaty can only be invoked if Iran or another party allied with Iran attacks Saudia Arabia or another Arab member.
Down the road Israel could be invited as a 'guest'?

Muslim NATO will be a treaty organization. Read section c, subsection 2 please and section d, subsection [iii] -

c [ii] the mutual defence treaty shall specifically not apply if a member country comes under attack from India, Israel or other ally of USA.

d [iii] the mtual defency treaty can only be invoked if Iran or another party allied with Iran attacks Saudia Arabia or another Arab member.

No attack on India and Israel if they attack us wtf is this joke. So we protect your interests and they ditch us when we are attacked.

Okay what about money do they pay good to defend them? Or that will be like CSF as well?

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