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ARABIC language to be POPULARIZED in Pakistan

Pakistan needs Full Alignment with China
Pakistan needs Free Trade Agreement with Turkey 100%
Pakistan need Open Border Visa Free , Free Trade with IRAN
Pakistan needs to maintain our existing Ties with Arabia

This is our Future

+Russia is Bonus

Ties with USA should re-evaluated once every 10 years and waiver should be issued to grow or keep it at same level
No, "Wahhabism"/Hanbalis are a small minority even within Saudi Arabia let alone the Arabian Peninsula. The Arabian Peninsula is the origin of not only Islam itself but Sunni and Shia Islam, Sufism and most madhhab's as well. Also there is little to no "Wahhabism" left in Saudi Arabia nowadays.

What has this to do with anything what I wrote? It is a well-known thing that Arabs are divided into nation states much like other ethnic groups. As are most other ethnic groups.

Does not change anything that I wrote or your idiotic logic hence the correct examples that I gave.

Sure, and did you know that 500.000 Iranians live peacefully in UAE alone. The largest Iranian diaspora community in the world if I am not wrong. That Arabs of Arabia and Iranians have lived peacefully side by side since almost forever? Of course I know that there are Arabs in Iran and vice versa.

Far more foreigners/different ethnicities live in the GCC than they do in Iran.

Also I suggest reading up about the mistreatment of minorities in Iran, Arabs included. Start with the Afghans. Once you do that your "Iran perfect" worldview will crumble.

There are what, 50.000 Pakistanis in Iran? In KSA there are almost 3 million Pakistanis (our by far biggest diaspora) who shape the every-day life on almost every level. When I lived in KSA, we had Pakistani schools, shops, restaurants, community centers, Pakistani-run mosques and everything that you could imagine. Whole communities. I never experienced any mistreatment of racism even once. Many within the community never wanted to go back.

Anyway, I can only speak for myself, but I only felt love in Saudi Arabia when I lived there and if that was not the case for the majority, 3 million of us would not be there but in Iran next door instead!

No one refutes Islam arose from Arabia. In fact one can even make the argument that people in the Arab land were famously immoral and one of the worst examples of human society and was the sole reason why a Prophet had to be sent down. Anyways, since Islam was spread to where it is now, and in whatever way it was, it does not change the fact that local cultures shape in the ways we live. Whether its languages, food, or clothing, our Islamic practices will always be distinct from Arabs. If anything its is your senseless inferiority complex.

Like I said in my previous post, Pakistan's strength lies in it's diversity. Our preference should be to build on that. Accept local customs and culture and accept that our identity is based upon 5 ethnic races. Islam is our religion and we will respect our neighbours on equal terms. Thats it.

I do not speak as an Iranian or as an Arab but personally if you want my opinion, I find myself more closer to Iranians and Turks and no its not because I'm a Shia or speak Farsi or Turkish. You feel that connection naturally when you encounter people and because of shared history and values.
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English is already mandatory so after English, Pakistanis should focus on Arabic even more then Mandarin.
Arab countries are a huge market for us and if we act properly, we can totally dominate it.
I’d go as far as to say, Arab countries can be a bigger more valuable market for us then China because of many reasons such as China is already the world’s manufacturing hub, China is tech hub, China has advanced military tech, China isn’t as dependent as Arabs for agriculture exports and we are closer to Arab countries then China (Mandarin Chinese people live near the coast and by there our exports will only go by sea as by land will be too costly. Arab countries are far closer by sea.
There’s not much we can offer china that it can’t do it self in a much better manner. But there’s many stuff we can offer Arabs better then they can do themselves.
Also Arab markets right now are filled with Indian products however, due to bjp ruling india, Arab public has a bad view of India and would prefer Muslim Pakistani products over Indian and we can probably offer at a cheaper price too.

There’s just more benefits in Arabic for us then Mandarin.

All that is not even considering the religious benefits of Arabic like it making it easier to learn from Arab scholars of read Islamic books originally written in Arabic.

Turkish is not worth it either as Turkish is only for Turkey and they aren’t as dependent as Arabs on imports.
No one refutes Islam arose from Arabia. In fact one can even make the argument that people in the Arab land were famously immoral and one of the worst examples of human society and was the sole reason why a Prophet had to be sent down. Anyways, since Islam was spread to where it is now, and in whatever way it was, it does not change the fact that local cultures shape in the ways we live. Whether its languages, food, or clothing, our Islamic practices will always be distinct from Arabs. If anything its is your senseless inferiority complex.

Like I said in my previous post, Pakistan's strength lies in it's diversity. Our preference should be to build on that. Accept local customs and culture and accept that our identity is based upon 5 ethnic races. Islam is our religion and we will respect our neighbours on equal terms. Thats it.

I do not speak as an Iranian or as an Arab but personally if you want my opinion, I find myself more closer to Iranians and Turks and no its not because I'm a Shia or speak Farsi.or Turkish. You feel that connection naturally when you encounter people.

You are writing things that I have not disagreed with or agreed with either. Not sure if this is a deliberate thing or whatever it is.

History shows something else.

That is your opinion, I and millions of other Pakistanis (I would argue the majority) have a very different opinion.

I don't have any inferiority complexes towards anyone. If having affinity to Arabs based on my own personal experiences and the ancient deep-rooted pre-Islamic and Islamic, cultural, linguistic, ancestral, and religious ties that bind the people of Pakistan and contemporary Pakistan with the Arab Middle East, is having an inferiority complex, I don't know why I should argue with you further.

To make it clear as well, I have never denied that Pakistan and Iran share similar things either even once in the debate. So it is not about choosing either Arabs or Iran. I am merely opposing your inaccurate posts when it comes to Arabs and arguing why that is. Simple as.

I don't argue that we should make Arabic official either. However IF we should make another foreign language official or at least put more emphasis on it, I would every day of the week prefer us to focus on genuine WORLD LANGUAGES (for the many reasons that I and others have already written) than periphery regional languages such as Turkish and Farsi.

However I know Pakistan and Pakistanis and I know that we are not going to adopt any foreign languages on a wide scale and that Urdu and English will remain the main Pakistani languages used as communication across the native ethnic groups.

My focus is MUCH bigger on RAISING the woefully low literacy rates in Pakistan rather than focusing on adopting a foreign language.

My last post on this topic.
Just masjid donation so Mullah can build a apartment building with donation money live easy life that is only reason

Saudia used to send donation to these Mosques in 80's

They miss their Milk and Honey now from Saudia

Egyptian Ambassador Ahmed Fadel Yacoub said on Monday that Arabic is the language of the holy Quran also being taught in Pakistan as an important language.

“Islam is more than a religion; it has a culture and civilisation and today’s conference will give participants a deeper knowledge of Arabic and will provide opportunities to strengthen the relation among brother Muslim states,” he said while addressing the inaugural session of the two-day international conference on Contemporary Arabic Literature – New Trends in Research & Criticism as a chief guest organised by the Arabic Department of the National University of Modern Languages (NUML).

NUML Director General Brigadier Muhammad Ibrahim, NUML Languages Department Dean Dr Safeer Awan, directors, national and international scholars, heads of departments, faculty and a large number of students attended the inaugural session.

The ambassador said that Egypt will cooperate with Pakistan as far as promoting Arabic language is concerned. He said that language plays an active role in bringing countries together and this conference will open new ways to understand Arabic literature.

Earlier, NUML DG Brigadier Muhammad Ibrahim welcomed the honourable chief guest and said that every Muslim has a strong connection with Arabic as it is the language of the holy Quran and the Hadiths, that is why people of Pakistan have a special interest in this language. He said literature has no boundaries and so today’s conference will pave the way to open new horizons to understand this great language as best scholars from different countries will present their research papers in the conference.

In the two-day conference, research scholars from Brunei Darul Salam, Jordon, Egypt, United Arab Emirates and Pakistan will present their papers.


!!!مرحبا حبيبى :smitten:
The Egyptian are talking about Quran and Islam. Smh they have no shame
Saudis put a special ban when Nawaz Sharif tried to marry one of his daughters into Royal Family while he was out in Saudia banned

Saudia main bhi apna Chakker chala raha tha going for Gold

During his ban he swore to King Abdullah he will never get involved in Pakistani Politics
The King was not happy when Nawaz Sharif made a U turn and came back to Pakistan in 2007

During King Abdullah Time period

Now the new King/Prince have specially banned Royal people form marrying anyone from Pakistani Origin

Cherry Blossom should smell the coffee and stop the drama , these little gesture of language won't get you 5-6 Billion Loan from Saudia

All the Wana be Bin Qasim ke Chahane wale should also read the news once in while
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If People have interest to learn Arabic go ahead no one is stopping you

But just a heads up , their own younger generation is growing up and gradually they will start to depend on their own generation for Jobs

They won't need People coming in to work in Arabia
It's a slow transition but it will speed up closer to 2030

Neutrals who depend on foreign remittance will get a shock when that happens

They already have new policies to ensure local Arab Citizens get jobs first

And they also don't need any training either as their Army and Airforce is quite well trained now after 20-25 years

Never build your economy based on "Remittance" if you won't allow us to vote that "Remittance" will vanish in 30 days if people get angry

It will be interesting transition in next 10 years

Thank you to many Arab Countries where Pakistanis are respected and treated well however my comments above are for future and it is natural process for transition

Pakistan needs to STAND ON OUR OWN FEET !!
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