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"Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

if All Arab and Islamic nations get together then it can be
if not fully as they have NUKE we can still block some of there doing

presently no one has balls sadly we lick there shoes
arab people is coward................money is no.1 for them

just wait great earthquake in syria....................will kill 100.000 syrian people after that rebel & assad force will weaken then the third faction sufyani will kill them all.........

Prophet Isa will come 7 years after the emergence of imam mahdi in mecca/medina
arab people is coward................money is no.1 for them

just wait great earthquake in syria....................will kill 100.000 syrian people after that rebel & assad force will weaken then the third faction sufyani will kill them all.........

Prophet Isa will come 7 years after the emergence of imam mahdi in mecca/medina


Maniac on the run.

Oh, tell me about how brave the Indonesians are will you? Why are you so obsessed about Arabs who account for 350 million people who will only increase in numbers in the very near future? Tell us about your own government, will you? I see very little coming from your country or part of the world.

Last time I checked it were the Arabs who gave Islam to you Indonesians through trade and settlements. Especially the Yemeni ones hence why 90 percent of all Indonesians are Sunni Muslims of the Shafi'i fiqh.

To date I have seen no Indonesian fighting for anything. Let alone in Arab lands. I suggest you take your daily dose of medicine and regain your senses.

Your obsession about us Arabs and in particular KSA has reached a new level even for this forum. I wish I could repay your "favor" but I am afraid that I can't. Even if I really tried hard.

End of the bottom is that we don't care. Worry about your own country and remove the Sultan of Brunei and the secular government of Indonesia.
dont worry soon indonesia will change into islamic system

wait 2014 election

saudi the wahabbi/khawarij dog of hell will erased from earth...........

dont worry soon indonesia will change into islamic system

wait 2014 election

saudi the wahabbi/khawarij dog of hell will erased from earth...........


You must be one of those that think our populations will die out cause of war and such ****, Iraq has experienced many wars and killings the last decades, still the population has grown.
You said we have no food, still we have food.............................
dont worry soon indonesia will change into islamic system

wait 2014 election

saudi the wahabbi/khawarij dog of hell will erased from earth...........


Look, I have absolutely no problem with Indonesia or Indonesians. In fact my father lived in Indonesia for 1 year (Bali) when a child due to the work of my grandfather. Secondly Indonesians should choose themselves what they want to do. Good luck.

But your obsession and nonsense about destruction of Arabs etc. that you have repeated 100 times is annoying.

Don't forget that it where the Arabs who gave you Islam through trade and settlements. Peacefully. Millions of Indonesians have Arab origins, especially Yemeni. Including Malaysians. So please regain your senses.

What party do you support in Indonesia and why do you live in Brunei which is ruled by an absolute Sultan that is known as the most wealthy Royal? Not that there is any problem with that but you use double standards.

Have you ever visited Arab lands or even seen an Arab?

EDIT: Arab influences in Indonesia/Malaysia are big that is why many Arab visit those two countries as tourists. Moreover we also traded since ancient times together and Yemeni/Arab cuisine has influenced Malaysian/Indonesian and vice versa.
The issues are quite complex so I can speculate at best, it's hard to tell the outcome.
iirc at the time it was unclear where the revolution was heading and what were the odds of it actually working. I remember most annalists speculating it would not result in Mubarak's fall for quite a while after it started.
I would guess that if Israel would have proclaimed support to the rebels they would just proclaim that it's a Zionist scheme to undermine their support. It would probably drive them to act and speak much more against Israel to prove those allegations were not true.
Finally I now believe that the problems which caused the revolution were true and fundamental, so some kind of a regime change was unavoidable. I doubt any Israeli proclamation would have changed the course of events.
So in case the revolution would have failed Egypt's leadership would resent Israel and want some kind of revenge.
In case the revolution worked their leaders would have to act on the calls they likely voiced against Israel, so Israel looses again.

Not to mention Arab and Muslim wide calls for Israel to stay out of Arab internal business. I think that's a lesson well learned by Israel, try to stay out of internal conflicts as much as possible, because otherwise you would just turn everyone against you.
Did you know that in the Lebanese civil war Israel worked with the Shiite minority (which was much smaller at the time) against the Palestinians, now the Shiite Hezballah is our main enemy there.

Another example is how even thought the Israeli air strikes against the SAA and Hezballah helps the FSA they still condemn it, just because it is Israel.

And another example comes to mind to drive how it doesn't matter what Israel actually does since it can always be turned around against it. Israel has been treating some Syrian wounded civilians (who were hurt near the border) in it's own hospitals and paying for that with it's own money. To understand how tremendously generous that is you must remember that Israel is in open conflict with Syria which is arming and funding Hez and was sponsoring Hamas. Those are the people who tried to storm the Israeli border a few years back.
Yet I've seen posts on this forum that said it was all just an evil Zionist ruse to harvest their organs...

In any case Israeli reaction to events such as mentioned can only have short lived effect at best, since such events are scarce and Israel is constantly portrayed as evil everywhere else.

Sorry for the late response, I have been busy rioting all weeek. You make a good point here and I have to agree. It seems that the problem from an israeli perspective then is that whenever it acts proactively with the intention to improve relations with arabs, it risks a probable blowback. In this scenario the wisest thing would be to act passively in such a way that it cannot draw critiscism on itself if it wishes to improve this relation. But this is a hard thing to do, how does a country acts passively in an extremely dynamic neighbourhood? Would it even be beneficial for it to do so? Of course it wouldnt I think. It's in its best interest to shape the region and Israel proper in a way most beneficial to itself. But that affect arab-israeli relations negatively. So either way it would be affected negatively. In this sense the arab-israeli relation should not be a factor in the equation for Israel since it cannot influence it.
What do you think?

The events thats taken place in Gaza in the last decades have shaped opinion even up here in the north, imagine what effects it has on arabs in the region. I wouldnt call that one for instance as minor but then how it stands in comparison to the historic component, a good indicator can be the opinion of an arab from the region. The one that comes to mind is @BLACKEAGLE

About my mind I dont think I have been blaming jews and Israel but when you write that I want a reason to "keep" doing it suggests you think I have, or carry an agenda. Or perhaps you are prejudiced since I am iranian, I've see american media on Iran.
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About my mind I dont think I have been blaming jews and Israel but when you write that I want a reason to "keep" doing it suggests you think I have, or carry an agenda.
I think you seek reasons to think well of those who want to kill Israelis rather than follow Muhammed's admonition "not to sit with" evil people.

Or perhaps you are prejudiced since I am iranian, I've see american media on Iran.
I don't watch much TV. But Mr. Tabatabai used to give me candy - until he was murdered, his assassin fleeing to the mullahs' Iran to become a movie star. What sort of prejudices do you think I might have towards Iranians, then?
I think you seek reasons to think well of those who want to kill Israelis rather than follow Muhammed's admonition "not to sit with" evil people.

I don't watch much TV. But Mr. Tabatabai used to give me candy - until he was murdered, his assassin fleeing to the mullahs' Iran to become a movie star. What sort of prejudices do you think I might have towards Iranians, then?

Tabatabais candy is not the sweet kind children would prefer and it seems he died 33 years ago.
About the prejudices I think you answered your own question.
Israel will sit down and talk until Arabs got strong enough, currently they dont need to talk, just fight.
I don't watch much TV. But Mr. Tabatabai used to give me candy - until he was murdered, his assassin fleeing to the mullahs' Iran to become a movie star. What sort of prejudices do you think I might have towards Iranians, then?
i agree with you , this is a shame.
in many official newspapers they are some dirty men.

don't believe most people agree with this. and believe me they try to hide themselves ;)
And you wonder why we don't give a damn about you or anyone else anymore :lol:
Of course you give a damn and you are running scared...In fact it costing $ billions every year...You are not telling anything about the Saudi phsyche...it is paranoia.

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