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"Arab" League: We have no power to stop Israel

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You are babbling again,give me evidence of a turk killing a jew.
The terrorists who engaged in an illegal and premeditated assault against IDF personnel boarding the Mavi Marmara tried. That they didn't succeed is due to (1) they were more interested in torturing and maiming Jews first before killing them, (2) the Israelis' change of weaponry from paintball guns to firearms, and (3) prompt and high-quality medical care provided in Israel. (Evidence is in the form of videos, photographs, medical reports, and interviews with terrorists' family members.)

If you truly were willing to claim to defend Jews vs. Arabs or Muslims on a matter of moral principle, this is the clearest and most topical recent example I can think of.

Face it man, Israeli can't last for too long. There will be a time to pack your bags and return back to the countries that enslaved you.
I'm an American.
How is Mosa able to get those pictures? Isn't that stuff filtered in KSA? (serious question lol)
I'm an American.
And so are all Israelis, some are Americans, others are Russians, Polish, Germans...ect.
However, your children and grand children are lucky man, they will not have to pack any of their bags, they can enjoy their stay in the US. Hope Americans dear you guys forever.

Ḥashshāshīn;4302009 said:
How is Mosa able to get those pictures? Isn't that stuff filtered in KSA? (serious question lol)

He is a pervert.
And so are all Israelis, some are Americans, others are Russians, Polish, Germans...ect.
However, your children and grand children are lucky man, they will not have to pack any of their bags, they can enjoy their stay in the US. Hope Americans dear you guys forever.


**** off you Hashemite goat-******* occupying piece of ****.
Can it not be that the core issue is something else then and not how Israel is domestically treating its arabs?

From Strategypage.com:

...All this is because of some advice they took from their former Soviet patrons, who urged the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) to reform their educational system so that after a few decades all the children going through it would be adults with a very different view of Israel and the world. That result is that, in this fantasy world employed by most Palestinians, Israel does not exist. Oh, Israel is there for all to see, but in Palestinian schools the maps of the area do not show Israel. The Israelis are depicted as bad people, who steal from the virtuous Palestinians and are assisted by other evil people, like the United States. Everything bad that happens, including the rampant corruption of Palestinian politicians, is blamed on Israel. At the same time, Palestinian terrorists who have killed Israeli women and children are hailed as heroes and children are encouraged to be terrorists, especially suicidal ones. It’s not just the terrorists who get this treatment. Yasser Arafat, who led the effort to create the Palestine people and the fantasy Palestine taught in schools, died of apparent natural causes in 2004. But now Palestinian children are being taught that Arafat was poisoned by Israelis.

The basic problem is that, for the last two generations, it has been Palestinian policy to teach their children, and anyone that will listen to these Arab language screeds, that Israel has no right to exist. The kids get indoctrinated with anti-Semitic propaganda at a young age and, as adults, they continue to be bombarded by anti-Semitic propaganda. Thus, most Palestinians (unless they were educated outside of the Middle East) take it for granted that any peace deal with Israel is just a tactical move in the effort to eventually destroy Israel and drive all Jews from the Middle East. People outside the Middle East have a hard time comprehending this attitude. But it is very real and can be seen on Palestinian web sites (not so much on the non-Arabic language ones, although even there the anti-Semitic line is leaking through more and more). Israel goes through the motions of negotiating, to keep its Western allies and trading partners happy, but few Jews in Israel see any chance of real peace with the Palestinians, given the current attitudes within the Palestinian community.

That’s because Palestinian attitudes towards the non-existence of Israel goes beyond teaching their kids that Israel doesn’t even exist. The children are taught that what the rest of the world calls Israel is really just a bunch of Zionists illegally occupying Arab land. While Arabs love to call Israelis "Nazis", it is the Arab world that is the true heir to the Adolph Hitler's vision of how the world should be. A major weapon in the Palestinian arsenal is anti-Semitism. For a long time, even before World War II, the racial hatred tactic was particularly popular in the Arab world. This was partly the result of Islamic radicalism, which pushed hatred of all non-Muslims, not just Jews. But as more Jews began moving into Jerusalem and surrounding areas in the late 19th century, more of the Moslem racial animosity was concentrated on Jews. This way the Palestinians could still solicit the West for charitable donations while still having some non-Muslims they could hate intensely...

However, your children and grand children are lucky man, they will not have to pack any of their bags, they can enjoy their stay in the US.
Israel is a joy to many Jews and a civilizing force in the world. I would not be surprised if my kids choose to move there.

Of course your outlook is different; you're probably aware that your ancestors likely didn't convert to Islam or Christianity willingly and you invest a lot of emotional effort into justifying the choice that the Jews of Israel defied. Have you thought that perhaps, instead, you should seek to create a community where you are free to explore your roots once more?
**** off you Hashemite goat-******* occupying piece of ****.

Why mad? calm down, I'm just telling the truth:cry:

Those damn Nazis, if they hadn't prosecuted you guys, you wouldn't have had been here in the first place. We paid the price for your suffering. You guys need to be treated gently, so no more come to Palestine, which means less work in packing Israelis' bags and tell them to return back.
Of course your outlook is different; you're probably aware that your ancestors likely didn't convert to Islam or Christianity willingly and you invest a lot of emotional effort into justifying the choice that the Jews of Israel defied. Have you thought that perhaps, instead, you should seek to create a community where you are free to explore your roots once more?

Strange, a Jew talking about roots?! Man, I'm well aware of my roots, actually I can remember my 12th grandfather's name, but I doubt you can remember your fourth one. Since when dear, Polish, Russians, Germans are Semitic and native people of Palestine, since when? And most importantly, since when group of people who adhere to a specific religion claim a piece of land as theirs? Logic suffers in your heads man.
Why mad? calm down, I'm just telling the truth...Those damn Nazis, if they hadn't prosecuted you guys, you wouldn't have had been here in the first place.
Is THAT what they teach in Jordan? Don't you know that the Hashemites were set up as British puppets to maintain and extend Britain's influence in the middle east (at the cost of the Jews, of course, as Transjordan was supposed to remain part of the Mandate) and guard the oil pipeline from Iraq to Haifa?
Strange, a Jew talking about roots?! Man, I'm well aware of my roots, actually I can remember my 12th grandfather's name, but I doubt you can remember your fourth one. Since when dear, Polish, Russians, Germans are Semitic and native people of Palestine, since when? And most importantly, since when group of people who adhere to a specific religion claim a piece of land as theirs? Logic suffers in your heads man.

Jews are different than Europeans..these difference are the reason why there had been long running anti-Jewish pogroms in Europe since 6th century!

Beside your mindless brain farts there are plenty of Jews out there with their ancestry record.
. . .
There is a family tree for every family, so the next generations can track our family linage.

My Grandpa had one too - But none of us, including himself & his fore-fathers, really gave a foOk about lineage - What century are you living in ? Its the character, beliefs & actions of a man that counts not his blood !

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