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appreciate PMLN and Pak army for starting operation


Jan 20, 2011
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i know its making forum crowded but PMLN needs appreciation for initiating this move

finally, better late than never Nawaz has found balls, kudos for PMLN starting op against terror, and kudos for them to announce, they will hunt down every last TTP

every pakistani should stand behind PMLN and Nawaz Sharif for sake of this country

now PMLN i hope fullfills this promise

Actually Nawaz Sharif was also not supporting this. He was completely on the fence, tilting towards the peace talks side.

The Army started to constantly tell him to get his act straight...then slowly the discontent within the party also started.

Ch Nisar, Khwaja Asif and then Saad Rafique were for the op, Pervez Rashid and some others were against.

So in the end, it was more a case of persuading the big guy on the chair rahter than the big guy being eager himself.
Actually Nawaz Sharif was also not supporting this. He was completely on the fence, tilting towards the peace talks side.

The Army started to constantly tell him to get his act straight...then slowly the discontent within the party also started.

Ch Nisar, Khwaja Asif and then Saad Rafique were for the op, Pervez Rashid and some others were against.

So in the end, it was more a case of persuading the big guy on the chair rahter than the big guy being eager himself.

whatever the case, now tht the direction is right, who cares, let by gone be by gone i hope PMLN shows total commitment and full fills its words
Actually Nawaz Sharif was also not supporting this. He was completely on the fence, tilting towards the peace talks side.

The Army started to constantly tell him to get his act straight...then slowly the discontent within the party also started.

Ch Nisar, Khwaja Asif and then Saad Rafique were for the op, Pervez Rashid and some others were against.

So in the end, it was more a case of persuading the big guy on the chair rahter than the big guy being eager himself.
Dumbo, has nothing to be appreciated , he is just watching it happen?
What PMLN has to do with operation :-/.
It's done by army and they are not even agreed but what else they can do ???
What PMLN has to do with operation :-/.
It's done by army and they are not even agreed but what else they can do ???

without PMLN i think it would still have not been possible because its the govt calling the shots, we should appreciate that despite their pre election slogan that they wont fight wars, they would hold peace negotiations, nawaz even said that he would implement taliban shariat, they are going against their norms and against theor mandate for sake of this country
without PMLN i think it would still have not been possible because its the govt calling the shots, we should appreciate that despite their pre election slogan that they wont fight wars, they would hold peace negotiations, nawaz even said that he would implement taliban shariat, they are going against their norms and against theor mandate for sake of this country

Bhai W.11 - I still remember Nawaz wants to be called Ameer ul momineen ... They still not seems to be interested in operation and this is forced over them !!!
Bhai W.11 - I still remember Nawaz wants to be called Ameer ul momineen ... They still not seems to be interested in operation and this is forced over them !!!

Why it's so hard to digest for you guys? All air strikes, all attacks in bajour has been approved prior execution. What's wrong if NS try to negotiate the way to the peace... what ever went wrong, there were also some goods out of those peace talks. such as TTP split, and extra intelligence help to ISI against militancy. But Army PoV was much powerful, and was accepted by NS at the end since, it was allowing TTP to regroup. Even this operation is only after consensus between Government & Army, which is very mature sign for Pakistan.

PS: Even this operation is to bring peace in Pakistan, so why it's wrong when NS tried to have a peaceful wayout of this shit?
Bhai W.11 - I still remember Nawaz wants to be called Ameer ul momineen ... They still not seems to be interested in operation and this is forced over them !!!

After recent attack on Karachi Airport, do you really think Nawaz Sharif would have continued? I think he realizes that peace negotiation with TTP is fruitless, and he has learnt his lessons in hard ways. At least, he has learnt his lessons. What about PTI supporters, as they continue to put their heads in the sand?

PTI supporters should supprt Pakistan army/ISI and PMLN against TTP now. This is reality, and time to accept this and move on. Even MQM and ANP are supporting Pakistan army/ISI.
without PMLN i think it would still have not been possible because its the govt calling the shots, we should appreciate that despite their pre election slogan that they wont fight wars, they would hold peace negotiations, nawaz even said that he would implement taliban shariat, they are going against their norms and against theor mandate for sake of this country

lol you are telling this to PTI cowards.
no wonder Taliban spokes person Imran khan has started Talbani fear mongering, yeh ho jaye ga woh ho jaye ga, NW me na jana mer jao gye, chorian khareed lo merey lye
RAWALPINDI: The army has officially launched a highly anticipated operation in North Waziristan, according to an ISPR press release.

“DG ISPR has said that on the directions of the Government, Armed forces of Pakistan have launched a comprehensive operation against foreign and local terrorists who are hiding in sanctuaries in North Waziristan Agency. The operation has been named Zarb-e-Azb,” said the press release.

The statement went on to add that terrorists in N Waziristan had waged a war against the state of Pakistan and had been disrupting our national life in all its dimensions, stunting our economic growth and causing enormous loss of life and property. “They had also paralyzed life within the agency and had perpetually terrorized the entire peace loving and patriotic local population,” the statement added.

“Our valiant armed forces have been tasked to eliminate these terrorists regardless of hue and colour, along with their sanctuaries. With the support of the entire nation, and in coordination with other state institutions and Law Enforcement Agencies, these enemies of the state will be denied space anywhere across the country. As always, armed forces of Pakistan will not hesitate in rendering any sacrifice for the motherland,” said the statement.

Operation Zarb-e-Azb updates: Potential terrorist bases cordoned off; surrender points established – The Express Tribune
Now a days I am seeing lots of JEW or JAI groups news posts, why?
@WebMaster Bhai, now tht the operation against terrorists have started, I implore you to take action against any Pro terrorists posts on PDF, and ban anyone who is seen to be sympathising with these animals. Time to stand behind our Army.

I hope you will take my request seriously.
@Pakistani Exile

I agree with @Pakistani Exile. Due to pro-TTP thriving somehow which lead to confuse the nation as whole considering the tactic of pro-TTP while using the card of ethnic dividing the nation, not to mention perceiving Pakistani army/ISI as anti-Pukthoon when the launching military operation, Zarb-e-Azb, against TTP has nothing to do with anti-Pukhtoon, rather it has to do with TTP commiting under the treason code along with its recent attack on Karachi Airport clearly violating peace treaty repeatedly while not caring for civilian lives; however, the number of civilian lives have been killed more than 50,000, which most of them are Pukhtoon, by TTP through its dangerous methods.

People can be easily mislead, as i have read in other forms where certain supporters of PTI is playing ethnic card to get anti-Pakistani army/ISI movement started. Given the history of Bangladesh, former East Pakistan, and Balochistan, it is best to curb the comment of pro-TTP for the sake of unity of the nation.

Good to see ANP and PKMAP are supporting Pakistani army/ISI and showing that the war is not against Pukhtoon, rather it is against TTP as whole; enforcing its ideology through dangerous methods, haram as it may be, while repeatedly attacking on the sovereignty of Pakistan and damaging Pakistani economy in global-scale can set the nation back to backward possibly undoing all the hardworks put for Pakistan.

Pakistan could use all the supports Pakistan can, but i am still worried about the influence of pro-TTP; as most of them are PTI supporters. Imran Khan will likely to support Pakistani army/ISI but what about its supporters, as they still continue to put their head in sand while not realizing different between Afghan Taliban and TTP; as Afghan Taliban has admited not having any connection with TTP whatsoever, and warned TTP if TTP continues to attack on sovereignty of Pakistan will be dealt with.
@Pakistani Exile

I agree with @Pakistani Exile. Due to pro-TTP thriving somehow which lead to confuse the nation as whole considering the tactic of pro-TTP while using the card of ethnic dividing the nation, not to mention perceiving Pakistani army/ISI as anti-Pukthoon when the launching military operation, Zarb-e-Azb, against TTP has nothing to do with anti-Pukhtoon, rather it has to do with TTP commiting under the treason code along with its recent attack on Karachi Airport clearly violating peace treaty repeatedly while not caring for civilian lives; however, the number of civilian lives have been killed more than 50,000, which most of them are Pukhtoon, by TTP through its dangerous methods.

People can be easily mislead, as i have read in other forms where certain supporters of PTI is playing ethnic card to get anti-Pakistani army/ISI movement started. Given the history of Bangladesh, former East Pakistan, and Balochistan, it is best to curb the comment of pro-TTP for the sake of unity of the nation.

Good to see ANP and PKMAP are supporting Pakistani army/ISI and showing that the war is not against Pukhtoon, rather it is against TTP as whole; enforcing its ideology through dangerous methods, haram as it may be, while repeatedly attacking on the sovereignty of Pakistan and damaging Pakistani economy in global-scale can set the nation back to backward possibly undoing all the hardworks put for Pakistan.

Pakistan could use all the supports Pakistan can, but i am still worried about the influence of pro-TTP; as most of them are PTI supporters. Imran Khan will likely to support Pakistani army/ISI but what about its supporters, as they still continue to put their head in sand while not realizing different between Afghan Taliban and TTP; as Afghan Taliban has admited not having any connection with TTP whatsoever, and warned TTP if TTP continues to attack on sovereignty of Pakistan will be dealt with.

Well put, the greatness of a nation can be judged by how they react in unison at threats even while they had disagreed with each other before. TTP is our common enemy, they have done far more damage to destroy the noble Pushtun spirit then any foreigner ever could. We need to go beyond petty ethnic politics and understand we have to learn to live with each other, and when an enemy appears, we must act as one.
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