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Ap log Dollar khaain gy? Main mutalba karta hoon aub apse aub .. PM Azad Kashmir

i knw the ground reality of ajk very well

marching dnt mke me laugh. all should learn from Afghans...they defeated Nato forces. reality is kashmiris dnt fight are not fighting

Lol afghans. That's what I said govt of Pakistan should provide them arms.
Lol afghans. That's what I said govt of Pakistan should provide them arms.
last month a plaestini bro took a knife and slaughtered 3 israeli bad guys.when there is a will there is a way...

afghans means talibs
last month a plaestini bro took a knife and slaughtered 3 israeli bad guys.when there is a will there is a way...

afghans means talibs
You really want the situation to go that bad in Indian Kashmir ?

India will end up Gazafying them. So far it's only a curfew and communication lockdown, which will be lifted.
Kashmirs committed blunder since 1947 they did not agreed to be the part of Pakistan in spite of Qaid-e-Azam wishes and and tried to remain independent and failed to defend their independence and ultimately signing accession with India ratified by the the Muslim PM of Kashmir Sh Abdullah Now both Kashmirs and Pakistan paying the price of their decision
Even now if Kashmirs are given a chance they will not chose Pakistan if some one has contacts with Kashmirs will not deny this
Very convenient excuse. Clearly the situation has not changed in 54 years and there hasn't been an armed struggle in Kashmir, by those very same Kashmiri's on going since 1989. Those 30 years of trying to fight for freedom don't count, because in 1965 Pakistan army had expectations of military support from unarmed villagers.

Why do you think Army is hesitant to go to War ? You think they are scared or Cowards ? or unprepared ? or maybe it has something to do with Past experiences and Betrayal? I doubt Army will invade IOK unless they see a major uprising in the valley , because without local support we can not hold IA ..
Local people needs to attack IA forces , Ambush them , road blocks , cut of communication wires and towers , destroy bridges and main highways , unless that happen IA can easily enforce its forward positions , and yes not to forget that once India will see tables turning they will Attack Pakistan from different sectors, Punjab and Sindh .. than we will need to divert a huge amount of troops and resources there as well , so in short until Kashmiri's don't do anything Pakistan will just stick to Diplomatic ways to solve the problem, no military action .
Even now if Kashmirs are given a chance they will not chose Pakistan if some one has contacts with Kashmirs will not deny this
This is very true in my experience. Good friends with Kashmiri muslims where everything goes, they tell me they hate BJP/Modi/Hindu Nationalism/Cow thing/Bhayyia culture, are dead against this scrapping on 370 etc but would ideally, if given a chance, want independence, and are definitely not pro Pak. Pak and Modi are two faces of the same coin.

A muslim business guy was telling me he'd like Kashmir to be a Panama style tax haven and a protectorate of India lol

The Pandit refugees, otoh, they are quite comfortably settled, very pacifist.. not seen any sign of them wanting to go back or fight or anything..

just small examples from people in my orbit.

Why do you think Army is hesitant to go to War ? You think they are scared or Cowards ? or unprepared ? or maybe it has something to do with Past experiences and Betrayal? I doubt Army will invade IOK unless they see a major uprising in the valley , because without local support we can not hold IA ..
Local people needs to attack IA forces , Ambush them , road blocks , cut of communication wires and towers , destroy bridges and main highways , unless that happen IA can easily enforce its forward positions , and yes not to forget that once India will see tables turning they will Attack Pakistan from different sectors, Punjab and Sindh .. than we will need to divert a huge amount of troops and resources there as well , so in short until Kashmiri's don't do anything Pakistan will just stick to Diplomatic ways to solve the problem, no military action .

The Pakistan army plays politics in Kashmir too. When it had an aggressive outward thinking leadership like Zia and the likes of Hamid Gul and Aslam Beg, they funded and supported an insurgency, created the very conditions you guys want to see today. Then when the negative Musharraf came around, he stopped everything dead in it's tracks and took the life out of the insurgency. Now in the most militarised area in the world, a few hundred men are fighting a war with guns, with thousands supporting them with sticks and stones and their own bodies to take the bullets. Do you think the crowds who surround Indian army during encounters with stones and sticks and take bullets to the chest to help mujahideen fighters escape encounters won't help PA?

The current military leadership has not created the conditions to support an insurgency in Kashmir, even though conditions have been ripe for over 5 years now.

Simple question you people must ask yourselves is whether Kashmir is an integral part of Pakistan or not? Today you want Kashmiri's to sing and dance to hide the incompetence of Pakistani leadership wrt Kashmir, if India occupies other parts of Pakistani territory for 70+ years, will you want those people to sing and dance too before you liberate that territory?

The generals and politicians have a stake in hiding their incompetencies and cowardice. The awam has no stake in that. You should call a spade a spade.

You should clearly say that our political leadership has failed to provide economic stability and strength. You should say this has limited our military capability. You should say this means we can only talk about war, not launch one. You should not say unarmed villagers should fight the war for you.
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Why do you think Army is hesitant to go to War ? You think they are scared or Cowards ? or unprepared ? or maybe it has something to do with Past experiences and Betrayal? I doubt Army will invade IOK unless they see a major uprising in the valley , because without local support we can not hold IA ..
Local people needs to attack IA forces , Ambush them , road blocks , cut of communication wires and towers , destroy bridges and main highways , unless that happen IA can easily enforce its forward positions , and yes not to forget that once India will see tables turning they will Attack Pakistan from different sectors, Punjab and Sindh .. than we will need to divert a huge amount of troops and resources there as well , so in short until Kashmiri's don't do anything Pakistan will just stick to Diplomatic ways to solve the problem, no military action .
you need 10 million refugees in Pakistan, escaping a genocidal hell the Pakistanis unleashed on the Banglas back then.

only then will you be able to forge a truly righteous 'mukti bahini' style insurgency that can actually win.

India will not let that happen.
The Pakistan army plays politics in Kashmir too. When it had an aggressive outward thinking leadership like Zia and the likes of Hamid Gul and Aslam Beg, they funded and supported an insurgency, created the very conditions you guys want to see today. Then when the negative Musharraf came around, he stopped everything dead in it's tracks and took the life out of the insurgency. Now in the most militarised area in the world, a few hundred men are fighting a war with guns, with thousands supporting them with sticks and stones and their own bodies to take the bullets. Do you think the crowds who surround Indian army during encounters with stones and sticks and take bullets to the chest to help mujahideen fighters escape encounters won't help PA?

First of all, everything changed after 9/11 the worlds eyes were on us so we can not continue to support and fund Kashmiri resistance which wasn't even that effective, a bunch of people with AK while more Kashmiri's serve in J&K Police , maybe Musharraf see for what it is Hypocrisy from the Kashmiri's . Second if you want Azaadi you gotta fight for it, you think we got this independence by throwing stones ? you think we get AJK by throwing stones ? our Pakistani's give blood and die for that land while Kashmiri's were rallying behind leaders like Abdullah . Kashmiri's need to understand that now Pakistan will not take any strong measures ( militarily ) unless they themselves rose up against the occupation .

The current military leadership has not created the conditions to support an insurgency in Kashmir, even though conditions have been ripe for over 5 years now.

yes because we were fighting a WOT from last 2 decades .. America was sitting in Afghanistan, while 25% of Pakistan was not in Pakistan's state control .. if you expect us to help people who want others to fight their wars while neglect our own country, than no ..

Simple question you people must ask yourselves is whether Kashmir is an integral part of Pakistan or not? Today you want Kashmiri's to sing and dance to hide the incompetence of Pakistani leadership wrt Kashmir, if India occupies other parts of Pakistani territory for 70+ years, will you want those people to sing and dance too before you liberate that territory?

TBH i don't know what is the status of Kashmir, in fact even Kashmiri's are confused, i saw Independent Kashmir banners in Muzzafrabad , still thousands of Kashmiri's serve in J&K police . It was Kashmiri's who tip off these resistance fighters , I am sorry to say but I doubt Kashmiri's are loyal people to anyone either India or Pakistan .

The generals and politicians have a stake in hiding their incompetencies and cowardice. The awam has no stake in that. You should call a spade a spade.

Awaam is jahil and emotional , they just want to fight war on social media and youtube videos , how many Pakistani's actually went to fight ? 10 ? 100? 1000 ? at most ? people think war is just a fun game which they want to play, post some emotional posts on FB and twitter and that's it, most of them are unaware of ground realities , it will be the soldiers who will go and fight, and die while these people will stay in homes . I am glad they are not been stupid and fighting for people who don't want to fight for themselves .

You should clearly say that our political leadership has failed to provide economic stability and strength. You should say this has limited our military capability. You should say this means we can only talk about war, not launch one. You should not say unarmed villagers should fight the war for you.

No but instead I will say , If Kashmiri's wants independence fight for it , be in vanguard line , Let Kashmiri people chose better leaders , resist the India occupation like Mukhti bahini or Syria FSA , our Army is to protect the people who wants to be with Pakistan, not with people who are confused between India Pakistan and independent .

you need 10 million refugees in Pakistan, escaping a genocidal hell the Pakistanis unleashed on the Banglas back then.

only then will you be able to forge a truly righteous 'mukti bahini' style insurgency that can actually win.

India will not let that happen.

yes and not to mention we also killed 10 Billion innocent Bengali's , we rape 100 Billion bengali women , and also killed 1000 billion women and children , and also unleash nuclear weapons on poor Bengali's .. did i miss anything Sanghi ?
did i miss anything, Sanghi ?
you forgot that comma for starters.

seriously though, there is no massive zulm being perpetrated on the Kashmiris here, no genocide, no nothing.. relax.
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