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Any members from old era active here?

...gone off tottering, a shattered wreck, to try and get the stretch marks out.

@Armstrong has issue with replies. :p on mar 13 2014 he wrote one of the best posts I have ever seen on this forum about Baluchistan accession and he kept tagging @Irfan Baloch @DESERT FIGHTER over there but they didn't give any view points.

:p :p :p
@Armstrong has issue with replies. :p on mar 13 2014 he wrote one of the best posts I have ever seen on this forum about Baluchistan accession and he kept tagging @Irfan Baloch @DESERT FIGHTER over there but they didn't give any view points.

:p :p :p

I have to confess a soft corner for the young jackass. When he is serious, he is very, very good. Even when he is writing unpalatable things about Kashmir.
Dropping by to say hi. yes, Still alive and kicking.

Long time buddy. Good to see you post again.

As for me, still alive, don't post much though, every now and then I will chime in once in a blue moon.
I've been coming here since 07-08 but I lost my old account. Welcome back bro!
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