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Any ballistic,cruise missile plans for Turkey?


Apr 20, 2010
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The title says it all.
Is Turkey going to plan and make ballistic missiles or cruise missiles?
Yes i know that already but i mean like long or intercontinental missiles.. with like 1000km range or even 5000km
I think that Turkey can get nuclear weapons much easier then Iran.

---------- Post added at 05:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:21 PM ----------

Oh and btw.. Turkey is not under ANYTHING!
Yes i know.. Its called Nuclear-sharing but i want Turkey to produce their own nuclear arsenal.
And some nuclear powered ships.
And missiles with nuclear warhead.
That can cross over 1000kms.
Yes i know.. Its called Nuclear-sharing but i want Turkey to produce their own nuclear arsenal.
And some nuclear powered ships.
And missiles with nuclear warhead.
That can cross over 1000kms.

Is Turkey threatened by any particular country that you deem it necessary that Turkey develop missiles of that range?
Just in case?
Many country has it too.
What if someone plans a damn war?
Like usa does.
or innocent country like palistina,syria,egypt,iran,iraq,pakistan or the damn entire middle east. or ENTIRE AFRICA?

It's a traditional thing in USA.
For having gun and loving it to shoot it at someone.
they love wars.

Having Nuclear Weapons is one Thing, but if you have Nuclear Weapons there is also need to improve the Nuclaer Arsenal. A credibly detterent need Ballistic Missiles with MIRV Capabillity, ground and Satellite based Early Warning Systems, second Strike Capabillity and a Triade of ground, sea and Air based delivery Systems. All in all there is needed a large amount of Money to built a credibly Detterent.
Turkey can do that.
why dont we do that.
why dont we build nuclear reactors NOW.
theres going to be an eletric crisis in 2020.

First of all Turkey need to built a strong Base in it's Defence Industry, if Turkey have a strong Defence Industry and Economy Turkey can afford to built a Nuclear Detterent if there is a need. I see Today no urgent need for turkish Nuclear Weapons.

I think you believe Nuclear Weapons should detter the West for doing anything what they have done in Iraq, am I right ?
I mean to detter a possible Attack from US on Turkey, that's right ?
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theres always humans thats smart and can get power and trying to dominate the world.

They have no reason to Attack Turkey, the Zionist Powers which Rule the US are trying to Split Turkey Society in Turks - Kurds, Alevi - Sunni, Islamist - Secularists. They know the weakness of our Society and use it for their own Favor !

Nuclear Weapons can not protect Turkey from their intrigues !
so what can protect us?
a war with israel that will make us strong again.
just like in turkish war in depenence.
or gallipoli campaign.

To go for War with Israel mean Turkey must strenghten the Naval Presence in the Mediteran Sea, now Turkey don't have enough Capabillieties to go for war with Israel. Most likely Turkish Military archieved such Capabillieties around 2020+.

I don't like this Idea to go for War with Israel, because Israel have strong US - Support and it's a Nuclear Power and have Missiles which can reach Turkey. In the recent Year turkish Defence Industry has archived big Steps forward, Turkey can provide modern Weapons, Tech - Transfer and Military Training to Arab States to strengthen the Balance of Power in the Region. This could be a intelligent Step in which Turkey do not make it's Fingers dirty.:cheers:
Once our advanced SAMs come in and we purchase more we will have something to counter ballistic missiles. So no need to make long range ones. No one in the region would risk war with us anyway so we are fine.

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