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Any ballistic,cruise missile plans for Turkey?

Once our advanced SAMs come in and we purchase more we will have something to counter ballistic missiles. So no need to make long range ones. No one in the region would risk war with us anyway so we are fine.

The day When we managed to develop our ongoing programs such as;

-Low-Medium Altitude SAM'S
-Atmaca Anti-Ship Missiles
-Akya Torpedos
-60 tonnes Altay MBT's
-35 tonnes IFV
-TF-2000 Destroyers
-T-129 Atak Helicopters (with Italy)
-Umtas-Omtas-Cirit Anti-Tank, personnel Missiles
-Gokturk series E/O satellites
-Tusat Series communication satellites
-Milgem corvettes
-Armed Tiha-B

I think Fighting against Crazy Turks in this region will be the craziest idea for the enemies. Noone temp to take Turkey against them...
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Turkey should have nuclear capable Cruise missile program and capability to use it from Land air and sea.:devil:
Pakistan and Turkey should really create a joint space platform (launching systems and settelite program)

We already have the launch capabilities perhaps we can share some stuff with our Turkish friends , and get their knowledge with settelite and communication ...

It would be awesome if there was a space vehicle port in Pakistan/Turkey
Pakistan and Turkey should really create a joint space platform (launching systems and settelite program)

We already have the launch capabilities perhaps we can share some stuff with our Turkish friends , and get their knowledge with settelite and communication ...

It would be awesome if there was a space vehicle port in Pakistan/Turkey

As far I know Turkey will launch it's first SLV from a base in near of Konya.
i think they made some with Chinese help with range of 160km
Thats the tr-300 i think?

but theres one of 150km and other better variant of it up to 300km.
J 800T i think.
but it has TNT warhead.
still enough to bomb any big greek cities. if theres any conflict.
Thats the tr-300 i think?

but theres one of 150km and other better variant of it up to 300km.
J 800T i think.
but it has TNT warhead.
still enough to bomb any big greek cities. if theres any conflict.

TR-300 "Kasirga" is based on WS-1 MLRS System, TR-300 entered in 1997 in Service and have a Range up to 100 km. The Missile which have the Range of 150 km is J-600 T "Yildirim-I", J-600 T "Yildirim-II" should have a Range up to 300 km. J-600 T "Yildirim" Series is based on chinese B-611 Short Range Ballistic Missile.

Here you can find an informative Article about turkish Missile Development on ACIG.org. http://s188567700.online.de/CMS/ind...ent&task=category&sectionid=5&id=33&Itemid=47
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Is it true that after the WW1 some treates signed by Turkey forbidded to have missiles with more range than 300km? Is this the reason why Turkey doesnt make long range missiles? Does anyone know?
There is a saying in Turkish it goes like ''It uyur dusman uyumaz'' meaning; the dog will fall in sleep but the enemy will not. We have to be prepared and always ready and strong so that nobody will mess with our people and country.
Yes i know that already but i mean like long or intercontinental missiles.. with like 1000km range or even 5000km
1000-5000 km missiles dont make much sense without nuclear warheads.
unfortunately, Turkey is inexperienced with this field. Only US/NATO members maybe protect Turkey if other invade.
Is it true that after the WW1 some treates signed by Turkey forbidded to have missiles with more range than 300km? Is this the reason why Turkey doesnt make long range missiles? Does anyone know?

Turkey signed the MTCR(Missile Technology Control Regime) Agreement, this Agreement do not forbid Turkey to develop ballistic or Cruise Missiles with a Range more than 300 km. States which signed the MTCR Agreement are not allowed Transfer Technology for Missiles with a Range more 300 km to other Countries and exporting ballistic or Cruise Missiles which extend the Range of 300 km.
There is a saying in Turkish it goes like ''It uyur dusman uyumaz'' meaning; the dog will fall in sleep but the enemy will not. We have to be prepared and always ready and strong so that nobody will mess with our people and country.

Bro I think this is the true one :azn: "The water falls in sleep but the enemy does not."

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