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Antulay raises doubts over Karkare's killing


May 21, 2006
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NEW DELHI: Union minority affairs minister A R Antulay set off a major controversy on Wednesday when he raised doubts over the killing of Maharashtra ATS chief Hemant Karkare by Pakistani terrorists, suggesting a link with the Malegaon blasts that were investigated by him. ( Watch )

Opposition parties were quick to attack the minister for his "misdemeanour" and demanded immediate clarification from the prime minister but the Congress party distanced itself saying they were his "personal remarks".

BJP and Shiv Sena members raked up the issue in Lok Sabha and demanded home minister P Chidambaram, who had moved two anti-terror bills, to clarify the situation.
Maintaining that "there is more than what meets the eyes", Antulay said Karkare was investigating some cases in which "there are non-Muslims also", an apparent reference to the Malegaon blasts case in which sadhvi Pragya Thakur and a Lt-Colonel Shrikant Prasad Purohit were among the 11 persons to be arrested.

"Unfortunately his end came. It may be a separate inquiry how his (Karkare's) end came," he told reporters outside Parliament.

Antulay said "Karkare found that there are non-Muslims involved in the acts of terrorism during his investigations in some cases. Any person going to the roots of terror has always been the target, he said.

"Superficially speaking they (terrorists) had no reason to kill Karkare. Whether he (Karkare) was victim of terrorism or terrorism plus something. I do not know," he added.

When he came under attack in Lok Sabha on the issue, Antulay sought to wriggle out saying he had not talked about who killed Karkare but about "who sent him in the direction" of Cama hospital, outside which he was killed.

"Who had sent them to Cama hospital (a lane opposite which he and two other officers were killed by Pakistani terrorists on Nov 26). What were they told that made them leave for the same spot in the same vehicle.

"I repeat what I had said. I had not said who had killed them but only questioned who had sent them there (Cama Hospital) in that direction," he said in Lok Sabha where BJP and Shiv Sena members attacked him for his remarks.

Anant Geete of Shiv Sena accused him of "misleading" the house and sought Chidambaram's clarification.

Earlier in the day, describing Hemant Karkare as a very bold officer having great acumen and vision, Antulay asked "How come instead of going to Hotel Taj or Oberai or even the Nariman House, he went to such a place where there was nothing compared to what happened in the three places?"

"Why all the three (Hemant Karakre, Vijay Salaskar and Ashok Kamte) went together. It is beyond my comprehension," the minister said.

The minister's remarks came under immediate attack from BJP which asked the prime minister to clarify whether his remarks are an "individual misdemeanour or the collective wisdom of the Cabinet".

"The remarks are obnoxious and deserves a clarification from the prime minister," BJP spokesman Rajiv Pratap Rudy told reporters.

Reacting to Antulay's remarks, Congress spokesman Abhishek Manu Singhvi they should be treated his "personal views" and Congress party does not agree with them and does not support such a formulation.

To a question, he said there was no question of embarrassment to the party.

Samajwadi Party MP Amar Singh, who himself was in the centre of a controversy when he had raised doubts over the killing of a Delhi police official in an encounter recently, said a senior leader like Antulay should before issuing any statement uphold the cherished tradition of collective wisdom of the cabinet.

Not completely disapproving the remarks, Union minister Ram Vilas Paswan said Antulay must be having "more information" since he hails from Maharashtra.

The issue came up when the house was discussing two bills brought in by the government to tackle terror against the backdrop of Mumbai terror attacks.

Geete said the prime minister and several senior union ministers have gone on record to say that Karkare was killed by terrorists.

Not satisfied with Antulay's reply, Geete charged the union minister with "misleading" the house, which he "did not "expect".
Antulay raises doubts over Karkare's killing-India-The Times of India
Wonder why Bal Thakray and his party and rest of extremist hindu parties pushing govt to hang Qasab quickly. Something is going to be expose soon?
Hopefully india will wake up to post mumbai mayhem to realise what Pakistan has been saying all along,check ur backyard plz! the way this mess is so conveniently covered up the most important ,mayb sensible link to the attacks.They need to question the truth behind the ATS personal killings at the height of their investigation,with Purohit due to undergo trial the following day.
Wht is the bjp really hiding? Or rather wht are they afraid of?They condemn any queries asked in this respect and drown them in slogans of nationalism??They not only want Qasab hanged quickly,they want to deny him a trial altogether threatening any lawyer who takes up his case?Is that allowed in a democracy?
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Qasab might die before the court hearing, but problem is, all international agencies are involve now. If they kill then India will lose the case right away. But they will never allow any Pakistani official to interrogate Qasab.
if they really start investigating that how did karkare die, the whole mystery will be very much solved. the only problem is BJP wont let this happen and also congress will be not willin to do much coz elections are really close and surely they dont wanna take any risk. we ll have to wait for one or two years before the real story gets revealed
Now poor guy in huge trouble...a senior member of congress going to be kicked out. Where is freedom of speech.
dont think he ll be kicked out. coz that will send a wrong signal to the outside world
Antulay seeks probe into Karkare's killing
18 Dec 2008, 1000 hrs IST, TNN

NEW DELHI: Minority affairs minister A R Antulay on Wednesday set off a major political row by demanding a probe into the shooting of Mumbai ATS A R Antulay reacts while interacting with media outside Parliament House in New Delhi. (PTI Photo)
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chief Hemant Karkare in the 26/11 terror strikes which he linked to investigations into the alleged involvement of Hindu radicals in the Malegaon blast case.

Stating that the circumstances of Karkare's shooting "may be inquired into", Antulay seemed to have borrowed a leaf from Pakistani TV hosts who have claimed that the Mumbai attacks were the handiwork of "Hindu-Zionists". Antulay told the media outside Parliament's gate number 12 that "there must have been some reason why Karkare went to Cama hospital instead of Taj and Oberoi hotels."

Antulay said "someone" could have told Karkare and other officers with him to go to Cama hospital, suggesting that the ATS chief fell victim to a set-up as he was probing cases which involved Hindu radicals in the Malegaon case. The comments were immediately televised and triggered an uproar in Lok Sabha where BJP and Shiv Sena MPs vehemently criticised the minister who insisted that directions issued to the officer must be probed.

A red-faced Congress swiftly dissociated itself from the minister with party spokesperson Abhisekh Singhvi saying, "We don't accept the inference and the innuendo that underline the statement (of Antulay)...we don't agree with bringing this case (Karkare's killing) under a cloud."

But Antulay was unfazed, virtually daring the Congress to sack him and offering to "explain" the geography of south Mumbai to his party.

He got support from the RJD with party leader Devendra Yadav also expressing suspicion of involvement of Hindu radicals in Karkare's killing. As his boss Lalu Prasad looked on approvingly, he said, "Two days before Karkare was killed, who had given a call for Maharashtra bandh?"

Reacting to the controversy, BJP condemned Antulay's statement and said the minister was as good as playing ISI's attorney and demanded his sacking. BJP leader Arun Jaitley said Pakistan could now quote Antulay to contest the account of the lone surviving Mumbai terrorist Ajmal Amir Kasab. "Having made such a preposterous statement, Antulay cannot be allowed to remain in government even for a day," he said.

Antulay has been fulminating since Tuesday evening when the Cabinet cleared the bills for a National Investigation Agency and amendments to the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. He expressed apprehension that tougher anti-terror laws could well be misused, hinting that minorities were in the line of fire.

On Wednesday afternoon, Antulay added to this script, telling TV cameras that apart from terrorism, the laws should also emcompass communal riots. "Those who riot are also terrorists," he claimed, seeking to provide what he felt was a sense of "equivalence" to the government's actions. But soon after, perhaps dissatisfied by his efforts, Antulay reappeared to claim he suspected foul play in the shooting of Karkare.

The "Karakare conspiracy" has been articulated by some Urdu newspapers and clerics like the Shahi Imam of Delhi's Jama Masjid. This is despite the exhaustive account of Ajmal Kasab, who along with slain terrorist Ismail, shot Karkare, additional commissioner Ashok Kamte and encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar. Also, a Mumbai police constable Jadhav, who actually survived the shooting by lying at the back of the qualis commandeered by Kasab and Ismail has given his account of the shooting as well.

Antulay's blatant attempt to politicise the death of the Mumbai ATS chief at a time when the government was moving harder anti-terror laws may well have sounded the deathknell to the post 26/11 bipartisanship in fighting terrorism. It also places Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in an arkward position. If Antulay continues as a minister without a full retraction, it would mean allowing the minister to undermine the government on the Mumbai attacks.

Antulay's controversial comments provided fodder for an enraged Opposition. While Shiv Sena's Anant Geete drew Lok Sabha's attention to Antulay's words, triggering a spat with treasury benches, the minister sought to present a defence by saying he had only questioned who had sent the top cops in the direction of Cama hospital when bigger attacks were happening at Taj and Oberoi. He was cut short by Geete that his statement was more categorical and was on TV.

Devendra Yadav demanded that home minister P Chidambaram constitute a "probe on the relation between terror and Sangh Parivar."

Antulay seeks probe into Karkare's killing-India-The Times of India
Now poor guy in huge trouble...a senior member of congress going to be kicked out. Where is freedom of speech.

He is no poor guy. He is as corrupt as any Mr. 10%.

He was a Chief Minister of Maharashtra earlier and he institutionalized corruption while in that seat. He started accepting bribes in cheques!

He needs to be thrown out for this utter crap. In fact he should never have been a minister but in jail for his corruption. The minority ministry deserves someone more competent, efficient and honest.
He is no poor guy. He is as corrupt as any Mr. 10%.

He was a Chief Minister of Maharashtra earlier and he institutionalized corruption while in that seat. He started accepting bribes in cheques!

He needs to be thrown out for this utter crap. In fact he should never have been a minister but in jail for his corruption. The minority ministry deserves someone more competent, efficient and honest

Is he the only one in the lok sabah or amongnst politicians who is corrupt?If u wanna throw him out on corruption charges...plz by all means do so...along with 99% of the lok sabah too.
The indians dont demand him to be thrown out when he accepted bribes, but now he expresses sumthing u dont wanna hear,he gets the boot???Wht a democracy!:rolleyes:
^^ The principle of parliamentary democracy is collective responsibility of the cabinet.

he has stepped out of line. Let him either prove what he said or get the much deserved boot.
He didnt accuse anyone,he only asked y and how...as a parlimentarian or otherwise he has not abused any power.The parlimentary 'democracy' gives him the right to question..isnt that the reason the sessions are held anyway???to debate and then approve or disapprove.
And from the looks of it he wont be the only one asking answers to the ATS deaths which r probably the only sane connection to the mumbai mayhem.Prepare urself to test ur 'democracy!'
Frankly I applaud his bravery...where everyone in ur gov and otherwise seem to be scoring on the tragedy by fanning indian emotions,he put his job in the line of fire.
If there was no freedom of speech pigs like Antulay wont have gone in front of camera against party line. He is a mental case and going by his dubious past his statement carries no value. This is surprising that not even for a while wife or daughter of Karkare raised a doubt about death, but this man is daring to mock death of a martyr. Only 10 days back there was so much of anger in people that if he had dared to say this he would have got lynched but now when the issue turning cold politicians like him are back with communal card in hand.
He didnt accuse anyone,he only asked y and how...as a parlimentarian or otherwise he has not abused any power.The parlimentary 'democracy' gives him the right to question..isnt that the reason the sessions are held anyway???to debate and then approve or disapprove.
And from the looks of it he wont be the only one asking answers to the ATS deaths which r probably the only sane connection to the mumbai mayhem.Prepare urself to test ur 'democracy!'
Frankly I applaud his bravery...where everyone in ur gov and otherwise seem to be scoring on the tragedy by fanning indian emotions,he put his job in the line of fire.

Mr A R Antulay is no ordinary citizen of india or a mere MP of any party including congress who has every right to raise doubts and question the GOI . This fellow is a cabinet rank minister.That makes him part of GOI.And when u r a minister, every action of the Govt implies ur tacit approval.Since you are part of it ,either you stand with it or leave it.

Now my only belated suggestion to Mr Antulay,that he should have consulted with the home minister who is cabinet colleague before going public with his so called doubts.

when GOI is making big international effort to push pakistan to do more to stop terrorism rising from its soil,such nutty doubts undermined that effort and embaressed it.with his actions,Antulay has lost the moral authority to remain in the ministry any longer.
He is a clever and cunning politician the moment he realised that aam junta is furious with his allegation he started saying mere bayan ko tod maror kar pesh kiya gaya. Has he been paid by some agency to raise this question??
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