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Antulay raises doubts over Karkare's killing

but wat he is askin makes complete sense. he is only raising doubt over karkare's killing. y did karkare with other officers went to the hospital? who called him there?
y are ppl in india so reluctant to atleast think about wat he is sayin, after all these questions are worth thinkin. y not investigate and try to find the answer to these questions. if he is wrong no clue will be found during the investigation. y is BJP, her allies and indian ppl feelin so insecured to even listen to his questions forget about conducting an investigation. after all everyone knows wat investigation into samjhota express attack lead to
Its a game from congress folks...This is election time...They want muslim votes...Antulay is the right person to issue the statement in this regard. They used him. Now congress dont want to proceed further.. What ever the truth is its going to backkick congress. This doubt full mind of ppl is wat congress wants and its doing the same..muslims are happy bcoz they are sick of hearing all terrors are muslims....hindus feel good as long there is no hindu involved in it...

Congress just encashing it.

About the truth...god knows ...I doubt i get to hear that...
The level of insecurity sure runs high with the indians and shuld b no surprise...it's like moving away from the convenient plan i.e place the blame on Pakistan,pass a resolution in the lok sabah,look like heroes and sweep the dirt under the carpet.The End.
To accept anything else wuld be so scary..like opening pandora's box and facing it all in their own living room.

Is it not enough that karkare's wife refused all compensation from the GOI?if thats not silent protest,then wht is?

Has he been paid by some agency to raise this question??

GR8 going now u assume Antulay is an ISI agent? That does scare u dosent it??
^^ The principle of parliamentary democracy is collective responsibility of the cabinet.

he has stepped out of line. Let him either prove what he said or get the much deserved boot.

He may face same fate for speaking truth like Karkary.
If there was no freedom of speech pigs like Antulay wont have gone in front of camera against party line. He is a mental case and going by his dubious past his statement carries no value. This is surprising that not even for a while wife or daughter of Karkare raised a doubt about death, but this man is daring to mock death of a martyr. Only 10 days back there was so much of anger in people that if he had dared to say this he would have got lynched but now when the issue turning cold politicians like him are back with communal card in hand.

The wife of Karkare refused to meet any government and any BJP member. Surely they have doubts about the manner he was killed.

Karkare was Hindu so there is no question of playing communal card. He was probing involvment of Indian army Lt Col in Samjhota Express bombing which had killed mostly Pakistanis so again there is no question of playing communal card.

Karkare was a brave officer of ATS who dared to probe hardline Hindu organizations for their involvment in many blasts in India which were unfortunatly blamed as usual on Muslims but after recent findings it was proved hardline Hindu organizations were involved in these blasts.
So brave karkare was killed to clear the way and block any neutral investigation.
The wife of Karkare refused to meet any government and any BJP member. Surely they have doubts about the manner he was killed.

Karkare was Hindu so there is no question of playing communal card. He was probing involvment of Indian army Lt Col in Samjhota Express bombing which had killed mostly Pakistanis so again there is no question of playing communal card.

Karkare was a brave officer of ATS who dared to probe hardline Hindu organizations for their involvment in many blasts in India which were unfortunatly blamed as usual on Muslims but after recent findings it was proved hardline Hindu organizations were involved in these blasts.
So brave karkare was killed to clear the way and block any neutral investigation.

so she is suspicious about husband's death yet doesn't make a voice, doesnt make sense to me. Yes she rightly spurned away the Modi\'s attempt to politicise karkare's death.

As some one said above this is election time, it is normal for congress to do these tactics to garner muslim votes, this is the reason they are not acting against Antulay (this is what I meant by communal card and antulay is the right person to play this card).

Now this is very important that a impartial judicial enquiry is held into karkare's death and once the report is in hand antulay should be air dropped into pakistan, remember how you all felt about Adnan Sami, that is what we feel about antulay, the most corrupt CM Maharastra ever had.
The level of insecurity sure runs high with the indians and shuld b no surprise...it's like moving away from the convenient plan i.e place the blame on Pakistan,pass a resolution in the lok sabah,look like heroes and sweep the dirt under the carpet.The End.
To accept anything else wuld be so scary..like opening pandora's box and facing it all in their own living room.

Is it not enough that karkare's wife refused all compensation from the GOI?if thats not silent protest,then wht is?

GR8 going now u assume Antulay is an ISI agent? That does scare u dosent it??

Is it not enough that karkare's wife refused all compensation from the GOI?if thats not silent protest,then wht is?

There is too much misinformation going around in pakistan about mumbia massacre. And funny thing nobody is willing to crosscheck facts before giving any expert comments

karkare's wife never refused any compensation from the GOI.First of all, GoI dont compensate any police man in the event of casualty,since law & order and police department comes under the preview of indiviual states,not the center. Second thing, she only refused monetary compensiation declared by Modi adminstered Gujarat govt for the bravery shown by martyrs of that terror attack. she even refused to meet Modi. BJP leaders had made some unsolicited comments about Hemant Karkares style of investgation in Malegoan blast case.

Maharastra govt have declared fairly decent compensations for all police man who were killed in that attack. Hemant Karkare widow has no issue regarding the compensations with the state govt under which her husband worked.
Antulay's comments send shock waves across police community in Bombay;

Meanwhile, police officials across ranks expressed shock over the Union minister's controversial statement. No senior official would come on record to speak out against Antulay's innuendo, indicating how the police brass was scared to respond to a politician's rant.

But officer after officer, off the record, said it was sad to see politicians could stoop so low as to use even a national tragedy for their own political advantage. Though city police commissioner Hasan Gafoor refused to comment, another officer said politicians should be speaking about measures to tackle terrorism insisted of making controversial statements in Parliament

Antulay's allegation not borne out by facts-India-The Times of India
Witness account of Karkare, Kamte and Salaskar’s death

Posted: Nov 29, 2008 at 1250 hrs IST

Mumbai A constable, who was in the hijacked Mumbai police vehicle, survived the Wednesday night mayhem to recount the horror of how ATS chief Hemant Karkare and two other top officers of Mumbai police were gunned down inside the Toyota Qualis by a terrorist duo fleeing from CST.
Injured Constable Arun Jadhav was in the vehicle whose tyre burst when the desperadoes had commandeered it in their attempt to flee from police chase.

Karkare, encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar and Additional Commissioner of Police Ashok Kamte, who were all travelling in the same vehicle, were shot dead along with three constables by the terrorists.

The top officers were on way to Cama Hospital, just a 10-minute drive from CST station, to check on another injured officer Sadanand Date.

"When we were informed that Sadanand Date has been injured at the firing in Cama Hospital Karkare, Kamte, Salaskar and four constables left from CST to the spot.

"Five minutes later, two persons carrying AK-47 rifles emerged from behind a tree and started firing at out vehicle," said Jadhav, who was hit by two bullets in his right arm and is recuperating in the Bombay Hospital.

Sitting on his bed on the 14th floor of the hospital, Jadhav, who has been in the police service for the past 12 years, said the exact number of shots fired at the police car was not known, but the three top officers and as many constables were killed on the spot. Jadhav was the only person in the vehicle who survived.

"I have been working with Salaskar my entire police career but I could not do anything to save his life," he said with tears rolling down his eyes.

While Salaskar was at the wheel, Kamte was in the front seat and Karkare in the second row with the four Constables, including Jadhav, at the back seat.

"The two terrorists then came up to our vehicle and pulled out Karkare, Kamte and Salaskar's bodies out and threw them on the road. Thinking that we (Constables) are also dead, the terrorists then got into the car and started driving towards Metro junction," Jadhav said.

They fired three rounds at journalists and police vans standing at Metro junction and then sped away towards Vidhan Bhawan in south Mumbai, where again they fired some rounds.

"The terrorists then started driving from Vidhan Bhawan when the car's tyre burst. They then got off the car and ran towards another vehicle," he said.

Jadhav then got in touch with the police control and informed them about the death of Karkare, Kamte, Salaskar and the three Constables.

"Additional Commissioner of Police (ATS) Parambir Singh and other police officers then rushed to the spot and took the bodies to St George hospital," Jadhav said.

Witness account of Karkare, Kamte and Salaskar’s death - Express India
Antulay is a corrupt idiot. He should be behind bars, not providing fodder to the conspiracy theorists.
The wife of Karkare refused to meet any government and any BJP member. Surely they have doubts about the manner he was killed.

Karkare was Hindu so there is no question of playing communal card. He was probing involvment of Indian army Lt Col in Samjhota Express bombing which had killed mostly Pakistanis so again there is no question of playing communal card.

Karkare was a brave officer of ATS who dared to probe hardline Hindu organizations for their involvment in many blasts in India which were unfortunatly blamed as usual on Muslims but after recent findings it was proved hardline Hindu organizations were involved in these blasts.
So brave karkare was killed to clear the way and block any neutral investigation.

Actually you are a bit off target here. She refused to meet Modi as Modi had criticised him for getting after Lt. Col Purohit even on Samjahuta blast which was blamed on ISI and in zest the ATS lawyer tried to stick the charge on the Lt. Col. which was contrary to all investigative findings. It was a politically motivated move to try and corner "hindu" terrorists.

You have taken into account antulays statement. ok lets take the conspiracy angle. now why would you kill someone already who caught the masterminds of the blast? Does not make sense. On the other hand how about make these two ie the Sadhvi and Lt Col the scapegoats, give enough circumstantial evidence and then remove the ATS chief so that further investigations dont occur to unearth the true culprit? It just might be that innocents are being blamed and the real culprit is removing all threads tying it/him/her to the crime? Ever thought on that line?

Any conspiracy theory can be taken to no limit.
Some facts that stand against the Lt. Cols involvement in any blast

a. Claims of RDX being used in blast at Malegaon. The RDX is purpotedly stolen by Lt Col from Army Ammunition Depot (60 Kgs) and used and rest is dumped in Jhelum river. :lol: what a joke. You mean to say, in an organisation where even 5 CGI (corrugated iron sheets) are accounted for and ledgered, every practice ammunition fired is counted and its jacket and head found and returned for recycling, its easy to remove this amount of RDX and no trace of it till date?:lol:

b. And he was in Maharashtra and to dump the RDX he carries it to Jhelum? Is he that crazy or foolish to travel all the way with the explosives to dump there? What about the rivers in Maharashtra which are much more polluted than Jhelum and one can easily hide a tank in it without anyone being the wiser? Surely that can not be the case can it? Its not sane and logical.

c. A doctor of delhi was also supposedly involved:lol: and the date given of the meeting was the day that doctor was not in town also:lol:

d. Samjahuta Express was investigated by IB yet ATS seems to know more about it? Amazing

Now easiest way in India to come to power is to raise the secular-communal bogey and nurture Muslim votes. I have not seen killing of Muslims in Gujarat inspite of Modi being the CM for 3rd time. Nor did i see an exodus of people leaving fearing him. And if Indian muslims were "minority" and were "persecuted against" why has not a single muslim left the country for Pakistan? It is the polity which has fractured the indian society, in fact none of us care about muslim, sikh etc. etc. who has the time?

I travel daily in bus/train/metro etc and there will be people sittng next to me. Muslim/hindu/jain/sikh/chritsian, I dont know and i dont care. I go to masjid on id with my friends and there no muslim cares am hindu and my friends celebrate diwali with me after their namaz and none cares. I have cousins who are muslims ........ am amazed you even think muslim is at risk here.
Antulay sent his resignation to the Prime Minister
19 Dec 2008, 1037 hrs IST, PTI

NEW DELHI: Union minister A R Antulay, who is at the centre of a storm triggered by his remarks on the circumstances surrounding Maharashtra ATS
chief Hemant Karkare's killing, has sent his resignation to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, highly placed sources said on Friday. ( Watch )

79-year-old Antulay, whose remarks created an uproar in Parliament and outside with the opposition parties demanding his removal, had sent his resignation on Wednesday night, they said.

When contacted, Antulay declined to comment, saying "I am neither confirming it nor denying it".

Earlier on Wednesday, Antulay set off a major political row by demanding a probe into the shooting of Karkare in the 26/11 terror strikes which he linked to investigations into the alleged involvement of Hindu radicals in the Malegaon blast case.

Stating that the circumstances of Karkare's shooting "may be inquired into", Antulay seemed to have borrowed a leaf from Pakistani TV hosts who have claimed that the Mumbai attacks were the handiwork of "Hindu-Zionists". Antulay told the media outside Parliament's gate number 12 that "there must have been some reason why Karkare went to Cama hospital instead of Taj and Oberoi hotels."

Antulay said "someone" could have told Karkare and other officers with him to go to Cama hospital, suggesting that the ATS chief fell victim to a set-up as he was probing cases which involved Hindu radicals in the Malegaon case. The comments were immediately televised and triggered an uproar in Lok Sabha where BJP and Shiv Sena MPs vehemently criticised the minister who insisted that directions issued to the officer must be probed.

A red-faced Congress swiftly dissociated itself from the minister with party spokesperson Abhisekh Singhvi saying, "We don't accept the inference and the innuendo that underline the statement (of Antulay)...we don't agree with bringing this case (Karkare's killing) under a cloud."

But Antulay was unfazed, virtually daring the Congress to sack him and offering to "explain" the geography of south Mumbai to his party.

He got support from the RJD with party leader Devendra Yadav also expressing suspicion of involvement of Hindu radicals in Karkare's killing. As his boss Lalu Prasad looked on approvingly, he said, "Two days before Karkare was killed, who had given a call for Maharashtra bandh?"

Reacting to the controversy, BJP condemned Antulay's statement and said the minister was as good as playing ISI's attorney and demanded his sacking.
Union Minority Affairs Minister A R Antulay, who is at the centre of a storm triggered by his remarks on the circumstances surrounding Maharashtra ATS chief Hemant Karkare's killing, has sent his resignation to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, highly placed sources said on Friday.

Antulay, who is 79-year-old, had sent his resignation on Wednesday night, the sources said.

When contacted, Antulay on Friday declined to comment on the issue. "I am neither confirming it nor denying it," he said.

On Thursday, External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee had said that the government would make a statement on the remarks by the Minority Affairs Minister.

The controversy triggered by the statement of Union Minister Antulay on the killing of Maharashtra ATS chief Hemant Karkare had its echo in the Rajya Sabha as well on Thursday with a BJP member objecting to the "irresponsible" remarks.

Antulay had on Wednesday raised doubts whether Pakistani terrorists killed Karkare, suggesting it the death might have something to do with his investigation of the Malegaon blasts.
India's government is under pressure to respond following a minister's controversial remarks over the killing of top officers in the Mumbai attacks.

Minority Affairs Minister AR Antulay suggested there could have been more to the deaths than just the militants.

Mumbai's anti-terrorism chief Hemant Karkare, who was among those killed, had been investigating suspected Hindu radical attacks in Maharashtra state.

Mr Antulay refused to confirm or deny he had submitted his resignation.

Mr Antulay's suggestion that the deaths could be linked to the investigation into the alleged Hindu radical attacks led to outrage among opposition politicians.

They said the minister's statement had embarrassed the country and they urged him to resign.


Mr Antulay on Friday said he "stood by the truth".

The Times of India quoted him as saying: "Whether Karkare was a victim of terrorism or terrorism plus something, I do not know."

He added: "Karkare and two other police officers were definitely killed by the Pakistani terrorists. Even a fool knows this. What I asked was who sent Karkare and the two officers there?"

When asked about the reports of his offer to resign, the minister told the Press Trust of India news agency: "I am neither confirming it nor denying it."

Mr Antulay's Congress party has distanced itself from his remarks, saying it did not accept the "inference and innuendo that underline" them.

Federal Parliamentary Affairs Minister Vyalar Ravi has said the government will "examine" Mr Antulay's statement and "respond accordingly" in parliament.

Santosh Gangwar, a leader of the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party, has said Mr Antulay's "irresponsible statement has created a problem for the country".

Mr Karkare, the head of Mumbai's Anti-Terrorist Squad, was one of several top officers who lost their lives in the attacks which began on 26 November.

Mr Antulay suggested a link to the investigation into the role of Hindu radicals in two bombings in Maharashtra state which killed at least eight people in September.

An army officer, Prasad Shrikant Purohit, and a female priest have been held in connection with the blasts and are accused of providing logistical support for Hindu militants to make bombs.

BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Minister in Mumbai police furore
I wonder how long this Minority Affairs Minister AR Antulay will live....:what:
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