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Antony to induct LCA into Air Force on Dec 20

Don't Super Hornet use a much bigger and more powerful engine? Speaking of which, won't LCA have to be redesigned to be bigger to take Super Hornet's engine?
Well the Super Hornet uses the the GE 414 engine only and that is the engine that is selected for the MK2. And the dimensions of the 414 is not much bigger than the 404. So there wont be any major modifications in the Tejas to accommodate the new engine.
Did Tejas set the current world record for taking the longest development time? 3 decades and still no FOC. :o:

Huh? 3 decades? Full scale funding only came by 1993,So the time taken can be compared to Rafale.

And look who thanked your post-some one from a country thats yet to develop its own microlights,let alone fighters...lol @Slayer786

Seriously can't stand those struts holding the intakes to the fuselage. Please get DSI ASAP!

Seriously can't stand those struts holding the intakes to the fuselage. Please get DSI ASAP!


Struts? I dont see any struts there
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these are worthless arguments as I have pointed out earlier in the above that the level of technical competence of india against that of usa / europe / China is not the same, which means it will take a lot more time and more modifications to the indian program

nobody said that. in fact the difference in technical competence of AC manufacture between india and china is almost as big as that between china and the US

Bangalore: India's Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas cleared a critical test point on Saturday, for its much-awaited Initial Operational Clearance (IOC-2), by firing an infrared (IR) seeking air-to-air R-73 E missile. The missile destroyed a target being towed by a pilotless target aircraft Lakshya, launched by an Indian Navy ship. The test was conducted off the coast of Goa and the flight was piloted by Gp Capt Suneet Krishna (retd), a Test pilot working with the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA).
It was for the first time the Tejas proved its air defense role by firing a missile at a target using an on board fire control radar, while the earlier tests were done using a helmet-mounted display (HMD) system. The test also paved the way for the IOC-2 declaration, now confirmed to be held in Bangalore on December 20. Defence Minister A K Antony will lead a power-packed delegation for the December 20 event, for which the preparations have already begun at the Old HAL airport.
K Tamilmani, Director-General (Aeronautical Systems), DRDO, told Express that the missile firing has almost closed all test points remaining in the programme, ahead of IOC-2. “The pilot took the aircraft to around 4.5 km above sea level, locked-on to the target (considered as an interceptor) and 'killed' it with pin-point precision. There are no major test points remaining and we are on track for the historic event on December 20,” Tamilmani said. The braking systems of Tejas (with maximum all-up weight) was also tested in Goa to ensure that they don't get excessively heated up, while landing.
While the programme has to go some more distance before the fighters get inducted into the Indian Air Force (IAF), the onus post-IOC-2 will shift towards HAL for rolling out the production version aircraft. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited chairman R K Tyagi said with the R-73 E missile firing, Tejas has proven some of its independent capabilities. “Our aim now is to aid IAF quickly with the series production (SP) aircraft so that the squadron formation takes place as planned. There is definitely excitement in the air following the Goa trials, and we are on track to get the SP version out in phases,” Tyagi said.
Sources associated with the programme said every test point demanded by the certification agencies had been met. “All queries and counter-queries were demonstrated and relevant data was brought out. No more outstation trials are remaining ahead of IOC-2 and the last bit of surprises that might arise will be dealt locally,” an official said.
For the past few months engineers, designers and Test pilots from both ADA and HAL were on their toes clearing all test parameters for IOC-2. “There has been tremendous pressure on the Tejas team with the MoD monitoring the progress on a daily basis. The defence minister was personally tracking the progress of the missile firing, which was delayed by a couple of weeks owing to logistical reasons,” the official said. The missile firing was originally planned at Jamnagar and later shifted to Goa.

jealous? jealous for your LCA, are you sure what you are talking? We jealous F22, that is true, but why we jealous LCA? Is LCA that good?

It is good enough to provoke trolling from your chinese friends. Anyways Tejas is much better than some of the other light fighters being used around.
My argument stands firmly that there is a obvious technical gap between IOC and FOC;

you people's quote of the USA's reference does not apply to india

Until you have acquired the technical competence of USA then the time required to complete the gap could be narrrowed as quoted somewhat in the above highly technical F-22 which spanned for only 2 years from IOC to FOC. Otherwise I dont see this could happen in india. So to produce (mass?) your plane at IOC stage is a waste of time and money.

Don't argue for the sake of arguing buddy dont take it too personally.... They are all correct the FOC will be later after induction.

And lets not get too patriotic here its just a forum... for discussion.
I think for IAF which will have Su 30 MKI and Super Sukhoi 30 MKI, Rafale, FGFA., LCA is still formidable.
The techanical competence of fighter jets of USA,Russia,Eurape is provened,means all of them are battle hardened fighters,but chinese i am not sure ,because even a single fighter jets of china cant see a war.There j-10 is only used by chinese.

that battle proven records of usa russia europe do not negate the technical competence of China in manufacturing fighter jets over india as evidenced by many of our planes/fighter jets which have been sold overseas:

Shenyang J-5 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shenyang J-6 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chengdu J-7 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hongdu L-15 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hongdu JL-8 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Xian H-6 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mk1 Tejas

I expect the 40 MK1 to be inducted as follows

8 in 2014
10 in 2015
12 in 2016
10 by Summer of 2017

LCA Tejas mk2 first prototype to fly 2015 & 2 more in 2016.
To Achieve IOC in 2018


I expect full sacle production if Tejas mk2 to start in 2019- 2024 FOR 83 FIGHTERS in total

Giving IAF 7 sdqs and 123 TEJAS by 2024

Mk1 Tejas

I expect the 40 MK1 to be inducted as follows

8 in 2014
10 in 2015
12 in 2016
10 by Summer of 2017

LCA Tejas mk2 first prototype to fly 2015 & 2 more in 2016.
To Achieve IOC in 2018


I expect full sacle production if Tejas mk2 to start in 2019- 2024 FOR 83 FIGHTERS in total

Giving IAF 7 sdqs and 123 TEJAS by 2024

dont you think 2020 is too late for mk2. i mean we will get FGFA and Rafale by then. and tejas (even mk2) would be very obselete by 2030's shouldnt we focus on getting mk2. IOC by 2016 and induction by 2018 cause we would have already fully inducted mk1. by then. and induct 10 squadrons of mk2. atleast.
dont you think 2020 is too late for mk2. i mean we will get FGFA and Rafale by then. and tejas (even mk2) would be very obselete by 2030's shouldnt we focus on getting mk2. IOC by 2016 and induction by 2018 cause we would have already fully inducted mk1. by then. and induct 10 squadrons of mk2. atleast.
4 minutes ago#135


Firstly i cant see MK2 arriving any quicker than 2018 BEARING in mind we havent a prototype built for at least 15 months yet. Although the MK2 will have an easier IOC programme due to expereince gained in mk1 THERE WILL stil be steep TESTING of revised AOA new ASTRA bvr and new AESA radar.

With regards your comment about obseleance fear i disagree

First FGFA will not arrive until post 2020 and even then it will start with 18 fighters from Russia between 2020-2022.. i suspect license production in india to start in 2023 earliest. A BIT like the SU 30 MKI programme sarted with 18 SU30K which came in 2001 and MKI started arriving in 2004.

As for being obsel;ete NO FEAR.

PAF in 2020 WILL BE FLYING predominate JF17 thunders some F7 and F16 so nothing for MK2 TEJAS to fear with its new AESA radars ASTRA missles & new GE 404IN egine with TWR oif 0.95..

TEJAS MK2 will be match for anything PAF has in 2020...

the big question is what will PLAAF be fielding by then.
A plane isn't considered operational till it achieves FOC. Tejas still has a long way to go before FOC.

Why you are burning??? when you think LCA is inferior to j***** that is good news for you right.... why you are trolling here... can't your ignore...lol ignorant people..
that battle proven records of usa russia europe do not negate the technical competence of China in manufacturing fighter jets over india as evidenced by many of our planes/fighter jets which have been sold overseas:

Shenyang J-5 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shenyang J-6 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chengdu J-7 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hongdu L-15 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hongdu JL-8 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Xian H-6 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
take this argument some whr else ..stop posting off topic... this thread is abt lca and its induction...so if u hav nthng to say abt it leave the thread...not the place to show of ur egoes...chill
ps: good news for lca team...boosts there morale for sure.might no be a complete fighter nw...but better to be inducted nw and improve upon.
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