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Antony to induct LCA into Air Force on Dec 20

Isn't FOC always done after induction?
Why would this be any desperate attempt? All IOC tests (well I & II) are done. So induction and hence production is natural. Yes... before FOC. Is the procedure in your air force different?

IOC is a step before FOC
If there is an FOC that means some criteria in the plane has not been met
If production starts upon IOC then IAF is going to have planes which do not meet the standard
IOC is a step before FOC
If there is an FOC that means some criteria in the plane has not been met
If production starts upon IOC then IAF is going to have planes which do not meet the standard

You're a tad confused.

FOC is for when an aircraft has the requisite training programs set up, maintenance procedures set up, tactics have been developed and so on. The technical requirements of the aircraft have been met.
What was the last deadline for Tejas to achieve IOC-2 in such case ? To me , it still appears that some of the criterion have been relaxed to pave way for its early induction , because of the pressure on HAL due to its constant delays and failure to meet the deadlines . Sure , there's no stopping it from induction but trust me , it will be ceremonial and a formality fulfilled with the operational status not coming until long , though the same tests were/are being performed even when its not inducted into AF .

That is speculative, you or me do not posses the the IOC 2 matrix to know which parameters have been verified.
FOC describes the concept to be a certification event marking completion of training, providing maintenance facilities, and end of planned production of the item

So from thee result "i.e. induction", looks like IOC2 will be granted on dec, after a thoroughly puting the craft through it's paces. Few contemporary a/c's have gone through such stringent testing regime.
show me your literature

From my own experience when I was taught definitions during my orientation in the RAAF.

The Super Hornets had to obtain FOC in the RAAF even though it is a proven aircraft in the USN. I'm sure there are more than enough sources on the net that will corroborate this fact.
IOC is a step before FOC
If there is an FOC that means some criteria in the plane has not been met
If production starts upon IOC then IAF is going to have planes which do not meet the standard

F22 raptor formally entering USAF service in December 2005, got FOC in Dec 2007 after inducting 4 squandrons ....
BTW,the order is for 20 Tejas Mark1(IOC Standard) and 20 Tejas Mark1(FOC Standard).
The first batch will be raised in Bangalore and then moved to Sulur.
IOC is a step before FOC
If there is an FOC that means some criteria in the plane has not been met
If production starts upon IOC then IAF is going to have planes which do not meet the standard
No.... that's not right.
IOC - they have a good aircraft that fits their requirements
FOC - they have the training and tactics to effectively employ the aircraft in combat
Looks like a vote bank policy stunt. In haste they inducted the aircraft, we know it is not yet ready.
F22 raptor formally entering USAF service in December 2005, got FOC in Dec 2007 after inducting 4 squandrons ....
From my own experience when I was taught definitions during my orientation in the RAAF.

The Super Hornets had to obtain FOC in the RAAF even though it is a proven aircraft in the USN. I'm sure there are more than enough sources on the net that will corroborate this fact.

My argument stands firmly that there is a obvious technical gap between IOC and FOC;

Initial operating capability or Initial operational capability (IOC) is the state achieved when a capability is available in its minimum usefully deployable form. The term is often used in government or military procurement.

The date at which IOC is achieved often defines the in-service date (ISD) for an associated system Declaration of an initial operating capability may imply that the capability will be developed in the future, for example by modifications or adjustments to improve the system's performance, deployment of greater numbers of systems (perhaps of different types), or testing and training that permit wider application of the capability.Once the capability is fully developed, Full Operational Capability may be declared.

Initial operating capability - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

you people's quote of the USA's reference does not apply to india

Until you have acquired the technical competence of USA then the time required to complete the gap could be narrrowed as quoted somewhat in the above highly technical F-22 which spanned for only 2 years from IOC to FOC. Otherwise I dont see this could happen in india. So to produce (mass?) your plane at IOC stage is a waste of time and money.
Fake ceremony ,this aircraft will not be fully operational till 2015.

This news is about LCA Tejas MK1....On 2015 you will see LCA Tejas MK 2 into picture. ... Believe that will be more surprising for you.
My argument stands firmly that there is a obvious technical gap between IOC and FOC;

you people's quote of the USA's reference does not apply to india

Until you have acquired the technical competence of USA then the time required to complete the gap could be narrrowed as quoted somewhat in the above highly technical F-22 which spanned for only 2 years from IOC to FOC. Otherwise I dont see this could happen in india. So to produce (mass?) your plane at IOC stage is a waste of time and money.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say.

Your quote from wiki pretty much corroborates what I and Lil Matthew said :/
reported for personal attack!


I have never seen anything cheerleading like this in the world's naval history

Then...see it now....

I am telugu from AP, please translate mate :cheers:

Oww sorry man, I thought you were a tamiilian, my bad. I said, I think first squadron will be in TN :)
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