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Antique, Swords of the Prophet MUHAMMAD (SAW)

Pointing out a gaffe can hardly be called nonsense.

Chalo, never mind.

I know your post was in jest, but the thread wasnt appropriate since it has sentimental value. Do put your case forward in negative rating thread thingy. I am sure it will be wiped clean.
I thought he was a messenger? Didnt know he carried swords. Learns new things :D
Sword was a custom and requirement in arab society.For self defence and as a custom. Even Priests of Churches and Synagogs and churches had it. Even if it is never used.
You will find many people who owned a gun for there whole life and never killed anyone.
If that was a question then it is answered. If you are an Islamophobe then good luck.
I thought he was a messenger? Didnt know he carried swords. Learns new things :D

Prophet Muhammad salallaho aleyhi waalehi waslam also mentioned about the greatness of the "indian" sword

The indian sword was famous among the ancient arabs.
Bows of Prophet SAW


The only surviving bow of the Prophet Muhammad, is kept in the Topkapi Museum in Istanbul, along with many other holy relics. It is made from bamboo, and dates from around 615 A.D. It is said to have passed into the Caliphal treasury by the hand of Qatadah ibn al-Nu’man. The case was commissioned by the Ottoman Sultan Shah Ahmed I, (ruled 1603-1617) and is inscribed with poetic couplets in praise of the bow, in Ottoman Turkish

According to the explanations of the biographers (from thebook sacred archery: The Forty Prophetic Traditions. can be bought here), it appears that in the books reference is made to the bows belonging to the Lodestar of Mankind, the Messenger of the Common and the Elect, peace and blessings of Allah Almighty be upon him, as being six in number:

  • One of them was called Rawja’,
  • One was called Safra’ – ‘the Yellow’ – this one was supposedly taken from the tribe of the Bani Qaynuqa’
  • one was called Bayza’ – ‘the White’, and it was made of the wood of the fir tree. This one is also said to have been taken from the tribe of the Bani Qaynuqa’.
  • Another bow was called Sadad – ‘the Straight’, for the reason that when shot, it never failed to hit the mark; therefore it was thus named.
  • Another one of the bows was called Zawra’ – ‘the Crooked’; and because its voice was concealed, it was also named Katum
Wallahua’lam (Allah knows best)
This is a serious thread, pertaining to our beloved Prophet. Such nonsense is not needed here.

Though the joke is funny. The poster should be aware of the sentimentalities attached to such topics.
dont think he ever used the sword though.
Owned swords of Prophet Muhammad SAW

These are the swords are never used by the Prophet Muhammad during his lifetime to call, the total number of sword that was once used are nine fruits.
1. Al Ma'thur


Photos taken by Muhammad Hasan Muhammad al-Tihami,
Suyuf wa al-Apostles' uddah harbi-hi (Cairo: Hijr, 1312/1992).

Also known as 'Al-Fijar Ma'thur' sword is owned by the Prophet Muhammad before he received the first revelation in Makkah. This sword was given by her father, and brought the time migrated from Mecca to Medina until it is given together with other war equipment to Ali ibn Abi Talib.

Now the sword is in the Topkapi Museum, Istanbul. Shaped blade with a length of 99 cm.The handle is made of gold with the shape of two serpents with emeralds and turquoise encrusted. There are close to the banister carved Kufic Arabic script reads: 'Abdallah bin Abd al-Mutalib'.MISSTORY . BOOKMARK THE PERMALINK. RSS FEED FOR THIS POST.

Mashallah ...

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