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Anti-NATO protest in Chicago: ‘Stop killer drones’







Anti-NATO protest in Chicago:

Drones are weapons of choice for obama's administration, It is unlikely to stop because of these protests, Obama believes in Unilateral strikes.
God forbid, It should not happen in India. I will be disappointed if Indian govt will sell its integrity for money. Our army is capable to handle any situation, We don't need Amrican support.

Pakistan invited America to do the drone attacks, Pakistan army /ISI/ civil govt all know it, why Chicago ppl are worried about it???? The Pakistani has no issue with these attacks.. Pakistani were happy when Hakimulla killed in one of the drone attack..

If American/Pakistan soldier will land in Pakistan bad area and clean terrorists, there will be more casuality for all 4 side (America, Pakistani soldiers, Innocent civilian, terrorists). Drone is the best way deal with them.

Propaganda video...

You are wrong it was Baitullah Meshud who was killed in the drone attack, He was killed Inside Pakistan, Some PDF members have stated that US had unknowingly targeted baitullah meshud, and ISI had informed CIA that there was a High Value Target. they explained that they Fooled CIA. My question is if their view is accepted,

a) Why did Pakistan seek the assistance of CIA? If they know about the hideout of baitullah meshud?
b) Some members have also proposed Precision PAF strikes instead of Drone attacks?
c) Baitullah Meshud was killed on August 5 2009. At that time Pakistan was having Advanced F-16s as well as Precision guided bombing kits.
why did they seek the help of CIA? Why did'nt the Pakistan Airforce take baitullah meshud in Precision Guided Strike?
Drones are weapons of choice for obama's administration, It is unlikely to stop because of these protests, Obama believes in Unilateral strikes.

just to tell you, Obama is a face of US only, but the most powerful person of US is Mrs Clinton, not Obama :wave:. they came to Afghan to do justice with those 5000 western citizens who were killed in 9/11 attack while till now they have killed over 30,000 Afghan civilians only, with around 5,000 Taliban Fighters also but its also true that not all the Taliban are 'terrorists'. the Taliban, who were recognized by four top governments till 2001, the Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Pakistan. and Al Qaeda are mainly Arab Origin terrorists who are based in over 50 countries. and the way OBL was finally found in Pakistan, in the same way I dont think any of top Al Qaeda leader would be based in Afghan :disagree:

there is no reason to justify bombing on the residential areas of Afghan. there can't be any justification of dropping bombs on 10 civilians in hunt of just 1-2 militants :disagree:. and this way, why Afghani/people of Pak's Tribal Area would be wrong if they will also try to score 30,000 NATO's civilians to do justice with those pashtun civilians who were killed by NATO's air strikes in Afghan and also in Pakistan's tribal areas?
Drones are weapons of choice for obama's administration, It is unlikely to stop because of these protests, Obama believes in Unilateral strikes.

The US government is wise to ignore self-destructive liberal losers.. Obama despite all the cursing from US nationals, is miles and miles better than the Cu**grass party we have. At least they don't compromise their national security.
Americans along with other NATO countries are biggest threat to world. This time in the name of terror they have killed millions , destroyed millions life , has broken all laws. Time will not be same forever there will be payback.
3ooo were killed by so called terror attack and to show who is real and biggest terrorist american with there friends has killed millions and destroyed life for millions of civilian muslims.
Americans along with other NATO countries are biggest threat to world. This time in the name of terror they have killed millions , destroyed millions life , has broken all laws. Time will not be same forever there will be payback.

US recognize two type of terrorism, one those who work for them like in Syria, and the one like in Afghan who dont want to work for US anymore, so whether they are 'militants' or 'terrorists', the western media has made them all 'terrorists' :meeting:. Al Qaeda are Arab origin while there are many Pashtun of pak's tribal area and afghan who want to do mother-sister with NATO forces as they lost their family members in different air strikes, which has been continued since mid last decade including bombing on the wedding ceremonies, but western media has made them all 'terrorists'? look on pakistan, they are supporting WOT of US, while the same US/NATO is running terror camps of BLA militants or freedom fighters, whatever you say? and interestingly, pak's leaders support this double standard of terrorism by US against pak????

and from our side, we know that US is fighting with that Taliban who isn't good to them like in 80s otherwise the same US/NATO is using even Al Qaeda in Syria? what if Taliban/Al Qaeda of Afghan will again start working for US, they will again become good? why would we be wrong for our support for Taliban if top nations like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Pakistan type NATO's allies even had diplomatic ties with Taliban till 2001 and still they have??? hence, why would India go against Islam this way as fund for Taliban in fact comes from the Arab nations???? and then again we find, finally rulers of SA, Qtr, UAE, Pak etc finally do what they are told from US/UK itself, like funding and arming terrorism in Syria right now? see as below, US openly endorses terrorism on the name of 'democracy'? while, mai karu to sala character dheela hai????????

whats the guarantee that US will not do the same with its other opponents like Russia, China, India while we always have news of CIA's involvements in anti-national activities in these 3 countries also?

US position on Syria directly endorses terrorism - Lavrov

Washington’s reaction to blasts in Damascus is a downright justification of terrorism, slams Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. US State Department announced that terror acts in Syria are not surprising in light of the Assad regime’s actions.

“This is direct endorsement of terrorism. How are we supposed to understand that?” Sergey Lavrov shared his astonishment at a press conference in Moscow. “This is a sinister position, I cannot find words to express our attitude towards that.”

Lavrov also expressed his surprise that the UN Security Council refused to condemn acts of terror in Syria. The US permanent representative to the UN Susan Rice has stated that terror acts in Damascus contribute to speeding up the adoption of a resolution on Syria according to the Chapter 7 of the UN Statute, which implies harsh sanctions, including resorting to force.

“In other words this means ‘We are going to support such acts of terrorism until the UNSC does what we want’,” Lavrov commented on the US representative's actions.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has said recently that there should be closer work with opposition in Syria as it captures more and more territories to prepare new actions of resistance to the government in Damascus.

Lavrov noted that there were reports that the opposition has taken control over border posts on the Iraqi and Turkish border with Syria and reportedly, there were cases of looting of Turkish property. According to some sources it was not Free Syrian Army militants that captured those posts, but by groups linked to Al-Qaeda, and Russian diplomats are verifying this information.

“If such actions of taking territories by terrorists are supported by our partners, we would like to ask them what their position on Syria is. What do they want to achieve in this country?” Russian FM demanded.

As for the EU unilateral sanctions against Damascus, they contradict the decisions taken by the UN Security Council and agreements reached at the Geneva talks, stated Lavrov.

“We believe the chosen unilateral way contradicts the principal of shared management of affairs accorded with the Geneva agreement,” Lavrov said, adding that Russia advocates collective discussion of any questions.

“Unfortunately, when the EU, US and some other states began to adopt sanctions on Syria they did not consult with us at all,” Lavrov observed.

Now that the Syrian crisis is over a year and a half old it is not exactly correct to appeal to the Security Council to adopt sanctions, shared the Russian diplomat.

Lavrov stressed that should the international community intended to address the Syrian crisis collectively – it should have been done that way from the very beginning, dealing with both combatant sides equally.

The heads of the EU foreign ministries have made a decision to broaden the list of Syrian officials banned from EU, also freezing their bank accounts and assets in EU countries.

Additional measures have also been adopted to ensure arms embargo on Syria. Henceforth, sea vessels and cargo aircraft heading for Syria are subject to compulsory inspection in case there are grounds to suspect they carry arms and prohibited equipment to Syria.

US position on Syria directly endorses terrorism - Lavrov — RT

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About 60-70 % support the crimes of their government according to polls, if we are to believe them.

a long time before, i made a post as below, post #21. read my comment with the comparison of two violence during the elections in Russia.........


many times i found the western media, 'Vampires', a lusk I have seen in them to justify every right and wrong to get work done in behalf of their nations/rulers/people. a nation wide support of common people of west, who are threatened with emerging economies and trying to have prosperity in future by organizing different wars........

and the "foundation" of 'western democracy', which many old people have said in past in India, as explained by me in post #23 of this same thread as below..............

Truth reaches home.
Hope these protests gain momentum.

Good on them for standing up for others!

Folks share this story as much as possible.
Truth reaches home.
Hope these protests gain momentum.

Good on them for standing up for others!

Folks share this story as much as possible.

a long time before a high ranked western official told me, "only your belief help you see the reality." she meant to say that, "only belief of ours are behind the truth we see.".......

and in other words, if you believe Mr Jesus Christ was Son of God then believe in it, similar to over 1.5bil christians of the world otherwise no one can guarantee what might have happened around 1000 years before and from my side, I find him a type of psycho who was put on the front with his claim to be "Son of God", which might be intended to challenge the Rule of that country by introducing a 'belief', so in response, the rulers of that country hanged Mr Jesus and his followers and told him to ask your father to come down and help you. but regardless all, the 'business' of that incident on the name of Christianity is still being done...... :meeting:

we now find too many wars organized on the name of 'identity crisis', "political differences" etc but it all are intended to achieve religous goals and 'Rule' for the White/Christian/Western dominance, who are now look like prepared for even millions of deaths like in 19th/20th centuries, how different western countries fought with each others to take over other countries. as, now US/West are losing their greatness, based on publicity/military strength and the technology they got by help of professionals of the developing countries.......

and I replied to that lady, Ms Bevan, that, "when poor education level fall to a certain level, the only thing remain is, what we believe in regardless how things really work." there is no other reason to pick reality/truth on the basis of 'belief' only.....:wave:

one day i was told by few that people like me are not loyal to australia and i replied, "i may be loyal to you but not 'blindly', first because of moral ground and second, its looks like soon US/EU economies may fall and it will then bring australia under a serious military threat also as australia survive on 'security guarantee' of US/EU only and fall of US/EU will make a difference. and hence, I wont lose opportunity to go to the emerging markets in future in tough circumstances. as, the way you want me to always be loyal to australia in all the right and wrong case, the other side may also ask me the same if I will again try to back to that country????? the way i came here, if i again go somewhere else in search of better career opportunity in my profession then i would leave some space for myself to go back also, isn't it? coming to australia won't be a 'One Way Path'????????

overall, I found Western Rulers want only those Indian/Chinese who either 'Hate' their countries or may be made a complete 'toy'/'robot' by misuse to government resources...........
I found an exact similarity of my experience with a recent released Indian movie, "Agent Vinod"........ its not about bollywood movies but, I just saw 'Agent Vinod' few months before and at the end he 'correctly' found out the main enemy who was controlling bomb blasts in India from Britain. that man made the exact same type of arguments to Vinod (Saif Ali Khan), like, "you can't understand what happens when chinese share market go up, what if something happens in different parts of world bla bla, geo-political reasons etc." this is the same type of bullshiits, the reasons, why top politicians of West are now involved in terrorism now days, I got a direct experience with that :agree:

this is the same type of philosophy with which the people like Mr Howard, Mr Blair, Mr Bush and many other retired president and PMs of West are struggling with, mainly Mr Bill Clinton. the would be 'Cultural Wars', the sense that it’s the blacks who feed whites, it’s the white women who try for money by having closeness with rich immigrants, it’s the rich immigrants doing white collar jobs who are superior to those local whites who work in work shop bla bla. and what may happen if this change may get established, to religious aspects/ to national identities/ to Western identity, the people who first proud to be a Western and then Italian, Australian, Canadian, Spanish, British etc. and what if this or that?????? What may happen to West if chinese shares go up, and why few bomb blasts are required in such cases, these British and British origin politicians have all the good reasons for that. And at the end, Agent Vinod used an Al Qaeda suicide bomber to kill that British politician and took a picture of all those who were friends of that certain British man who was behind organizing bomb blasts in India.......

and many times I found western rulers, mainly British Origins of US/UK/Australia etc, have infused every strength of their country to get something done in India, on the diplomatic level/political level/full misuse of Media/ using businessmen like Bill Gates, Buffet etc..... and what I would recomend from my side, "I always try to find out why British and British origin americans/australians are sh!!ts/pigs and then I always catch them, and Indian government also has to do the same." :meeting: and about the politicians/diplomats of Britain and british origin americans/australians/canadian etc, Indian government has to understand that they will have to finally kill these british politicians/diplomats, whether they may do it in front of the world or not, and even if India may not get chance to kill these british origin politicians, but Indian government always have to identify the main enemies, as these are those who even control pakistan/use pakistan as an arm against India, regardless how many wars India-Pakistan has fought till now. India will only have to fight with British and British Origin politicians/diplomats of US/Australia/Canada etc, whether India gives space to these people to help them do their work easily in India or not. or, India would become like China and declare them national enemies.... :china:

India just has to understand that if they find snakes and British Origin politicians/diplomats then they will have to first kill that british origin politician of US/UK/Australia/Canada etc, later think for the snakes :meeting:
its not just that many wanted criminals are given protection by the British government but terrorists also.... I think, if we want to find out rest of the Al Qaeda leaders then we now need to bomb on Britain, as below :meeting:

British al-Qaeda hub 'is biggest in West'

Britain has the greatest number of Islamic extremists linked to al-Qaeda of any Western country and poses a grave risk to international security, the US government believes.

Terrorist groups are using the UK as a base to plot terrorism attacks around the world, American officials have disclosed.

The level of al-Qaeda activity in the UK is a “major source of concern” in Washington.

American leaders believe Gordon Brown's government is failing to combat the threat of extremism among Muslims living in Britain.

“The UK has the greatest concentration of active al-Qaeda supporters of any Western country,” a senior US official told the Daily Telegraph.

“As a result, no Western country has been more threatened than the UK, but the UK-based al-Qaeda network poses not only a potent threat to Britain but to the rest of the world.”

The disclosure of American fears will increase Transatlantic tensions over the attempted terrorist attack on an airliner over Detroit last month.

The would-be suicide bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, has said his attack was inspired and directed by al-Qaeda.

It has been claimed he was radicalised in London, where the bomber, a Nigerian, was a student between 2005 and 2008. British officials insist that he became a terrorist in Yemen.

American officials believe that European Muslims are more likely than their counterparts in the United States to subscribe to extremist doctrines.

The US prides itself on “assimilating” all immigrant groups into mainstream culture, while European nations including Britain have pursued a policy of multiculturalism. Critics say it leaves Muslims at risk of being alienated from wider society and susceptible to radical movements.

“The level of al-Qaeda activity in Britain is becoming a major source of concern,” said a senior State Department official.

“The organisation’s ability to use Britain as a base to plot terror attacks constitutes a serious threat to the security of Britain and other Western countries.”

The failed Detroit attack has renewed international attention on Britain’s record in dealing with international terrorism.

Abdulmutallab’s attack was the third al-Qaeda attempt to bring down a US-bound plane linked to Britain. In 2001, Richard Reid, from London, tried to explode a bomb hidden in his shoe on a flight to Miami.

In 2006, a plot by Islamic extremists to blow up transatlantic airliners using homemade liquid bombs was foiled.

Among some US politicians and security experts, the British capital has been dubbed “Londonistan” because of the presence of so many radical Muslims and mosques with connections to extremist preachers.

British universities are a particular concern. Abdulmutallab was president of the Islamic Society at University College London between 2006 and 2007, while he was studying for an engineering degree. UCL, together with many other British universities, has been accused of failing to stop radical preachers giving talks on campus for fear of being accused of Islamophobia.

Although the July 7 attacks in London in 2005 were the only fatal al-Qaeda attacks in the UK, many other plots have been disrupted. In 2006, British police disrupted an al-Qaeda plot to explode liquid bombs on several Transatlantic airliners, an operation officers said could have killed thousands of people.

Jonathan Evans, the head of MI5, has said that his service was aware of around 2,000 radicalised Muslims in Britain who might be involved in terrorism plots.

The Security Service has not updated that number since, but American officials believe it is now even higher.

United States intelligence officers are also gravely concerned about the number of British Muslims travelling to Yemen to become involved in extremist activity. Yemen is emerging as a focus for international counter-terrorism, as intensive military activity forces al-Qaeda to reduce its activity on the Afghan-Pakistan border.

Yesterday, launching his party’s new national security strategy, David Cameron, the Conservative leader, suggested that immigration systems are allowing dangerous extremists to enter the UK.

“There’s not much point having tougher laws to deport people who are a threat to Britain if at the same time we don’t have a proper border police force to stop unwanted people from coming in,” he said.

The stark American assessment of Britain’s position is, however, at odds with the optimism of British officials.

Last year, the official UK “threat level” was lowered, and Whitehall officials have claimed that British intelligence agencies have identified every significant terrorist cell in the country.

Earlier this month, relations between London and Washington were strained over just what information about Abdulmutallab had been passed to the US authorities by British intelligence agencies.

Downing Street has said that more than a years ago, MI5 passed on “security information” about Abdulmutallab’s links to radical preachers. However, US officials have insisted that any information passed on did not identify him as a potential terrorist.

British al-Qaeda hub 'is biggest in West' - Telegraph
its not just that many wanted criminals are given protection by the British government but terrorists also.... I think, if we want to find out rest of the Al Qaeda leaders then we now need to bomb on Britain, as below :meeting:

drone attacks on Britain in search of Al Qaeda militants :rofl:
No protests form any US citizen or for that matter from anyother person in the world will reap any fruit until the Pakistani government and military leadership didnt want to stop the drone attacks. Had there been no body in the the support of Pakistan but the govt and military of Pakistan would have stood against the drones attack US/Nato didnt dare to conduct drone attacks and Have there been millions of supporters of Pakistan but the govt and military leadership didnt want nobody can stop these drone attacks

We are overly-emotional people one day a guy will come and promise something we will start to chant abt it for next many years without realizing the true grounds and then the result is as usual a fizzle for us . We start to brag about our nuclear capability and take it as core thing to our success and we praise alot but let me ask you one thing . Apart from containing india what other advantage have we attained? I am not against nuclear capability but my question is does our world only revolves around india? For us the only thing is india dont dare to attack us but for the rest of the world we are just a cake walk....any day a nato/US can come and bomb the hell out of Pakistani territory..... Are our all struggles are only directed to india? Other than india doesnot matter who ever comes and kill a Pakistani with no substantial proofs against the sufferers name neither any conviction ...we , our govt and military leadership is fine with that

When just a suspicion of nuclear bomb in iran's possession can keep america /Nato away then why cant ours in 100s.... Do US/ NATO dare to attack Pakistan with a possibility of retaliation form Pakistan govt and military knowing the possession....Heck we dont even want to use it if we are diplomatically strong and have right foreign policy and dare to stand eyeball to eyeball like Venezuela or iran... But our leaders and establishment has stakes in these countries so how can they sacrifice that for some Pakistani nationals?

Brag all about the military capabilities, chant all about the nuclear capability but they are of no use when your civilians are killed like animals... You will kill one innocent by drone attacks and you will get 10 terrorists ...Its never ending chain ...best of luck with it ...

Our jawans are sacrificing for the blunders of our generals and corrupt politicians ..... Always the one at the lower end of hiereachy suffers the most and thats what our jawans are doing ....leave the generals they must be puffing around clubs...or wandering around with their families in luxury cars...or having parties at their houses in posh areas with the exception of few contradictory to our jawans fighting in hot and humid conditions ..... far away from their families ...with a no surety of return ....... Chant all day along and brag about what you want in praising corrupt politicians and establishment after all why the hell on earth it matters to us if an innocent is being killed in drone attacks or not...

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