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Anti-Muslim violence spiralling out of control in America

'Hate crime' on cards for Iraqi woman killed in US
This includes a string of murders specifically targeting Middle Eastern storekeepers in Brooklyn, the last of whom, a 78-year old Iranian immigrant named Rahmatollah Vahidipour, was shot to death while closing his boutique and whose lifeless body was then dragged to a backroom and covered over with merchandise from his store.

Within the same week as Vahidipour's murder

Wow, the writer is really desperate to converge to the point that anti-Islam violence is widespread in the US. So desperate, that he uses a mentally sick woman, and even the murder of a Jewish shopkeeper of a robbery as examples of violent hate crimes against Muslims. :lol:

If you look at the statistics, there are way more hate crimes against Jews, followed by attacks on blacks.

A detailed analysis of FBI statistics covering ten full calendar years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks reveals that, on a per capita basis, American Muslims, contrary to spin, have been subjected to hate crimes less often than other prominent minorities. From 2002 to 2011, Muslims are estimated to have suffered hate crimes at a frequency of 6.0 incidents per 100,000 per year — 10 percent lower than blacks (6.7), 48 percent lower than homosexuals and bisexuals (11.5), and 59 percent lower than Jews (14.8). Americans should keep these numbers in mind whenever Islamists attempt to silence critics by invoking Muslim victimhood.

Hate Crime Stats Deflate 'Islamophobia' Myth
Oh no. It's more about discouraging racism and hate-oriented activities. Hence we need as many people, and as many funds, as possible to start an aggressive campaign to educate the masses.
There has to be an end to all this hate against religions; Islam, Christianity and Judaism included.

It's not just about Pakistan.

may i ask why MUSLIMS FLEE to US.......
we all know that a wast MAJORITY of US citizens hate MUSLIMS and even more ever since 9/11
the US is not a MUSLIM COUNTRY, u can expect aggression from such nations towards ISLAM and MUSLIMS so why head over there ?????
and who are Pakistanis to bother about Islam, for ISLAM is for all the Muslims in this World, ARABS have control of makkah and madina so they should go first.........simple
and i realize as a Muslim that we should not go blind when such situations arise but "prevention is better than cure", so just dont go to the US simple...

if u r sure to drown in an ocean then why jump in it in the first place

Oh no. It's more about discouraging racism and hate-oriented activities. Hence we need as many people, and as many funds, as possible to start an aggressive campaign to educate the masses.
There has to be an end to all this hate against religions; Islam, Christianity and Judaism included.

It's not just about Pakistan.

may i ask why MUSLIMS FLEE to US.......
we all know that a wast MAJORITY of US citizens hate MUSLIMS and even more ever since 9/11
the US is not a MUSLIM COUNTRY, u can expect aggression from such nations towards ISLAM and MUSLIMS so why head over there ?????
and who are Pakistanis to bother about Islam, for ISLAM is for all the Muslims in this World, ARABS have control of makkah and madina so they should go first.........simple
and i realize as a Muslim that we should not go blind when such situations arise but "prevention is better than cure", so just dont go to the US simple...

if u r sure to drown in an ocean then why jump in it in the first place

People shift to other countries in hopes of building a better future for their children.
To clear a common miunderstanding: The US itself is not anti-Muslim, it's openness to a multitude of different background and ethnicities is proof enough of that.

There are, however, some misguided people in the US that dislike Islam and everything associated with it.
The majority does not think in that fashion.

But I completely disagree with your point of not going to the US. Many people went to the US probably for the same reason you moved to the UAE.

And if you ask me, I'd rather be in the US than in UAE. I've lived in Dubai for years and I know what I'm talking about.
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People shift to other countries in hopes of building a better future for their children.
To clear a common miunderstanding: The US itself is not anti-Muslim, it's openness to a multitude of different background and ethnicities is proof enough of that.

There are, however, some misguided people in the US that dislike Islam and everything associated with it.
The majority does not think in that fashion.

But I completely disagree with your point of not going to the US. Many people went to the US probably for the same reason you moved to the UAE.

And if you ask me, I'd rather be in the US than in UAE. I've lived in Dubai for years and I know what I'm talking about.

go on then plz dont hesitate because now i want to know why not UAE ?????
even i have cozins there who are now planning to move here they told me "the US is not as Glorious and welcoming as u see it from far, but when u get into it u realize that its just mayhem"
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go on then plz dont hesitate because now i want to know why not UAE ?????
even i have cozins there who are now planning to move here they told me "the US is not as Glorious and welcoming as u see it from far, but when u get into it u realize that its just mayhem"

You seriously don't know the consequences of speaking too much here.
You seriously don't know the consequences of speaking too much here.

well plainly they moved there for a better job and so did we move to the emirates for job, im not bringing Islam into this convo (peace)
i just want to know the bright side of US
well plainly they moved there for a better job and so did we move to the emirates for job, im not bringing Islam into this convo (peace)
i just want to know the bright side of US

You mean besides electing your government, access to one of the best educational and healthcare system, being at the heart of technological breakthroughs, home of the largest entertainment business and guarantee of free enterprise ??

No, not much. It's pretty boring and useless.
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