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Anti-Islam Video: Is it Free Speech or Hate Speech?

Does any one of you know what is Freedom of speech??? Does any one know from where this freedom of speech came from..

1. Freedom of speech, life liberty and humanity came from french revolution.
2. Modern nation concept is gift of French revolution.
3. Almost all nation on earth implement "Freedom of Speech" .
4. "Absolute freedom of speech" is implemented in very few nations, (USA, France and denmark)\
5. Entire west is not endorsing "this movie".
6. This movie is banned in many country.

a) Absolute freedom of speech: Provide platform to express one view no matter how bad it is. It is provided to subside the hate of human.
Absolute freedom of speech in America good joke their is no thing such as freedom of speech lady their are always limits in America you can't talk about many things like Holocaust being a lie and many things else and also in most world laws if you provokes you and you murder him than you can't be given the capital punishment Sir
this is hate speech. but is funny how indians on here are saying sharia law this and that. look how indians threw a fit when ashton kutcher protrayed all indians as brown with their indian accents. all hell broke loose.

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.... in America you can't talk about many things like Holocaust being a lie ....

So now Muslims have fallen so low that they don't even know their own religion and thus keep on jumping up and down about Jewish holocaust? What a shame!

Oh my dear dear poster, as a Muslim one should know there are two kinds of rights, that we as Muslims must observe.

1. Haqooq ul Ibad (Human rights)
2. Haqooq Allah (divine rights)

Allah has clearly instructed us that if someone violates divine rights (mocking Allah, or long dead prophets, angels, fasting, prayers, Hujj etc), then it is a matter between the insulting-person and Allah. It is upto Allah to punish him, or forgive him.

If on the other hand if you violate human rights, then Allah cannot forgive you, and you have to ask forgiveness from the injured party.

Why on earth you would not know my dear Sir, that killing of Jews at the hands of Nazis was Human right violation. And thus we must not let that sad incident repeat itself.

Muslims should not only protect Jewish human rights, but the rights of other minorities around the world. We should never let the Hutus and Tutsi episode repeat again ever. We should never violate the human rights of minorities within Pakistan like the right so minority Hindus, Chritians, Ahmadiya, Shias etc. etc.

On the other hand if someone is violating Divine rights, the only thing we should do is pray for him/her to stop doing so. But we should not try to behave as if we have nauzbillah become God and thus we can punish people for violating divine rights.

So please! As a Muslim you must educate yourself about the importance of Human rights in Islam and thus never ever try to mock holocaust or justify despicable behavior of other Muslims by repeatedly bringing up holocaust. It is not funny.

peace to you brother, peace to you.
this is hate speech. but is funny how indians on here are saying sharia law this and that. look how indians threw a fit when ashton kutcher protrayed all indians as brown with their indian accents. all hell broke loose.

I believe that you are missing the point. Indians did not go about on a rampant looting and killing spree (against their fellow Indians) and neither did they attempt to make this an international incident thus making the producer of the movie much wealthier with all the free publicity
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Does any one of you know what is Freedom of speech??? Does any one know from where this freedom of speech came from..

a) Absolute freedom of speech: Provide platform to express one view no matter how bad it is. It is provided to subside the hate of human.

Freedom of speech is not an absolute right...not even in US or Europe.

Europeans have laws against holocaust denial. Dozens of people, mostly historians and professors of history, have served jail terms for denying holocaust.

Even US legal discourse often makes references to Chief Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes opinion in the United States Supreme Court case Schenck v. United States in 1919. Here's what Justice Holmes wrote in his opinion:

The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic. [...] The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a nature as to create a clear and present danger that they will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent.

So the question now is whether the mass distribution of such material via the Internet presents "clear and present danger" that "will bring about the substantive evils that Congress has a right to prevent".

Haq's Musings: Globalization of West's Hate Speech Against Muslims
I was expecting Qatar to grand him citizenship.
After all he is also an artist like M.F.Husain. :devil:
I believe that you are missing the point. Indians did not go about on a rampant looting and killing spree (against their fellow Indians) and neither did they attempt to make this an international incident thus making the producer of the movie much wealthier with all the free publicity

actually you indians do that on a regular basis.

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Absolute freedom of speech in America good joke their is no thing such as freedom of speech lady their are always limits in America you can't talk about many things like Holocaust being a lie

You've never been to America and/or do not know American law.

As for the topic title, in the US 'hate speech' is considered a subset of free speech, and so is protected from government censorship regardless.

Hate speech - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Freedom of speech is not an absolute right...not even in US or Europe.

Europeans have laws against holocaust denial. Dozens of people, mostly historians and professors of history, have served jail terms for denying holocaust.

Dear poster,

Freedom of speech is trumped only by the "human rights" or Haqooq ul Ibad.

If you say kill all Jews. That's violation of human rights and thus not covered under freedom of speech.
If you shout fire in big gathering, you endanger the participants of that gathering. That's violation of human rights and thus not covered under freedom of speech.

If you say Ahmadis are Kafirs that results in denial of their basic rights to gather, worship, be part of the society. That's violation of human rights and thus not covered under freedom of speech.

If on the other hand, you say a prophet was fake but do not stop the followers of that prophet to worship, be part of the scoiety, gather freely, then it is not violation of human rights and thus it is covered under freedom of speech.

However if the followers of the prophet become so enraged that they go burn and loot cinema halls, then it is a criminal act of those followers and they should be punished for destruction of property.

Please do not confuse violence of one group with freedom of speech. Freedom to burn is not allowed. Incitement etc. of a mob may deter a government and force it to suppress freedom, but that is bad thing and ultimately bad for the government as it appeases mob mentality.

Unfortunately, the Rushdie formula for getting attention has been noticed by profit-seekers.

The offensive video has 13.5 million hits to date and Google shares have hit new high of $749.38..it seems to be helping , not hurting Google's bottom line.

All the headlines from violent reaction in the Muslim world have actually helped Google get a lot more traffic and make a lot more money than they would have if the video had been ignored.

pathetic way of making money, which is by hurting so many people's feelings

the sad reality of youtube is that a senseless spoof video goes viral and makes a million hits, a positive and informative video doesnt
Insulting prophet is not hate speech (nor is insulting george w bush). But calling for harming muslims or their property / place of worship certainly should be considered hate speech.

Islam (and its prophet) is an idea, which like any other idea, can be discussed, praised, criticized, ridiculed.
Muslims are human beings like rest of us, and their rights (human rights) should be protected like the rights of rest of us.
[:::~Spartacus~:::];3452798 said:

the sad reality of youtube is that a senseless spoof video goes viral and makes a million hits, a positive and informative video doesnt

Senseless spoofs and weird acrobats and cat and dog dances do get millions of hits. That's the nature of human curiosity.

Add this to Mooooooolahs and Ayatoooooooooolahs chanting death to America or burning flags or killing people, then guess what, you got a double or tripple cat and dogs and bitches spoofs.

Hope you understand now.
I believe that you are missing the point. Indians did not go about on a rampant looting and killing spree (against their fellow Indians) and neither did they attempt to make this an international incident thus making the producer of the movie much wealthier with all the free publicity
And the point you are missing is that the moment this ad was released it was banned, even removed from youtube at that time, so treat Muslims equally and they wont have to resort to violence.
best thing would have been to ignore the video.
Instead we gave it the whole world's attention, objective achieved for the people who made the video.

Now please for the love God.
Ignore the news stop posting more threads.

Best thing we can do is let that video fade away and die.
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