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Anti-Islam Amendments Urged in Bangladesh



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May 27, 2013
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DHAKA – In a controversial view to many Muslims, Bangladesh's attorney general has called for changing laws to allow equal inheritance rights for women and men and ban polygamy.

"If a family does not have a male child, the female child should be treated as one for succession," Attorney General Mahbubey Alam was quoted by Bangladesh 24 website as saying on Saturday, June 22.
“Even if there is no male child, it has to be assumed there is one," he added during a discussion on suggested amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure (CRPC).

Under the current law, Muslim girls inherit half of her father’s property if she has no brothers.

The rest goes to her uncles, aunts and grandparents, according to Islamic Shari`ah.

The attorney general opined that the amendment would benefit thousands of families and female children.

Bangladesh is the world's third-largest Muslim majority nation with a population of some 148 million.

The country has a secular legal system but in matters related to inheritance and marriage Muslims follow Sharia`h.

The secular notions of the country were first enshrined in the 1972 constitution drafted under the leadership of the country's founding father, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

Islam, as a divine religion, sets down rules that strike a balance between men's responsibilities and women's rights.

Islam gives the girl half of her brother's share in inheritance because Islamic Law doesn't oblige her to spend any money on anybody other than herself.

On the other hand, Muslim man, who is usually the bread-winner of the family, is obliged to spend on his wife, his children, his brothers, his sisters, and his mother and father.

No Polygamy

Adding to the controversy, the attorney general suggested amendments to ban Muslim men from getting a second wife.

"Muslim men will have to be denied a second marriage because this is cause for tears for so many women," Alam said.

"During my last four and half years as Attorney General, I have seen so many women ruined as their husbands went for a second marriage."

Islam sees polygamy as a realistic answer to some social woes like adulterous affairs and lamentable living conditions of a widow or a divorced woman.

A Muslim man who seeks a second or a third wife should, however, make sure that he would treat them all on an equal footing, even in terms of compassion.

The Noble Qur'an says that though polygamy is lawful it is very hard for a man to guarantee such fairness.


Its the reflection of general people's life style. Fathers usually give all their properties to their girls, before his death if they have no sons.
And men cant marry second wife without the permission of first wife.
actually what he has said is just.don't know about shariah,but come on,giving half of father's property to aunt,uncle,grand father???damn...

and also,polygamy should be banned.we're living in a civilized world,where woman is seeking similar rights to the man.some might take it as offensive(to islam or whatever),but it is the fact that even religion has to change with world.while most of the countries banned polygamy,most of the countries who actually permitted polygamy is heavily restricted and only few performs this act.in countries like Iran,it is rarely practiced.and many countries had seen various movements and debates to ban it,even some islamic countries as well.I think honoring his own woman/wife is the best way to honor the islam as well as to honor his life partner,no need for other wives.

but again,this is only my opinion..
Don't know if he gets an Award or a Bullet for this.
I wish he gets an Award,,Not bullet as an award though:what:
And men cant marry second wife without the permission of first wife.
shahbagis like you crack me up. When women are told to wear dress properly, its oppression but heil the ban of men getting second wife. do you even not realize how stupid your thoughts are? :cheesy: same goes for human rights and feminist organization
The Law changes proposal are good for Bangladesh.

shahbagis like you crack me up. When women are told to wear dress properly, its oppression but heil the ban of men getting second wife. do you even not realize how stupid your thoughts are? :cheesy: same goes for human rights and feminist organization

So u encourage polygamy? So u want women's to "dress properly"?
1. Title is misleading because whatever have been discussed, it is practice of all religious people (giving priority on man over woman)
2. There are some laws like husband can not marry second time without permission of first wife, Parents can give half or full of their property to daughter if they wish to, even many marriage is also practiced in Hindu people. so i do not know what the hell is talking about.
You want Bangladeshi Muslims to Dump Quran?

No. Mix tradition with a modern sense. Change the laws, while trying to be compatible with Religion. I mean, if full property goes to a girl, after changing the laws, its good. It does not challenge the important laws of Quran. Well nowadays majority of countries have abolished polygamy. Even Indians had polygamy issues. Laws are needed to tackle them with a modern sense.

1. Title is misleading because whatever have been discussed, it is practice of all religious people (giving priority on man over woman)
2. There are some laws like husband can not marry second time without permission of first wife, Parents can give half or full of their property to daughter if they wish to, even many marriage is also practiced in Hindu people. so i do not know what the hell is talking about.

Maybe such laws arent officially introduced and people are just doing whateva u said unofficially? :what:
No. Mix tradition with a modern sense. Change the laws, while trying to be compatible with Religion. I mean, if full property goes to a girl, after changing the laws, its good. It does not challenge the important laws of Quran. Well nowadays majority of countries have abolished polygamy. Even Indians had polygamy issues. Laws are needed to tackle them with a modern sense.

Maybe such laws arent officially introduced and people are just doing whateva u said unofficially? :what:

then it is government problem.

anway this is Shariah law:-

Women and inheritance

In Islam, women are entitled the right of inheritance. In general circumstances, though not all, Islam allots women half the share of inheritance available to men who have the same degree of relation to the decedent. For example, where the decedent has both male and female children, a son's share is double that of a daughter's. Additionally, the sister of a childless man inherits half of his property upon his death, while a brother of a childless woman inherits all of her property. However, this principle is not universally applicable and there are other circumstances where women might receive equal shares to men. For example, the share of the mother and father of a childless decedent. Also the share of a uterine brother is equal to the share of a uterine sister, as do the shares of their descendants.

Some times woman gets double share then share of man, for example if there are only parents and husband, husband will receive half, father gets 1/6 and mother gets 2/6. This is according to Ibne Abbas's interpretation of verses 11, 12 of sorat an nisa. [Quran 4:11,12] Also the Qur'an does not discriminate between men and women in cases of kalalah relation. Kalalah describes a person who leaves behind neither parents nor children; it also means all the relatives of a deceased except his parents and children, and it also denotes the relationships which are not through [the deceased’s] parents or children. Islamic scholars hold that the original reason for these difference is the responsibilities allotted to spouses. A husband in Islam must use his inheritance to support his family while a wife has no support obligations. Additionally, Arab society traditionally practiced the custom of bride price or dower rather than dowry; i.e., the man paid a gift to his wife or her family upon marriage, rather than the opposite, placing a financial burden on men where none existed on women. This custom received Islamic sanction.
shahbagis like you crack me up. When women are told to wear dress properly, its oppression but heil the ban of men getting second wife. do you even not realize how stupid your thoughts are? :cheesy: same goes for human rights and feminist organization

I think you have no jobs in hand. Thats why you've purposefully come to quarrel with me. But I have no intension
to do that. Muslim condition isnt same as before that we should follow same things that was common before.
Muslims used to marry more wives becoz that time men were less than women. Men were dying in wars.
And many causes. But today we live in a civil and stabilized society. So we need to change.
However what you are taliking here is irrelevent. Men dont want to marry more becoz of economical purposes.
And country shouldnt allow this becoz of population boom. But only when husband and wife is agreed, he is allowed to marry a second wife. That makes sense.
actually what he has said is just.don't know about shariah,but come on,giving half of father's property to aunt,uncle,grand father???damn...

and also,polygamy should be banned.we're living in a civilized world,where woman is seeking similar rights to the man.some might take it as offensive(to islam or whatever),but it is the fact that even religion has to change with world.while most of the countries banned polygamy,most of the countries who actually permitted polygamy is heavily restricted and only few performs this act.in countries like Iran,it is rarely practiced.and many countries had seen various movements and debates to ban it,even some islamic countries as well.I think honoring his own woman/wife is the best way to honor the islam as well as to honor his life partner,no need for other wives.

but again,this is only my opinion..

Sorry, Islam will stay unchanged till worlds end:agree:. Dont know about other religion:undecided: but, Islam is a complete and flow-less religion:tup:. It does not need update like other religion:disagree:.

If a religion is updated by General Human then where he got permission to do so:what:? Isnt religion directly come from god:disagree:?
I think you have no jobs in hand. Thats why you've purposefully come to quarrel with me. But I have no intension
to do that. Muslim condition isnt same as before that we should follow same things that was common before.
Muslims used to marry more wives becoz that time men were less than women. Men were dying in wars.
And many causes. But today we live in a civil and stabilized society. So we need to change.
However what you are taliking here is irrelevent. Men dont want to marry more becoz of economical purposes.
And country shouldnt allow this becoz of population boom. But only when husband and wife is agreed, he is allowed to marry a second wife. That makes sense.

Allah said study Holy books not just for religious purpose but also for lifestyle. Asked us to study what were purposes to make such laws. Now a days, most of the Mullahs are just memorizing the ayat which leads many misinterpretations.
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