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Anti Hindi storm brewing in Tamilnadu

Jaffna kingdom became a vassal state of sinhala kings only for a brief time period. At the time of colonial occupation it operated free from Sinhala rule. Sinhala kingdoms were waging war with colonials they had no time for Jaffna. And tamils do not agree Jaffna as a vassal state of Sinhalese (rightly or wrongly).

At the time of colonial period there were no Jaffna kingdom. All of it's remnants were absorbed into successive European colonies. However Jaffna kingdom paid tribute to Sinhalese king and this is a proven fact. You do not no any thing about history. If you clarify this point you will understand the necessity of Sinhala only act.

And HeinzG there is a huge difference between practicability and what ought to be done according our version of history. If we depend only on history, we will not have time for real issues of the country but rather wasted our time on a history debate and miss the bus (which we did). What we should do is what should be done according to the situation and time we face and not act according to certain absolutes. Whether Jaffna kingdom existed or not, the reality of this country is we have a non Sinhala speaking population (25%) concentrated in two provinces. We have to manage that and integrate them to our country. We cannot go on this is only ours and you learn to live with our ways. That is given there is a neighboring state with a much larger population of the same ethnicity (larger than whole of SL). So they can counter attack. So imposition is stupid in a rational sense, but diplomacy could have yielded better results.

Tamils should learn to respect the other cultures and customs and traditions.

Where have tamils agreed to kandyan king as the ruler of the island? Are you saying when brits arrived SL was a unified country? Are you nuts? Go and see a map. There was a Jaffna kingdom and several other kingdoms when brits arrived.

Well there were no protest when Portuguese signed the secession agreement with the Sinhalese king about Jaffna. Dutch didn't made any agreement with Tamils, neither did French or English. All were dealt with the Sinhalese king when it comes to the right to the land. Tamils didn't object to it. There were actually no sound from Jaffna about any of these things. What other proves you need.

When Brits arrived the land remains on the Sinhalese kings side were unified under him and the other lands under Dutch and French control were unified under them.

Again you do not know even the basic history. Did you say you went to university? You don't even have the basic knowledge of Sri Lankan history. You should be ashamed of yourself.

The current realities matter not history.

History matters when it comes to the legality of forming a new country.

And if we are a new community from 1948 how can that be a Sinhala nation when 25% are non Sinhala? Are you saying the 25% should become Sinhala or jump to the ocean?

WTF? India has 85% of Hindu population. Don't they call India a Hindu nation? Malaysia has 60% Muslim population don't we called it as a Muslim country? What are your irrational posts man? Be sensible.

I didn’t suggest the nilames in kandyan court were tamil. I wanted to highlight the lie in your post that kandyan convention had no tamil.

What? The point is that the convention was being written in English and Sinhala. Which proves the fact that the main native language of the country was Sinhala. There were no representation for Tamils. Similarly what happened in 1956 was revoking this situation. Tamils should have respected the Sinhalese sentiment.

What is this port thing? I haven’t heard. As far as I know everything in SL was mismanaged.
No one is questioning Sinhala being official language, rather questioning omission of tamil.

After the nationalization of the Colombo port it was maligned with waves of protests from workers' unions. It was at that time the most profitable enterprise in Sri Lanka. Thanks to the socialists at the end Colombo port was dropped out of the big league and S'pore fitted in afterwards. Lee once openly thanked our workers' unions for that.

So you mean tamil leaders should have instead made tamils think they are living in someone else’s country and they should act according to what they say. :D what a representation for tamils!

Simple respect and understanding would have being enough.

At the same time it is wrong to say tamils have no historical claim. Even according to Sinhala version they have been living here for 400 + years. Such a people cannot be pushed away saying you are not belonged here.

There is no historical record of independent Tamil kingdom, which is the bogus part. The lack of independent kingdom doesn't make Tamils non Sri Lankan citizens.

Do you really think by calling tamils’ claim is bogus and they should accept only Sinhala you are respecting them? What sort of a respect is that?

I didn't say they should accept Sinhala. What I imply is that they should and must understand which is the national language. This won't make them forced to learn it to survive. They can have their own language but the national language should be Sinhala. However because Sinhalese leaders understood the Tamil concern they have made Tamil a official language afterwards.

If you consider a tamil as an outsider why should a tamil respect you?

If Tamils consider Sinhalese outsiders in their so called homeland why should Sinhalese respect Tamils? It should be fair to both parties and both parties should respect each other. Otherwise it is unfair to ask for party to respect other party who doesn't do the same.

Federal policy is not separate country.

Federal policy does pave way for a separate country through the legal acceptance it gives for the independent historical homeland. That is the issue.

Are you saying Sinhala goons did not attack protesters? In 58 tamil families were killed in Colombo. And what about 83? Are you saying Sinhala did not attack 83? First be a human. You cannot justify violence in 83.

I'm not justifying violence at all.

Sinhalese can settle anywhere in the country. Where have I said ‘no’? It is the state sponsored Sinhala settlements and sinhalisation that is causing problems. Because idiot Colombo is the capital, the chief city where commerce happen. Are you saying tamils should stay out from Colombo? Then what is their capital? Jaffna? Isn’t that confirms the idea of a separate state? What you fail to realize is if you want the unity of the country every one can settle anywhere. But you don’t like seeing tamil speakers in south. Then let the tamil speakers go separate so you will enjoy Sinhala speakers all around you.

That is still not state sponsored. Tamils buy land and come. Sinhalisation means idiot state take Sinhalese and settle in the middle of tamils unknown to tamils and even going against their wishes forcefully.
The problem with you is you are stupider than a racist. Even Lee kuan yu was a racist but he has brains in him. When a racist does not have a brain it is like you.
Listen this carefully SL cannot afford to make you idiots happy.
And i see you have stopped talking about india..

So state cannot settle people because of the sentiments and historical homelands. What a way forward for prosperous future.
At the time of colonial period there were no Jaffna kingdom. All of it's remnants were absorbed into successive European colonies. However Jaffna kingdom paid tribute to Sinhalese king and this is a proven fact. You do not no any thing about history. If you clarify this point you will understand the necessity of Sinhala only act.
Where did I say at the time of colonial period there was a Jaffna kingdom? Do you have comprehension issues? I said when the colonials conquered SL kingdoms, there was a Jaffna kingdom. That means during the period of conquering. As far as I know only during a small period of time Jaffna kingdom paid tribute to Sinhala kingdoms. Show me any sources that show otherwise. The one who claims he knows everything knows nothing at all.
Even according to your point, how does Jaffna paying tributes to Sinhala kingdom necessitates Sinhala only policy?
Tamils should learn to respect the other cultures and customs and traditions.
And Sinhalese need not? And I guess you have nothing to say about current realities. Dumb idiot current reality matters most and not history! As I see you always ignore when I point at current realities, let me repeate again. If world powers put their weight behind tamils no one gives a sh1t what your history is, you can shove it where sun doesn’t shine because only current realities matter. That is exactly why MR held elections in North. Current realities matter not what happened 500 years ago.
Well there were no protest when Portuguese signed the secession agreement with the Sinhalese king about Jaffna. Dutch didn't made any agreement with Tamils, neither did French or English. All were dealt with the Sinhalese king when it comes to the right to the land. Tamils didn't object to it. There were actually no sound from Jaffna about any of these things. What other proves you need.
You still do not comprehend. Use grey matter more. The thing is policing of current practical world do NOT depend on historical things, but current realities, current geo political, social realities that country face. That is what a rational sensible person or a country do. No one can set policies ignoring the current realities if any country does that these countries are doomed to fail.
The current reality is there are a 25% tamil speaking ppl in this country even according to Sinhala version of history who have come to SL atleast 500 years ago,. These ppl are not new immigrants. SL cannot ignore 25% of its population and impose a Sinhala identity on them especially when they are concentrated and hold majority in a two provinces.
Nor SL is a strong country to ignore what others say and do what we want like china does.
When Brits arrived the land remains on the Sinhalese kings side were unified under him and the other lands under Dutch and French control were unified under them.
What are you trying to say here? If you can’t put it in English try Sinhala.
Again you do not know even the basic history. Did you say you went to university? You don't even have the basic knowledge of Sri Lankan history. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Just because you failed your AL exams, I can’t help you to get out of inferiority complex. Reading and parroting some history books written by someone is not education. History is always how someone sees it. How much one reads history won’t matter if he is unable of a rational analysis. Instead of asking others to be ashamed develop your rational skills so that all of us would not have to feed shame in the time to come looking at the trend in SL.
History matters when it comes to the legality of forming a new country.
What sort of bullsh1t is it? Where have I questioned the legality? Did history matter when rajiv droped food parcel and weapons on Jaffna? Did history matter when tamil was made a official language? Did history matter when MR held elections in North under 13A? Did history matter when Basil suggests divi naguma as a power devolution solution (which you too parrot)? You do not think for yourself. You just parrot what the racist forces say in this country. It is the current realities that matter not some history.
I will give you an example. When india was formed their leaders defined india as a multi religious country even though india has a large Hindu tradition. Even Jainism, Buddhism are considered as part of Hindutva. Hindu nationalist fractions still challenge that. But sane indian leaders and majority of its ppl stick to multi religious banner because of practical reasons. If India went with a hindu banner, india would have faced much challenges and it might have not survived at all. That is what you call being rational and sensible. Holding onto a history (that too is debatable) ignoring current realities are stupid and they won’t survive much longer.
WTF? India has 85% of Hindu population. Don't they call India a Hindu nation? Malaysia has 60% Muslim population don't we called it as a Muslim country? What are your irrational posts man? Be sensible.
No India does not call itself a Hindu nation. Ask any rational indian here. The official stance is it is a multi-religious country. There are nationalist idiots like you who want to call it a Hindu nation, but India always presented itself as a multi religious country. India has a multi religious banner but it’s character is Hindu. The banner was chosen considering practical realities. Malaysia too has problems. I am not much knowledgeable about Malaysia. But how you call Malaysia does not matter, what matters is how they identify their country. But Malaysia does emphasize on its non Muslim identity as well.
Believe me you are the last to call anyone irrational. Your posts and political comments are unbelievably irrational. The same irrational adivices that has dragged MR to a lot of difficulties. And do not fall into trouble like you once said Japan is not a secular country.
What? The point is that the convention was being written in English and Sinhala. Which proves the fact that the main native language of the country was Sinhala. There were no representation for Tamils. Similarly what happened in 1956 was revoking this situation. Tamils should have respected the Sinhalese sentiment.
The convention was between Kandyan kingdom and British. Tamils and low land Sinhalese are not under that convention. Just because Kandyan king called himself ruler of the island, it does not make non kandyans part of the conventions. It is just because they had nothing to do about it.
After the nationalization of the Colombo port it was maligned with waves of protests from workers' unions. It was at that time the most profitable enterprise in Sri Lanka. Thanks to the socialists at the end Colombo port was dropped
Don’t think this is relevant at all. But I asked for some source not your stupid analysis of what happened.
out of the big league and S'pore fitted in afterwards. Lee once openly thanked our workers' unions for that.
Source? Lee has a lot to thank in SL.
Simple respect and understanding would have being enough.
What do you mean by ‘respect’ and ‘understanding’? That is a very subjective statement. Is tamils dropping tamil language and adopting Sinhala the respect you wanted?
There is no historical record of independent Tamil kingdom, which is the bogus part. The lack of independent kingdom doesn't make Tamils non Sri Lankan citizens.
Then what about the Jaffna kingdom? Are you saying Jaffna is not a part of SL? I did not say lack of kingdoms make tamils non SLns, what do you want tamils to be for them to become SLn? Sinhala?
I didn't say they should accept Sinhala. What I imply is that they should and must understand which is the national language. This won't make them forced to learn it to survive. They can have their own language but the national language should be Sinhala. However because Sinhalese leaders understood the Tamil concern they have made Tamil a official language afterwards.
You are incredibly dumb or incredibly hypocrite. The language policy made it mandatory for tamils to learn Sinhala to exceed in gover sector employments. Receiving one’s birth, marriage, death certificates in a language one does not understand is pushing them to learn Sinhala. How can Tamils and Sinhala be equal when national language is only Sinhala? Tamils still get letters from gove institutions in Sinhala.
Sinhala leaders did not make tamil an official language because of concern of tamils. It was done at the force of indian govern. Had not the indian gover intervened Sinhala leaders would not make tamil an official language.
If you say “However because Sinhalese leaders understood the Tamil concern they have made Tamil a official language afterwards” then why do you defend a ridiculously racist Sinhala only language policy if you think there are tamil concerns?
If Tamils consider Sinhalese outsiders in their so called homeland why should Sinhalese respect Tamils? It should be fair to both parties and both parties should respect each other. Otherwise it is unfair to ask for party to respect other party who doesn't do the same.
Where have tamils call Sinhalese outsiders? The current LTTE propaganda was prevalent then (not among the majority tamil). Did tamils ask for a ‘Tamil Only’ language policy? They asked for equal status for Sinhala and tamil. They did not downgrade Sinhala. It was the Sinhala nationalists who were not ready to respect others’ right for language .
Federal policy does pave way for a separate country through the legal acceptance it gives for the independent historical homeland. That is the issue.
I am not a supporter of federalism. But federalism does not pave the way for a separate country. Even US is a federal country. 13 Amendment doesn’t give acceptance to historic homeland, but with Sinhala racist idiots resistance towards 13A they will surely give the tamils federalism on a platter.
I'm not justifying violence at all.
You don’t have to pretend at all. You always defend 1983 massacre of tamils and even aluthgama violence. Actually you were cheering.
So state cannot settle people because of the sentiments and historical homelands. What a way forward for prosperous future.
State cannot settle people in disputed regions. Settling would certainly create issues especially when separatism is on the rise. It strengthen the call for separatism as those who are against separatism also pushed towards them. But state can (if they have a brain, though MR doesnt) influence Sinhala ppl settling their own without state sponsoring. But should not change the demography in a large scale. That is choosing the method with the least resistance and achieving the same result. That sensibility and rationality or any idea of current realities are not with the sinhala racists. That is why SL is dragged down.
Continue this in elakiri…not here
I said when the colonials conquered SL kingdoms, there was a Jaffna kingdom. That means during the period of conquering. As far as I know only during a small period of time Jaffna kingdom paid tribute to Sinhala kingdoms. Show me any sources that show otherwise. The one who claims he knows everything knows nothing at all.

Just read the 1815 Kandyan convention. I will see the evidence.

Even according to your point, how does Jaffna paying tributes to Sinhala kingdom necessitates Sinhala only policy?

Well it shows that Sinhalese was the main language of the country. The national language. It is not wrong to reinstate it in 1956. There were no ulterior motives behind it.

And Sinhalese need not? And I guess you have nothing to say about current realities. Dumb idiot current reality matters most and not history! As I see you always ignore when I point at current realities, let me repeate again. If world powers put their weight behind tamils no one gives a sh1t what your history is, you can shove it where sun doesn’t shine because only current realities matter. That is exactly why MR held elections in North. Current realities matter not what happened 500 years ago.

Why should Sinhalese do that. Always it is the minority that must respect the majority. If majority start respecting the minority while minority doesn't do the same. Then there will be serious undermining of majority. In every country former is the basic procedure not the latter.

There is no "if". Western countries has put there weight behind the Tamils. There is nothing we could do. I have explained you the reasons for that.

The current reality is there are a 25% tamil speaking ppl in this country even according to Sinhala version of history who have come to SL atleast 500 years ago,. These ppl are not new immigrants. SL cannot ignore 25% of its population and impose a Sinhala identity on them especially when they are concentrated and hold majority in a two provinces.
Nor SL is a strong country to ignore what others say and do what we want like china does.

So what bad is happening to the Tamils now? I think they can forget the past and see the current realities.

What are you trying to say here? If you can’t put it in English try Sinhala.

Well you seem to slow to understand. Here a basic version. The land was united under one banner before the arrival of British and were so in 1505.

Just because you failed your AL exams, I can’t help you to get out of inferiority complex. Reading and parroting some history books written by someone is not education. History is always how someone sees it. How much one reads history won’t matter if he is unable of a rational analysis. Instead of asking others to be ashamed develop your rational skills so that all of us would not have to feed shame in the time to come looking at the trend in SL.

Yeah reading and parroting the history books are not right. One has to logically analyses what has written. Then one will get a more balanced view of history. You should try that too. It seems you are too preoccupied with certain things about the past.

Did history matter when rajiv droped food parcel and weapons on Jaffna? Did history matter when tamil was made a official language? Did history matter when MR held elections in North under 13A? Did history matter when Basil suggests divi naguma as a power devolution solution (which you too parrot)? You do not think for yourself. You just parrot what the racist forces say in this country. It is the current realities that matter not some history.

Yes history doesn't matter in certain occasions and it do also matter in another type of occasions. You seems to ignore the history which doesn't suite your views and try to focus on history which suites you.

If you are so adamant on historic connections. Why defend the Tamil homeland theory. Just ignore the history and face the current reality. Which is the Sinhalese majority Sri Lanka.

No India does not call itself a Hindu nation. Ask any rational indian here. The official stance is it is a multi-religious country. There are nationalist idiots like you who want to call it a Hindu nation, but India always presented itself as a multi religious country. India has a multi religious banner but it’s character is Hindu. The banner was chosen considering practical realities. Malaysia too has problems. I am not much knowledgeable about Malaysia. But how you call Malaysia does not matter, what matters is how they identify their country. But Malaysia does emphasize on its non Muslim identity as well.
Believe me you are the last to call anyone irrational. Your posts and political comments are unbelievably irrational. The same irrational adivices that has dragged MR to a lot of difficulties. And do not fall into trouble like you once said Japan is not a secular country.

India is still call Hindustan. "The land of the Hindu's". It is not refereed to as "multi religous country". Be sensible and rational, mate. Any country is depicted by what defines it. This is same to Sri Lanka. In 1948 Sri Lanka was defined by Sinhalese only. However now it has changed a lot.

Oh Japan is not secular. It is just simple as Sri Lanka is not being socialist despite the name tag.

The convention was between Kandyan kingdom and British. Tamils and low land Sinhalese are not under that convention. Just because Kandyan king called himself ruler of the island, it does not make non kandyans part of the conventions. It is just because they had nothing to do about it.

What about the agreement between Portuguese and the Sinhalese kingodm at Kotte.

BTW the agreement was to transfer the land. The legal right to the land belonged to the person who belongs it. Hence the convention. If the Northern lands was belonged to the Tamils then the agreement should have being between Tamils and the British. But that didn't happen. Which reinforce my point that Tamils had no legal authority to the land let alone the language in Sri Lanka.

What do you mean by ‘respect’ and ‘understanding’? That is a very subjective statement. Is tamils dropping tamil language and adopting Sinhala the respect you wanted?

I think that is what you want not me because you are the one keep pushing it up everytime. Of course Sinhalese do not need to see Tamils adopting Sinhala language and become Sinhalese. They just want the respect the country's history deserves.

Then what about the Jaffna kingdom? Are you saying Jaffna is not a part of SL? I did not say lack of kingdoms make tamils non SLns, what do you want tamils to be for them to become SLn? Sinhala?

Jaffna wasn't an independent kingdom. It was part of the Sinhalese kingdom of the south. Hence the land belongs to the Sinhalese king and it's people.

You are incredibly dumb or incredibly hypocrite. The language policy made it mandatory for tamils to learn Sinhala to exceed in gover sector employments. Receiving one’s birth, marriage, death certificates in a language one does not understand is pushing them to learn Sinhala.

What is wrong with Tamils learning Sinhala? However apart from the government officials other was required to learn Sinhala. If Tamils learnt Sinhalese then the gap between the both sides should have been bridged.

If you say “However because Sinhalese leaders understood the Tamil concern they have made Tamil a official language afterwards” then why do you defend a ridiculously racist Sinhala only language policy if you think there are tamil concerns?

Because of the validity of the language policy to the 1815 Kandyan convention.

However do you believe that there was Indian enforcement in 1978?

Where have tamils call Sinhalese outsiders? The current LTTE propaganda was prevalent then (not among the majority tamil). Did tamils ask for a ‘Tamil Only’ language policy? They asked for equal status for Sinhala and tamil. They did not downgrade Sinhala. It was the Sinhala nationalists who were not ready to respect others’ right for language .

Well then why oppose to the settlements and temple building in Wanni and Jaffna?

I am not a supporter of federalism. But federalism does not pave the way for a separate country. Even US is a federal country. 13 Amendment doesn’t give acceptance to historic homeland, but with Sinhala racist idiots resistance towards 13A they will surely give the tamils federalism on a platter.

US is federal because the original 13 colonies were independent entities. They formed as a single unity for protection while retaining their independence. That is federalism. Every federal country are collection of independent political entities.

But in Sri Lanka which is not the case. See how history plays a major role here.

You don’t have to pretend at all. You always defend 1983 massacre of tamils and even aluthgama violence. Actually you were cheering.

Yes I cheered. Somethings are inevitable. For a example you hold your hand over a candle long enough you will be burnt. That is inevitable.

State cannot settle people in disputed regions.
Disputed regions? Are serious?
So why is it such a big issue? Tamil Nadu, as one state that is part of the Union, must recognize Hindi as the lingua franca. Its fine to learn and speak Tamil at the local level, but everyone, students especially, should learn and understand Hindi.
Seriously... is Tamil Nadu a state that is built on hate?

Hatred for

- Hindi
- North Indians
- Brahmins
- Karnataka
- Kanndigas
- Kerala
- Malayalis
- Sri Lanka
- Sinhalese
- Buddhist pilgrims
- Christian pilgrims
- "other" castes

Out of all the South Indian states it is Tamil Nadu that is always screaming and shouting about one thing or an other.
So why is it such a big issue? Tamil Nadu, as one state that is part of the Union, must recognize Hindi as the lingua franca. Its fine to learn and speak Tamil at the local level, but everyone, students especially, should learn and understand Hindi.
almost every state has it's own language. Hindi is not the most spoken language, a north indian will easily understand hindi than a south indian because of common sanskrit origin and i will prefer any regional language over hindi because hindi is heavily persianized.
Seriously... is Tamil Nadu a state that is built on hate?

Hatred for

- Hindi
- North Indians
- Brahmins
- Karnataka
- Kanndigas
- Kerala
- Malayalis
- Sri Lanka
- Sinhalese
- Buddhist pilgrims
- Christian pilgrims
- "other" castes

Out of all the South Indian states it is Tamil Nadu that is always screaming and shouting about one thing or an other.
haha a north indian talking about hate LOL
So why is it such a big issue? Tamil Nadu, as one state that is part of the Union, must recognize Hindi as the lingua franca. Its fine to learn and speak Tamil at the local level, but everyone, students especially, should learn and understand Hindi.
In south asia language is a flash point.....
So why is it such a big issue? Tamil Nadu, as one state that is part of the Union, must recognize Hindi as the lingua franca. Its fine to learn and speak Tamil at the local level, but everyone, students especially, should learn and understand Hindi.
India is a union of erstwhile small kingdoms or "countries" with very different culture. Tamils are nationalistic people and their nationalism is not towards Indian union but a secret(yet public) desire for a Tamil nation. It can be easily understood the way Tamils react in the inter-state disputes. Here's a video for you. Tamils marching up to western neighbouring Kerala state to "fight" and "own" regarding ownership of a Dam in Kerala. Unfortunately, the average North Indian don't understand the complexities.
Hindi language is barely 200-300 years old. Why it will be allotted a spot above other languages which are thousands of years old and connected to the identity of vast majority of Indians beats me. Hindu and Hindi are not synonymous. There are Hindus of all languages.

The Hindi literature is traced back to Bhakti era Dohas of 14th century in Khariboli and Brajbhasha. Its not merely 200-300 years old language.

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