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Anti-Hefazat activists puts up 12-point demand

You clearly do not understand Evolution.Monkeys will never be like us because there genes took a different route than ours did.Primates are very different now than they were millions of years ago just like Humans.Evolution doesn't mean a creature will get smarter over time.It just means it will become different.Environment has a key role to play here.All life has a common origin and the first one started in aquatic conditions.

For your kind information, i know the whole evaluation theory from single cell life in ocean to human being. Its a funny story. When i was a kid i was fascinated by the dinosaur & Jurassic park movie. So, i started to read about dinosaur related books. One thing lead to another, i end up reading the whole evaluation theory. Don't confuse me with some typical religious person who have little knowledge about science.
In a sense every human being is made of clay, so Adam must have been made from clay.

15.26 . We created the human being from stinking, smooth, (and wet) clay.

By the way, what's wrong in looking for the compatibility of evolution with Quran? Theory of evolution is a well-founded hypothesis, so it’s only natural for a believer to look for its compatibility within his belief system.

Like any belief system Quran appeals first to the intellect of an individual. Whether the individual is going to accept it or not depends on his interpretation of its message and claims. Interpretations are subjective- you may accept or reject one, no one is going to force his down your throat.

Yes, interpretations are subjective. What will happen if someone come to conclusion which contradicts Qur'an? Few century ago scientist believed that sun orbit around earth (Geocentric model), where about 1500 years ago Qur'an said-

“(God is) the one Who created the night, the day, the sun and the moon. Each one is traveling in an orbit with its own motion” (Sura 21: 33). For a long time Geocentric model contradict Qur'an, but ultimately Qur'an proven right.
What does quran say about creation of man. Don't worry about me, it's easy to convert someone who believes one version of fairy tail to another. Not so easy to make a sceptic to be believer. ;-)

Surah 15. Al-Hijr, Ayah 28-29
Remember when your Rabb said to the angels: "I am about to create a man from sounding clay, black mud moulded into shape;when I complete his moulding and breath into him of My spirit, kneel down and prostrate before him."
Yes, interpretations are subjective. What will happen if someone come to conclusion which contradicts Qur'an? Few century ago scientist believed that sun orbit around earth (Geocentric model), where about 1500 years ago Qur'an said-

“(God is) the one Who created the night, the day, the sun and the moon. Each one is traveling in an orbit with its own motion” (Sura 21: 33). For a long time Geocentric model contradict Qur'an, but ultimately Qur'an proven right.

So Qur'an also says sun travels in an orbit like moon, how is it any different than Geocentric model?
So Qur'an also says sun travels in an orbit like moon, how is it any different than Geocentric model?

Qur'an says sun and the moon each have an orbit with its own motion, not around the earth. Please read carefully.
really? how? the thing you had evolution from came from nowhere right?

Are you being deliberately obtuse? Humans are not result of evolutionary process spanning millions of years but made by god using clay.

Qur'an says sun and the moon each have an orbit with its own motion, not around the earth. Please read carefully.

I read, it says sun, moon and all celestial bodies travels in an orbit, not separate orbit of their own.
And it is He who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; all [heavenly bodies] in an orbit are swimming
Are you being deliberately obtuse? Humans are not result of evolutionary process spanning millions of years but made by god using clay.

I read, it says sun, moon and all celestial bodies travels in an orbit, not separate orbit of their own.
And it is He who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; all [heavenly bodies] in an orbit are swimming

It depends on interpretation. Sun, moon and all celestial bodies travels in an orbit check wiki.
Yes, interpretations are subjective. What will happen if someone come to conclusion which contradicts Qur'an? Few century ago scientist believed that sun orbit around earth (Geocentric model), where about 1500 years ago Qur'an said-

“(God is) the one Who created the night, the day, the sun and the moon. Each one is traveling in an orbit with its own motion” (Sura 21: 33). For a long time Geocentric model contradict Qur'an, but ultimately Qur'an proven right.

Interpretation by an individual is in no way a conclusion- even if it's from a scholar, because Islam doesn't approve of an intermediary between the individual and Allah. As for the Geocentric model the Quran didn't either approve or disapprove of it. I'd say this brevity is the beauty of the Quran, it leaves enough space for us humans of limited knowledge.
Are you being deliberately obtuse? Humans are not result of evolutionary process spanning millions of years but made by god using clay.

Why not both? What are you suggesting human beings evolved from? some kind of animal? and where did that animal come from? Just because it might be true that we evolved can never deny the fact that there is a creator.

Are you being deliberately obtuse? Humans are not result of evolutionary process spanning millions of years but made by god using clay.

Why not both? What are you suggesting human beings evolved from? some kind of animal? and where did that animal come from? Just because it might be true that we evolved can never deny the fact that there is a creator.
Why not both? What are you suggesting human beings evolved from? some kind of animal? and where did that animal come from? Just because it might be true that we evolved can never deny the fact that there is a creator.

Why not both? What are you suggesting human beings evolved from? some kind of animal? and where did that animal come from? Just because it might be true that we evolved can never deny the fact that there is a creator.

Like I said, religion is matter of faith. :lol:
The article says it was useful before and not anymore. It makes evolutionary sense. My logic still stands.

Do you love your man nipple as well. :P

Theory of evolution negates the concept of higher being responsible for our creation and wellbeing.

No it doesn't. whether evolution exists or not, is irrelevant to the argument if God exists or not.

Because evolution itself would be the creation of God...

so both these arguments are two different things, like apples and oranges, and thus are irrelevant.
No it doesn't. whether evolution exists or not, is irrelevant to the argument if God exists or not.

Because evolution itself would be the creation of God...

so both these arguments are two different things, like apples and oranges, and thus are irrelevant.

Its hard to type from smartphone and you guys are not making much sense to post a rebuttal. Please read my previous post. Evolution necessarily is a journey through million separate ways and nit getting wiped out at it. It's like trial and error. If god created evolution, he must be one hell of creator . Being all knowing shouldn't he just directed to the optimum and less traveled way?

Also the issue is not that whether or not god exists, since agnostics don't disapprove or approve the existence of God, but the issue is whether or not your religion teaches proper thing about existence. Since believing in existence of God isn't the sole factor which makes a religion a religion, does it? Science can't prove or disprove the existence of God, it's not meant to but it can certainly prove god didn't crate human one fine day with clay, or eve wasn't made from Adams rubs, there are no angels and gins, sun doesn't revolve around earth and many other bed time stories which make a religion, a religion.

but then again, so is science :lol:

I take it as science is not exactly your forte. Read my previous reply and also Google theory and hypothesis.
Science can't prove or disprove the existence of God, it's not meant to but it can certainly prove god didn't crate human one fine day with clay, or eve wasn't made from Adams rubs, there are no angels and gins.

Since you went so far as to say all those, please provide the scientific theories as well. also where do you think the animal you evolved from came? do answer the questions you are creating

I take it as science is not exactly your forte. Read my previous reply and also Google theory and hypothesis.

Wrong, i was saying that believing in science takes faith as well. Not connected at all
Its hard to type from smartphone and you guys are not making much sense to post a rebuttal. Please read my previous post. Evolution necessarily is a journey through million separate ways and nit getting wiped out at it. It's like trial and error. If god created evolution, he must be one hell of creator . Being all knowing shouldn't he just directed to the optimum and less traveled way?

Also the issue is not that whether or not god exists, since agnostics don't disapprove or approve the existence of God, but the issue is whether or not your religion teaches proper thing about existence. Since believing in existence of God isn't the sole factor which makes a religion a religion, does it? Science can't prove or disprove the existence of God, it's not meant to but it can certainly prove god didn't crate human one fine day with clay, or eve wasn't made from Adams rubs, there are no angels and gins, sun doesn't revolve around earth and many other bed time stories which make a religion, a religion.

I take it as science is not exactly your forte. Read my previous reply and also Google theory and hypothesis.

Evolution is an ability of an animal to change its body to adept to its surrounding. This ability or process is the creation of God it self.

God created time, space and matter, the structure of an atom, the laws of physics, and the process of evolution is dictated by them. Thus God is the creator of evolution.

So the theory of evolution is irrelevant to the argument of whether God exists or not.

God can create anything he wants, his creation is not only limited to the physical aspect of existence, but he is also the creator of abstract concepts of existence. The very concept of existence and non existence, is the creation of God.

He is one, there is nothing like him.
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