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Anti-Hefazat activists puts up 12-point demand

It's stupid to try to logically explain religion, it's rather a matter of belief. If you try to explain religion with facts and logic there's just so many holes one can make into it.

If god made us according to his image, why do we need our appendix removed?

And there's plenty of proofs of evolution and mutation, new only needs to read.

Why would God make us in his own image when His image is incomprehensible?Evolution is a FACT.
do not make things complicated, i said nothing against grave , i said against grave worshipping. people bow to graves here, some believe they cant ask things from Allah directly, they need a pir/saint t.o do that for them. this is cancerous to ummah...

Bowing a little bit infront of a grave is allowed, but doing sajda at the grave is forbidden. We can ask Allah in either ways, directly from Allah or, by taking some personality's name in prayers i.e., using Waseela . We can ask Allah directly also, pir or saint is not needed. Whatever way we ask, the one who gives is Allah only. Allah accepts prayers whether we ask him directly or by using Waseela. I agree that some illiterate Muslims do wrong things at the graves, due to illiteracy.
Again i am pointing it out, its been about 150 years that Darwin give his ape to human theory but still there are no proof. If monkeys are really our cousin than after two or three million years they should at least be able to use fire by now. The primates are still the same as they were millions of years ago.

You clearly do not understand Evolution.Monkeys will never be like us because there genes took a different route than ours did.Primates are very different now than they were millions of years ago just like Humans.Evolution doesn't mean a creature will get smarter over time.It just means it will become different.Environment has a key role to play here.All life has a common origin and the first one started in aquatic conditions.
Hazrat Abu Bakar r.a. and Hazrat umaar r.a both share same structure with prophet Muhammad (s).not in the same grave.three graves are side by side divided by partition. Prophet Muhammad (s) grave was made structurally sound to guard it from grave robbers(which was attempted twice)not to worship it.guards inside Medina Sharif do not let ppl stand,touch or kiss the structure. Two raqat nafal namaz is allowed towards kibla.

Thank you very much . I meant that only. Hazrat Abu Bakar r.a. and Hazrat Umar share that structure. By mistake , i wrote in the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam's grave.
Nobody worships Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam's grave. Muslims go there for visiting the Holy Grave, and reciting durood and salaam. It is in Hadees that whom soever visits Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam's grave, Shafa'at of Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is made compulsory for him.
I did learn about shirk before I wrote that statement. You on the other hand wrote the same thing forming different words.I am currently going through bangla Koran(finished English).our prophet (s)told his ummah will not commit shirk.true.but if you look closely in this sub continent it is largely practiced by Muslim.

Yes. It is largely practiced by Muslims in the sub-continent. which is a proof that It is not Shirk, as our Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam has foretold that, My Ummah will not commit shirk. Also, It is also practiced in other parts of the world.
Meaning of Shirk : I recommend you to watch : Just type "Aqeeda e Tauheed o Shirk Seminar 2009". in Youtube. It is by famous scholar Mufti Ashraf Asif Jalali, in Youtube. It is a bit lengthy but in that Seminar , he has discussed the definition of Shirk, according to Quran, About Visiting Graves. Just dare to see those two full seminars of 2009 and 2010. After listening , If your heart says to accept it, Accept it. Otherwise you can reject it.
Due to no YouTube in BD,can't watch the vedio.but thanx for the information. I try to read from Koran and sahih hadith.it is clearly written in Bukhari,what is shirk.if you follow that,then pir,fakir,mazar,grave worship, sajda to living or dead human beings all fall in to shirk category.
Yes. It is largely practiced by Muslims in the sub-continent. which is a proof that It is not Shirk, as our Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam has foretold. Also, It is also practiced in other parts of the world.
Meaning of Shirk : I recommend you to watch : Just type "Aqeeda e Tauheed o Shirk Seminar 2009". in Youtube. It is by famous scholar Mufti Ashraf Asif Jalali, in Youtube. It is a bit lengthy but in that Seminar , he has discussed the definition of Shirk, according to Quran, About Visiting Graves. Just dare to see those two full seminars of 2009 and 2010. After listening , If your heart says to accept it, Accept it. Otherwise you can reject it.
There is nothing wrong in visiting graves. offcourse you can visit graves and pray for the departed soul to Allah(swt). The problem only starts when you start believeing the dead person can help you in anyway. He just cant do you any good nor can he hear you no matter who he was. And people in large numbers do visit graves or majars that's right but they are wrong if they think they can get any help from Allah(swt) by asking it through a via-media of a dead person. It has just become a profitable business, the majar business that is and it preys on ignorance of many people.
Being honest, all look like AL with tupis on their head...

Anyways, Hefazats are backed by strong Kawmi Madrassa teachers and students as well as Mosque Imam and Muajjin whereas this Sunni movement are backed by AL with few pirs here and there. It would be wise for AL to address caretaker government issue instead of creating more Fitnas in the country.

I am really getting frustrated on this party headed by bone headed Hasina.


Thats what I was thinking. I agree on the point that Hasina needs to stop this destructive politics. She is losing votes because of her shenanigans.
Why would God make us in his own image when His image is incomprehensible?Evolution is a FACT.

Why would god give us an useless organ which needs to be operate on, shouldn't gods creation be perfect, why it needs to be tuned by trial and error.

Evolution in layman's words necessarily is following a million separate ways and not getting wiped out at the journey. God being all knowing, shouldn't just direct the optimum and less traveled way and get it done with.
Why would god give us an useless organ which needs to be operate on, shouldn't gods creation be perfect, why it needs to be tuned by trial and error.

Evolution in layman's words necessarily is following a million separate ways and not getting wiped out at the journey. God being all knowing, shouldn't just direct the optimum and less traveled way and get it done with.

I love my appendix,here's why!

The appendix does have a use - re-booting the gut - Health News - Health & Families - The Independent
This is how it has always been among the mainstream Sunnis in that region. You don't want to mess with these guys. They can easily outnumber and overwhelm HI. I know cuz I've spent a quarter of my life in Chittagong. ;)

I am surprised to know that BD has shrine culture. Is it the mainstream out there?
Shabagh and atheists are not same. There came different types of people. Their agenda is to free
this country of anti BD ppl. If atheists are Bangladeshi they also gone there. But nobody of them
were in leading position of the movement. From shahbagh nothing said against Islam.
Now ppl have different views. They were hiding in a postion among millions of sites. But shibir
musterminds colored on the issue that shahbagis are actually Atheist.
There were always atheists among every society. So BD is not different. If you believed in Darwin's origin
of species from that day you become atheist.
If you dig out more and more you will find more problems
there. So why bring this to illiterate ppl who will never understand those.
If you believe in Islam then be it why bother other what they are thinking. Its you who has to give
reply for all your deeds.

Actually Darwin's theory of evolution has nothing to do with atheism or religion for that matter.

It's like comparing apples with oranges....
The article says it was useful before and not anymore. It makes evolutionary sense. My logic still stands.

Do you love your man nipple as well. :P

Actually Darwin's theory of evolution has nothing to do with atheism or religion for that matter.

It's like comparing apples with oranges....

Theory of evolution negates the concept of higher being responsible for our creation and wellbeing.
The article says it was useful before and not anymore. It makes evolutionary sense. My logic still stands.

Do you love your man nipple as well. :P

Theory of evolution negates the concept of higher being responsible for our creation and wellbeing.

It has been made obsolete because we pickup the essential bacterias.The case was different in the non industrialized era.We will slowly discard it through evolution.
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