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Another Tibetan sets self ablaze to protest China occupation


Feb 20, 2011
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Another Tibetan sets self ablaze to protest China occupation

Katmandu: A man wearing the robes of a Tibetan Buddhist monk set himself on fire in the Nepalese capital on Thursday morning to protest Chinese policy in Tibet before the flames were extinguished by people nearby.

The incident was the latest in a rash of such protests by Tibetans in recent months to protest China.

Chodon Lama said the protest took place at the holy Buddhist stupa of Boudhanath, in an area of eastern Katmandu where most of the local Tibetan exiles live.

Police official Shyam Gyawali said the man fled after the incident and police were searching the surrounding neighborhood to locate him.

Lama said the man was standing next to the stupa, one of Katmandu’s most popular tourist sites, when he poured kerosene on himself. He tried in vain to light a match, and when that didn’t work, he used one of the nearby devotional lamps to set himself ablaze as he chanted slogans against China, she said.

Police said the man’s friends put out the flames, but Lama said that she and other strangers raced to him to extinguish the flames quickly. He didn’t appear hurt badly and he quickly fled, she said.

At least 11 people in Tibet have set themselves on fire since March to protest Chinese rule. At least five have died.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei accused Tibetan activists of glorifying and inciting the self immolations.

“In China, the vast majority of religious believers believe such self-immolation cases should be condemned and the majority of the people in the religious field believe that life is precious and should be cherished,” Hong said.

The Dalai Lama has said that China’s “ruthless policy” was behind the self-immolations. China accuses the Dalai Lama and his supporters of stirring up trouble in ethnic Tibetan areas and encouraging followers to set themselves on fire.

The Karmapa, Tibetan Buddhism’s third-ranking leader, asked China on Wednesday to review its policies toward Tibet in the wake of the protests against Chinese restrictions on their religion and culture.

“These desperate acts, carried out by people with pure motivation, are a cry against the injustice and repression under which they live,” he said.


:angry: Another Tibetan gave away His Life For Fight of Freedom
if it's true, it's Dalai Lama's fault. he uses religion. it's not fair, Why Dalai Lama didn't set himself fire?
I personally dont support these kind of protests.Buddhism clearly teaches the value of each life.
seriously, we need to get up from our back and support the indian Maoists!
they lost so many lives fighting for their freedom, the indian occupation of their land must end!

Respected sir did any Indian's post hurt you in this thread ??
And then you r saying that indians r starting to troll the thread..:angry:
By the way,This is not a good way to protest he could have done the suicide bombing on any government offices,then atleast they would have got support from Pakistanis...:agree:
RIP to that man...
oh What a looser.

In such desperation or discrimination imposed i would have taken as many as i can down with me; responsible for my that misery.
seriously, we need to get up from our back and support the indian Maoists!
they lost so many lives fighting for their freedom, the indian occupation of their land must end!


How much do you know of Indian Maoists ??

I have met them... stayed with them... know a few of them... yet thy never demanded any type of territorial freedom.
Respected sir did any Indian's post hurt you in this thread ??
And then you r saying that indians r starting to troll the thread..:angry:
By the way,This is not a good way to protest he could have done the suicide bombing on any government offices,then atleast they would have got support from Pakistanis...:agree:
RIP to that man...

right, I guess you missed the part op posting an article saying "occupation", and calling this fight for freedom.
I'm not hurt but find indian's logic interesting, maybe if I just replace Tibet with Maoists, China with india, then you might see it, but no...

it's more like you r hurt starting calling ppl trolls when the op is the one whos actually trolling here in the first place.
lol I see now, and not surprised, supporting terrorists is a thing for some indians like you. sure, try spread your definition of good way to protest more, good for you.
How much do you know of Indian Maoists ??

I have met them... stayed with them... know a few of them... yet thy never demanded any type of territorial freedom.

True, they have no specific territorial claim because of the ideology.
but according to BBC
"Analysts say the longevity of the Maoist rebellion is partly due to the local support they receive.

The rebels say they are fighting for the rights of indigenous tribespeople and the rural poor who they say have been neglected by governments for decades.

Maoists claim to represent local concerns over land ownership and equitable distribution of resources.

Ultimately they say they want to establish a "communist society" by overthrowing India's "semi-colonial, semi-feudal" form of rule through armed struggle."

so, in their view, wasn't their fight for freedom? and by indian's logic, China should leave tibet, then shouldn't indian government leave them alone when they first declared "liberated zone"?
True, they have no specific territorial claim because of the ideology.
but according to BBC
"Analysts say the longevity of the Maoist rebellion is partly due to the local support they receive.

The rebels say they are fighting for the rights of indigenous tribespeople and the rural poor who they say have been neglected by governments for decades.

Maoists claim to represent local concerns over land ownership and equitable distribution of resources.

Ultimately they say they want to establish a "communist society" by overthrowing India's "semi-colonial, semi-feudal" form of rule through armed struggle."

so, in their view, wasn't their fight for freedom? and by indian's logic, China should leave tibet, then shouldn't indian government leave them alone when they first declared "liberated zone"?

BBC has no idea of the maoist activities in India... actually they are a few local who are misusing and mistreating the poor and innocent tribesmen... they don't Intend to overthrow the Indian govt. but they want special right for themselves in forest lands.... and basic facilities like School, roads, electricity etc.. etc... which have been worked upon by Govt. now at a rapid pace... the threat was there 5 years ago... however Its no more that strong now... thanks to the programs like 100 day job guaranteed in an year where the Govt. Pay 100 day wages and makes them work for that time... free schools, roads and electricity is also being provided... except for a few areas it has weakened in a big way and is no more a big threat.

Now If Indian Govt. is overthrown every 6 years for cruelty over 2-3% of its population then... going that way the CCP govt. in China should be overthrown for cruelty over 1.32 billion... since 60 years...
Indians use a special form of Logic.
When it comes to criticizing others they are first in line, be it China or Pakistan.
But as soon as you mention things that are happening in their country, they go into complete denial mode.
Kashmir is in a similar situation as Tibet, where the Indian army is there committing murders and other crimes against the indigenous population. And the indigenous people just want freedom from their oppressors.
Yet they harp on china about Tibet.
BBC has no idea of the maoist activities in India... actually they are a few local who are misusing and mistreating the poor and innocent tribesmen... they don't Intend to overthrow the Indian govt. but they want special right for themselves in forest lands.... and basic facilities like School, roads, electricity etc.. etc... which have been worked upon by Govt. now at a rapid pace... the threat was there 5 years ago... however Its no more that strong now... thanks to the programs like 100 day job guaranteed in an year where the Govt. Pay 100 day wages and makes them work for that time... free schools, roads and electricity is also being provided... except for a few areas it has weakened in a big way and is no more a big threat.

Now If Indian Govt. is overthrown every 6 years for cruelty over 2-3% of its population then... going that way the CCP govt. in China should be overthrown for cruelty over 1.32 billion... since 60 years...

you are right, BBC is full of sh*t
2-3%? okay. tell me, what's the percentage of 2.7million Tibetans in China?
today most tibetans have a better life than majority indians, if that's what you call cruelty from CCP, the cruelty of your government must be one hell of a kind.
seriously, we need to get up from our back and support the indian Maoists!
they lost so many lives fighting for their freedom, the indian occupation of their land must end!


Maoist Aren't Seperatist
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