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Another Saudi blows himself up in Iraq

And most members of these groups in Syria were living in Syria before the war in Syria considering over 1 million migrated to Syria after the 2003 invasion. From which the shia people that didn't leave have no choice but to take up guns or get beheaded by Nusra/ISIS.

Soleimani or whoever from the IRGC can form groups, fund them & arm them but none of these armed groups could use force against the government forces, that would turn the locals against these groups, the people here aren't in support of the Iranian governance system neither the school of Qom.

When they captured Wathiq al Battat who's favored by Iran no group attacked the army despite a threat, they wouldn't win anything of doing that.

What kind of Iron grip are we speaking of, influence ? every state has influence on one another. The Gulf states have thousands of US forces on their soil I wonder what you think of the US iron grip on them, I could post articles of how US forces used these 'vassal states' of theirs to keep larger states ( Iraq in one article ) Egypt in other occasions in place.

There is both an apology for Iran and denial of its destructive role at the same time. You want everybody to be convinced that all under control by Al Maliki government. No Iranian backed militias still exist in Iraq. All their arms have now been buried, or burned -it doesn’t matter.

O.K, you get that.

The U.S dose RULE the whole ME, primarily the Gulf states. The word "iron grip" will be an understatement of the U.S mighty control of what is going on here in ME. I am all honest about it. It is an energy hot zone for the world and they are getting their hands on it too tight.Denial is completely pointless. The whole ME is backward militarily and economically (among other things). We won’t get out of that “iron grip” any time soon. Though, I would choose American influence over Iranian influence any day.
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It's time to employ Iraqi Shia suicide bombers and export them to Saudi Arabia starting from migrating the East to Riyadh for retaliation.
Great, I hope he killed as many Majosi as he could. After all this not anyone's fault but the failed state of Iraq and the sectarian incompetent army of Mailik. Secure you nation, seal your borders and you are good to go. Saudi Arabia has completely sealed its border with Iraq and is not responsible for what happen outside its borders. The ball is now in your court. Deal with your miserable situation and stop pointing fingers at others.
You are a liar, if Saudi Arabia sealed the border with Iraq then why are Saudi Arabians still blowing themselves up in Iraq?
There is both an apology for Iran and denial of its destructive role at the same time. You want everybody to be convinced that all under control by Al Maliki government. No Iranian backed militias still exist in Iraq. All their arms have now been buried, or burned -it doesn’t matter.

O.K you get that.

The U.S dose RULE the whole ME, primarily the Gulf states. The word "iron grip" will be an understatement of the U.S mighty control of what is going on here in ME. I am all honest about it. It is an energy hot zone for the world and they are getting their hands on it too tight.Denial is completely pointless. The whole ME is backward militarily and economically (among other things). We won’t get out of that “iron grip” any time soon. Though, I would choose American influence over Iranian influence any day.

Shouldn't we be working to pave our way out of it in the future?
Blowing urself up killing civilians isn't our habit or our culture, Saudi culture & ideology that they exported to vulnerable Iraqis that were exposed to brainwashing due to the 2003 war, a halt of education, loss of parents/family members. Such people are easy to fall for radicalization. IMO they should be put in artillery and sent back to their motherland where they learned this.

Where do you see us blowing others up around the world ? How many incidents, you can count them on 1 hand. As for the Iraqis in Syria that people will use as an excuse on this, they were living there after 2003 as refugees + they don't spray innocent people.

However the Saudi Vahabis hold medals in terrorism. i'm glad the Iranians whom you accuse of terror don't have this habit.
O really they are also involved in suicide bombings and most are Iraqis who are involved in fighting because your Shia government was busy only in taking revenge from Sunnis and you got what you asked for if you would have been not doing what this Malikit dumbo did this would have never happened sunnis because of your government joined Al Qaeda and other groups
Why should he when the Iranians became the first nation in modern history to introduce suicide bombings?

Why should he when Iran happens to be an officially recognized a state sponsoring terror?

Why should he when Iran is the only country in the universe, with politicians being put on the International wanted Terrorist-list?

Why should he when the Iranian Government takes a pride in blowing up a Holy Place of Worship for the Jewish people?

Why should he when Iran is identified as a supporter of terrorists during the US invasion in Iraq?

Why should he when almost the whole world agrees on imposing the toughest sanctions possible against the crazed Mullahs' regime?

Why should he when Iran was caught up sending its own people to fight for someone else's war, and later when they were caught up, they begged the whole world to release them?

I said some solid proofs, not just empty words that has been repeated and refuted many times. ;)
How the **** did they enter Abu Ghraib?

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I said some solid proofs, not just empty words that has been repeated and refuted many times. ;)

You're extremely delusional :lol: Your country is designated as a state sponsoring terror :lol:

You might want to do the math here:


Suicide Units
The Iranian officials appeared true to their word. During a September 2004 speech in Bushehr, home of Iran's declared nuclear reactor, Samadi announced the formation of a "martyrdom-seeking" unit from Bushehr while Hossein Shariatmadari, editor of the official daily Keyhan, called the United States military "our hostage in Iraq," and bragged that "martyrdom-operations constitute a tactical capability in the world of Islam."[13]

Then, on November 23, 2004, in response to the U.S. campaign against Iraqi insurgents in Fallujah,[14] Samadi announced the formation of the first suicide unit. Named after the chief bomb-maker of Hamas, Yahya Ayyash, also known as Al-Muhandis (The Engineer) assassinated on January 5, 1996, it consisted of three teams of unknown size: the Rim Saleh ar-Riyashi team, named after Hamas's first female suicide bomber; the Mustafa Mahmud Mazeh team, named after a 21-year-old Lebanese who met his death in a Paddington hotel room on August 3, 1989, priming a book bomb likely aimed at Salman Rushdie; and the Ahmad Qasir team, named after a 15-year-old Lebanese Hezbollah suicide bomber whose operation demolished an eight-story building housing Israeli forces in Tyre, southern Lebanon, on November 11, 1982.[15] Samadi said there would be an additional call for volunteers at Tehran's largest Iran-Iraq war cemetery, the Behesht-e Zahra, the following week,[16] and even promised to consider establishing special elementary schools to train for suicide operations.[17]

He kept his word. On December 2, 2004, the Headquarters gathered a crowd in the Martyr's Section of Behesht-e Zahra,[18] where those who conducted suicide operations are honored. According to the Iranian Mehr News Agency, the organization unveiled a memorial stone commemorating the "martyrs" killed in the 1983 Hezbollah attacks on the U.S. Marine and French peacekeepers' barracks in Beirut. They set the stone next to one commemorating Anwar Sadat's assassin. Samadi concluded the ceremony with a raging speech, declaring, "The operation against the Marines was a hard blow in the mouth of the Americans and demonstrated that despite their hollow prestige and imagined strength … they [have] many vulnerable points and weaknesses. We consider this operation a good model. The cemeteries in which their dead are buried provide an interesting view and cool the hearts of those Muslims who have been stepped upon under the boots of the Yankees while they were ignored by the international community."[19]

The suicide corps continued to expand even though there is no evidence that their patrons have made them operational. In April 2005, the semi-official daily Iran announced convocation of a unit of female suicide bombers nicknamed the Olive Daughters.[20] The Baztab news website, which is associated with Mohsen Rezai, head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps from 1981 to 1997 and since secretary of the Expediency Council, cited one Firouz Rajai-Far, who said, "The martyrdom-seeking Iranian women and girls … are ready to walk in the footsteps of the holy female Palestinian warriors, realizing the most terrifying nightmares of Zionists."[21] Rajai-Far, a former hostage taker at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, holds the license for Do-Kouhe (Two Mountains, referring to one of the fiercest battlegrounds of the Iran-Iraq war) magazine, which is affiliated with the vigilante organization Ansar-e Hezbollah.[22]

Ayatollah Hossein Nouri Hamedani bestowed theological legitimacy upon such suicide terror operations in a written message to the gathering.[23] Attendance at the rally indicates some endorsement and a support network for suicide operations. Attending the rally were Palestinian Hamas representative Abu Osama al-Muata; Muhammad Hasan Rahimian, the supreme leader's personal representative to the powerful Bonyad-e Shahid (The Martyr Foundation); Mehdi Kuchakzadeh, an Iranian parliamentarian; Mustafa Rahmandust, general secretary of the Association for Support to the People of Palestine; and model female fighter Marziyeh Hadideh Dabbagh.[24]

More vocal expressions of solidarity are limited, however. The Mehr News Agency reports only a single declaration of solidarity from the spokesman of the University Basij at the Tehran branch of Islamic Azad University, who compared contemporary suicide operations with the "revolutionary deeds" of Mirza-Reza Kermani, the assassin of Nasser al-Din Shah, a nineteenth-century king vilified by the Islamic Republic, and with Navvab Safavi, founder of the Fadayian-e Islam and famous for assassinating the liberal nationalist author and historian Ahmad Kasravi.[25] Still, that a group at the Islamic Azad University endorsed the organization is significant. Founded to broaden the reach of education after the Islamic Revolution, the university has several dozen satellite campuses across the country and today is the largest higher education system in Iran.

On May 13, 2005, officials declared the second suicide terror unit, the so-called "Martyr Shahada unit," consisting of 300 martyrdom-seekers, to be ready.[26] Some months later, there was a gathering of the "martyrdom-seekers" at Shahrud University. While the invited Hamas representative did not attend, they watched Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech from the "World without Zionism" conference on screen.[27] While the status of the third and fourth suicide brigades remains unclear, new suicide units continue to declare their readiness. In May 2006, a fifth "martyrdom-seeking" unit, named after Commander Nader Mahdavi, who died in a 1988 suicide mission against the U.S. Navy in the Persian Gulf, declared itself ready to defend Iran. The Headquarters even claims to have recruited "thirty-five foreign Jews" for suicide attacks.[28]

Lebanese Hezbollah's abduction of two Israeli soldiers on July 12, 2006, provided another press opportunity for Iranian suicide brigades. On July 17, 2006, Arya News Agency reported an expedition of two "martyrdom-units," one consisting of eighteen and the second consisting of nine "martyrdom-seekers," to Lebanon.[29] At demonstrations in Tehran and Tabriz ten days later, sixty Iranian volunteers declared their readiness for holy war.[30] There was also a rally in Rasht, capital of the Caspian province of Gilan, on July 29.[31] But despite the bravado, Iranian police stopped a caravan of self-described "martyrdom-seekers" at the Turkish border. A leftist weblog quoted the governor of the West Azerbaijan province in which the border crossings with Turkey lie as saying he received a telephone call from Ahmadinejad asking him to stop the suicide units.[32]

Iran's Suicide Brigades: Terrorism Resurgent :: Middle East Quarterly
O really they are also involved in suicide bombings and most are Iraqis who are involved in fighting because your Shia government was busy only in taking revenge from Sunnis and you got what you asked for if you would have been not doing what this Malikit dumbo did this would have never happened sunnis because of your government joined Al Qaeda and other groups

yes, its a well known fact that the Iraqi regime and the Iranian regime are both hand in hand with the terrorist groups, terrorizing ALL Iraqis, both sunni and shia
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