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Another Saudi blows himself up in Iraq

I strongly object to all of such actions. For your information, most of these suicide bombers go there on their own without any government support. This is not for the sake of Iraq’s love. It is for a very simple reason, which is that the KSA government doesn’t want the radicals to actively engage in terrorist attacks when they come back.

Though, I don’t see you also objecting to Iran’s active, militant, institutionalized, radicalization of Shias that is going on in Iraq since 2003. It takes two sides to fight. But with Iran, it is the strongest part in Iran government that is taking the lead in the radicalization. I mean the IRG and its notorious Quds Forces. I know, you will defend Iran and apologize for it as usual. But, by doing so, you are just proving yourself to be against violence that only comes from the other side. Iranian backed terrorism is welcomed in your logic, or at least not strongly objected to.

Why don't you show us one Iranian blowing himself among Iraqis?

You are all talk about how Iran is killing Iraqi citizens, show us some real thing then, not just empty words.
Great, I hope he killed as many Majosi as he could. After all this not anyone's fault but the failed state of Iraq and the sectarian incompetent army of Mailik. Secure you nation, seal your borders and you are good to go. Saudi Arabia has completely sealed its border with Iraq and is not responsible for what happen outside its borders. The ball is now in your court. Deal with your miserable situation and stop pointing fingers at others.
I see that saudi scum support terrorists than blame iran for it Saudis animals claiming that iran who started the suicide bombing they keep twisting facts

See this thread and you will know what I mean, a non offensive post of mine followed by insults.
Rouhani in Oman. Will the GCC Crack From Within?

I didn't see what you said there that was wrong...it's actually true...not sure why he was really upset and went into other topics. I don't get why you were anti MB since you're politics is sort of not so great with GCC. He does that when he can't come up with a proper response he resorts to childish bashing and political terms that aren't just.
I didn't see what you said there that was wrong...it's actually true...not sure why he was really upset and went into other topics. I don't get why you were anti MB since you're politics is sort of not so great with GCC. He does that when he can't come up with a proper response he resorts to childish bashing and political terms that aren't just.

I'm not anti anything except terrorists & their supporters.
Why don't you show us one Iranian blowing himself among Iraqis?

You are all talk about how Iran is killing Iraqi citizens, show us some real thing then, not just empty words.

No, they don't do it themselves. I’ve never said or indicated this. They let others, the Tazis, kill themselves. They watch the blood shed and enjoy the scene. They do that while laughing out loud how much religion can be used to brainwash people. To pay the Tazis back all the suffering they did for the Parsis. From the 7th century to the end of the world, your nightmare is the Tazis and nothing else.

Your educated elites link all the current and historical problems to the Tazis’ invasion. Those “educated” folks breath, see, feel the Tazis and their invasion day and night. That’s the Persian obsession, the Persian eternal complex that should be introduced to psychiatry as the "Arab Invasion Complex", along with all the other famous and infamous complexes.

Please also answer me who has created, trained, financed, and militarily supplied Al Mahdi Army? What sectarian crimes did that Army do? What about the current Iraq Hezbollah, Asaib Ahl Al Haq, and Liwa Abul-Alfazl Al Abbas?
These are all names for one thing by the way. Whenever one group is cancelled, another is created with a different name.
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The groups killing civilians, usually the extreme jihadists, takfiris. AQ, ISIS + their supporting fat Qatari emir.

Well the MB(Not strictly Egyptian) and Palestinian resistance is not amongst them so I don't believe you're anti MB....

I agree I am against those as well.
@Full Moon

What's the point anyway you & Arabian can't even respond, all he does is throw off insults and I think you don't have the evidence to prove it since you didn't the last time.

No active Iranian proxies that are terrorizing in Iraq allowed by the government, the last one that fired mortars got arrested.
@Full Moon

What's the point anyway you & Arabian can't even respond, all he does is throw off insults and I think you don't have the evidence to prove it since you didn't the last time.

No active Iranian proxies that are terrorizing in Iraq allowed by the government, the last one that fired mortars got arrested.

I just responded to your Iranian friend with this, got it?

"Please also answer me who has created, trained, financed, and militarily supplied Al Mahdi Army? What sectarian crimes did that Army do? What about the current Iraq Hezbollah, Asaib Ahl Al Haq, and Liwa Abul-Alfazl Al Abbas?

These are all names for one thing by the way. Whenever one group is cancelled, another one is created with a different name".
Please also answer me who has created, trained, financed, and militarily supplied Al Mahdi Army? What sectarian crimes did that Army do? What about the current Iraq Hezbollah, Asaib Ahl Al Haq, and Liwa Abul-Alfazl Al Abbas?
These are all names for one thing by the way. Whenever one group is cancelled, another is created with a different name.

Didn't you see, I already said. Iran trained/armed/funded armed groups in Iraq after 2003 & now in Syria. I never rejected that, what I said was that now ( 2014 ) these groups are not active in Iraq. Therefor I barely talk about them, not a priority not an issue. The small pro Khamenei ideology groups backed by Iran have dropped their weapons & gone into a political party ISCI, now should ISIS have a political party or something.. their objective is to kill everyone therefor they are the priority of all problems.

I don't favor Iran nor Saudi policy of the region, you don't support ISIS, we don't have disagreements, maybe different priorities. For me ISIS for you Iranian influence in the region but no disagreements.

Criticize Iran for these groups all you want, though don't expect all of us to focus on something of the past when theres a higher priority of terror.

I just responded to your Iranian friend with this, got it?

Please also answer me who has created, trained, financed, and militarily supplied Al Mahdi Army? What sectarian crimes did that Army do? What about the current Iraq Hezbollah, Asaib Ahl Al Haq, and Liwa Abul-Alfazl Al Abbas?

These are all names for one thing by the way. Whenever one group is cancelled, another one is created with a different name.

They aren't even allowed to walk with arms in the open, you're speaking as if these groups named above are roaming the streets of Iraq with arms ,organized. They are nowhere to be seen, if they were you would've filled this page with vids by now.
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Didn't you see, I already said. Iran trained/armed/funded armed groups in Iraq after 2003 & now in Syria. I never rejected that, what I said was that now ( 2014 ) these groups are not active in Iraq. Therefor I barely talk about them, not a priority not an issue. The small pro Khamenei ideology groups backed by Iran have dropped their weapons & gone into a political party ISCI, now should ISIS have a political party or something.. their objective is to kill everyone therefor they are the priority of all problems.

Criticize Iran for these groups all you want, though don't expect all of us to focus on something of the past when theres a higher priority of terror.

They aren't even allowed to walk with arms in the open, you're speaking as if these groups named above are roaming the streets of Iraq with arms ,organized. They are nowhere to be seen, if they were you would've filled this page with vids by now.

The groups I just named are mostly busy in Syria as you said, but they originate from Iraq, and have been on its soil not long time ago. They will come back to it soon either alive or dead. It is Iran's goal to keep them around in Iraq to increase its iron grip on the Iraqi government. Don’t worry about names, Qassem Sulimani can from and arm a new group within one week.
If I may ask, how long did it take from you to develop that sixth sense to identify the nationality of an individual without having any ground where you can rely on? Are you willing to sell this technology? :lol:

With all the kind of violence which is taking place in Iraq, I believe this would be a mission-impossible task for Iraqis to find out about the attackers nationalities. Iraq had now attacked several nationals to wage their hold war against it. From whichever nationals you'd like, you name it, GCC-ers, North Africans, nationals from the States of Levant, and way beyond the Arab nations.

KSA's moral responsibility lies in the fallowing:

1 - Securing our boarders with Iraq, so far, we have been covering the 800-km boarders with a cutting-edge technology, personnels, and UAVs. We don't wish to let anyone in or out.

2 - Preventing radical elements from leaving in whatever means necessary.

It isn't KSA's responsibility though to watch over Iraq's boarders with its next-doors such as Syria's - which have been poorly monitored or Iraq Kurdistan - which have also been poorly monitored, hells even the Kurds started smuggling Iraq's oil out, or Jordan or Iran.

The Iraqi regime didn't do any better in Syria either. They're allowing pro and anti Assad militants to come in and out with the authority!

If there is a vermin to be kept, then it has got to be yours. And if there is a vermin you should take, then it should be yours. In both cases, you deserve both.

@Yzd Khalifa @Arabian Legend

Keep the vermin inside you're borders.


Abu Mujahid al Muhajir :omghaha:

Even a simpleton has more intelligence compared to these poor souls.

Iran didn't do any better either :lol:

Whenever the Ayatyollah's tittle is brought up, then be sure it is an Iranian dude, waiting for his basement dude!

Or the Black-turbaned Sayyed, who claim to be related to the Prophet's household, while in fact, they are a billion miles away from being an Arab, let alone being related to the Prophet :rofl:

Didn't I already say Saudi society is fucked, Watch the documentary and he will tell you everything.
I hope we will eliminate that trash inside our country ASAP.

It is a film, a documentary one which has an agenda. It is true for someone's interpretation, and false in someone else's.

Coming down the society being screwed up, I think any primitive creature would agree that North Korea has a stable society let alone comparing it to a regional power, unlike Iraq which is a trillion times horrible than North Korea itself :lol: :D :rofl: :omghaha: :laugh:

Why don't you show us one Iranian blowing himself among Iraqis?

You are all talk about how Iran is killing Iraqi citizens, show us some real thing then, not just empty words.

Why should he when the Iranians became the first nation in modern history to introduce suicide bombings?

Why should he when Iran happens to be an officially recognized a state sponsoring terror?

Why should he when Iran is the only country in the universe, with politicians being put on the International wanted Terrorist-list?

Why should he when the Iranian Government takes a pride in blowing up a Holy Place of Worship for the Jewish people?

Why should he when Iran is identified as a supporter of terrorists during the US invasion in Iraq?

Why should he when almost the whole world agrees on imposing the toughest sanctions possible against the crazed Mullahs' regime?

Why should he when Iran was caught up sending its own people to fight for someone else's war, and later when they were caught up, they begged the whole world to release them?
The groups I just named are mostly busy in Syria as you said, but they originate from Iraq, and have been on its soil not long time ago. They will come back to it soon either alive or dead. It is Iran's goal to keep them around in Iraq to increase its iron grip on the Iraqi government. Don’t worry about names, Qassem Sulimani can from and arm a new group within one week.

And most members of these groups in Syria were living in Syria before the war in Syria considering over 1 million migrated to Syria after the 2003 invasion. From which the shia people that didn't leave have no choice but to take up guns or get beheaded by Nusra/ISIS.

Soleimani or whoever from the IRGC can form groups, fund them & arm them but none of these armed groups could use force against the government forces, that would turn the locals against these groups, the people here aren't in support of the Iranian governance system neither the school of Qom.

When they captured Wathiq al Battat who's favored by Iran no group attacked the army despite a threat, they wouldn't win anything of doing that.

What kind of Iron grip are we speaking of, influence ? every state has influence on one another. The Gulf states have thousands of US forces on their soil I wonder what you think of the US iron grip on them, I could post articles of how US forces used these 'vassal states' of theirs to keep larger states ( Iraq in one article ) Egypt in other occasions in place.
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