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Another rapist dad exposed!!

thats disgusting
the guy should be publicly shamed and killed for his actions
Where the society is heading to? I dont know how many girls are oppressed in their domestic spheres this way? If the protector becomes oppressor then nothing hopeful is left...
He's truly a scumbag! The Indians should kill him and all the people who do these things in their country!
How could anyone even think of doing that to their own child.

Lets not assume things here,every one deserve a fair trial and is assumed innocent until proven guilty in the court of law.

Also this 8yr long ongoing harassment stories raise doubts in my mind,afterall this guy didnt kidnapp & hide his daughter for sexual abuse like the German man did.
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Lets not assume things here,every one deserve a fair trial and is assumed innocent until proven guilty in the court of law.

Also this 8yr long ongoing harassment stories raise doubts in my mind,afterall this guy didnt kidnapp & hide his daughter for sexual abuse like the German man did.

Fair trial, by all means yes. He should get. About the issue being exaggerated, the possibility does exist (at least technically).

However in This case (a) there does not seem to be a strong motive for anybody to implcate him AND (b) looks like the medical examination confirmed the rape/incest.

Secondly I also feel people who made emotional statements calling for public hangings etc. might not have LITERALLY meant it.

However for any case of rape (including incest) of whatever degree, the maximum punishment in India seems to be 7 years jail term. Should we not make life imprisonment (not 14 years, but for full life) applicable to some rarest of rare cases of rape also? At least to make such people shiver with fear before contemplating such things?

PS: BTW, I am against death penalty being imposed on people by any body of law for any offence. It should be replaced by imprisonment till death with no scope for parole and clemency.
mate any body does such an act, must be hanged publicly. peroid, wht he did, does not fall under being called human, a wild beast and must be shoot on seen basis :sniper:. period, so no one dares to even think abt it after wards.

the SH IT story of being life impriosnment is pathetic, this means encouraging others, n they might get away, coz our socities are not open and culture further complicate issues on going public, is this what u want to see in future?:tsk:

get this humanitarian giant out of u, in life we come to stage where there r no limits as crzy dogs are shoot dead always. this man has gone far beyond it and now begning to make me sick, a burdon one earth if every thing is true :hitwall:
I don't believe it. If i remember there was an Indian movie made on this daughters and their mother put allegations that her husband rapes their daughters and infact the real thing was that the dad stopped their girls from prostitution while mother encouraged because that was getting money and so father was accused of raping their daughters.
I mean come on how can a dad do that, it is very easy for a women to cry and prove her innocence. IMO this matter should thoroughly be investigated. Moreover the guy has a political carrier, why would he commit something like that and risk all. There is definitely more to it.
Fair trial, by all means yes. He should get. About the issue being exaggerated, the possibility does exist (at least technically).

However in This case (a) there does not seem to be a strong motive for anybody to implcate him AND (b) looks like the medical examination confirmed the rape/incest.

Secondly I also feel people who made emotional statements calling for public hangings etc. might not have LITERALLY meant it.

However for any case of rape (including incest) of whatever degree, the maximum punishment in India seems to be 7 years jail term. Should we not make life imprisonment (not 14 years, but for full life) applicable to some rarest of rare cases of rape also? At least to make such people shiver with fear before contemplating such things?

PS: BTW, I am against death penalty being imposed on people by any body of law for any offence. It should be replaced by imprisonment till death with no scope for parole and clemency.

mate any body does such an act, must be hanged publicly. peroid, wht he did, does not fall under being called human, a wild beast and must be shoot on seen basis :sniper:. period, so no one dares to even think abt it after wards.

the SH IT story of being life impriosnment is pathetic, this means encouraging others, n they might get away, coz our socities are not open and culture further complicate issues on going public, is this what u want to see in future?:tsk:

get this humanitarian giant out of u, in life we come to stage where there r no limits as crzy dogs are shoot dead always. this man has gone far beyond it and now begning to make me sick, a burdon one earth if every thing is true :hitwall:
get this humanitarian giant out of u, in life we come to stage where there r no limits as crzy dogs are shoot dead always. this man has gone far beyond it and now begning to make me sick, a burdon one earth if every thing is true :hitwall:

I just meant that he should get the maximum possible punishment after proven guilty. I was conveying that the Max 7 yr prison that is applicable today is just not enough.

I am not a humanitarian, especially for such people. I think I also aired my opinion that "imprsonment till death with no parole and no clemancy is more severe as well as more humane punishment than death". But this debate is another topic, and is probably not connected with this thread.
I don't believe it. If i remember there was an Indian movie made on this daughters and their mother put allegations that her husband rapes their daughters and infact the real thing was that the dad stopped their girls from prostitution while mother encouraged because that was getting money and so father was accused of raping their daughters.
I mean come on how can a dad do that, it is very easy for a women to cry and prove her innocence. IMO this matter should thoroughly be investigated. Moreover the guy has a political carrier, why would he commit something like that and risk all. There is definitely more to it.

yaa,it is supposedly based on real life story of a under trial prisoner in mumbai.Raj pal Yadav played the role of accused father.
These kind of People should be beaten in the middle of the street and hanged. :angry:
hey i saw an indian movei which was on the simillar story but in the end it was the daughter and wife who were the real criminals
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