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Another new report supports claim that COVID-19 likely came from Wuhan lab

Another usa report to be precise. A white house report, congress report, cia rpt, fbi rpt, cnn rpt, vanity fair rpt, playboy rpt........ lol

Meanwhile usa still refuse to allow investigation into a real leak at fort detrick Aug 2019, as opposed to an imaginary Wuhan leak.

Deadly Germ Research Is Shut Down at Army Lab Over Safety Concerns​

Problems with disposal of dangerous materials led the government to suspend research at the military’s leading biodefense center.

Aug. 5, 2019
Yes, that was exactly what China was doing when it started blaming other countries instead of itself for Wuhan.
No, its more likely the virus came from US Fort Detrick lab in Maryland as evidence put out by some of the experts, thats why US wont allow WHO to go there to investigate clearly has some things to hide, but, WHO has went twice to Wuhan including the Wuhan Lab to investigate already and they cant find anything wrong. US senate and gov reports are just American own biased speculations with their own agenda, thats all.
No, its more likely the virus came from US Fort Detrick lab in Maryland as evidence put out by some of the experts, thats why US wont allow WHO to go there to investigate clearly has some things to hide, but, WHO has went twice to Wuhan including the Wuhan Lab to investigate already and they cant find anything wrong. US senate and gov reports are just American own biased speculations with their own agenda, thats all.

No, that is exactly what the poster was talking about where someone is suspected of something and desperately searches for diversions.

There is nothing specifically pointing to Ft Detrick at all..other than the Chinese to divert attention way from Wuhan. They are just saying it came from a US Biolab and just defaulted it to Ft Detrick instead of some remote covert lab in Area 51.
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Italy was saying it was found in Tuscany which has a bunch of clothing sweatshops manned by Chinese workers.

Or was it Australia?

No, that is exactly what the poster was talking about where someone is suspected of something and desperately searches for diversions.

There is nothing specifically pointing to Ft Detrick at all..other than the Chinese to divert attention way from Wuhan. They are just saying it came from a US Biolab and just defaulted it to Ft Detrick instead of some remote covert lab in Area 51.

No, that is exactly what the poster was talking about where someone is suspected of something and desperately searches for diversions.

There is nothing specifically pointing to Ft Detrick at all..other than the Chinese to divert attention way from Wuhan. They are just saying it came from a US Biolab and just defaulted it to Ft Detrick instead of some remote covert lab in Area 51.
No, there are people in the West who know whats going on in the Fort Detrick Lab suspect the virus came from the lab leak there, not just Chinese. US senate report is just a US gov report and we all know whats US gov postion on China and WHO in the pandemic, what US senate, congress and gov have to say is no surprise.

No, there are people in the West who know whats going on in the Fort Detrick Lab suspect the virus came from the lab leak there, not just Chinese. US senate report is just a US gov report and we all know whats US gov postion on China and WHO in the pandemic, what US senate, congress and gov have to say is no surprise.

Saying there are "people suspecting" is not any evidence. There are far more "people" saying that about Wuhan.

There are plenty of people "suspecting" the world is flat..and they show no evidence of that either.
Saying there are "people suspecting" is not any evidence. There are far more "people" saying that about Wuhan.

There are plenty of people who think the world is flat..and they have no evidence of that either.
The guy in the link knows what he is talking about of Fort Detrick leak and he gathered evidence info of what happened to and around Fort Detrick to support his claim. Besides, China had already allowed WHO twice to came to Wuhan to investigate the possible cause that includes Wuhan Lab. Why is US afraid of letting WHO to go to Fort Detrick to investigate the leak ? All the accusations of Wuhan Lab leak are basically come from the US too.

The following detailed article of possible Fort Detrick Lab leak and its dark history is in English:

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Why is US afraid of letting WHO to go to Fort Detrick to investigate the leak ? All the accusations of Wuhan Lab leak are basically come from the US too.

The following detailed article of possible Fort Detrick Lab leak and its dark history is in English:

Why do you think Ft Detrick doesn't allow the WHO in???? That's like saying the Eiffel Tower won't let the WHO visit.

You can make an appointment on the following page and go there yourself. Nobody is screaming about denied access...other than Chinese conspiracy people.

So....can you easily do that for the Wuhan lab..do they have a visitor page listing 6am to 4pm public visiting times...I don't think so as it took over a year for the WHO to be granted access. So please explain to me which country is really the one that has something to hide. :china:
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Still doesn't excuse millions of death in US. At this point it's just looking for excuses for their own failures.
Why do you think Ft Detrick doesn't allow the WHO in???? That's like saying the Eiffel Tower won't let the WHO visit.

You can make an appointment on the following page and go there yourself. Nobody is screaming about denied access...other than Chinese conspiracy people.

So....can you easily do that for the Wuhan lab..do they have a visitor page listing 6am to 4pm public visiting times...I don't think so as it took over a year for the WHO to be granted access. So please explain to me which country is really the one that has something to hide. :china:
What you are talking nonsense, comparing Eifel Tower and Fort Detrick both being inpecteded by WHO, the lab with leaks and long lisf of dark history is a legitimate place for WHO to investigate, your are as usual using muddling tactics to cover up your nonsense point. The point is China had let WHO twice into Wuhan Lab to investigate as WHO wished and US just refused to let WHO in Fort Detrick to investigate, isnt that obvious who is hidding or unless you have a thick head.
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