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Another neighbour keeps raising border disputes like Pak: Rajnath


Sep 26, 2018
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Referring to the border standoff with China along LAC in Ladakh, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Thursday said, "Like Pakistan, we have another neighbour who keeps raising disputes about the border."

Stating that no country should harbour expansionist ambitions and each should develop within its boundaries.

Singh added, "I want to reiterate: Nobody can occupy an inch of India's land." The Defence Minister said there are "perceptional differences between India and China on the border," but there are "some agreements, protocols that are followed by armies of both countries to patrol" the Line of Actual Control (LAC).
Problems, however, occur "when agreed protocols are ignored, he said. Singh said, "We cannot allow PLA to act on the LAC in an unilateral way under any circumstances. We do not want war with anyone, but to ensure war does not take place, it is necessary that we should always be ready for war. We want peace. Historically, India has never attacked any nation or captured an inch of any other nation. We prepare for war to prevent war."
With Thursday marking the 12th anniversary of Mumbai terror attack, which killed 166 people, Singh said, "We can assure the people that India has strengthened its internal and external security system to an extent that another 26/11 on Indian soil is now almost impossible to execute."

Wonder what happened here?
Great Video Alas we could not avail the opportunity and settle the Kashmir issue once for all.
Many months down but Indian govt still cant find strength to name China.
Shows how brave a nation they are.
sometime looking inside is worth too why every neighbor want to bang india ? may be india is wrong
Summed up the whole scenario in just a few words.
Mr Rajnath is a liar, I give him that.
But I didn't know he is funny too. India has never attacked and occupied an inch of any country's land!!
really !! Really , really!

1- Nepal is raising concerns and complaints about Kalapani area.
2- Bhutan is in a virtual occupation by India.
3- Sikkim was annexed illegally by India.
4- BD when East Pakistan was invaded by India. Not only that but both Modi and Doval are on the record to admit that India conducted terror activities in East Pakistan. It had trained and financed and armed Mukti Bahni terrorists.
5- China complaint illegal occupation of Ladakh.
6- Pakistan has long dispute about Kashmir. Which was annexed on the ground that despite Muslim majority which voted to go with Pakistan, Hindu Raja signed a confirmed fake and fraudulent piece of paper, back dated with the full help and assistance from Mountbatten.
B- It has illegally occupied Junagarh and Hyderabad using the argument that majority is Hindu. While the Nawabs of two areas signed to join Pakistan. Both logic are used by India to deprive and illegally occupy Pakistani land.

Yes Mr Rajnath, we got it.
We truely understand , India is a saint in the area, all neighbours around him have ambitions, not India.
Now I am going into fits of rolled up laughter.
Modi hai to mumkin hai,

Indian signed so many agreements, they will come to the rescue Supa powa india.

keep buying more weapons, and hate each other, Shaktiman hindu Rashtra will be built based on Invaders provided weapons and dead bodies of Indians killed in the name of Hindu hate towards its own country and people.

Indian fools love lies and fake bravado, which Modi and gang understand and giving them exactly that.

India was never humiliated so much after partition, Thanks to Modi and brain dead supporters.
I want to remind Rajnath that China has already taken over 1000 sq km of land
from India.
Yes of course, he is the catalyst in bringing down Shame and Humiliation to his country.

This is just the BEGINNING.

and the news is China is strengthening itself on Arunachal Pradesh.......China Giving them two fronts on that side. start a thread for this too...two phront baar ...

and we are not talking about what Pakistan is doing to these Indians.
Indian Defense Forces Establishing Greater Presence Along China Border in Arunachal Pradesh
India also remains concerned about Chinese infrastructure growth and relocation activities across the LAC.

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