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Another Gem from Aurat March 2018

If men take up more and more domestic responsibility, children will learn that these tasks are not naturally gendered.

Honestly, this is a great idea. If women are willing take up jobs that majority of Pakistani men do, of course. And no I'm not talking about some comfy bourgeois office job because majority of Pakistani men don't work those kinds of jobs, they are manual laborers.

I would love to see these Westernized upper class "Feminists" haul some heavy-@ss brick and mortar at a construction site in mid summer heat of Pakistan, that too in Ramzan.

Or how about we get these lazy entitled brats to drive rickshaws inhaling toxic fumes for 16 hours a day?

Or how about harvesting crops from fields in rural Punjab and then loading them on horse-driven carts to the city and spending the entire day selling them at the market place?

Let's see them do manual labor for 6-7 days a week, 16 hours straight.

Hopefully breaking nails and smearing eyeliner from sweating due to work won't be a big issue for these entitled adult-children.

And speaking of "Khana khud garam Karo" i'm willing to bet that these spoiled brats use microwaves to heat-up their own food, forget about them even heating anyone else's food. Poor microwaves should be protesting these rich brats.

@Psychic @Metanoia @Ocean @PAKjunoon
Honestly, this is a great idea. If women are willing take up jobs that majority of Pakistani men do, of course. And no I'm not talking about some comfy bourgeois office job because majority of Pakistani men don't work those kinds of jobs, they are manual laborers.

I would love to see these Westernized upper class "Feminists" haul some heavy-@ss brick and mortar at a construction site in mid summer heat of Pakistan, that too in Ramzan.

Or how about we get these lazy entitled brats to drive rickshaws inhaling toxic fumes for 16 hours a day?

Or how about harvesting crops from fields in rural Punjab and then loading them on horse-driven carts to the city and spending the entire day selling them at the market place?

Let's see them do manual labor for 6-7 days a week, 16 hours straight.

Hopefully breaking nails and smearing eyeliner from sweating due to work won't be a big issue for these entitled adult-children.

And speaking of "Khana khud garam Karo" i'm willing to bet that these spoiled brats use microwaves to heat-up their own food, forget about them even heating anyone else's food. Poor microwaves should be protesting these rich brats.

@Psychic @Metanoia @Ocean @PAKjunoon

Bhai jaan aap kis kay saath behes kar rahay ho? Utter waste of time if you ask me.

Here is an example:

They're mentally sick people who think they are on the right path because their childlike thought process based on mere impulses, feelings and emotions is not only endorsed, but also normalized by our modern day governments/elites. It's a fitnah. Very similar to those people who blow themselves up or brutally lynch a minority member, same principles and same outcome, i.e. destruction of humanity. Only the way to the means differ.

Here's some other examples for you:

You can clearly observe their level of mental derangement. Just Go Your Own Way and leave these creatures and their servants alone. It's no point banging your head against a brick wall.
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I am of the view that Russia and Russians under Vladimir Putin do not classify mental disorders, perversions, immorality and sheer stupidity as some sort of acceptable quasi-religion or upright/righteous way of life.

In my opinion North America and W.Europe are currently the ultimate champions of mental disorders, perversions, immorality and sheer stupidity. They are rabidly trying to enforce their "beliefs" on cucked/feeble third world countries like Pakistan, India etc.

Perhaps Pakistan should import some Cossacks, that'll do us good. May be the imported Cossacks could have given that Yank Defence Attache diplomat a spanking when he killed one and severely injured another citizen while DUI. Or the same Cossacks could have sent those Chinese "engineers" back to their barracks for being rowdy and disorderly. The same Cossacks could have also taken care of this supposed Aurat Parade, because a vast majority of Pakistani men, regardless of institutions they belong to, have lost their marbles somewhere along the way.
The Cossacks are a perfect example of good men taking back what is theirs: society, and putting degenerates in their place.

Btw the entire video with subtitles:

This is why I disagree with MGTOW. Good men can take back their society and thus their women. It's possible, because if good men cower and unplug themselves from society then only they will be on the losing end.

Bhai jaan aap kis kay saath behes kar rahay ho? Utter waste of time if you ask me.

Here is an example:

They're mentally sick people who think they are on the right path because their childlike thought process based on mere impulses, feelings and emotions is not only endorsed, but also normalized by our modern day governments/elites. It's a fitnah. Very similar to those people who blow themselves up or brutally lynch a minority member, same principles and same outcome, i.e. destruction of humanity. Only the way to the means differ.

Here's some other examples for you:

You can clearly observe their level of mental derangement. Just Go Your Own Way and leave these creatures and their servants alone. It's no point banging your head against a brick wall.
I agree, there is no point in arguing for them. But I'm not doing it for them. If I don't convince them it doesn't matter to me, and if I do then great! I'm mostly doing it for the by-standers and to also refine my own talking points.
This is why I disagree with MGTOW. Good men can take back their society and thus their women. It's possible, because if good men cower and unplug themselves from society then only they will be on the losing end.

Sir we require a certain "critical mass" in order to take back the society. Successful societies have that required "critical mass", Pakistan does not. That's why MGTOW is absolutely important, it will enable current males to reclaim their dignity and self-respect. Overall, it will help them immensely and who knows, perhaps Pakistani society may reach that critical mass necessary for a positive change.
Honestly, this is a great idea. If women are willing take up jobs that majority of Pakistani men do, of course. And no I'm not talking about some comfy bourgeois office job because majority of Pakistani men don't work those kinds of jobs, they are manual laborers.

I would love to see these Westernized upper class "Feminists" haul some heavy-@ss brick and mortar at a construction site in mid summer heat of Pakistan, that too in Ramzan.

Or how about we get these lazy entitled brats to drive rickshaws inhaling toxic fumes for 16 hours a day?

Or how about harvesting crops from fields in rural Punjab and then loading them on horse-driven carts to the city and spending the entire day selling them at the market place?

Let's see them do manual labor for 6-7 days a week, 16 hours straight.

Hopefully breaking nails and smearing eyeliner from sweating due to work won't be a big issue for these entitled adult-children.

And speaking of "Khana khud garam Karo" i'm willing to bet that these spoiled brats use microwaves to heat-up their own food, forget about them even heating anyone else's food. Poor microwaves should be protesting these rich brats.

@Psychic @Metanoia @Ocean @PAKjunoon

Bud, you nail it on the head every time! The people who think men and women can do the same work have never done what I call a real day's work in their lives.
Sir we require a certain "critical mass" in order to take back the society. Successful societies have that required "critical mass", Pakistan does not. That's why MGTOW is absolutely important, it will enable current males to reclaim their dignity and self-respect. Overall, it will help them immensely and who knows, perhaps Pakistani society may reach that critical mass necessary for a positive change.
In that case I agree with you 100% if it means self-improvement. If enough men focus on self-improvement that critical mass necessary to creat change will be achieved, provided our ideas a exposed to as many young men as possible. But many MGTOW circles I interacted with have this nihilism tainted view of their surroundings.

Bud, you nail it on the head every time! The people who think men and women can do the same work have never done what I call a real day's work in their lives.
These people are a bunch of Westernized softies who have never worked a real job. Just look at the member that's advocating this nonsense, this person lives in Britain. That should tell you everything.
no, women nowadays protect themselves, or have you forgotten how a woman beat up the robber who was trying to take her purse in Rawalpindi I think. While a man had to intervene and protect the robber. Hence argument invalid.
No rules are made for the protection of everyone, not only women, grow up

This case, you are referring to is an exception,not the general reality of life.You can't make assumption on the basis of exceptions.One exception can't make an argument invalid.

Just google men vs women fight ,in almost all of them it takes just one punch or one kick to knock out the girls.

  • Are you aware of the that women have 40 percent less upper-body strength and 33 percent less lower-body strength then a MEN?
  • Are you aware of the fact that 90% women have less grip strength then 95% men?In other words almost all men are weaker then MEN?
  • Are you aware of the fact that almost all women are shorter and smaller in size compare to men?

  • Are you aware of the fact men on general are MORE Intelligent,have greater spatial ability, More Risk taker and work better under stressful conditions?

Keeping theses fact in mind,do you honestly believe that an average women can fight an average men?

Roussey the top Female MMA fighter refused to fight the top male MMA fighter.Because she knew that she is no match for male MMA fighter.

No rules are made for the protection of everyone, not only women, grow up
If a female Prime Minister amends the constitution, will you not follow it? Quite backward thinking.

Please tell me who is forcing these rule? MEN!
Just watch female cops vs criminal video on youtube. See just how easily criminals manage to escape from female cops.In every active shooter it is the male cops entering the building,NOT WOMEN.

Prime Minister has legal powers,which again are enforced by MEN.How many female Prime Ministers do you know that did not used their father's or brother's name to become Prime Minister?

No one, they are joining the field, but lack of equal pay etc discourages them, there are barriers there as well, do you think the west is free of Patriarchy?

They are joining in less number and leaving in greater number then men.Most work in non-competitive fields.

The Gender Pay Gap has been shown to be a myth.Just GOOGLE it.

What barriers are there in the WEST?Please enlighten me.

oh come on, I have always seen female IDF soldiers beating up the Palestinians
US women have remained POWs, and only a person who is at the front, or quite close it can become POW.
Another example is Kurds, Kurdish women have been beating the sh*t out of the ISIS from I dont know when.

The few IDF female soldiers who serve at border are only at checkpoints just checking the unarmed and weak women and children,backed by male soldies.

Most of the beating is done by Male IDF soldiers.

Have you ever seen female IDF units sent for active combat against HAMAS in GAZAS?or against Hezbollah?

NO.All fighting units are male.

Only 2 American Female have been POW.One is the famous Jessica Lynch.Both in a support unit of mechanics.They were working in area declared clear from Iraqi Insurgents.It was not the frontline.

And while Male mechanics fought bought,Jessica Lynch hid under a table screaming,shrieking,begging for mercy and crying.Just typical female behavior.

Those claims by Kurdish female fighters have not been ever proven.It was just lie for propaganda purposes.
There is a reason that most kurdish fighters who died fighting ISIS are males.

DID you know that the standards for women to join the military are way lower then MEN.

  • Men must complete a three-mile run within 18 minutes to get a maximum score on that portion of the PFT, while women younger than 40 have up to 21 minutes.
  • For Marines between 17 and 20 years old, men must do 20 pullups to get a maximum score; women must do seven.
  • On the CFT, men must lift a 30-pound ammunition can between 106 and 120 times within two minutes to get a max score. Women must lift the can between 66 and 75 times for a maximum score.

Did you know women suffer more chronic issues during their service in military.Keep in mind they serve in only support units.

See the below video

Reminds me of a post on social media where a person claimed that an untrained male fighter is more stronger than a trained female fighter, so a trained female accepted his challenge and what followed did not end well for the male fellow.

Again an exception.Not a general rule.JUST see who whole almost all the world recordsi n competitive sports.

FUN FACT:US Women world champion football team lost to high school BOYS!

I can name alot, but you won't even know their names, why? because chauvinist men have tried to erase their names from history.
Still just this one name is great enough to put every sensible person to rest


Again an exception.Everyone know her name because she is the top 3 Sufi of all time.
But can an average person name even 5 female Sufi Saints? Let alone any female Qalandirs,Mujtahid and etc.

And what prove do you have men tried to erase female sufi saints from history?

Your every arguments has been based on single cases. Remember arguments are not based on exception but rather on General Rule.

Bro you are making no sense at all. Having a natural inclination towards something has nothing to do with equality. If you like woman A more than woman B then does that mean you're oppressing woman A ? You are favouring woman A because of desirable traits and not because she's some another gender. This doesn't mean the world or society would take away woman B's rights and opportunities away. It's like complaining that if Nawaz Sharif is a billionaire then you should be one too otherwise you're not equal. I don't think you understand what equality means. You're drawing apples and oranges.

Stop flip flopping every other post. You're complaining about women having gender biases by negating a movement that is against gender biases in the first place. Hell feminism will probably do us good because if anything it'll lower the expectations placed on men because women will no more be reliant on men alone to feed them. Empowering involves sharing burden and responsibilities.

Gender bias mean wanting one thing for your gender and different thing for the opposite gender.

The point is that these feminists are demanding equality but their natural preference is just opposite of equality.

Women want men who are stronger,taller,wealthier and smarter then them. And these preferences are gendered based.
Men want almost all the opposite things.

How can their be equality when these women want a men superior to them in almost all matters?How can their be equality between two gender when both gender desire the opposite things?

Your claim that western women will simply refuse to marry a man who earns less makes no sense because if all women were aiming for the the top percentile of men majority of men and women would be single and we'd be seeing falling populations.

Studies have show women prefer men who earn more then them.One of the study.

women marry up.PNG

I don’t think the slogan ‘Khana Garam Karlo’ Should be offending Men. I believe it annoyed a lot of males out there in Pakistan, I read the reasoning behind the lady who made the slogan and she said it’s not implying Men as ‘slaves’ but to make them self-sufficient - because Patriarchy. Lol

No, the lady is implying that men have for centuries treated women as a slave by asking them to do domestic work.It is creating the perception in females mind that men have oppressed women for centuries.A false perception.

In reality,men have for centuries protected women by doing dangerous and very hard work.Even in this modern age, all the dangerous and hard work is being done by men.

These feminist are trying to create gulf and hatred between the two genders.Look what has happened in the west.

High divorce rate,out of wedlock children,more persons with mental health issues,broken families and etc.

We don't want these same things to happen in Pakistan.

Just like how young girls are told to join their mothers in kitchen to prepare food and wash dishes, and help in other chores of the house, boys should also be made to do the same.

If men take up more and more domestic responsibility, children will learn that these tasks are not naturally gendered. When children see only women do housework, they internalise domestic work as being fundamentally feminine — and this is how the cycle repeats and gendering reproduced.

But the tasks are gendered.

Studies have shown women prefer those jobs which are not highly competitive,which are repetitive,which are easy,desk jobs,which give them more social time and etc.Like teaching,secretary,daycare,nurses and etc.

Also the studies have shown men prefer highly competitive jobs,which are not repetitive,which are challenging and which give more chance to rise and etc.like fighter pilots,cops,programmers,engineers,competitive sports and etc.

Even in the west the main bread earner is still the man.And in cases where men are stay at home dads and women are the main earner,the women quickly looses the respect for her men and the relationship fails.

When a boy or girl are young,they are given work tasks more suitable to their gender because to make them understand that they both are different.When they accept and understand these differences, only then can live a good and happy life.

Would you ask a teen girl to carry 20kg up two floors?or tell her to work as a labour at least 10 hours a day to make ends meet?


Because it is impossible for her to do these things.

Real feminism isn’t about hating Men - we have some great and wonderful Men around us who have supported us and we are independent because of them. It’s just as you said equality

Want me to quotes some of the founders of feminism on men?

millions of pakistnai females live in terrible conditions is not a masla ?

So working at home in safe and secure environment are terrible conditions?

And working as labour outside doing hard and dangerous work is an easy life?
But many MGTOW circles I interacted with have this nihilism tainted view of their surroundings.

That literally depends on the age group. Men in their 30s and middle age+ sound nihilistic because they have been washed up and came to know about their situations quite late in their lives. Obviously if you take their factor of age and the remaining years in their lives they won't be banking on the coming change (which itself has a 50-50 chance) as they'll be too late to enjoy that change. So they simply don't give a damn about the society any more via just simply enjoying their remaining time and sharing their wisdom.

It's up to the late teens till mid twenties group to be "optimistic" and carve their future as they see fit. They are the ones who are usually quite hopeful for some sort of change.
Another example is Kurds, Kurdish women have been beating the sh*t out of the ISIS from I dont know when
You don't know jack about it.
In reality, they are used as a propaganda tool, recruitment poster and canon fodder by their superior male commanders. Most of them are conscripts, not volunteers. Molested by their own commanders(Can't protect themselves from being molested just like some of their US counterparts).
And yeah, You believe that one of their female fighters killed 1000 ISIS fighters, sane people like me know that it's propaganda.
Typical leftist Marxist propaganda...
@Desert Fox @Ocean @Nefer @Nilgiri
Moreover those Kurdish female fighters you are so proud of belong to groups declared terrorists by our friend Turkey. They have also conducted suicide bombings killing Turkish civilians.

oh come on, I have always seen female IDF soldiers beating up the Palestinians
US women have remained POWs, and only a person who is at the front, or quite close it can become POW.
Their transport helis got shot down, that is as close to combat they can go.

For Marines between 17 and 20 years old, men must do 20 pullups to get a maximum score; women must do seven.
Most of them couldn't do even one.
They do a hang for 30 seconds (minimum criteria)
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