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Another earthquake hit Iran. This time north-east.

whats going on in Iran..too many earthquakes...i hope everything is okay

Its not just Iran the USGS map for the last 7 days show 196 recorded quakes.

Latest Earthquakes in the World - Past 7 days

Most you dont hear about, this is a 60 day map of Christchurch NZ after and including the Sept quake


My prayers for those affected yet again in Iran
Update: 8 died, more than 20 wounded. many have lost their houses or it is not safe to stay in.

با توجه به گذشت ماه ها از زلزله آذربايجان و وضعيت مردم در اين مناطق در حال حاظر وضعيت اين بي خانمان هاي خراسان به شدت نگران کننده است. اگر مسئولين اشتباهات گذشته را تکرار کنند بدون شک در سرماي امشب عده ايي يخ خواهند زد

اينبار سه ماه فرصت نيست کمتر از 12 ساعت تا فاجعه فاصله داريم
the whole population of the area is less than 1000.but hopefully it happened in 8:38 when almost most of the people were awake.
but imagine if it happened 2 h later!?...
and the area is very cold.considering there is a futsal salon at the area and also a very small university they can move the suffered population to these places.
one thousand tents and many blankets is sent to the area.
but the negetive news....one child is missed and its approved that 7 people are dead.and more than 16 people are injured and needs help.the area's houses i have seen are very undeveloped.
this week also an 5 richhter earthquake took place in kerman.but the area was a little bit developed and nothing happened.
my house also is located on north Tehran's fault.
considering the population is less than 1000,550 blankets,881 carpets,600 heating systems and. more than 10000 conserves are sent to the area..two mil-171s and more than 12 Crescent caravans are in the area too.
Ashem Vohu Vahishtem Asti Ushta Asti Ushta Ahmai Yatashai Vahishtai Ashem.

My condolences guys. Feel really bad at the rough time you all are having.

My apologies on behalf of my compatriot. I am frankly embarrassed and disgusted in equal measure.
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