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Another Cousin joined Pakistan army

if army was protecting our borders then we should have not seen drone attacks, nato attacks, smugglers getting in and out, iranians freely killing pakistanis, not to mention they lost half of our country protecting our borders, even afghanistan army is better than pakistan army, afghanistan didnt lose half of territory to become independent, losty kargil, lost some siachen territory in 80s

army cant even protect GHQ let alone pakistan FFS
if army was protecting our borders then we should have not seen drone attacks, nato attacks, smugglers getting in and out, iranians freely killing pakistanis, not to mention they lost half of our country protecting our borders, even afghanistan army is better than pakistan army, afghanistan didnt lose half of territory to become independent, losty kargil, lost some siachen territory in 80s

army cant even protect GHQ let alone pakistan FFS

Again you are showing your stupidity when you put all blame on army for all evils while don't put any blame on politicians or those who run these institution of Army. So you are trying to say that Army is evil and pakistan should get rid of army because some General was not good enough to lead the army..

what the hell you compare Pakistan army with Afghanistan Army lol Are you on drug or nuswaar? :D

Yes army is protecting its civilians and now they almost eliminated the threat of terrorism/suicide attacks which came from your dear Afghanistan
Darkinsky, when the government fails, the army fails, simple as that. Notice the outcomes of our conflicts when we had Military dictators. We kicked ***. It is frustrating, but entirely blaming the army is quite irresponsible.
Again you are showing your stupidity when you put all blame on army for all evils while don't put any blame on politicians or those who run these institution of Army. So you are trying to say that Army is evil and pakistan should get rid of army because some General was not good enough to lead the army..

what the hell you compare Pakistan army with Afghanistan Army lol Are you on drug or nuswaar? :D

Yes army is protecting its civilians and now they almost eliminated the threat of terrorism/suicide attacks which came from your dear Afghanistan

im a mohajir and have nothing to do with with afghanistan or afghanis

few generals are not corrupt, if that was the case, there might be something which is corrupting the generals right from t1947 to 71 till today

---------- Post added at 04:11 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:11 AM ----------

Darkinsky, when the government fails, the army fails, simple as that. Notice the outcomes of our conflicts when we had Military dictators. We kicked ***. It is frustrating, but entirely blaming the army is quite irresponsible.

in our casde, army is pretty independent of the government and we are not seeing army fail from yesterday its been a long long story
So RP is from the famous Matore = known as Janjua heartland, and producing many warriors for Pakistan, There are many Janjua's doing sterling service for our country and I salute all of them. I even know a few personally.

---------- Post added at 04:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:13 AM ----------

Ignore the troll, brothers - and lets concentrate on praising Raja-Pakistani's cousin and the hundreds of thousands - of others who serve the motherland.
whats up with punjabis claiming to serve the country by joining the army i mean, you can serve by getting proper education become engineer or doctor and thus contributing to our economy

what does the army serve, yes we have already seen them serving well to break our country in 1971 and killing our own people in the mess we are today and taking bribes and opening marriage lawns in army headquarters

i mean a civil servent or a professional educated guy serves more than a army guy ever will be

army does do one thing and for no reason at all they get the big pensions, share of land and happy retirement, i mean they dont do nothing

army selection is also based on ethnicity, if you are a punjabi then wallah!!!, you dont need to work hard and educate yourself, you can just enter army and rest of fortune will follow

pardon me for this tone, but its a reality

why pakistan gives more importance to army guys and less importance to civilians who work harder and better to raise the country, there should be no distinction between an army guy or a civilian, the benefit an army guy gets should be the same as a civil servant or govt employee

I'm only going to comment on the ethnicity thing. I'm assuming that your not a Punjabi...ehh...? Let me tell you something about me : I'm an ethnic Kashmiri and I live in Punjab...not once have I been subjected to the kind of fascistic bullshit that you're talking about...do you know why..? Because the very cornerstone of Punjabi culture is 'inclusivity' i.e we don't give a fook who you are or which language you speak...because as a Pakistani you're one of us. There are millions of Pashtuns, Baloch, Sindhis, Kashmiris and other ethnicities residing in Punjab, millions of people (many of the them Urdu speakers) who settled in Punjab at the time of the partition and not once has a single Punjabi leader (Never mind the people) talked about how : these Non-Punjabis have taken all the jobs or our language or culture is under threat or our vote bank is going to be diluted. So for fook sake...don't talk s**t about Punjabis. Punjab has suffered enough for the sake of Pakistan by giving countless concessions. Neither Bhutto nor Yahya Khan were Punjabis they were Sindhis and Pashtun respectively but we (Punjabis) don't for a second take them representative of the people of either of those ethnicities when they threw away half of our country...so kindly extend us the same courtesy; if some higher up in the Punjabi dominated (because we number the most) army fooks up, don't look at his ethnicity...look at his character, his greed, his ineptitude, his nepotism and corruption.

I too dislike it very much when the army tries to punch above its weight and meddle in the governance of the state and I truly believe that any and all Generals who abrogated (or suspended) the constitution should be retrospectively court-martialed, but don't you dare evoked ethno-nationalism here..Punjab hasn't done s**t here. If as a Punjabi your as so much as guaranteed a place in the army and your life is all set...than we Kashmirs who comprise less than 2-3% of the population of Pakistan would never have been able to secure a disproportionate representation in the Army relative to our small population (nearly 9% from what I've read).

Don't force us Punjabis to play the ethnicity card because we love Pakistan...but the further this bullshit about 'Punjab khaa giya' goes on...the more you push us against the wall. And when I use the term us - I call all of us who call Punjab as our home irrespective of our ethnicity as Punjabis for that is the Punjabi way. So again I say - Don't push it.
Again you are showing your stupidity when you put all blame on army for all evils while don't put any blame on politicians or those who run these institution of Army. So you are trying to say that Army is evil and pakistan should get rid of army because some General was not good enough to lead the army..

what the hell you compare Pakistan army with Afghanistan Army lol Are you on drug or nuswaar? :D

Yes army is protecting its civilians and now they almost eliminated the threat of terrorism/suicide attacks which came from your dear Afghanistan

It is true that Army has played a bad role in our national life. but like you put it the Institution is not useless, it is a very important instrument to keep the national security intact,

and may your cousin be addition to the good officers that we all feel proud of.
Smart lad indeed. Mashallah... May he bring accolades to the country along with all the other sons of the soil. Ameen
technically if you have punjab domicile, you dont have a problem, then it doesnt matter where you are originally from, you are from punjab and thats it

many people have tried to gain punjab domicile just to be on the safer side
ignore darkinsky from personal experience these people will keep on rambling on against army but be extremely grateful when they save their @#$ from floods or invasion........ i congratulate you and your brother and i thank your entire family who are serving in the army thanks for all your hard work....

army has played both good and bad role due to generals but we still love it and once again give him my congrats and thanks
He(hasnain Janjua ) is another cousin who just joined Pakistan army from our family after my father, uncles and many cousins. Great honour for him and for our family to serve in Pakistan army..


He got the looks of an officer.

Wish him all the success in life.

technically if you have punjab domicile, you dont have a problem, then it doesnt matter where you are originally from, you are from punjab and thats it

many people have tried to gain punjab domicile just to be on the safer side
You are such a clown dude - I am a Punjabi and rejected from ISSB Test..you know people like you have it easy way because you guys always get some sort of exceptions (like lower marks) where as Punjabis have strict merit and you guys just get quota number and low academic conditions.Let's not forget how you people run Sindh Inter Board..there is open cheating.Army don't reject you based on ethnicity ..it's just that your caliber does not meet Army's criteria and then you play ethnicity card.
He(hasnain Janjua ) is another cousin who just joined Pakistan army from our family after my father, uncles and many cousins. Great honour for him and for our family to serve in Pakistan army..
And why didn't you join the army yourself?
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