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Another Checkpost attacked by terrorists

PTM has a right to protest but cannot start an anti Pakistan movement.
Pti protested all over Pakistan and they were not called anti Pakistan. But if smaller parties like TLP protest then they will be treated as traitors. Our higher up pick and choose. If traitors are attracting 1000s in their jalsa you cannot shoot them. You'll have to get out of the punjabi elite mindset and deal with the problem. It's the army and security job to bring security to KPK and Balochistan, if that is a big failure then these kind of people will pop up.

Bring security and development in these areas please
Where was PTM when these were ruling tribal areas


I was trying to get to the root of the problem. We live in the 21st century. Our governments and institutes should be strong enough to educate the masses on being a Pakistani and educate them on the Pakistan ideology. But the exact opposite is happening, the government's have been filing their own pockets and haven't bothered in benefiting the masses. The youths of Pakistan should have enough education by the time they are 16. The education that can benefit them in life, the education to be peaceful citizens. The education of Pakistani ideology should be running in their blood. Government should be providing them justice but again our judges and lawyers take bribes. Our police is corrupt.

People in tribal areas have been neglected for decades and we are witnessing the after affects. I agree it's unacceptable to be attacking your own army and checkpoints. I condemn this. But killing PTM, sindh nationalists, Baloch nationalist won't solve the problem.

I am fan of what Pakistan army is doing in tribal areas on education. They have set up modern schools, modern colleges, science institutes, we will see the benefits of it when those children grow up in a decade of so. We need the government to open primary, secondary schools in all districts, open colleges etc. This will solve the problem.

quantity of such affected people which you have mentioned above is very few.they are not in large number and they should ask government about progress in their region.government officials are mostly corrupt.this is true for everyone including sindh,punjab,balochistan and kpk.you can't change this system.it's corrupt.i have seen lots of people in pain just because of injustice but attacking army is a totally different thing.remember army vacated locals(pashtuns) to fight with our common enemy ttp.can you guess the future of your region without army support? ttp has created terror camps and they were launching attacks on pakistan army that's why operation against ttp was right but after war,many pashtuns died just because of mines.some are vanished.people who are vanished are not innocent.nobody can harm anyone without a purpose.use your mind.if you want quick change in your system then change the system.change the place where you are living and go to some other province.wait for complete army operation.everything will be fine.
because we have a terrorist sympathizer at the PM seat, these are his brothers so army cannot do anything
You are totally wrong on this. Army has to defend Pakistan and not PM. He gave chance to PTM after consulting with army for sure.

What about bilawal and maryam? supporting PTM?.
because we have a terrorist sympathizer at the PM seat, these are his brothers so army cannot do anything

their leaders who are promoting war on army should not be neglected but for pashtuns,the idea is right.we can't target local pashtuns.these ptm leaders are dividing our people.remember pashtuns are our people.we should take action against any person who is involved in hate speech and physical action against army.don't wait.take the action.also we should ask government to solve this mess.why so much poverty and no education in the affected areas? government should answer it.terrible performance by government.
PTM has a right to protest but cannot start an anti Pakistan movement.
Pti protested all over Pakistan and they were not called anti Pakistan. But if smaller parties like TLP protest then they will be treated as traitors. Our higher up pick and choose. If traitors are attracting 1000s in their jalsa you cannot shoot them. You'll have to get out of the punjabi elite mindset and deal with the problem. It's the army and security job to bring security to KPK and Balochistan, if that is a big failure then these kind of people will pop up.

Bring security and development in these areas please

When did PTI fired at army checkpost
If army had killed all attackers with their two ugly leaders in previous attack this incident wouldn't have happened
their leaders who are promoting war on army should not be neglected but for pashtuns,the idea is right.we can't target local pashtuns.these ptm leaders are dividing our people.remember pashtuns are our people.we should take action against any person who is involved in hate speech and physical action against army.don't wait.take the action.also we should ask government to solve this mess.why so much poverty and no education in the affected areas? government should answer it.terrible performance by government.

who is the right mind is asking to target pashtunes, say something that is logical or dont say it at all

You are totally wrong on this. Army has to defend Pakistan and not PM. He gave chance to PTM after consulting with army for sure.

What about bilawal and maryam? supporting PTM?.

all politicians are like that they care more for votes than country and Imran is no different
Normally any sensitive installation or military installation has declared no entry beyond limits, warning signs installed and etc. In this case of Waziristan, I think it should be declared SoP that no unauthorized person comes within 2 kilometers of a check post or military installation.
Should we still ask for dialogue? We should allow them to gather at one place and kill them all. We are lacking in strategy and government & opposition have less will to use force.

Don't belittle your self in emotions. I have high regard for your maturity and just understanding. Please try to maintain it. Public has every right to protest. A crowd can also get carried away in emotions during protest and leaders may loose control.
That is why law of "use of just and necessary force" has been made.
Police can use canes, pallets, water cannons, tear smock etc as per requirement. Bullets should be used only and strictly in reply of bullets only.
I never used bullets or even pallets during hailstorm of stones and dammaging of property in Kashmir although many of my fellow officers used pallets.

Always remember, it is people, not geographical boundaries who make a piece of land into a Nation.
Will of people is supream, not any whims and fancy of leaders, dictators or bureaucracy.
If government think that people are jahils then it can put all its resources into educating people canvasing it's ideas.
But talking through bullets ???
I can expect from most of the PDF members here but not from you.
Time for a major operation to take out ANP/TTP/PTM remnants.

Kick PTM from NA.

Arrest all leaders and major personalities.

Investigate all members and supporters on the ground and in social media.
Don't belittle your self in emotions. I have high regard for your maturity and just understanding. Please try to maintain it. Public has every right to protest. A crowd can also get carried away in emotions during protest and leaders may loose control.
That is why law of "use of just and necessary force" has been made.
Police can use canes, pallets, water cannons, tear smock etc as per requirement. Bullets should be used only and strictly in reply of bullets only.
I never used bullets or even pallets during hailstorm of stones and dammaging of property in Kashmir although many of my fellow officers used pallets.

Always remember, it is people, not geographical boundaries who make a piece of land into a Nation.
Will of people is supream, not any whims and fancy of leaders, dictators or bureaucracy.
If government think that people are jahils then it can put all its resources into educating people canvasing it's ideas.
But talking through bullets ???
I can expect from most of the PDF members here but not from you.
You can't even control kashmir from 70 years. Your dialogue and table talk strategy failed in kashmir. We have successful examples of using language of Bullet. In Swat operation alone we killed thousands . We brought peace. In islamabad masjid/mosque , we killed their 100+ mosque students including females, and brought peace. Islamabad life is in Peace now.
Our peace dialogue failed many times , which allowed them to rise in thousands.
You can't even control kashmir from 70 years. Your dialogue and table talk strategy failed in kashmir. We have successful examples of using language of Bullet. In Swat operation alone we killed thousands . We brought peace. In islamabad masjid/mosque , we killed their 100+ mosque students including females, and brought peace. Islamabad life is in Peace now.
Our peace dialogue failed many times , which allowed them to rise in thousands.

Thanks for breaking my illusion.
As for Kashmir and Swat....
Peace can never justify an unjust act. Stalin, Mao, Saddam, Gaddafi, Idi Amin; all managed to bring peace in their countries for a considerable period.
In Kashmir government is not putting it's resources in educating people. Not making enough efforts in convincing people to its ideology. Unemployment and intervention of Pakistan are other major issues. I still have firm belief that in Swat and Kashmir, long lasting peace can be achieved by investing resources in educating people at grassroot level and providing them employment.
In Kashmir government is not putting it's resources in educating people. Not making enough efforts in convincing people to its ideology. Unemployment and intervention of Pakistan are other major issues. I still have firm belief that in Swat and Kashmir, long lasting peace can be achieved by investing resources in educating people at grassroot level and providing them employment.
Kashmir is Jihad issue. You can't do anything . Intervention happens from all over world due to emotional sentiments with religion. Even indian muslim facitilate them too. Pulmwa suicide attacker was indian muslim too. Even if you educate them it will still not change much. Religious people goes in extreme. Here Ghazi abdul rashid had Master degree too, but they did terrorist activities using Lal mosque. They gathered thousand+ there. It took us month to clean this mess created by ghazi abdul rashid .We killed their 100+ in mosque. Look your own Mujahideen in india, few were even educated & holding degrees.
Kashmir is Jihad issue. You can't do anything . Intervention happens from all over world due to emotional sentiments with religion. Even indian muslim facitilate them too. Pulmwa suicide attacker was indian muslim too. Even if you educate them it will still not change much. Religious people goes in extreme. Here Ghazi abdul rashid had Master degree too, but they did terrorist activities using Lal mosque. They gathered thousand+ there. It took us month to clean this mess created by ghazi abdul rashid .We killed their 100+ in mosque. Look your own Mujahideen in india, few were even educated & holding degrees.

You are equating protest gone out of control to hard core militants.
I have already said that reply of a bullet must be given by bullet, but reply of slogans chanting out of control crowd can not be given by bullets until it becomes life threatening power.
What I am trying to make you understand that Administration must use the principal of "just and necessary force while controlling a crowd. Otherwise what is a difference between General Dyer and a public servant of Democratic Republic ??
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