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Jan Lokapl Bill

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Those who dont know about Jan Lok Pal bill draft version:-
A look at the salient features of Jan Lokpal Bill:

1. An institution called LOKPAL at the centre and LOKAYUKTA in each state will be set up

2. Like Supreme Court and Election Commission, they will be completely independent of the governments. No minister or bureaucrat will be able to influence their investigations.

3. Cases against corrupt people will not linger on for years anymore: Investigations in any case will have to be completed in one year. Trial should be completed in next one year so that the corrupt politician, officer or judge is sent to jail within two years.

4. The loss that a corrupt person caused to the government will be recovered at the time of conviction.

5. How will it help a common citizen: If any work of any citizen is not done in prescribed time in any government office, Lokpal will impose financial penalty on guilty officers, which will be given as compensation to the complainant.

6. So, you could approach Lokpal if your ration card or passport or voter card is not being made or if police is not registering your case or any other work is not being done in prescribed time. Lokpal will have to get it done in a month's time. You could also report any case of corruption to Lokpal like ration being siphoned off, poor quality roads been constructed or panchayat funds being siphoned off. Lokpal will have to complete its investigations in a year, trial will be over in next one year and the guilty will go to jail within two years.

7. But won't the government appoint corrupt and weak people as Lokpal members? That won't be possible because its members will be selected by judges, citizens and constitutional authorities and not by politicians, through a completely transparent and participatory process.

8. What if some officer in Lokpal becomes corrupt? The entire functioning of Lokpal/ Lokayukta will be completely transparent. Any complaint against any officer of Lokpal shall be investigated and the officer dismissed within two months.

9. What will happen to existing anti-corruption agencies? CVC, departmental vigilance and anti-corruption branch of CBI will be merged into Lokpal. Lokpal will have complete powers and machinery to independently investigate and prosecute any officer, judge or politician.

10. It will be the duty of the Lokpal to provide protection to those who are being victimized for raising their voice against corruption.
Persons -plural (11 in Janlokpal & 3 in government Bill if I remember correctly)

Yes, Lokpal will be a committe made by Civil Society and Member of Parliaments. There will be Lokayukta in every state reporting to this committe.
On a side note , i just came across a true story form an indian village where a girl was raped by a politician under his contacts umbrella just because that girl was doing studies, so according to these politicians a girl from poor family is not eligible to study as they are afraid that the poor family will achieve well-being and later that girl committed suicide . Such things happen and happen lot frequently in both india and Pakistan,

It doesn't matter that either both these countries or anyone of them becomes economic giant still such incidents will happen just because we have this feudal mentality in both these countries , Until and unless this mentality is doomed i dont see much differences in acts whether its BJP or Congress in india or PPP or PML in Pakistan

In the era of technology we are still living in the age of darkness , the true rise of these countries will be when all human beings will be considered equal whether muslims or non-muslims ,whether hinuds or non-hindus, whether feudals or farmers .
He is more like a gay icon ( no offense to anyone here)

Still laughing here mate:rofl:
Yes, Lokpal will be a committe made by Civil Society and Member of Parliaments. There will be Lokayukta in every state reporting to this committe.

Not going to happen. Lokayuktas will have to come through separate acts of individual states & if the criteria for appointing them is that they are superior court judges, don't see them reporting to anybody. Also, no state is going to allow a central law to be ridden roughshod over them. The Anna group wants the Lokpal bill to be passed under the Concurrent act but I don't see that happening. No state government wants to be presented with a Fait accompli including the opposition ones.

Btw, Government Lokpals will all be Judges. The Anna group wants others to be considered but again I don't see that happening.
Okay, I am not commenting on the stupidity of the government in dealing with Anna Hazare but these are about a couple of disagreements on the Lokpal bill.

I believe that the Judiciary must not come under the perview of the Lokpal & must be brought under a separate Judiciary accountability Bill which needs to be tougher. The PM issue is more nuanced; can understand both sides of the argument but maybe we need to go with the safeguards put in, i.e. investigation after the PM leaves office. Not perfect but there are way too many issues that crop up. The only thing I agree with the Anna group is that the anti-corruption wing of the CBI must be transferred to the Lokpal since it will become redundant anyway.

in My POV, None in the democratic country should be spared from Lokpal bill. Judiciary being one of the biggest pillar should come first under scanner. Reason is very simple, If I used RTI act to find corruption against a politician and then complained to Lokpal and matter gone to judiciary. Now judge has taken bribe and favored Politician then again i am back to zero. A separate bill or say multiple bills will just create loop holes for corrupts.

PM, being a part of elected member of ruling party, is more than responsible for crimes/corruptions done. Each and every file for ministries passes through PMO. How can he be spared?
Not going to happen. Lokayuktas will have to come through separate acts of individual states & if the criteria for appointing them is that they are superior court judges, don't see them reporting to anybody. Also, no state is going to allow a central law to be ridden roughshod over them. The Anna group wants the Lokpal bill to be passed under the Concurrent act but I don't see that happening. No state government wants to be presented with a Fait accompli including the opposition ones.

Btw, Government Lokpals will all be Judges. The Anna group wants others to be considered but again I don't see that happening.

This bolded comment is biggest issue currently in Indian politics. Once politicians are elected, they want to be govern by any organization. one ex is CAG gave a list of corruption done by Sheila dixit, MCD etc but then they stand against it. Now what??

CBI could not make a chargesheet in Boforse case and closed the case. Now what??

The major reason is that CBI, CAG, CVC etc organization does not have back up of people hence they could not be stronger enough to prosecute the people in judiciary.

Even if states accept their Lokayukta but they will come under Lokpal and complain against them can be done to Lokpal, if they favored state govt.
Only problem with Anna is he is not highly educated.

Why there is problem? We need a leader and not professor.

Anyways, all so educated people ruined nation. I am not having an issue with a 7th std pass at least he is better than corrupt/criminal MPs.
Why there is problem? We need a leader and not professor.

Anyways, all so educated people ruined nation. I am not having an issue with a 7th std pass at least he is better than corrupt/criminal MPs.
A Pm must be clever enough to deal with external & internal challenges.
While I am posting here, My frnd got arrested near Pragati Maidan in support of Anna Hazare.
I hope BJP doesn't come to rule, though it should be more of a task for you guys as i m living in a different country but still i think BJP is more kind of extremist party , they are always on the verge of aggressiveness and waging war towards Pakistan , i don't think in the past they have been good at developing international relations , they are more of introverts ,thats what i think. No offense to BJP supporters

That's not true bro. Since independence best relations between India-Pakistan was during BJP rule. Remember Musharraf-Bajpei era? And same case with China. BJP is a far-right party just for the sake of it. It is a sensible party if it was such a aggressive party as some people in Pakistan tend to believe India-Pakistan would have went on another war after 2002 attack on Indian Parliament [BJP ruled at that time]? But we didn't.
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