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Anna Hazare released from jail after India-wide protests, begins fasting

Jan Lokapl Bill

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I hope BJP doesn't come to rule, though it should be more of a task for you guys as i m living in a different country but still i think BJP is more kind of extremist party , they are always on the verge of aggressiveness and waging war towards Pakistan , i don't think in the past they have been good at developing international relations , they are more of introverts ,thats what i think. No offense to BJP supporters

Both parties -Congress or BJP- have corrupt elements; however, it is India to decide whom to elect. But this bill is about corruption. Hope Lokpal bill would help both parties -Congress or BJP- shed their corrupt element in turn delivering better governance
They want Narinder modi as PM ...........nothing less than that.

You know Congress is pseudo-secular ........only BJP under Modi Bhai can be truely secular

Leave Narendra Modi aside, I will agree on Nitish Kumar's name? Will you?
They "passed" because "RTI Act" was supported or rather forced by "People". We are doing the same. I am not losing hope but I am also not interested about UPAs "My way or Highway" situation.

Parliament was not occupying force earlier but majority of Congress made it like this. We are still waiting for decisions for retrievel of money from A Raja and Kalmadi. We are waiting for remoaval of Sheila Dixit when CAG is submitted report. We are waiting for my first right of Democracy and that is "Right to peaceful protest" but where is that? I saw that During Baba Ramdev time and saw it today.

Baba ramdev ji maharaj tried to copy Mr anna hazare.
He got it.
Here we go Evil congress and saint BjP is out again.

What stopped you from bringing back BJP back to power.???
I hope BJP doesn't come to rule, though it should be more of a task for you guys as i m living in a different country but still i think BJP is more kind of extremist party , they are always on the verge of aggressiveness and waging war towards Pakistan , i don't think in the past they have been good at developing international relations , they are more of introverts ,thats what i think. No offense to BJP supporters

Actually, relationship with Pakistan flourished under BJP. Not that I am a big BJP fan, but they tend to act more responsibly when in power as opposed to when they are in the opposition. Case in point, Gujarat.

All the departments that effect comman man like are under RTI................I personally have used it couple of times.
What we need to do with info about foreign affairs and military issues....
Dont loose hope .......have a little trust on our Parliament............

A population having on trust in its elected leaders leeds to anarchy

That's where the argument stems. Who decides what factors affect common man and which ones don't. To add insult to injury, MMS initially suggested inclusion of PM's post in Lok Pal but he was overruled by Congress and BJP. He is the head of our state??? And he later retracted from that stand.

BTW...Lokpal is not a person although quite similar to the Lok Ayukta. Anyone having doubts on the effectiveness please do a little research on Karnataka.
Hahahahah.............yes yes Lokpal will not be person..........we will import a robot from Japan for that post

As far as my knowledge is concerned Lokpal is not a person. Just like RTI is a bill that gives citizen’s the right to information, Lokpal bill will give citizen the right to fight corruption.

Any links from you would help me clear my misconception
Believe me when I say that BJP=Congress but with more evil:hitwall:
All of these politicians are the same and have no shame:sick:
BJP member's Son in Law is a congressman and congress member's Daughter in law is a BJPian...............all these jackasses are intertwined and always have the same job..........i.e-loot money and make enough property for their GFN sons' and daughters' in U.S/U.K/Switzerland and then die as a martyr!

Exactly! India is having a group mentalitiy among Police and Politicians. You go to any part of India, tell them you are relative of Police you will be spared. Similarly it is true for politicians. No Politician touches directly each other as there may be future collaboration with them. This is the reason, No Politician till date is properly prosecuted since 1947. All Corrupt BA$tards.
Lokpal is a not a person, but a bill. The bill mandates the institutions and the courts to punish corrupt people that also include PM and chief justice

Okay, I am not commenting on the stupidity of the government in dealing with Anna Hazare but these are about a couple of disagreements on the Lokpal bill.

I believe that the Judiciary must not come under the perview of the Lokpal & must be brought under a separate Judiciary accountability Bill which needs to be tougher. The PM issue is more nuanced; can understand both sides of the argument but maybe we need to go with the safeguards put in, i.e. investigation after the PM leaves office. Not perfect but there are way too many issues that crop up. The only thing I agree with the Anna group is that the anti-corruption wing of the CBI must be transferred to the Lokpal since it will become redundant anyway.
As far as my knowledge is concerned Lokpal is not a person. Just like RTI is a bill that gives citizen’s the right to information, Lokpal bill will give citizen the right to fight corruption.

Any links from you would help me clear my misconception

Lokpal is going to be person mate.
You called for trouble for yourself...................
BJP is the only secular party India have............BJP is the only party that can teach pakistan a strong lesson and will use nukes on Pakistan.........no matter India looses its half of population .........but hey its BJP not congress ............they cant do anything wrong

If i remember correctly it was Atal ji who took the bus trip???
Believe me when I say that BJP=Congress but with more evil:hitwall:
All of these politicians are the same and have no shame:sick:
BJP member's Son in Law is a congressman and congress member's Daughter in law is a BJPian...............all these jackasses are intertwined and always have the same job..........i.e-loot money and make enough property for their GFN sons' and daughters' in U.S/U.K/Switzerland and then die as a martyr!

Agreed, usually politicians are inter-linked, faces are different but goal is one . Many politicians have their families abroad usually in US or UK, what they do is suck tax payer money , open up a swiss account and supply this money to their families living abroad just to have party in dance clubs and pubs . and the innocent tax payer thinks this time his tax money might help him and his countrymen to loose some problems but they don't think such money is spend on wine and votdka stuff and not to forget hot chicks . Unless and until these politicians are not taught a lesson by public they will never leave corruption. i hate these blood suckers , whose families are wasting billion dollars on useless luxuries while innocents in their country are dying with hunger just because they were unable to buy 10 rupee worthy of dry bread
Baba ramdev ji maharaj tried to copy Mr anna hazare.
He got it.
Here we go Evil congress and saint BjP is out again.

What stopped you from bringing back BJP back to power.???

I am not ardent supporter of BJP while I like their few policies. I hate BS yedurappa as much as I hate Sheila Dixit. I am nationalistic and i dont find Congress currently fitting on to that shoes.

What Babas intention or drama was there that is not the case? The case is, how democratic execution was attacking group of peaceful protestors?

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