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"Quite a number of people"????? India has more impoverished people than sub-Saharan Africa.

Have you every been to Armenia? The only time the residents even concern themselves with anything Turkish is on April 24th. Nobody hates the general ethnicity, and certainly not Turkish culture. There are many that in fact love the culture, but of course it would not be appropriate to say.

What Armenians hate is Turkish denialist policy (and maybe Turkish position on NK).
That's it!

Do you think that convincing yourself that Armenian people hate Turkish people validates your position at all?

I don't believe that you are Indian. Most Indians are very well educated and not buy into Turkish denialism. You are simply an Azeri that is too ashamed to stand by your colors.
He is Indian, and i didn't know you guys love our culture :D
lol we will be taken over by them countries and we will give roses to them aswell , in 20 years azeri economy will be way stronger to such a stage they will be very capable and great infastructure etc while you will be what they are now in 20 years time.

"Azeri economy will be way stronger"...explain to me how this will happen if the oil runs out. Or are you another Azeri that subscribes to the "Azerbaijan has infinite amounts of oil" theory:rofl:

He is Indian, and i didn't know you guys love our culture :D

Nah, Turk in disguise.
because by then they will make the investments , and they will get into new sectors and after oil runs out they will have many new sectors with big businesses.
because by then they will make the investments , and they will get into new sectors and after oil runs out they will have many new sectors with big businesses.

What an ignorant, baseless statement. If there is ever a time to make investments, it is now when they still have oil. Who is going to invest in Azerbaijan when it goes broke and there is literally no economic activity?

There is absolutely no indication that Sultan Aliyev is prepared to diversify. If anything, they are consolidating and bulldozing manufacturing factories to make room for oil infrastructure. This "new sector" idea is something that you have pulled out of your @ss.
you are so stupid you cant even understand properly , i said invest now , because by then they will make the investmentswhich means they will have already invested after there oil runs out.
you are so stupid you cant even understand properly , i said invest now , because by then they will make the investmentswhich means they will have already invested after there oil runs out.

ROFL why are you telling me???? Tell Sultan Aliyev. This argument is not about what Azerbaijan should do, it is about why they won't have an economy in 20 years.

I take it back, this post was stupider than your previous one.
where will armenia be in 20 years? as forbes said it was second worst economy 2011
where will armenia be in 20 years? as forbes said it was second worst economy 2011

Glad that we acknowledge Azerbaijani economy demise.

As for Armenia, I can't say that the forecasts are good nor bad. It will maintain a 3-4% growth in economy every year, which can be disappointing. At the very least, it is diversified enough to be sustainable. Hopefully, we can shut down Metsamor plant and cultivate better economic relationship with Iran.

I won't put a timetable on this, but I do believe that Russia will have border with Armenia at some point. Even today, Armenia shows again and again that it is the only Russian ally in the Caucus. Conflict between Iran and the West is inevitable, and Russia will be drawn in and forced to create a supplies corridor through Georgia to base in Armenia (Russian Chief of Staff said this himself).

Russia will see how important this corridor is, and establish a border through Georgia with Armenia. West will not give a sh*t just like the did not give a sh*t in 2008. Another option will be through Azerbaijan, which by the time oil runs out will break into many national entities (Talysh, Lezgin, etc.) Russia will have no trouble establishing a border with Armenia through Azerbaijan by that time either.
Glad that we acknowledge Azerbaijani economy demise.

As for Armenia, I can't say that the forecasts are good nor bad. It will maintain a 3-4% growth in economy every year, which can be disappointing. At the very least, it is diversified enough to be sustainable. Hopefully, we can shut down Metsamor plant and cultivate better economic relationship with Iran.

I won't put a timetable on this, but I do believe that Russia will have border with Armenia at some point. Even today, Armenia shows again and again that it is the only Russian ally in the Caucus. Conflict between Iran and the West is inevitable, and Russia will be drawn in and forced to create a supplies corridor through Georgia to base in Armenia (Russian Chief of Staff said this himself).

Russia will see how important this corridor is, and establish a border through Georgia with Armenia. West will not give a sh*t just like the did not give a sh*t in 2008. Another option will be through Azerbaijan, which by the time oil runs out will break into many national entities (Talysh, Lezgin, etc.) Russia will have no trouble establishing a border with Armenia through Azerbaijan by that time either.

I have seen many delusional people in my short life but I have never see someone both delusional and serious about what he dreams about. I guess this is what they call schizophrenia. My condolences to your family...
i have read before that iran border is very mountainous and hard to trade , you will have a tough time
i have read before that iran border is very mountainous and hard to trade , you will have a tough time

LOL it's funny I was in Armenia last month going south from the capital. It was a five hour drive, and the whole way Iranian trucks were completely backed up on the roads. It was terrible.:hitwall:

Iran and Armenia are planning to build a railroad track to facilitate trade. It is already agreed upon, but I don't know when construction starts.

I have seen many delusional people in my short life but I have never see someone both delusional and serious about what he dreams about. I guess this is what they call schizophrenia. My condolences to your family...

How about you tell me what you disagree with. Everything I have said is either from military experts or officials.
Russia will invade this, Russia will invade that, is it your plan for a better economy ?
"Quite a number of people"????? India has more impoverished people than sub-Saharan Africa.

Have you every been to Armenia? The only time the residents even concern themselves with anything Turkish is on April 24th. Nobody hates the general ethnicity, and certainly not Turkish culture. There are many that in fact love the culture, but of course it would not be appropriate to say.

What Armenians hate is Turkish denialist policy (and maybe Turkish position on NK).
That's it!

Do you think that convincing yourself that Armenian people hate Turkish people validates your position at all?

I don't believe that you are Indian. Most Indians are very well educated and not buy into Turkish denialism. You are simply an Azeri that is too ashamed to stand by your colors.

Yes, no doubt we Indians are very well educated and you would find lot of Indian Academician, Scientists, technocrats and business honchos around the world. We have huge poor population on the other hand we have more billionaires in Mumbai than London or Moscow. Ordinary people make their mindset according to knowledge "right or wrong" seeded and nurtured in their minds. Most of the historian, Academician, intellectuals around the world termed Armenian claims are exaggeration of the event. The sympathy gained by the Armenia has already been lost by committing massacre in Nagarno Karabakh that has been recognized as act genocide by many countries including the state of New Jersey in the United States.

There is a memorial in the Hague, the Netherlands, Ankara, Turkey, commemorating the Khojaly Massacre.[In 2011, another monument for the victims of Khojaly massacre unveiled near Gottfried Benn library in Steglitz-Zehlendorf borough of Berlin. In February 2012, Bosnian city Sarajevo unveiled memorial to the victims

My simple point is that by politicizing the issue Armenians have lost even the sovereignty of there own country. Why not to solve the historical matter with the help of relevant experts under the aegis of United nations.
Yes, no doubt we Indians are very well educated and you would find lot of Indian Academician, Scientists, technocrats and business honchos around the world. We have huge poor population on the other hand we have more billionaires in Mumbai than London or Moscow. Ordinary people make their mindset according to knowledge "right or wrong" seeded and nurtured in their minds. Most of the historian, Academician, intellectuals around the world termed Armenian claims are exaggeration of the event. The sympathy gained by the Armenia has already been lost by committing massacre in Nagarno Karabakh that has been recognized as act genocide by many countries including the state of New Jersey in the United States.

There is a memorial in the Hague, the Netherlands, Ankara, Turkey, commemorating the Khojaly Massacre.[In 2011, another monument for the victims of Khojaly massacre unveiled near Gottfried Benn library in Steglitz-Zehlendorf borough of Berlin. In February 2012, Bosnian city Sarajevo unveiled memorial to the victims

My simple point is that by politicizing the issue Armenians have lost even the sovereignty of there own country. Why not to solve the historical matter with the help of relevant experts under the aegis of United nations.

Is having a lot of billionaires something to be proud of? All it shows is the wealth/income inequality in your country... Generally a sign of a poorer economy. The ideal situation is to have a large middle class, with small amounts of very rich and poor. In India it is the opposite, you have a small middle class with a lot of millionaires and billionaires and hundreds of millions of poor people.

Also you gave some examples of monuments for Khojali massacre (regrettable event it was). Let me give you just some of the monuments for Armenian genocide;

Cardiff, Wales
Marseille, France
Valencia, Spain
Esfahan, Iran
Arizona, US
California, US
Der Zor, Syria
Antelias, Lebanon
Beunos Aires, Argentina
Nicosia, Cyprus
Montreal, Canada
Assen, Netherlands

And many many more. So don't think that the international community has forgotten about Armenia...
Is having a lot of billionaires something to be proud of? All it shows is the wealth/income inequality in your country... Generally a sign of a poorer economy. The ideal situation is to have a large middle class, with small amounts of very rich and poor. In India it is the opposite, you have a small middle class with a lot of millionaires and billionaires and hundreds of millions of poor people.

Also you gave some examples of monuments for Khojali massacre (regrettable event it was). Let me give you just some of the monuments for Armenian genocide;

Cardiff, Wales
Marseille, France
Valencia, Spain
Esfahan, Iran
Arizona, US
California, US
Der Zor, Syria
Antelias, Lebanon
Beunos Aires, Argentina
Nicosia, Cyprus
Montreal, Canada
Assen, Netherlands

And many many more. So don't think that the international community has forgotten about Armenia...

Let me put my humble submission on Indian economy and wealth distribution. Actually we have huge middle class (according to ILO definition) of 450 million people out 1.21billion , more than entire US population on the other hand we have large chunk of deprived people especially in the rural India. Our Public distribution system is highly corrupt and on the verge of collapse. The whole system is extremely sordid that is why food grains got rotten in the stores and not been distributed to the needy. So your point is valid on income equality down the Pyramid of Indian social category. Having billionaire’s means the existence of large public & private corporations in the said country and it has nothing to do with GINI.
As far as your point on Armenian issue & its memorials are concerned, I never said that people should forget that or it should not be discussed on public platforms. What I said that by politicizing the issue and by committing the same crime in Nagarno Karabakh, Armenia have lost the moral grounds. It seems that their intention is not to solve the issue once for all, but to keep politicizing it for short-little gains. If you study the Armenian economy then you would find that most of their institutions are being run by Russians and even the military units deployed by Russia on the pretext of security agreement. The country cannot be termed as a sovereign Nation and I request you find the reasons for the same and reply me afterward.
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