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Angry mob surrounds a Chinese citizen they have falsely accused of blasphemy in Pakistan

He is most, by definition, a nuisance. His 80% of new threads are all about India...

Don't you have your own mob violence to talk about? Or are you going to use these once in a blue moon incidents to lynch more minorities in India?
It is reported by Chinese State funded media house, stop blaming the OP and kill that MF who blasphemed against Islam.
I think Indians should be really killed for killing Muslims in India being non other than Muslims.

@313ghazi said: The Chinese engineer should respect the customs and cultures of the local people and respect the law of the land.

Ghazi sb, true. Chinese expatriates, wherever they go have no respect for local customs and laws. They are the worst kind of neo colonialists.

Indians kill Muslims in India for none other than being Muslims, Indians have no respect for other human lives, Indians are the worst kind of beings.

400 angry men gathered ready to harm someone because 2 either dishonest or seriously oversensitive workers said something. A police station attacked and military called out. The man taken elsewhere for his own protection. This kind of mob reaction has happened far too often before. To you it's just a cultural misunderstanding? What do the many things wrong in India have to with this mess and the ridiculous blasphemy laws and obsession with a huge part of the population with religion?

how would you answer a Pakistani who criticised the situation.

Not familiar with this kind of religious sensitivity in Pakistan, in my country this is unheard of (people attacking police stations, army being called in), though we have plenty of Chinese expats in Bangladesh as managers and project consultants. Kinks like this get ironed out by mediation and discussion usually, apologies are offered. I am sure the Chinese expat was not trained in local religious sensitivities - which was a mis-step.

Just speaking as an outsider and willing to be informed - that's all.
Considering more than half your threads and posts are purely India related ( nothing to do with defence ) , what does this say about you ? :p:

But seriously, I won't accuse you of being anyone's mistress. Who will want such old, rotten wine ? :sick:
Hey John Doe.... Oops i mean the old mess faker.... Still trying to get attention...
Being a faker is the only life you have on this forum but at least try to give a genuine example about old wine.
Maybe @Dalit can teach you more about old wine and your family values. :lol:
Keep splitting your few left hairs about my age.
Considering more than half your threads and posts are purely India related ( nothing to do with defence ) , what does this say about you ? :p:

But seriously, I won't accuse you of being anyone's mistress. Who will want such old, rotten wine ? :sick:

"Saaaaaaar, no more F-16s for Pakistaaaaaaan!!!!"

"Saaaaaaar, you are not phooooling anybaddy!"



"Indians managed to corrupt me. :)"
Hey John Doe.... Oops i mean the old mess faker.... Still trying to get attention...
Being a faker is the only life you have on this forum but at least try to give a genuine example about old wine.
Maybe @Dalit can teach you more about old wine and your family values. :lol:
Keep splitting your few left hairs about my age.


And why do you recommend that other fellow Dalit for teaching family values? Has he trained your family with decent results ?

Or in old age and impotency, you have to ask others for help with daily ablutions? So sad.

And why do you recommend that other fellow Dalit for teaching family values? Has he trained your family with decent results ?

Or in old age and impotency, you have to ask others for help with daily ablutions? So sad.
Oye Chindu kalle, you realize that the majority of people from your community here can barely manage a coherent sentence of English, right?
Oye Chindu kalle, you realize that the majority of people from your community here can barely manage a coherent sentence of English, right?

How am I doing so far , Professor HateHs ?

Oh, and did you think up of that lovely handle all by yourself? I mean, it really is SUCH a tough code to crack !!

I appreciate how you started off your post referencing your mother's maiden name, by the way. Such a respectful child ! Kudos :tup:
The only solution for this country and its people is American intervention and shooting them up Iraq and Afghanistan style to thin out the herd.
Must be some "Allah ditta" who took offense for being called lazy, and hadharam....
absolute idiots.... if you are going to work than religion does not dictate that since you are fasting you should be treated gently or wehatever this man wanted. The chinese are serious people they need the workers to put on the hard work but pakistani are lazy people, full of excuses and when scolded they will resort to this blasphemy nonsense!

A dam is being constructed in the country after such a long time and as we need more and more of these dams, work need to be faster but now it will end up being slower. I suspect there is more to it. That worker needs a full background check!
You make some good points. However, we also have to consider the context of Pakistan's society, government apparatus and religiosity of the country's citizens. In this regard, Chinese ,Korean, Western , Japanese or any foreign workers/expats should be mindful of this and adapt their companies policies and train their workers to be mindful of this différences. They need to know that the way they work in their home country is not the same way others do in theirs.
So they should be more careful in future about how they behave in countries where mob violence is common especially regarding sensitive topics. Had people been late in this incident for example then only the body of the blasphemer would have been taken away.
So foreigners shoulf be more aware of what they say or do in such countries where the justoce system and government is weak, and people more prone to taken laws in their own hands. This could have ended tragically..
English grammar is least of my concerns when addressing the inhouse geriatric Gupta.
And why do you recommend that other fellow Dalit for teaching family values? Has he trained your family with decent results ?
Some of us are better than others when dealing with stray minded creatures....earlier i witnessed him dealing with you accordingly.....in the manner and language that suits your character.
Or in old age and impotency, you have to ask others for help with daily ablutions? So sad.
Always a pleasure to beat you with your own stick....go to previous page and remind us....did you jump in to champion your country fellow because he is impotent or playing dalal comes naturally to you.
But since you are in some form of dilemma about my age and now wonder about me being fertile or not.....well let me put you out of your misery old mess .....watch the video below and play the role of the insurance guy. Open challenge to you on a public forum. You are always jumping into threads and behaving like some kind of a cool dalal....well here's chance for you to live the dream. But don't take too long thinking about it as i be leaving for my eid break soon.

Is there a recording, if not then you can’t prove it. It’s one man’s word against another and that’s not a case. It could be equally true the worker got caught being lazy and made up a lie to avoid trouble.
English grammar is least of my concerns

WE KNOW !!! :cheesy:

But don't take too long thinking about it as i be leaving for my eid break soon.

Sorry , I could not meet your response schedule. But you have no job ( retired / perhaps unemployed ? ) , no family talking to you and thus nothing to do the whole day.
On the other hand, I happen to have all the above !:yahoo::cheers:

Why the recent silence on current events in Pakistan? No BS about how you are busy these days , please.

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