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Angry mob surrounds a Chinese citizen they have falsely accused of blasphemy in Pakistan


Sep 20, 2014
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Chinese engineer arrested in Pakistan for ‘insulting Allah’ in Ramadan row, provoking angry mob

Police in northern Pakistan have taken a Chinese engineer into custody after an angry mob gathered to attack him for allegedly making blasphemous remarks during a workplace argument.

The unnamed engineer, an employee of China Gezhouba Group Company, was arrested by police on Sunday evening from a worksite camp at the Dasu hydropower project, about 350km north of Islamabad, “to avert a serious situation”, a member of the local citizen-police liaison committee told This Week in Asia, on condition of anonymity.

The source said that the Chinese national was being detained at a police station in the remote Kohistan region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

Scores of infuriated Pakistani labourers gathered outside a Chinese work camp on Sunday with the apparent intention of attacking the engineer for “insulting Allah” amid a heated conversation about the slow pace of work during Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting, said the source, who was involved in the arrest.

As news of the worker’s alleged blasphemy spread to nearby villages in the mountainous Himalayan region, hundreds of men gathered to blockade the Karakoram Highway, the sole overland road connecting Pakistan to China.

The chanting mob had to be restrained by police and paramilitary soldiers assigned to ensure the security of Chinese nationals working on the dam.

Unconfirmed reports said soldiers fired aerial warning shots to prevent a riot. The protesters dispersed after about four hours, once officials had assured community leaders that legal action would be taken against the Chinese engineer.​

Local religious leaders are set to hold a tribal council on Monday to decide whether to register a blasphemy complaint with the police – the first step in the prosecution process – said the Dasu-based source with the citizen-police liaison committee.​

Security for Chinese nationals working on the World Bank-financed Dasu hydropower project has been tightened since nine were killed, alongside four Pakistani colleagues, in a July 2021 vehicular suicide bombing that targeted their shuttle bus.​

Blasphemy is a crime in Pakistan that carries punishments ranging from fines to the death penalty. An accusation alone often leads to deadly mob attacks in the predominantly Muslim South Asian nation.​

A Sri Lankan factory manager working in the eastern city of Sialkot was lynched in December 2021 for removing the posters of an extremist anti-blasphemy political party from the factory’s walls.​

Officials in Islamabad did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Sunday’s arrest.​

absolute idiots.... if you are going to work than religion does not dictate that since you are fasting you should be treated gently or wehatever this man wanted. The chinese are serious people they need the workers to put on the hard work but pakistani are lazy people, full of excuses and when scolded they will resort to this blasphemy nonsense!

A dam is being constructed in the country after such a long time and as we need more and more of these dams, work need to be faster but now it will end up being slower. I suspect there is more to it. That worker needs a full background check!



Chinese engineer arrested in Pakistan for ‘insulting Allah’ in Ramadan row, provoking angry mob

Police in northern Pakistan have taken a Chinese engineer into custody after an angry mob gathered to attack him for allegedly making blasphemous remarks during a workplace argument.

The unnamed engineer, an employee of China Gezhouba Group Company, was arrested by police on Sunday evening from a worksite camp at the Dasu hydropower project, about 350km north of Islamabad, “to avert a serious situation”, a member of the local citizen-police liaison committee told This Week in Asia, on condition of anonymity.

The source said that the Chinese national was being detained at a police station in the remote Kohistan region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

Scores of infuriated Pakistani labourers gathered outside a Chinese work camp on Sunday with the apparent intention of attacking the engineer for “insulting Allah” amid a heated conversation about the slow pace of work during Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting, said the source, who was involved in the arrest.

As news of the worker’s alleged blasphemy spread to nearby villages in the mountainous Himalayan region, hundreds of men gathered to blockade the Karakoram Highway, the sole overland road connecting Pakistan to China.

The chanting mob had to be restrained by police and paramilitary soldiers assigned to ensure the security of Chinese nationals working on the dam.

Unconfirmed reports said soldiers fired aerial warning shots to prevent a riot. The protesters dispersed after about four hours, once officials had assured community leaders that legal action would be taken against the Chinese engineer.​

Local religious leaders are set to hold a tribal council on Monday to decide whether to register a blasphemy complaint with the police – the first step in the prosecution process – said the Dasu-based source with the citizen-police liaison committee.​

Security for Chinese nationals working on the World Bank-financed Dasu hydropower project has been tightened since nine were killed, alongside four Pakistani colleagues, in a July 2021 vehicular suicide bombing that targeted their shuttle bus.​

Blasphemy is a crime in Pakistan that carries punishments ranging from fines to the death penalty. An accusation alone often leads to deadly mob attacks in the predominantly Muslim South Asian nation.​

A Sri Lankan factory manager working in the eastern city of Sialkot was lynched in December 2021 for removing the posters of an extremist anti-blasphemy political party from the factory’s walls.​

Officials in Islamabad did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Sunday’s arrest.​

Dumb jungleez have no idea what Ramadan means except sleep breaks and holidays and then shout blasmophey

Grave worshippers the lot of them gather at dead mans graves asking for boy child etc not knowing that is blasmophey but jungleez will always be jungleez
Don't mind corrupt rulers taking them for a ride for the last 50 years but become like raging 5 year olds when it comes to this. Pathetic man child society, good for nothing. That's why you are competing with Afghanistan and Yemen.
These moron "Angry Mobs" Should target some high profile foreigner like Chinese or Americans. Only then Authorities will hand them their A****.
They only come after poor Pakistanis or people from Third world countries because no one care for our blood.

Go kill 1 or 2 Chinese or Americans on this practice of unproven rumours based charges of Blasphemy and angry mob killing the person. Then let the Authorities Taaza their Emaan in Jails.
I want to know what he said

The Pakistani government must guarantee the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens and the safety of their lives and property,

the mob is irrational.

I've heard people say that Indians are usually seen as moderate, but when they get large numbers, they turn into mobs, extreme violence. Killing, raping, killing with all kinds of extremely cruel means, seems to be venting dissatisfaction with their own lives, irrational venting.

A few years ago, the Afghan rioters in Kabul cruel killed a woman, reason is also being claimed her blasphemy against god,
As I said at the time, they were just venting their dissatisfaction with life, and this poor woman was their punching bag
There have also been incidents in China where street mobs attacked owners of Japanese brand cars, causing serious injuries to the victims and heavy sentences for the murderers. He just took advantage of the protests to vent his anger in life.
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man, holy month me this kind of stuff

pls do astaghfirullah

not good form, in no month, this.. shame. a brahmin has to tell you this.

What you in about lol Brahmin

Grave worshipping is a big thing for a vast majority of these jungleez who bark on about “ blasmophey in this blasmophey in that “ & then will pay there weekly visit to some dead mans bones asking for all sorts of favours and help from the corpse adamant the bones help them .

Uneducated jungleez who know nothing .
What you in about lol Brahmin

Grave worshipping is a big thing for a vast majority of these jungleez who bark on about “ blasmophey in this blasmophey in that “ & then will pay there weekly visit to some dead mans bones asking for all sorts of favours and help from the corpse adamant the bones help them .

Uneducated jungleez who know nothing .
you're supposed to be pure of thought for now

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