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Angry India tells US 'times have changed' after diplomat spat

Like Clinton got fried ....oh i am so sorry ...Clinton didn't get fried like a chicken wing ....despite having lied under oath and having obstructed justice by slowing investigations in Paula Jones case and Monica lewenski case ....

Never ending stories of Hypocrisy of US government and US judiciary ....

How did Clinton lie under oath? Clinton defended his action under the court of law, he beat his charge in court, nothing will ever change into a conviction.

Lol, Non of your bosses came to your rescue, now you have asked your traditional master from USA to help you out of your misery. Good this the best Pakistanis can do. Please don't call Jet Li now, I will be so scared.
Clinton being charged of something that not render a conviction on those charge.
US state department working behind closed door and help to sneak the defendant out of the US. Do you know what are you talking about? That is a crime you want US state department to commit just to appease to India government demand.

Obstructing justice can get Obama behind fried up like a chicken wing.

Just wait for a while to see how celebrated US hypocrisy plays out with tacit understanding US sttae department will accredit posting of diplomat to UN mission and then she will be allowed to leave US untouched ....

To put in your own words ....US state department is working behind closed door and help to sneak the defendant out of the US....
Like Clinton got fried ....oh i am so sorry ...Clinton didn't get fried like a chicken wing ....despite having lied under oath and having obstructed justice by slowing investigations in Paula Jones case and Monica lewenski case ....

Never ending stories of Hypocrisy of US government and US judiciary ....

I understand you are hypocrite enough to deny something which you said implictly ....

What other choice of word should I used beside what you accused me of calling Obama stupid or liar.
How did Clinton lie under oath? Clinton defended his action under the court of law, he beat his charge in court, nothing will ever change into a conviction.

The Indians do not know how US constitution works. They believe that a court can charge the president. But they don't understand that US has 3 co equal branches and there is check and balance.
In India, its the wealthy and powerful that is in control of the gov. That is why the Gandhi family are always in control. Down to the 4th generation.

Just wait for a while to see how celebrated US hypocrisy plays out with tacit understanding US sttae department will accredit posting of diplomat to UN mission and then she will be allowed to leave US untouched ....

To put in your own words ....US state department is working behind closed door and help to sneak the defendant out of the US....

Why can't we wait for the trial to run its course. If she is found to be NOT guilty, than she will be freed. Lets hope that she has good representation.

I don't know about India but in US, when someone is arrested and charged, the accused is regarded as innocent. She is innocent until proven guilty in the court of the law. Once that happened, then she is guilty and she can leave after she serve her terms. If she is paroled, than she still have to stay here but then she can represent India in the UN
Just wait for a while to see how celebrated US hypocrisy plays out with tacit understanding US sttae department will accredit posting of diplomat to UN mission and then she will be allowed to leave US untouched ....

To put in your own words ....US state department is working behind closed door and help to sneak the defendant out of the US....

US state department can decide not to challenge the UN office for accepting a defendant application to join the UN mission but US justice department by pursuant of the criminal case can challenge the UN office to reject the application base on ground of a defendant charge with human trafficking and exploitation of slave labor law. US state department and US justice department are 2 different entity. This case going forward all depend on US justice department not the US state department.
Clinton being charged of something that not render a conviction on those charge.

There was enough proof , enough evidence and the crime was grave enough ...

and yet prosecution let Clinton escape ....

Clinton had also said, "there is not a sexual relationship, an improper sexual relationship or any other kind of improper relationship"[18] which he defended as truthful on August 17, 1998, hearing because of the use of the present tense, famously arguing "it depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is"[19] (i.e., he was not, at the time he made that statement, still in a sexual relationship with Lewinsky). Under pressure from Starr, who had obtained from Lewinsky a blue dress with Clinton's semen stain, as well as testimony from Lewinsky that the President had inserted a cigar tube into her vagina, Clinton stated, "I did have a relationship with Miss Lewinsky that was not appropriate."[1] Clinton denied having committed perjury because, according to Clinton, the legal definition[20] of oral sex was not encompassed by "sex" per se. In addition, relying upon the definition of "sexual relations" as proposed by the prosecution and agreed by the defense and by Judge Susan Webber Wright, who was hearing the Paula Jones case, Clinton claimed that because certain acts were performed on him, not by him, he did not engage in sexual relations. Lewinsky's testimony to the Starr Commission, however, contradicted Clinton's claim of being totally passive in their encounters.[21]

That is from wikipage on moinca lewenski ....

and it says enough ......

So much for the supremacy of US judiciary ......

Speaks volumes about the values , human rights , laws and equality before law ....huh !!!
There was enough proof , enough evidence and the crime was grave enough ...

and yet prosecution let Clinton escape ....

Clinton had also said, "there is not a sexual relationship, an improper sexual relationship or any other kind of improper relationship"[18] which he defended as truthful on August 17, 1998, hearing because of the use of the present tense, famously arguing "it depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is"[19] (i.e., he was not, at the time he made that statement, still in a sexual relationship with Lewinsky). Under pressure from Starr, who had obtained from Lewinsky a blue dress with Clinton's semen stain, as well as testimony from Lewinsky that the President had inserted a cigar tube into her vagina, Clinton stated, "I did have a relationship with Miss Lewinsky that was not appropriate."[1] Clinton denied having committed perjury because, according to Clinton, the legal definition[20] of oral sex was not encompassed by "sex" per se. In addition, relying upon the definition of "sexual relations" as proposed by the prosecution and agreed by the defense and by Judge Susan Webber Wright, who was hearing the Paula Jones case, Clinton claimed that because certain acts were performed on him, not by him, he did not engage in sexual relations. Lewinsky's testimony to the Starr Commission, however, contradicted Clinton's claim of being totally passive in their encounters.[21]

That is from wikipage on moinca lewenski ....

and it says enough ......

So much for the supremacy of US judiciary ......

Speaks volumes about the values , human rights , laws and equality before law ....huh !!!

Clinton is a lawyer, he know how to choose his word in a context can't be crucify or hold it against him in court. Whatever Clinton being accuse or charge with have nothing to do with US law.
US state department can decide not to challenge the UN office for accepting a defendant application to join the UN mission but US justice department by pursuant of the criminal case can challenge the UN office to reject the application base on ground of a defendant charge with human trafficking and exploitation of slave labor law. US state department and US justice department are 2 different entity. This case going forward all depend on US justice department not the US state department.

why US state department is not helping US justice department ???

whay US sttae department is making it difficult for US hjustice department ???

Isn't there any communication between departments of 'Big-mouth' US goverment ???
There was enough proof , enough evidence and the crime was grave enough ...

and yet prosecution let Clinton escape ....

Clinton had also said, "there is not a sexual relationship, an improper sexual relationship or any other kind of improper relationship"[18] which he defended as truthful on August 17, 1998, hearing because of the use of the present tense, famously arguing "it depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is"[19] (i.e., he was not, at the time he made that statement, still in a sexual relationship with Lewinsky). Under pressure from Starr, who had obtained from Lewinsky a blue dress with Clinton's semen stain, as well as testimony from Lewinsky that the President had inserted a cigar tube into her vagina, Clinton stated, "I did have a relationship with Miss Lewinsky that was not appropriate."[1] Clinton denied having committed perjury because, according to Clinton, the legal definition[20] of oral sex was not encompassed by "sex" per se. In addition, relying upon the definition of "sexual relations" as proposed by the prosecution and agreed by the defense and by Judge Susan Webber Wright, who was hearing the Paula Jones case, Clinton claimed that because certain acts were performed on him, not by him, he did not engage in sexual relations. Lewinsky's testimony to the Starr Commission, however, contradicted Clinton's claim of being totally passive in their encounters.[21]

That is from wikipage on moinca lewenski ....

and it says enough ......

So much for the supremacy of US judiciary ......

Speaks volumes about the values , human rights , laws and equality before law ....huh !!!

I believe Clinton committed perjury. But he was not impeached, unfortunately. He had went through the legal process. Your Indian diplomat will also have to go through the legal process as US has rule of the law.
Clinton is a lawyer, he know how to choose his word in a context can't be crucify or hold it against him in court. Whatever Clinton being accuse or charge with have nothing to do with US law.

Having lied under oath in an open court is Perjury ...

It is punishable under US law ....

But then laws are applied to all in same manner in lesser mortal countries ....

Not hypocrite countries like US ....

US law and court is stupid enough to let go Clinton due to choice of his words

Frankly speaking whole proceeding was a charade ....

and whole world has watched american drama with great entertainment ...

Very First " Sex and the City episode " .......real and live ....

I believe Clinton committed perjury. But he was not impeached, unfortunately. He had went through the legal process. Your Indian diplomat will also have to go through the legal process as US has rule of the law.

when Big fish like Clinton is let off the hook ....it casts grave shadows of doubt over whole system ....

Indian diplomat will not have to go through the legal process as she has diplomatic immunity ...

US state department is working strenuously to ensure that ....
Having lied under oath in an open court is Perjury ...

It is punishable under US law ....

But then laws are applied to all in same manner in lesser mortal countries ....

Not hypocrite countries like US ....

US law and court is stupid enough to let go Clinton due to choice of his words

Frankly speaking whole proceeding was a charade ....

and whole world has watched american drama with great entertainment ...

Very First " Sex and the City episode " .......real and live ....

Per jury was a charge brought on Clinton, he wasn't convict of the charge, US justice system did force a sitting president to answer all the charge brought to him. What more you want the US justice system to do. He won the case, case closed.

I believe Clinton committed perjury. But he was not impeached, unfortunately. He had went through the legal process. Your Indian diplomat will also have to go through the legal process as US has rule of the law.

Your believe have nothing to do with how justice being serve in the court of law. Clinton faced his charge in court and he won, he didn't commit any per jury or lie under oaths.
Having lied under oath in an open court is Perjury ...

It is punishable under US law ....

But then laws are applied to all in same manner in lesser mortal countries ....

Not hypocrite countries like US ....

US law and court is stupid enough to let go Clinton due to choice of his words

Frankly speaking whole proceeding was a charade ....

and whole world has watched american drama with great entertainment ...

Very First " Sex and the City episode " .......real and live ....

when Big fish like Clinton is let off the hook ....it casts grave shadows of doubt over whole system ....

Indian diplomat will not have to go through the legal process as she has diplomatic immunity ...

US state department is working strenuously to ensure that ....

She would need to go through a process as she has no diplomatic immunity, only consulate immunity. Lets hope that she has good representation and all truth are out.
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