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Anglophile Owner of Cafe Cannoli in Islamabad Harass Manager for "Poor English Accent".

kids with heavy British or Canadian accent get bullied and mocked in Pakistan. I have seen that happening in my school time and felt bad for those kids and tried to protect them when I was around.
my intended visit is just for a light laugh. not to put anyone on the spot. I will have a laugh with the coffee management, have my food and make some vlog and will be gone without creating any scene.
I am just not the kind who just joins the band wagon of morality police commentary on social media.

my native might be too remote or hard for them to understand. so I will speak national language or English
Let them know their prices are high .

Good luck and let us know.
Not acceptable at all. Should be fined.

Besides if they needed someone who could speak English, they should've decided during the hiring process. I don't understand the point of insulting him, to me seems like they are some men hater aurat March type londyas who just hate men and feel satisfied.
Lowest of the low two scums disguising as human beings.
When most of his customers are pakistanis then why the heck english matters.
He just need a basic english he already has to deal with the occasional visits of foreigners in the cafe.
When I was living in russia I used to visit many cafes and offices overthere. No one overthere most of the time knew a word of english and if you try to force your english on them they will rudely force their Russian on you as a retialiation.This is called taking pride in your language and identity. See that's why they are such a global level power and have influence far beyond Russian borders. Here even after 72 years we are too busy worshipping a white a$$.

Go to France or Germany. Even people who can speak English will pretend that they can't.

Every white skinned country worships it's own langauge. It's only the black folks that worship English.
From day one English suite boot tie has been criteria of educated sophisticated.
Despite living in UK your as ignorant as a village idiot. The so called suite is not English. The scions of Ertugrul Ghazi who conquered half of Europe when we were being ruled by English Sahibs [that includes my and your great-grandad] today mostly wear suits. So do the Chinese. So do the Azerbaijani. So do the Japanese.

Erdogan and his ministers.



t's only the black folks that worship English.
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Go to France or Germany. Even people who can speak English will pretend that they can't.

Every white skinned country worships it's own langauge. It's only the black folks that worship English.

Its because they are kameenay and zaleel and chawal and gattia qaum. They see izzat everythng foriegn. Even the slave kuttas and pigs had more love and pride for their culture n language but vast majority i say 75% of pakistanis are worse then slave kuttas. Even degenerate nger doesnt want to be engrez ... So they made their nger talk n nger walk n nger way of clothing. Bangladeshis on back of their language fought for independent nation but 75% degenrate worse the kutta slaves feel pride and accomplished on back of foriegn language. Degenerate nation and its degenerte people.
Actually not even close. I 'm not sure what they are bragging about because their English accents don't sound that great either.

Many Americans speak very fast...much faster than UK speakers. In movies/tv released worldwide the actors SLOW down their speaking and enunciate all the words so people can understand things versus the usual way of machine gunning of dialog. Even in talk shows people have to be reminded to slow down.

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Despite living in UK your as ignorant as a village idiot. The so called suite is not English. The scions of Ertugrul Ghazi who conquered half of Europe when we were being ruled by English Sahibs [that includes my and your great-grandad] today mostly wear suits. So do the Chinese. So do the Azerbaijani. So do the Japanese.

Erdogan and his ministers.

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Let u know i am Kashmiri ... Azaad. Was azaad and is azaad. My ancestor even my father non wore n suites boots .... They didnt suffer mental ilness of pakistani qaum. They were proud izzatdar ... Dhoti kurta and paagh ... Proud and content Muslims. Where i am from when UKians go back they grow beard to of some level and music is listened to very stealthly. We have maintained our culture and izzat you do it too.

You are bit of a thicky arent you? Izzatdar people and izzatdar qaums do not dress up in foriegn clothes you degenerate. Look how many times have u seen gora dress in Pakisani clothes in uk. Nill u dimwit asswipe. Why. Because they are izzatdar n feel they are izzatdar n proud of their culture language ... But in Pakistan everyone who can afford trouser n shirt is wearing one. Now girls are wearing tight geans n shaking booties in public ... Why because u kameena zaleel gattia chawal qaum think n believe izzzat is in engrez clothes. And we have no izzat n standing until we come across as more engrez then the others.

Your engrez abbas the masters n whose slave kutta our qaum was ruled 150 years ... But did not allow their kids to learn native language or adopt culture of their slves u know why ... Cause u was slave kutta nation. You had no izat ... They wouldnt touch u slave kuttas wirh a stick in case u thought they like u. On other hand they played with kuttas n pigs ... Cute piggy piggy come here ... They playd picked up n kised these kuttas n pigs ... U was beneath these kuttas n pigs in their system. So they had no reason to immetate u slave kuttas. Cause u were chawal kameenay zaleel. N now u believe u in fact are chawal kameena zaleel n the goras were righr about us ... So now u slave kuttas have made being gora as criteria of izzat education n accomplishment.
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This fakeass anglophile Uzma the owner of Cafe Canoli in Islamabad and her friend Diya (who probably should hit a gym) mocked and abused their male manager for not speaking English in their fake wannabe accent, and videoed it for laughs.

Stop going there.

bitches still sound like typical pakistani... what are they feeling superior about?
in bangla we call people like this "magi" maybe our pakistani brothers should adopt this word to use against people like this
Despite living in UK your as ignorant as a village idiot. The so called suite is not English. The scions of Ertugrul Ghazi who conquered half of Europe when we were being ruled by English Sahibs [that includes my and your great-grandad] today mostly wear suits. So do the Chinese. So do the Azerbaijani. So do the Japanese.

Erdogan and his ministers.

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I mean that if you go to Europe, all countries do everything in their own languages. Government, education business etc. English is only for foreigners.

In dark skinned countries, the importance of English increases.
Not acceptable at all. Should be fined.

Besides if they needed someone who could speak English, they should've decided during the hiring process. I don't understand the point of insulting him, to me seems like they are some men hater aurat March type londyas who just hate men and feel satisfied.
I agree with your every assumption. their sense of humor was crude and at the expense of their employee who is actually the manager of that place. taunting him from the position of power knowing he has to bite his tongue and absorb the insults without offending them.

Wonder if this store ever made a profit, because now it can kiss that possibility goodbye. Did you get the vibe this was some rich woman’s hobby to pass the time, like her own personal plantation where she orders around the “locals”? Wonder who really pays the bills, and if the blowback has gotten back to her family?

I don’t know if it’s just me, but as an overseas Pakistani, I try my best to speak Urdu as best I know how, but feel embarrassed when I mess up the grammar or Vocabulary. Only reverting to English when I don’t know how to express it in Urdu. I think the irony is that most Pakistanis that speak fluent English, lag behind in Urdu.
Despite living in UK your as ignorant as a village idiot. The so called suite is not English. The scions of Ertugrul Ghazi who conquered half of Europe when we were being ruled by English Sahibs [that includes my and your great-grandad] today mostly wear suits. So do the Chinese. So do the Azerbaijani. So do the Japanese.

Erdogan and his ministers.

View attachment 710973

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That does a great job of describing you, me, all of PDF and it's administration. What language is used by PDF? Tick please?

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Zyada English na jhaar. Eminem ki aulaad.
Wonder if this store ever made a profit, because now it can kiss that possibility goodbye. Did you get the vibe this was some rich woman’s hobby to pass the time, like her own personal plantation where she orders around the “locals”? Wonder who really pays the bills, and if the blowback has gotten back to her family?

I don’t know if it’s just me, but as an overseas Pakistani, I try my best to speak Urdu as best I know how, but feel embarrassed when I mess up the grammar or Vocabulary. Only reverting to English when I don’t know how to express it in Urdu. I think the irony is that most Pakistanis that speak fluent English, lag behind in Urdu.
Alhamdulilah ap ka bhai Urdu, English dono mein fluent hai. Agli bari Turkish ki hai.
It was 98 years you ignorant, uneducated idiot. Now go get a education. You sound like ghetto underclass.

Read history ... Parts n portions of India were in British rule for 200 years ... Total domination lasted for 98 years. History books referrence 98 years because that was total domination rule era. 150 year rule was of about half of indian subcontinent. Go referr to some history ... I guess u think rule over india half of it or quarter of it doesnt count ... U moron. Go study ur history.
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Many Americans speak very fast...much faster than UK speakers. In movies/tv released worldwide the actors SLOW down their speaking and enunciate all the words so people can understand things versus the usual way of machine gunning of dialog. Even in talk shows people have to be reminded to slow down.

Yes, but the sweet irony of not appreciating the "differance" between knowing your sh1t and knowing you're sh1t, while lecturing others on the finer points of English is priceless in this thread. :D
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