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Anger over Indian diplomat calling Israel model for Kashmir

Shahzaz ud din

Jun 12, 2017
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Anger over Indian diplomat calling Israel model for Kashmir


A senior Indian diplomat has triggered a controversy by calling for the adoption of an "Israeli model" in Indian-administered Kashmir, which is reeling under a crippling military lockdown and internet blackout for nearly four months now.

An hour-long video featuring Sandeep Chakravorty, India's consul general in New York, has gone viral on social media, in which he is addressing a group of Kashmiri Hindus - known as Pandits - at a private event in the US city last week.

"I believe the security situation will improve, it will allow the refugees to go back, and in your lifetime, you will be able to go back … and you will be able to find security, because we already have a model in the world," said Chakravorty, referring to the exodus of tens of thousands of Kashmiri Hindus in 1989 after an armed rebellion against the Indian rule started in the Himalayan region.

"I don't know why we don't follow it. It has happened in the Middle East. If the Israeli people can do it, we can also do it," he said, adding that the current Indian leadership is "determined" to do so.

'Chilling video'
"The video was chilling," Mona Bhan, associate professor of anthropology at Syracuse University in the United States, told Al Jazeera.

"It tries to recreate an idyllic home for Kashmiri Pandits based on ugly and violent exclusions."

Bhan, herself a Kashmiri Pandit, said the narratives about her community's suffering have been "instrumentalised as a justification" for the abrogation of Articles 370 and 35A.

"It will, unfortunately, mean that if Pandits do return at all, they will return as settlers. There can be no justification for an ethical return that does not affirm and acknowledge Kashmir's plural cultures and histories," she said.

Kashmiri novelist and journalist Mirza Waheed told Al Jazeera that it was "simply outrageous" that a senior Indian diplomat was allowed to express "such offensive and extremist views".

"One wonders whether the Indian state has outsourced parts of its home and foreign policy to private gatherings where a high-ranking official feels free to essentially call for the expropriation of Kashmiris," he said.


Anger over India's diplomat calling for 'Israel model' in Kashmir
In video posted by filmmaker, India's consul general to US seems to advocate Israel-like settlements of Kashmiri Hindus.

It's just a matter of time before war and conflict break out, I pray for that day, the Indians are providing a justification from their own mouths for a uprising.
I have said this numerous times in recent months. India's precise intention in Kashmir is a "nakba". Secure communities will be created for the preferred ethnoreligious communities - Hindu Pandits and other non-kashmiri Hindus. Their security will be "justified" as a measure against agitations by Muslim groups, be they protests or insurgent attacks. Steadily the Muslims will become second class dalitised residents while the Hindu protectorates flourish. Repeatedly the Muslims will be blamed for "resisting development" and the plot will evolve rapidly.

Lethal action against Muslims will be justified as "self defence" of Hindus. Even preemptive self defence will be justified. India will create the circumstances for a systematic cull or displacement of kashmiri Muslims.

The plan for Kashmir is a total demographic manipulation to create a powerful Hindu base and erode the strength of the native Muslims. This will happen under our very eyes and the global community will do nothing.

Indians on this very forum mock such accusations in order to distract us all from this inevitability, and yet, here we are...Their own man has stated it in plain language: "the Israel model".

Pakistan MUST IMMEDIATELY become aware of this plot and resolve to do two things...

1) Do NOT allow India to force Indian Kashmiris to flee the valley and surrender their homes. India is already trying to make life unbearable for Kashmiris and push them to voluntarily escape. This would be disastrous for the kashmiri cause.

2) Launch an information war and arm the Indian Kashmiris with knowledge of India's plot. They need to know that they must not be tricked or brainwashed into selling or giving up their lands and homes for "rich investors" or "lucrative projects". Even if a kashmiri makes a quick buck, the ramifications of selling land to these miscreants are too severe to even contemplate. Delhi and her army of "investors" must be frozen out - not because they're bringing money to the valley, but because that money comes at an unacceptable price: the Muslim identity of Kashmir and the legacy of its rightful owners.

Delhi has had ample opportunity to invest wealth in Kashmir to demonstrate its so called concerns for the economic development of Kashmiris, but it chose a path of violence, rigged democracy and puppetry. Delhi doesn't want Kashmiris to be happy and prosperous on their own terms. Delhi only wants them to be happy on Delhi's terms, which are unacceptable terms.

Having committed to these two courses of action in the first instance, Pakistan must continue to bring all other means to bear to put pressure on the Hindutva nation and to expose its true designs.

No option should be off the table.

Every option should remain viable.

Delhi will try to starve the Muslims from their homes with the siege that is ongoing, entice the Muslims from their homes with cash rewards, and force the Muslims from their homes with lethal force.

The methods are ancient and haven't changed in millennia of human history but make no mistake, this is already a war of attrition.

Somehow, Kashmiris must stand firm. Somehow, Pakistan must support them.
I have said this numerous times in recent months. India's precise intention in Kashmir is a "nakba". Secure communities will be created for the preferred ethnoreligious communities - Hindu Pandits and other non-kashmiri Hindus. Their security will be "justified" as a measure against agitations by Muslim groups, be they protests or insurgent attacks. Steadily the Muslims will become second class dalitised residents while the Hindu protectorates flourish. Repeatedly the Muslims will be blamed for "resisting development" and the plot will evolve rapidly.

Lethal action against Muslims will be justified as "self defence" of Hindus. Even preemptive self defence will be justified. India will create the circumstances for a systematic cull or displacement of kashmiri Muslims.

The plan for Kashmir is a total demographic manipulation to create a powerful Hindu base and erode the strength of the native Muslims. This will happen under our very eyes and the global community will do nothing.

Indians on this very forum mock such accusations in order to distract us all from this inevitability, and yet, here we are...Their own man has stated it in plain language: "the Israel model".

Pakistan MUST IMMEDIATELY become aware of this plot and resolve to do two things...

1) Do NOT allow India to force Indian Kashmiris to flee the valley and surrender their homes. India is already trying to make life unbearable for Kashmiris and push them to voluntarily escape. This would be disastrous for the kashmiri cause.

2) Launch an information war and arm the Indian Kashmiris with knowledge of India's plot. They need to know that they must not be tricked or brainwashed into selling or giving up their lands and homes for "rich investors" or "lucrative projects". Even if a kashmiri makes a quick buck, the ramifications of selling land to these miscreants are too severe to even contemplate. Delhi and her army of "investors" must be frozen out - not because they're bringing money to the valley, but because that money comes at an unacceptable price: the Muslim identity of Kashmir and the legacy of its rightful owners.

Delhi has had ample opportunity to invest wealth in Kashmir to demonstrate its so called concerns for the economic development of Kashmiris, but it chose a path of violence, rigged democracy and puppetry. Delhi doesn't want Kashmiris to be happy and prosperous on their own terms. Delhi only wants them to be happy on Delhi's terms, which are unacceptable terms.

Having committed to these two courses of action in the first instance, Pakistan must continue to bring all other means to bear to put pressure on the Hindutva nation and to expose its true designs.

No option should be off the table.

Every option should remain viable.

Delhi will try to starve the Muslims from their homes with the siege that is ongoing, entice the Muslims from their homes with cash rewards, and force the Muslims from their homes with lethal force.

The methods are ancient and haven't changed in millennia of human history but make no mistake, this is already a war of attrition.

Somehow, Kashmiris must stand firm. Somehow, Pakistan must support them.

I agree but what you're suggesting requires a Government which has balls to show.

Sadly words don't deliver like actions do.
India Needs Israel-Styled Settlements In Kashmir For Hindus” – Indian Diplomat
The speech was captured on video and shared widely on social media.
By KINZA ZAHRA On NOV 28, 2019
  • “I do not know why we don’t follow it. It has happened in the Middle East, you have to look if the Israeli people can do it. We can also do it”- Sandeep Chakravorty
  • The provocative proposal from Sandeep Chakravorty was presented in a private gathering in front of Kashmiri Hindus.

An Indian diplomat has come under fire after the suggestion to enforce an “Israeli model’’ relocating Hindus into the disputed territory of Kashmir. Many circles are demanding his resignation.

The provocative proposal from Sandeep Chakravorty was presented in a private gathering in front of Kashmiri Hindus. These Kashmiri Hindus are known as ‘Pundits’, who have been feeding violence in the region in the 1970s.

Caught on the video:

The speech was caught on video and shared widely on social media.

“I believe the security conditions in Jammu and Kashmir will improve. It will allow refugees to go back and in your lifetime, you will be able to go back… because we already have a model in the world,” Chakravorty told the audience, apparently, referring to Israeli settlements.

He further added, “I don’t know why we don’t follow it. It has happened in the Middle East, you have to look if the Israeli people can do it. We can also do it”.

140 Settlements in an Arab Majority Territory:

Israel has constructed some 140-settlements blocks in an Arab-majority territory. These settlements were done during the six-day war in 1967. Since then, it has maintained a military occupation.

Human rights advocates around the world have considered settlements to violate international law. Last week, however, the US State Department accepted the settlements as lawful.
India Needs Israel-Styled Settlements In Kashmir For Hindus” – Indian Diplomat
The speech was captured on video and shared widely on social media.
By KINZA ZAHRA On NOV 28, 2019
  • “I do not know why we don’t follow it. It has happened in the Middle East, you have to look if the Israeli people can do it. We can also do it”- Sandeep Chakravorty
  • The provocative proposal from Sandeep Chakravorty was presented in a private gathering in front of Kashmiri Hindus.

An Indian diplomat has come under fire after the suggestion to enforce an “Israeli model’’ relocating Hindus into the disputed territory of Kashmir. Many circles are demanding his resignation.

The provocative proposal from Sandeep Chakravorty was presented in a private gathering in front of Kashmiri Hindus. These Kashmiri Hindus are known as ‘Pundits’, who have been feeding violence in the region in the 1970s.

Caught on the video:

The speech was caught on video and shared widely on social media.

“I believe the security conditions in Jammu and Kashmir will improve. It will allow refugees to go back and in your lifetime, you will be able to go back… because we already have a model in the world,” Chakravorty told the audience, apparently, referring to Israeli settlements.

He further added, “I don’t know why we don’t follow it. It has happened in the Middle East, you have to look if the Israeli people can do it. We can also do it”.

140 Settlements in an Arab Majority Territory:

Israel has constructed some 140-settlements blocks in an Arab-majority territory. These settlements were done during the six-day war in 1967. Since then, it has maintained a military occupation.

Human rights advocates around the world have considered settlements to violate international law. Last week, however, the US State Department accepted the settlements as lawful.
This show how week is Indian govt.
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