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Anger as Spain prepares to let Russian warships refuel on way back to Aleppo bombing

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with all due respect, a muslim has no authority to decide what is holy to us or what not.

You show the typical behavior of your culture. That you place higher demands for yourself than you would ever grant for others. Thats called selfentitlement and its the main reason why the middle east is what it is...in absolute chaos.

Rome is for us what is Mecca for you. What you think or believe is irrelevant. Believe it or not, but we must not ask a muslim for permission in our faith.

Beside religious aspects, there are cultural ones. This is our country. We decide what we do here.

As for Propaganda, its funny you would bring that up. That you would insult me for my believes and cry yourself the very second when yours are questioned.

But i understand you. I have visited egypt as a kid a few years ago. We did a nile cruise. I feel sorry for you my friend. No one should live in such extreme poverty like many egyptians do. Maybe thats the reason you seem so bitter. But bitterness wont help,you to get your country out of the darkness, Only work and positive things will do.

it wasnt a spygirl. He was most likely killed by his highest doctor who got paid by venice.

Why do you see it as problematic?

That dude is American my Egyptian. :P

@Vergennes @flamer84 @waz @mike2000 is back

Look friends, thats a muslim here who explains me why Mecca should be banned for non muslims and then states why rome is not holy for christians, that rome is nothing special because it was build in pre christian times (ignoring the fact that Mecca was build by pagan arabs).

Its exactly that kind of person that denies christians churches but cries for racism when we stomp down on islamic extremism.

He is proud for egypt ... a country where christians are murdered. Churches burned down. Where christian men cant marry muslim women.


No, the middle east is not in chaos because americans. Blaming others for your mistakes is another cancer many of your people have. The americans are not responsible for your inter faith wars.

Your area in the world dies...and its because the total inability for self criticism and the self entitlement you show so much. You can´t compromise. Thats the reason why your various religious groups kill each others.

You believe you have ownership of the only truth. You fall more and more into a black hole while the world moves on.

I hope you reach enlightenment soon. As a person and as a culture. You need it more than anyone else.
I already told you ,he is American. Lol why do you keep calling him Egyptian? Can't you see even from his comments that he is American and not Egyptian?:D
America is a wealthy rich country as he himself stated, he also grew up in a life of abundance and wealth as he stated. It's Egypt that is a poor backward third(or maybe fourth) world country . If he grew up in poor Egypt he won't have grown up in abundance,freedom and wealth . So he is American. :usflag::enjoy:
That dude is American not Egyptian. :P

I already told you e says e is American. Lool why do you keep calling him egyptian? Can't you see even from his comments that he is American and not Egyptian?:D
America is a wealthy rich country as he himself stated, he also grew up in a life of abundance and wealth as he stated. It's Egypt that a poor backward third(or maybe fourth) world country . If he grew up in poor Egypt he won't have grown up in abundance and wealth . So he is American. :usflag::enjoy:

I know there is nothing egyptian on him. Egypt is poor as ****. When you land there in Luxor dozens of half starved guys rush at you to carry your luggage to the bus and get a few bucks. Its a little bit like world war z.
You said a christian men can marry a muslim women in egypt. I proved you that this is banned by egyptian law.

So why exactly did you lie here?

When did I lie, I made an Assumption now please drop it. Because this is the only thing you have gotten right in all our Arguments.

Ohh you ignore syrian sunni fighting syrian alawites and kindly ignore saudi arabia sunnis fighting shia yemenis? :D

When did I ignore anything? I said those weren't interfaith conflicts dimwit. Can you get that through your thick skull?

ou are funny. ISIS are islamic. Its even in their name.

No they aren't and you know it. Just because I say that I'm Islamic does not change the fact that their actions aren't Islamic.

You are an idiot if you believe that bull. Stop embarrassing yourself.

"NEW DELHI: For the first time ever, over 1000 (1050 to be exact), including muftis and imams of India, have issued a 15-volume fatwa against the leader, fighters and followers of the self-declared Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), also known as the Islamic State (IS).
In a letter to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon sent last month, these scholars described themselves as believers and followers of Islam, and strongly condemned the actions of the IS. They appealed to the international community to have a better understanding of what it means to be a Muslim and a follower of Islam, and not to abuse it by associating it with terrorist outfits like the IS or ISIS.

Source : Over 1000 Indian Islamic Scholars Issue World’s Biggest Fatwa Against ISIS

2. Kerala :
Muslim cleric in Kerala issues fatwa against ISIS

Harm to Islam

“The Muslim world is in dire need to take cognisance of the threats posed by the anti-Islamic outfits. The militant groups among Muslims are causing harm to Islam in the false garb of Islamists. Any support or endorsement to the extremist and terrorist organisations goes completely against the Islamic Shariah,” the Sunni-Sufi Islamic scholar said.

Fatwa on ISIS

On March 11, 2015, Syed Soharwardy, the founder of the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada, and 37 other Muslim leaders of various Islamic sects from across Canada gathered in Calgary and issued a fatwa condemning followers of the Islamic State (ISIS) as non-Muslims. Soharwardy cited capturing opponents and beheading them, killing Muslims who disagree with ISIS's actions, destroying mosques, burning enemy soldiers alive and encouraging Muslim girls to join ISIS, among others, as acts by ISIS that violate Islamic law. Under this fatwa, anybody who even wishes to join the group will be "excommunicated from the Muslim community" and no longer considered Muslim.[12][13]

Fatwa on terrorism

The Fatwa on Terrorism is a 600-page Islamic decree against terrorism and suicide bombings released in March 2010. This fatwa is a direct refutation of the ideology of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. It is one of the most extensive rulings, an "absolute" condemnation of terrorism without "any excuses or pretexts" which goes further than ever and declares terrorism as kufr under Islamic law.[8] It was produced in Canada[9] by an influential Muslim scholar Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri and was launched in London on March 2, 2010. Dr Qadri said during the launch "Terrorism is terrorism, violence is violence and it has no place in Islamic teaching and no justification can be provided for it, or any kind of excuses or ifs or buts." According to CNN, experts see the fatwa as a significant blow to terrorist recruiting.[10]
On July 2, 2013 at Lahore (Pakistan) 50 Muslim Scholars of the Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC) issued a collective fatwa against suicide bombings, the killing of innocent people, bomb attacks, and targeted killings declaring them as Haram or forbidden.[11"

Russias and american proxy war? Thats funny. Most say its Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shia Iran proxy war.

Really? Syria? Russia Assad vs American Rebels? Soviets vs Americans in Afghanistan? America and Saudi Arabia vs Russia and Iran and Houthis?

You don't seem to understand the bigger picture.

I´m not one of those idiots who believe evrywhere must be happiness and joy. I´m quite happy a brutal tyrant could be reinstalled in egypt for example. We currently try to reinstall one in Libya as well.

How is Sissi a tyrant? Does Italy have any power at all in Libya? Yes sometimes Sisi uses Excessive force but is he a Tyrant? No not really.

As for the crusade. The crusades were started as effort to stop constant agression from certain areas in the middle east. The crusades where a sucess in the direction that the enemy did never recover from this and felt on the stage it is today.

Actually you clearly know nothing of the Byazantine Empire because you clearly do not understand that the Crusades was a call by the pope to re-take the Eastern Roman Empires land(Antolia) from the Seljuk Turks. being Italian I thought you would know this? It has nothing to do with agression from the middle east.

What? The enemy did Recover from a Stunning Victory and the absolutely stunning stupidity of Crusaders ransacking their way through Chrisitan Europe.

The first Crusade was one of the most successful Crusades(Not that big of a deal considering it killed nearly three times as many Christians then Muslims) and one of the most Pathetic Military campaigns to date.

The rest of the Crusades were a Massive Failure.

You never inflicted any damage considering Saladin took it all back and kicked you out without massacring the local population like you guys did.
Last time I checked. Boko Haram AKA ISIS controls Lybia. Boko Haram kidnaps children and rapes them. They are freaking a-holes. I am Muslims and I do not even like Boko Haram. When Muslims goes around and kidnap children. In order to rape them. Then they are not Muslims. Boko Haram rapes children under the age of 6. They are pedophiles.

This is Boko Haram.

This is a real Muslim. Queen of Jordan is a Muslim just so you guys know. Jordan is also Islamic nation.
When did I lie, I made an Assumption now please drop it. Because this is the only thing you have gotten right in all our Arguments.

When did I ignore anything? I said those weren't interfaith conflicts dimwit. Can you get that through your thick skull?

No they aren't and you know it. Just because I say that I'm Islamic does not change the fact that their actions aren't Islamic.

You are an idiot if you believe that bull. Stop embarrassing yourself.

"NEW DELHI: For the first time ever, over 1000 (1050 to be exact), including muftis and imams of India, have issued a 15-volume fatwa against the leader, fighters and followers of the self-declared Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), also known as the Islamic State (IS).
In a letter to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon sent last month, these scholars described themselves as believers and followers of Islam, and strongly condemned the actions of the IS. They appealed to the international community to have a better understanding of what it means to be a Muslim and a follower of Islam, and not to abuse it by associating it with terrorist outfits like the IS or ISIS.

Source : Over 1000 Indian Islamic Scholars Issue World’s Biggest Fatwa Against ISIS

2. Kerala :
Muslim cleric in Kerala issues fatwa against ISIS

Harm to Islam

“The Muslim world is in dire need to take cognisance of the threats posed by the anti-Islamic outfits. The militant groups among Muslims are causing harm to Islam in the false garb of Islamists. Any support or endorsement to the extremist and terrorist organisations goes completely against the Islamic Shariah,” the Sunni-Sufi Islamic scholar said.

Fatwa on ISIS

On March 11, 2015, Syed Soharwardy, the founder of the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada, and 37 other Muslim leaders of various Islamic sects from across Canada gathered in Calgary and issued a fatwa condemning followers of the Islamic State (ISIS) as non-Muslims. Soharwardy cited capturing opponents and beheading them, killing Muslims who disagree with ISIS's actions, destroying mosques, burning enemy soldiers alive and encouraging Muslim girls to join ISIS, among others, as acts by ISIS that violate Islamic law. Under this fatwa, anybody who even wishes to join the group will be "excommunicated from the Muslim community" and no longer considered Muslim.[12][13]

Fatwa on terrorism

The Fatwa on Terrorism is a 600-page Islamic decree against terrorism and suicide bombings released in March 2010. This fatwa is a direct refutation of the ideology of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. It is one of the most extensive rulings, an "absolute" condemnation of terrorism without "any excuses or pretexts" which goes further than ever and declares terrorism as kufr under Islamic law.[8] It was produced in Canada[9] by an influential Muslim scholar Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri and was launched in London on March 2, 2010. Dr Qadri said during the launch "Terrorism is terrorism, violence is violence and it has no place in Islamic teaching and no justification can be provided for it, or any kind of excuses or ifs or buts." According to CNN, experts see the fatwa as a significant blow to terrorist recruiting.[10]
On July 2, 2013 at Lahore (Pakistan) 50 Muslim Scholars of the Sunni Ittehad Council (SIC) issued a collective fatwa against suicide bombings, the killing of innocent people, bomb attacks, and targeted killings declaring them as Haram or forbidden.[11"

Really? Syria? Russia Assad vs American Rebels? Soviets vs Americans in Afghanistan? America and Saudi Arabia vs Russia and Iran and Houthis?

You don't seem to understand the bigger picture.

How is Sissi a tyrant? Does Italy have any power at all in Libya? Yes sometimes Sisi uses Excessive force but is he a Tyrant? No not really.

Actually you clearly know nothing of the Byazantine Empire because you clearly do not understand that the Crusades was a call by the pope to re-take the Eastern Roman Empires land(Antolia) from the Seljuk Turks. being Italian I thought you would know this? It has nothing to do with agression from the middle east.

What? The enemy did Recover from a Stunning Victory and the absolutely stunning stupidity of Crusaders ransacking their way through Chrisitan Europe.

The first Crusade was one of the most successful Crusades(Not that big of a deal considering it killed nearly three times as many Christians then Muslims) and one of the most Pathetic Military campaigns to date.

The rest of the Crusades were a Massive Failure.

You never inflicted any damage considering Saladin took it all back and kicked you out without massacring the local population like you guys did.

Muslims attacked europe again and again.

After the crusades the muslim attacks went weaker and weaker. Spain was reconquered and cleansed. Italy secured itself and gained the upper hand in the med and it started the process we have today.

That we are the rich and culuture ons while the middle east became what it is.

And you know what it is. ;)
Muslims attacked europe again and again.

After the crusades the muslim attacks went weaker and weaker. Spain was reconquered and cleansed. Italy secured itself and gained the upper hand in the med and it started the process we have today.

That we are the rich and culuture ons while the middle east became what it is.

And you know what it is. ;)

If Europe and USA stops funding Saudi Arabia. Maybe we can then have peace in middle east?
If USA & Europe did not protect Saudi Arabia. We Muslims would have removed the Saud dynasty long time ago.
If Europe and USA stops funding Saudi Arabia. Maybe we can then have peace in middle east?
If USA & Europe did not protect Saudi Arabia. We Muslims would have removed the Saud dynasty long time ago.

And then? Same shit, new costume.
Muslims attacked europe again and again.

Chrisitans attacked the middle east again and again, Your point is....

After the crusades the muslim attacks went weaker and weaker. Spain was reconquered and cleansed. Italy secured itself and gained the upper hand in the med and it started the process we have today.

No the Muslims stopped caring about Europe. We gave up on you and focused East. Spain was massacred and ethnically cleansed, So if you wipe out the Spainards in the Strait and most of Southern Spain then they will be even.

Italy secured little to knowing in the med. What did you control? You have NO influence in the med. AT ALL.

That we are the rich and culuture ons while the middle east became what it is.

And you know what it is. ;)

Please fix this sentence because I don't understand a word of it.
Chrisitans attacked the middle east again and again, Your point is....

No the Muslims stopped caring about Europe. We gave up on you and focused East. Spain was massacred and ethnically cleansed, So if you wipe out the Spainards in the Strait and most of Southern Italy then they will be Even.

Italy secured little to knowing in the med. What did you control? You have NO influence in the med. AT ALL.

Italy became the leading power in the med. So much that italian became the trade language in the entire med area.

You stopped carying about europe? While we invented steamships you started to worry how you prevent starving and how build new mud homes. :D

Dude do you know how poor egypt is? You guys build houses from mud...MUD!

And then? Same shit, new costume.

You have clearly been Brainwashed. You think Muslim culture is Hijab, Niqab and Burka.
It is NATO and USA that support the spreading of Hijab, Niqab and Burka.
Did you also know Turkey is an ally of USA and NATO.

This is real Islamic culture.

This is funded by USA and Europe. You have clearly been brainwashed. Just freaking at this shit. USA government spreading Niqab, Hijab and Burka through USA. Without USA and Europe funding Saudi Arabia and Turkey. We would have removed these wahabi shits long time ago.

Clearly USA loves islamic terrorist nations. George bush even kiss the king of Saudi.
We Muslims wants to remove Wahabism. Europe and NATO supports wahabism and protect Saudi Arabia
Italy became the leading power in the med. So much that italian became the trade language in the entire med area.

How where is your proof? Italy is not a power in the Med. AT ALL. Case closed

You stopped carying about europe? While we invented steamships you started to worry how you prevent starving and how build new mud homes. :D

What? Mud is not a common building Material unless you are in the Rural Areas, you know where all the poor farmers are.

Starving? Starving isn't a problem in the middle east. It's getting decent wages and fixing the economy. You want to look at starving people and Mud houses then look at all the Chrisitan African Nations. I can't believe I am doing this but

@Ceylal could also own you in this subject so drop it.

You also seem to foget about all the Inventions that the Middle east brought to YOU. Like the toothbrush,Algebra, and the first Hospital and University.
You have clearly been Brainwashed. You think Muslim culture is Hijab, Niqab and Burka.
It is NATO and USA that support the spreading of Hijab, Niqab and Burka.
Did you also know Turkey is an ally of USA and NATO.

This is real Islamic culture.

This is funded by USA and Europe. You have clearly been brainwashed. Just freaking at this shit. USA government spreading Niqab, Hijab and Burka through USA. Without USA and Europe funding Saudi Arabia and Turkey. We would have removed these wahabi shits long time ago.

Clearly USA loves islamic terrorist nations. George bush even kiss the king of Saudi.
We Muslims wants to remove Wahabism. Europe and NATO supports wahabism and protect Saudi Arabia

with all reaspect but i hope you accept that i dislike both you videos. Its not italian culture.
No they aren't and you know it. Just because I say that I'm Islamic does not change the fact that their actions aren't Islamic.

You are an idiot if you believe that bull. Stop embarrassing yourself.

"NEW DELHI: For the first time ever, over 1000 (1050 to be exact), including muftis and imams of India, have issued a 15-volume fatwa against the leader, fighters and followers of the self-declared Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), also known as the Islamic State (IS).
In a letter to United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon sent last month, these scholars described themselves as believers and followers of Islam, and strongly condemned the actions of the IS. They appealed to the international community to have a better understanding of what it means to be a Muslim and a follower of Islam, and not to abuse it by associating it with terrorist outfits like the IS or ISIS.

Actually you clearly know nothing of the Byazantine Empire because you clearly do not understand that the Crusades was a call by the pope to re-take the Eastern Roman Empires land(Antolia) from the Seljuk Turks. being Italian I thought you would know this? It has nothing to do with agression from the middle east.

What? The enemy did Recover from a Stunning Victory and the absolutely stunning stupidity of Crusaders ransacking their way through Chrisitan Europe.

The first Crusade was one of the most successful Crusades(Not that big of a deal considering it killed nearly three times as many Christians then Muslims) and one of the most Pathetic Military campaigns to date.

The rest of the Crusades were a Massive Failure.

You never inflicted any damage considering Saladin took it all back and kicked you out without massacring the local population like you guys did.
Not to mention that ISIS is covertly supported by NATO .

Regarding the Crusades the orthodox Christians were pleased when Salah ud deen liberated Jerusalem.
How where is your proof? Italy is not a power in the Med. AT ALL. Case closed

What? Mud is not a common building Material unless you are in the Rural Areas, you know where all the poor farmers are.

Starving? Starving isn't a problem in the middle east. It's getting decent wages and fixing the economy. You want to look at starving people and Mud houses then look at all the Chrisitan African Nations. I can't believe I am doing this but

@Ceylal could also own you in this subject so drop it.

You also seem to foget about all the Inventions that the Middle east brought to YOU. Like the toothbrush,Algebra, and the first Hospital and University.

Guess you never heared about the venetian republic and its absolute trade hegemony over the med.

Why should i bother?

They live in mud houses in egypt. MUD :D

The toothbrush? Was used in the roman empire and even before that in aciant greece.

Algebra was invented by greeks and the persians.

There were hospitals in rome. And first universities as well.

Dont bring up this bullshit again.
I know there is nothing egyptian on him. Egypt is poor as ****. When you land there in Luxor dozens of half starved guys rush at you to carry your luggage to the bus and get a few bucks. Its a little bit like world war z.
Well, i have visited Egypt with my lady as well 5 years ago with Egyptian Daily Tours. Egypt is so nice but the traffic is terrible(mostly due to bad infrastructure). Our tour was with Egyptian Daily Tour, they are very good and our guide was knowledgeable he know every thing about Egyptian history and Egyptian life.. I enjoyed my stay there to be honest. We were in sharm el sheikh, Giza, Alexandria,Hurghada and of course Cairo(which i least enjoyed). It was a good experience though to be honest. Quite nice holidays overall. We didn't get to witness the local people's poverty first hand though(apart from Cairo to some extent), since we were mostly in places tourist normally visit.
However, i will definitely want to visit the country again. Well, when things settle down there. :)

As for muslims always blaming the U.S/West for their miseries. lol Well, im surprise to see you are even surprise. lol I thought you should be used to it by now. I have heard that so many times, its now music to my ears.
You will always hear them blaming all their , sectarian sunni -shia hatred/wars and issues on the U.S/West, while claiming how holy and welcoming they are. lol . Just let them carry on, just shows they still have a longgggg way to go to find a solution to their current misery/turmoil.:-)
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