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Legal muslim are as much part of italy as their country as much you do.

Its illegal immigrants those bangladesi or other one. They steal your job. Sell their garbage ruining the fame of italian products. Sell cheap food which is ruins thw italian cuisines. They dont follow rulw they litter. They just live there and get desolved in population.

lol WUT?
We have one million muslims in italy. Thats a small amount but its ok. They are not harassed. The illegals get deported. The oney who dont follow italian law by 100% get deported.

Thats ok. :)

Explain me why cant i visit Mecca?

It's the Holiest place for Muslims and other religions wouldn't respect Mecca at all. whats going to stop a christian or a jew trashing the Kabba or attacking Muslims? that and Saudi Arabia is quite strict obviously on rules and extreme policies.
It's the Holiest place for Muslims and other religions wouldn't respect Mecca at all. whats going to stop a christian or a jew trashing the Kabba or attacking Muslims? that and Saudi Arabia is quite strict obviously on rules and extreme policies.

muslims dont respect the Vatican and even tried to murder our pope once.

We allow muslims visiting rome.

Whats going to stop someone trashing the Kabaa? We christians believe god is almighty. We trust in god.

You dont?
muslims dont respect the Vatican and even tried to murder our pope once.

What? Pope Francis? That's bull. We respect the Vatican as much as any Chrisitan.

What's so holy about Rome? There is nothing sacred about Rome. It was founded by Pagan Romans.

You're an idiot if you think god controls any of us. God does not stop anything, he gave us free will to do as we please. He only controls the beginning of the universe and the ending of the universe.

We trust in God and his Vision but he does not intervene. So I say again, What's going to stop a Chrisitan or Jew from trashing the Kabba? Exactly, Nothing because you do not respect our Religion so why should we trust you near the Kabba?

P.S stop de-railing the thread.
What? Pope Francis? That's bull. We respect the Vatican as much as any Chrisitan.

What's so holy about Rome? There is nothing sacred about Rome. It was founded by Pagan Romans.

You're an idiot if you think god controls any of us. God does not stop anything, he gave us free will to do as we please. He only controls the beginning of the universe and the ending of the universe.

We trust in God and his Vision but he does not intervene. So I say again, What's going to stop a Chrisitan or Jew from trashing the Kabba? Exactly, Nothing because you do not respect our Religion so why should we trust you near the Kabba?

No pope Giovanni Paolo II was shot from a turkush muslim. He was wounded but survived because the bullet was diveretd by his cross:



Godprotected our holy father from this terror attack.

Rome is the center of christianity. The Vatican is there and the tombs of our holsy apostles.

It was founded by pagan romans? Mecca was founded by pagan arabs. So whats your point? The Kaba once had pagan idols stored in it.

Why should we trust you in our holy city or our country at all?

I tell you what: We trust in god and whats good. If you carry evil in your heart you will think otherwise. One does always reflect his own ways onto others.
I think his name was Mehmet? I dont know. We dont learn much about enemy nations history. We just learn that all churches bells rung in Venice when he died and that he looked like a zombie.

Let me ask you, is it easier to make a giant army like the SUltan did or build up a gigantic network of spies and assassins as italy did? A network that had assassins even inside the Sultans Harem and closest inner circle. Something the Ottomans never managed to install in italy.

Your iranian elite is extremly extravagant. You see your army leaders as problematic because of that?
Honestly do you believe sending an spygirl inside an Ottoman sultan was that hard ? the late ottoman Sultan had more European genome than Turkish one.
well I see that problematic because of something else
No pope Giovanni Paolo II was shot from a turkush muslim. He was wounded but survived because the bullet was diveretd by his cross:

If he really was shot, then there is literally No way the bullet was diverted by a Cross. Is that the type of propganda they feed you?

If you honestly believe that bull then you are even more of an idiot then I thought you were.

"On 13 May, they sat in the square, writing postcards waiting for the Pope to arrive. When the Pope passed through an adoring and excited crowd of supporters, Ağca fired four shots at 17:17[3] with a 9mm Browning Hi-Power semi-automatic pistol, and critically wounded him. He fled the scene as the crowd was in shock and disposed of the pistol by throwing it under a truck, but was grabbed by Vatican security chief Camillo Cibin,[4] a nun, and several spectators who prevented him from firing more shots or escaping, and he was arrested. All four bullets hit John Paul II; two of them lodged in his lower intestine while the other two hit his left index finger and right arm and also injured two bystanders: Ann Odre, of Buffalo, New York, was struck in the chest, and Rose Hall was slightly wounded in the arm.[5][6] The Pope was immediately rushed to the hospital while the authorities combed the site for evidence. Çelik panicked and fled without setting off his bomb or opening fire."

He was wounded, Clearly you do not understand the story.

Rome is the center of christianity. The Vatican is there and the tombs of our holsy apostles.

You seem to foget what they did to Chrisitans in Rome.


You should also see what that pope who was almost assassinated did.

"John Paul II made considerable efforts to improve relations between Catholicism and Islam.[187]

On 6 May 2001 he became the first Catholic pope to enter and pray in a mosque, namely the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, Syria. Respectfully removing his shoes, he entered the former Byzantine era Christian church dedicated to John the Baptist, who is also revered as a prophet of Islam. He gave a speech including the statement: "For all the times that Muslims and Christians have offended one another, we need to seek forgiveness from the Almighty and to offer each other forgiveness."[94] He kissed the Qur'an in Syria, an act that made him popular among Muslims but that disturbed many Catholics.[188]

In 2004 John Paul II hosted the "Papal Concert of Reconciliation", which brought together leaders of Islam with leaders of the Jewish community and of the Catholic Church at the Vatican for a concert by the Kraków Philharmonic Choir from Poland, the London Philharmonic Choir from the United Kingdom, the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra from the United States, and the Ankara State Polyphonic Choir of Turkey.[189][190][191][192] The event was conceived and conducted by Sir Gilbert Levine, KCSG and was broadcast throughout the world.[189][190][191][192]

John Paul II oversaw the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which makes a special provision for Muslims; therein, it is written, "The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in 'the first place amongst whom are the Muslims'; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day."[193]"

You seem to contradict your pope.
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If he really was shot, then there is literally No way the bullet was diverted by a Cross. Is that the type of propganda they feed you?

If you honestly believe that bull then you are even more of an idiot then I thought you were.

"On 13 May, they sat in the square, writing postcards waiting for the Pope to arrive. When the Pope passed through an adoring and excited crowd of supporters, Ağca fired four shots at 17:17[3] with a 9mm Browning Hi-Power semi-automatic pistol, and critically wounded him. He fled the scene as the crowd was in shock and disposed of the pistol by throwing it under a truck, but was grabbed by Vatican security chief Camillo Cibin,[4] a nun, and several spectators who prevented him from firing more shots or escaping, and he was arrested. All four bullets hit John Paul II; two of them lodged in his lower intestine while the other two hit his left index finger and right arm and also injured two bystanders: Ann Odre, of Buffalo, New York, was struck in the chest, and Rose Hall was slightly wounded in the arm.[5][6] The Pope was immediately rushed to the hospital while the authorities combed the site for evidence. Çelik panicked and fled without setting off his bomb or opening fire."

He was wounded, Clearly you do not understand the story.

You seem to foget what they did to Chrisitans in Rome.


You should also see what that pope who was almost assassinated did.

"John Paul II made considerable efforts to improve relations between Catholicism and Islam.[187]

On 6 May 2001 he became the first Catholic pope to enter and pray in a mosque, namely the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, Syria. Respectfully removing his shoes, he entered the former Byzantine era Christian church dedicated to John the Baptist, who is also revered as a prophet of Islam. He gave a speech including the statement: "For all the times that Muslims and Christians have offended one another, we need to seek forgiveness from the Almighty and to offer each other forgiveness."[94] He kissed the Qur'an in Syria, an act that made him popular among Muslims but that disturbed many Catholics.[188]

In 2004 John Paul II hosted the "Papal Concert of Reconciliation", which brought together leaders of Islam with leaders of the Jewish community and of the Catholic Church at the Vatican for a concert by the Kraków Philharmonic Choir from Poland, the London Philharmonic Choir from the United Kingdom, the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra from the United States, and the Ankara State Polyphonic Choir of Turkey.[189][190][191][192] The event was conceived and conducted by Sir Gilbert Levine, KCSG and was broadcast throughout the world.[189][190][191][192]

John Paul II oversaw the publication of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which makes a special provision for Muslims; therein, it is written, "The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in 'the first place amongst whom are the Muslims'; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day."[193]"

You seem to contradict your pope.

with all due respect, a muslim has no authority to decide what is holy to us or what not.

You show the typical behavior of your culture. That you place higher demands for yourself than you would ever grant for others. Thats called selfentitlement and its the main reason why the middle east is what it is...in absolute chaos.

Rome is for us what is Mecca for you. What you think or believe is irrelevant. Believe it or not, but we must not ask a muslim for permission in our faith.

Beside religious aspects, there are cultural ones. This is our country. We decide what we do here.

As for Propaganda, its funny you would bring that up. That you would insult me for my believes and cry yourself the very second when yours are questioned.

But i understand you. I have visited egypt as a kid a few years ago. We did a nile cruise. I feel sorry for you my friend. No one should live in such extreme poverty like many egyptians do. Maybe thats the reason you seem so bitter. But bitterness wont help,you to get your country out of the darkness, Only work and positive things will do.

Honestly do you believe sending an spygirl inside an Ottoman sultan was that hard ? the late ottoman Sultan had more European genome than Turkish one.
well I see that problematic because of something else

it wasnt a spygirl. He was most likely killed by his highest doctor who got paid by venice.

Why do you see it as problematic?
with all due respect, a muslim has no authority to decide what is holy to us or what not.

LOL when did I demand that Rome is not holy? I was suggesting that it isn't founded and built by Roman christians.

You show the typical behavior of your culture. That you place higher demands for yourself than you would ever grant for others. Thats called selfentitlement and its the main reason why the middle east is what it is...in absolute chaos.

Higher demands for myself? Since when did I demand anything? LOL I said I would never visit your Islamaphobe country. How is that me demanding anything of you? I am merely stating that I will not spend money to see your Mafia state. Are you High?

The Main Reason the Middle east is in absolute chaos is because of America invading. I don't know what you are smoking but what does Self-Entitlement have to do with anything in the Middle east? Are you dumb?

Rome is for us what is Mecca for you. What you think or believe is irrelevant. Believe it or not, but we must not ask a muslim for permission in our faith.

You are the one who brought up Rome and Mecca Not me. Don't push the Topics you started on me.

As for Propaganda, its funny you would bring that up. That you would insult me for my believes and cry yourself the very second when yours are questioned.

When did I insult you for your Beliefs? Did I say screw Christianity? NO, did I say anything bad about Christianity? I merely insulted your clear propaganda that was spoon fed to you. Also how am I crying? I merely stated that I would not go to your state. Is this how regular italians respond to people who refuse to go to Italy the Mafia state? To make up Baseless lies and assumptions that have no grounding in reality? You are certainly giving a bad image for Italy.

But i understand you. I have visited egypt as a kid a few years ago. We did a nile cruise. I feel sorry for you my friend. No one should live in such extreme poverty like many egyptians do. Maybe thats the reason you seem so bitter. But bitterness wont help,you to get your country out of the darkness, Only work and positive things will do.

Feel Sorry for Me? Excuse me? Did we not go over how I don't live in Poverty? I grew up in a Family, where my dad made 130,000 dollars a year and my mom made 100,000 dollars a year IN AMERICA. What makes you think I grew up in Poverty? I am in University with No debt, How am I bitter? It is you who seemingly keeps throwing around your dumb assumptions and propaganda. You are a under-paid model and a Flight lackey, Why would I be bitter? You are pathetic.

I did not grow up in Egypt, how many times before you get this through your thick skull you italian?

We have gone over this at least 3 times please use your brain before spewing more bull and propaganda as well as lies and assumptions.
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it wasnt a spygirl. He was most likely killed by his highest doctor who got paid by venice.

Why do you see it as problematic?
because those elites don't pay tax on he money they are wasting, it's just like stealing the country resources for something non productive and to do what ?
why you believe it was a doctor who did that ,just looking at the number of European women in the ottoman harems make them the prime suspect for me. but this is what wikipedia says about it.
In 1481 Mehmed marched with the Ottoman army to a new campaign, but upon reaching Maltepe, Istanbul he became ill. After some days he died, on 3 May 1481, at the age of forty-nine, and was buried in his türbe in the cemetery within the Fatih Mosque Complex.[87] He is thought to have been poisoned; one source accuses Yakub Pasha, a Jewish convert to Islam, of administering poison to Mehmed over a period of time. Another source finds it likely "that Mehmed was also poisoned by his Persian doctor. Despite numerous Venetian assassination attempts over the years, the finger of suspicion points most strongly at his son, Bayezit."[88][unreliable source?]

The news of Mehmed's death caused great rejoicing in Europe; church bells were rung and celebrations held. The news was proclaimed in Venice thus: "La Grande Aquila è morta!" ('The Great Eagle is dead!')[89][90]

honestly knowing little about the situation in middle east palaces and courts I say my prime suspect now is his son Bayezit , probably with some help from the sultan wife..
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LOL when did I demand that Rome is not holy? I was suggesting that it isn't founded and built by Roman christians.

Higher demands for myself? Since when did I demand anything? LOL I said I would never visit your Islamaphobe country. How is that me demanding anything of you? I am merely stating that I will not spend money to see your Mafia state. Are you High?

The Main Reason the Middle east is in absolute chaos is because of America invading. I don't know what you are smoking but what does Self-Entitlement have to do with anything in the Middle east? Are you dumb?

You are the one who brought up Rome and Mecca Not me. Don't push the Topics you started on me.

When did I insult you for your Beliefs? Did I say screw Christianity? NO, did I say anything bad about Christianity? I merely insulted your clear propaganda that was spoon fed to you. Also how am I crying? I merely stated that I would not go to your state. Is this how regular italians respond to people who refuse to go to Italy the Mafia state? To make up Baseless lies and assumptions that have no grounding in reality? You are certainly giving a bad image for Italy.

Feel Sorry for Me? Excuse me? Did we not go over how I don't live in Poverty? I grew up in a Family, where my dad made 130,000 dollars a year and my mom made 100,000 dollars a year IN AMERICA. What makes you think I grew up in Poverty? I am in University with No debt, How am I bitter? It is you who seemingly keeps throwing around your dumb assumptions and propaganda. You are a under-paid model and a Flight lackey, Why would I be bitter? You are pathetic.

I did not grow up in Egypt, how many times before you get this through your thick skull you dumb italian?

We have gone over this at least 3 times please use your brain before spewing more bull and propaganda as well as lies and assumptions.

@Vergennes @flamer84 @waz @mike2000 is back

Look friends, thats a muslim here who explains me why Mecca should be banned for non muslims and then states why rome is not holy for christians, that rome is nothing special because it was build in pre christian times (ignoring the fact that Mecca was build by pagan arabs).

Its exactly that kind of person that denies christians churches but cries for racism when we stomp down on islamic extremism.

He is proud for egypt ... a country where christians are murdered. Churches burned down. Where christian men cant marry muslim women.


No, the middle east is not in chaos because americans. Blaming others for your mistakes is another cancer many of your people have. The americans are not responsible for your inter faith wars.

Your area in the world dies...and its because the total inability for self criticism and the self entitlement you show so much. You can´t compromise. Thats the reason why your various religious groups kill each others.

You believe you have ownership of the only truth. You fall more and more into a black hole while the world moves on.

I hope you reach enlightenment soon. As a person and as a culture. You need it more than anyone else.
Look friends, thats a muslim here who explains me why Mecca should be banned for non muslims and then states why rome is not holy for christians, that rome is nothing special because it was build in pre christian times (ignoring the fact that Mecca was build by pagan arabs).

Why don't you stop parroting your bull, I suggested that Rome was the Center of Christian persecution for Centuries which is a fact. Christians were fed to Lions in the Roman Colosseum. That is all I am stating, it's slightly Ironic calling it the center of Christianity. Where was Jesus born again? Where is the River where he was baptized? Ohhhhh yeah the MIDDLE EAST!

Its exactly that kind of person that denies christians churches but cries for racism when we stomp down on islamic extremism.

Does anyone else see the blantant stupidity this guy is crying, What the hell are you going on about? When did I say I hate Churches, Quite the opposite I showed you Chrisitans and Muslims together in Egypt which is something you would never have in Italy because it's an Intolerant Islamaphobic Society where the Slightest Criticism is perceived as a Attack against the state. Why would I ever want to visit your Mafia state? Especially after all the Lies you are bleating like a sheep.

He is proud for egypt ... a country where christians are murdered. Churches burned down. Where christian men cant marry muslim women.

What? When did I ever condone the burning of churches on the contrary I hate the MB which were burning down Churches, Also Muslim women not marrying Christians is a personal choice not a state one, Deal with it.

No, the middle east is not in chaos because americans. Blaming others for your mistakes is another cancer many of your people have. The americans are not responsible for your inter faith wars.

It is because of America this is literally undeniable. Where are these inter-faith wars you are going on about? WHERE ARE THESE WARS? Do people just allow you to bleat this crap around and everywhere? Name me one inter-faith war in the last decade or 2? Let me answer for you, NONE!

There are no inter-faith wars, you know nothing if you believe so. I could literally make 30 paragraphs outlining all the things the U.S did to cause the Chaos in the Middle east. If you want to know so badly I will gladly point them out for you.

Your area in the world dies...and its because the total inability for self criticism and the self entitlement you show so much. You can´t compromise. Thats the reason why your various religious groups kill each others.

Dies? Are you crazy? No I take that back you are High. The Middle east is not "dying".

Where are these various religious groups fighting each other? I have yet to see any.Where are these Sectarian wars you love to conjure out of thin air yet cannot provide any proof of it's existence?

I can go into even more detail if you wish but I will save you the beating and move on but if you persist I will have no choice but to continue.

You believe you have ownership of the only truth. You fall more and more into a black hole while the world moves on.

Excuse me but I am the only one using Facts here, while you believe that a Cross stopped a bullet which is not only Bull but also a Lie considering that the pope suffered 4 gunshot wounds. So I guess your Holy "Father" didn't stop the bullets.

I hope you reach enlightenment soon. As a person and as a culture. You need it more than anyone else.

I am sorry but it is you who is in need of enlightenment with your baseless assumptions, lies,slander, and bull and blind religious zeal that is backed up by LIES and FAKE stories.

@waz Can you give this dude a warning? or tell him to stop slandering my character and actually discuss the Topic at hand instead of trying to devolve this argument into Muslim vs Chrisitan(that he loves to bring up in every topic) to sastify his blatant Zealousness and Ego that will only be deflated by me when I beat him in an Argument, Again...
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Why don't you stop parroting your bull, I suggested that Rome was the Center of Christian persecution for Centuries which is a fact. Christians were fed to Lions in the Roman Colosseum. That is all I am stating, it's slightly Ironic calling it the center of Christianity. Where was Jesus born again? Where is the River where he was baptized? Ohhhhh yeah the MIDDLE EAST!

Does anyone else see the blantant stupidity this guy is crying, What the hell are you going on about? When did I say I hate Churches, Quite the opposite I showed you Chrisitans and Muslims together in Egypt which is something you would never have in Italy because it's an Intolerant Islamaphobic Society where the Slightest Criticism is perceived as a Attack against the state. Why would I ever want to visit your Mafia state? Especially after all the Lies you are bleating like a sheep.

What? When did I ever condone the burning of churches on the contrary I hate the MB which were burning down Churches, Also Muslim women not marrying Chrisitans is a personal desicision not a state one, Deal with it.

It is because of America this is literally undeniable. Where are these retarded Inter-faith wars you are going on about? WHERE ARE THESE WARS? Do people just allow you to bleat this crap around and everywhere? Name me one inter-faith war in the last decade or 2? Let me answer for you NONE!

There are no inter-faith wars, you know nothing if you believe so. I could literally make 30 paragraphs outlining all the things the U.S did to cause the Chaos in the Middle east. If you want to know so badly I will gladly point them out for you.

Dies? Are you crazy? No I take that back you are High. The Middle east is not "dying".

Where are these various religious groups fighting each other? I have yet to see any.Where are these Sectarian wars you love to conjure out of thin air yet cannot provide any proof of it's existence?

I can go into even more detail if you wish but I will save you the *** kicking and move on but if you persist I will have no choice but to continue.

Excuse me but I am the only one using Facts here, while you believe that a Cross stopped a bullet which is not only Bull but also a Lie considering that the pope suffered 4 gunshot wounds. So I guess your Holy "Father" didn't stop the bullets.

I am sorry but it is you who is in need of enlightenment with your baseless assumptions, lies,slander, and bull and blind religious zeal that is backed up by LIES and FAKE stories.


You dont even know your own country.

Its banned for christian men to marry muslim women in egypt. Its a law.


Aya and Milad's relationship started in Tahrir Square in the middle of the 2011 Egyptian revolution.

But after more than three years together, they feel frustrated. They can't marry in Egypt because Milad is a Christian, while Aya is a Muslim woman.

The authorities will never approve our marriage or register our children as Egyptians
Aya, Muslim in interfaith relationship
Under Egyptian law, Milad would have to convert Islam, even though a Christian woman can marry a Muslim man without having to convert.

The couple considered travelling abroad to marry and start a family. But even that would not solve their problem.

"Even though we would sign a civil marriage document, we would not be able to come back to Egypt," says 24-year-old Aya.

"The authorities will never approve our marriage or register our children as Egyptians. We must then live outside Egypt until we die."

So why do you lie here? Again...

You want an interfaith war? I Syria right now shia Militia fight sunni ISIS.

In Yemen Sunni Saudi Arabia fights shia Yemeni rebels.

The middle east breaks apart because of this. And the effects are gargantuan.

@flamer84 @Vergennes @mike2000 is back

This guy here also says there is no secterian war in Syria, Yemen ect going on. :D

As for christian persecution. It is what created christianity and made it the dominant religion in the world. It overcame this test and became the religion of the roman empire and thus the western world. You dont understand this concept. You see this as a bad thing, you dont realize why its important for christians.

Its senseless to debate this for you. You dont understand why Rome is the center of christianity and i dont understand why some people walk around a stone.

Tell me why Medina is important for Muslims? Medina was an enemy of the first muslims and your prophet was at war with it.
You dont even know your own country.

Its banned for christian men to marry muslim women in egypt. Its a law.


Aya and Milad's relationship started in Tahrir Square in the middle of the 2011 Egyptian revolution.

But after more than three years together, they feel frustrated. They can't marry in Egypt because Milad is a Christian, while Aya is a Muslim woman.

The authorities will never approve our marriage or register our children as Egyptians
Aya, Muslim in interfaith relationship
Under Egyptian law, Milad would have to convert Islam, even though a Christian woman can marry a Muslim man without having to convert.

The couple considered travelling abroad to marry and start a family. But even that would not solve their problem.

"Even though we would sign a civil marriage document, we would not be able to come back to Egypt," says 24-year-old Aya.

"The authorities will never approve our marriage or register our children as Egyptians. We must then live outside Egypt until we die."

So why do you lie here? Again...

Really? You get beat in an Argument so you start clinging to pieces of driftwood to gain some legitimacy in your Crusade that will eventually Fail and fall flat on it's face like every other Crusade.

Here is also a Direct Quote from that Article from a Pastor.

Fr George Matta, pastor of St George Church at Ezbet Hanna Ayoub in Menya, Upper Egypt, suggests that the culture in the Egyptian countryside does not accept interfaith relationships.

"My advice to young people is that they should choose their life partner from their own religion," says Fr Matta.

Even the Chrisitan side says the same thing.

Please stop you only look more pathetic.

You want an interfaith war? I Syria right now shia Militia fight sunni ISIS.

ISIS are terrorists and not Muslims so no it isn't an Interfaith war simpleton. It is simply Shia Syrians killing terrorists. That's like saying When Christian cops arrest Christian people, they are waging an interfaith war.

In Yemen Sunni Saudi Arabia fights shia Yemeni rebels.

Saudi Arabia was invited by the Yemeni president to fight ARMED REBELS, that are fighting the state of Yemen. That is not an Interfaith conflict dimwit. The Houthis could be Sunni and they would still be hunted down.




The middle east breaks apart because of this. And the effects are gargantuan.

You have yet to show me a single interfaith war yet? Where are they? and where are the consquences?

The Reason parts of the middle east are tearing themselves apart is because of Russia and America's proxy war.

This guy here also says there is no secterian war in Syria, Yemen ect going on. :D

There isn't, what are you going on about?
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Really? You get beat in an Argument so you start clinging to pieces of driftwood to gain some legitimacy in your Crusade that will eventually Fail and fall flat on it's face like every other Crusade.

Please stop you only look more pathetic.

ISIS are terrorists and not Muslims so no it isn't an Interfaith war simpleton. It is simply Shia Syrians killing terrorists. That's like saying When Christian cops arrest Christian people, they are waging an interfaith war.

Saudi Arabia was invited by the Yemeni president to fight ARMED REBELS, that are fighting the state of Yemen. That is not an Interfaith conflict dimwit. The Houthis could be Sunni and they would still be hunted down.



You have yet to show me a single interfaith war yet? Where are they? and where are the consquences?

The Reason parts of the middle east are tearing themselves apart is because of Russia and America's proxy war.

There isn't, what are you going on about?

You said a christian men can marry a muslim women in egypt. I proved you that this is banned by egyptian law.

So why exactly did you lie here?

Ohh you ignore syrian sunni fighting syrian alawites and kindly ignore saudi arabia sunnis fighting shia yemenis? :D

You are funny. ISIS are islamic. Its even in their name.

Russias and american proxy war? Thats funny. Most say its Sunni Saudi Arabia and Shia Iran proxy war.


I give you a positive side aspect. I dont care about your wars, your terrorism and so on. As long you dont bother us with your bs.

Its none of our business.

I´m not one of those idiots who believe evrywhere must be happiness and joy. I´m quite happy a brutal tyrant could be reinstalled in egypt for example. We currently try to reinstall one in Libya as well.

I support Putins efforts in Syria and so does my party FI. But Assad is the wrong men. He is burned. There must be a new strong despot.

As for the crusade. The crusades were started as effort to stop constant agression from certain areas in the middle east. The crusades where a sucess in the direction that the enemy did never recover from this and felt on the stage it is today.
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