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Anger as Spain prepares to let Russian warships refuel on way back to Aleppo bombing

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Jul 7, 2014
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Spanish foreign ministry now reviewing permit issued to Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier to dock in Ceuta
after outcry over Moscow’s Syria airstrikes.


Russian warships pass through English channel. Spain will reportedly allow them to refuel on their way to take
part in the bombing campaign against Aleppo.

Spain is facing criticism for reportedly preparing to allow the refuelling of Russian warships en route to bolstering the bombing campaign against the besieged Syrian city of Aleppo.

Warships led by the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov are expected to take on fuel and supplies at the Spanish port of Ceuta after passing through the Straits of Gibraltar on Wednesday morning.

Spanish media reported that two Spanish vessels, the frigate Almirante Juan de Borbón and logistical ship Cantabria, were shadowing the warships as they passed through international waters, and that the Admiral Kuznetsov, along with other Russian vessels and submarines, would dock at Ceuta to restock after 10 days at sea.

Late on Tuesday night, El País reported that the Spanish ministry of foreign affairs was reviewing the permit issued to the Russian flotilla to stop at Ceuta. The ABC newspaper quoted the ministry as saying: “The stops requested by Russia in Ceuta … are being reviewed right now based on the information we are receiving from our allies and the Russian authorities.”

At a meeting of defence ministers in Paris, Spain’s representative, Pedro Morenés, said the government would seek clarification from Russia about “the purpose and destination” of the ships, which he confirmed had “prior authorisation” to stop at Ceuta.

Last week British Royal Navy vessels monitored the Russian warships as they moved through the English Channel. The vessels were shadowed by the navy as they passed through the Dover Strait .

The enclave of Ceuta sits on the tip of Africa’s north coast, across the Straits of Gibraltar from mainland Spain, and bordering Morocco, which also lays claim to the territory. Although Ceuta is part of the EU, its Nato status is unclear, and since 2011 at least 60 Russian warships have docked there.

Nato secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg warned on Tuesday that Russian warships heading for Syria could be used to target civilians.

“We are concerned and have expressed very clearly by the potential use of that battle group to increase air strikes on civilians in Aleppo,” Stoltenberg said, adding that it was “up to each nation to decide whether these vessels may obtain supplies and refuel at different ports along the route to the eastern Mediterranean”.

Nato is monitoring the movement of the eight-strong carrier battle group from northern Russia en route to the eastern Mediterranean, where alliance officials fear it will launch fighter bombers to hit northwestern Syria early in November.

“The battle group may be used to increase Russia’s ability to take part in combat operations over Syria and to conduct even more air strikes against Aleppo,” Stoltenberg said.

Guy Verhofstadt, former prime minister of Belgium and now the EU’s representative on Brexit talks with the UK, called Spain’s decision to allow the refuelling “scandalous”.

The naval group is made up of Russia’s only aircraft carrier, Admiral Kuznetsov, as well as a nuclear-powered battle cruiser, two anti-submarine warships and four support vessels, likely escorted by submarines, Nato officials said.

The naval deployment, a rare sight since the end of the Soviet Union, is carrying dozens of fighter bombers and helicopters and is expected to join around 10 other Russian vessels already off the Syrian coast, diplomats said.

Washington’s envoy to Nato said Russia was within its right to move vessels through international waters. Military analysts say the deployment is a show of Russian force, as few countries have the ability to send an aircraft carrier group so far from home – although this would rely on refuelling in Spain.

“The problem would arise if this ship [Admiral Kuznetsov] contributes to the indiscriminate bombing of civilian targets in northwest Syria, particularly in and around Aleppo,” US ambassador Douglas Lute told reporters.

Members of the Syrian Civil Defence, known as the
White Helmets, search for victims following airstrikes
in Aleppo by Russian and Syrian warplanes.
Photograph: Karam Al-Masri/AFP/Getty Images

Sir Gerald Howarth, a former defence minister, told the Daily Telegraph it would be “wholly inappropriate” for a Nato member to refuel the vessels.

Former Royal Navy chief Lord West told the newspaper: “There are sanctions against Russia and it’s an extraordinary thing for a Nato ally to do.”

Spain’s foreign ministry told the Telegraph requests from the Russian navy were considered on a “case-by-case basis”.

A spokesman told the newspaper: “Russian navy vessels have been making calls in Spanish ports for years.”

A UK government spokesman said: “Access to Spanish ports is a matter for the Spanish authorities.
HMG [Her Majesty’s government] has previously expressed concerns to the Spanish government about its hospitality to the Russian navy when we have concerns about Russia’s military activity.

“We are clear that the UK’s relationship with Russia should not be business as usual.”

Last week’s Russian passage through the English Channel came after British prime minister Theresa May condemned Vladimir Putin’s aggression in Syria, accusing Moscow of being behind “sickening atrocities” in support of Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

May’s deputy official spokesman rejected suggestions that it was a sign of weakness that Russia felt able to send its ships via the English Channel. A Downing Street spokesman said: “I would reject suggestions that the Russians feel we are too weak. Clearly, we are not weak at all.”

Nato said the prospect of Russia’s only aircraft carrier heading to the region does not “inspire confidence” that Moscow is seeking a political solution to the Syrian crisis.

Russian defence minister Sergei Shoigu said in September that the Admiral Kuznetsov-led Northern Fleet would be joining a taskforce in the Mediterranean.

According to the Russian news agency Tass, he told a defence board meeting that the plan was to bolster the Mediterranean fleet’s “combat capabilities”.

A statement from the fleet to the agency on 15 October said the group also consisted of the Pyotr Velikiy battlecruiser, the Severomorsk anti-submarine ship, the Vice-Admiral Kulakov destroyer and other support vessels.

Press Association and Reuters contributed to this report.

Spain probably doing this to make some $$$.
Blame american for double cross Assad and Russia first. Strike and killed 90 Syria army soldier when both Assad and Russia agree ceasefire. Now is no mercy from Russia and Assad.
Blame american for double cross Assad and Russia first. Strike and killed 90 Syria army soldier when both Assad and Russia agree ceasefire. Now is no mercy from Russia and Assad.
Blame? Who's blaming anybody? And what mercy was there before this? Besides, why do Syrian civilians have to pay for a US strike on Russian and Syrian troops? Someone is so full of it....
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Blame? Who's blaming anybody? And what mercy whas there before? Besides, why do Syrian civilians have to pay for a US strike on Russian and Syrian troops? Someone is so full of it....
Yes, western media will claim those terrorist as civilian. While western will claim they killed terrorist only :enjoy:

We all know western media and the government agency will always be impartial. :enjoy:

US will never lie. Iraq 2003 invasion is justify with WMD by Iraq that can wipe out the whole world. :enjoy:
Yes, western media will claim those terrorist as civilian. While western will claim they killed terrorist only :enjoy:

We all know western media and the government agency will always be impartial. :enjoy:

US will never lie. Iraq 2003 invasion is justify with WMD by Iraq that can wipe out the whole world. :enjoy:
Oh, ok, so civilians are terrorists, glad we cleared that up. Than you can't blame the West for killing civilians anymore.
Of course, Chinese and Russian and Syrian media and government agencies will also always be impartial.

I'm a bit puzzled by the attempted resupply stop. The flotilla contains 2-3 supply ships, it should have no trouble getting from nothern Europe to the shore of Syria on its own. One might interprete the attempt to make a port call as probing whether Nato countries stick together and/or would condone these ships making port call (so the Russian can lateron claim that these countries permission implied consent with the ships mission).
I'm a bit puzzled by the attempted resupply stop. The flotilla contains 2-3 supply ships, it should have no trouble getting from nothern Europe to the shore of Syria on its own. One might interprete the attempt to make a port call as probing whether Nato countries stick together and/or would condone these ships making port call (so the Russian can lateron claim that these countries permission implied consent with the ships mission).

Maybe they gave up refueling at sea

Yes, western media will claim those terrorist as civilian. While western will claim they killed terrorist only :enjoy:

We all know western media and the government agency will always be impartial. :enjoy:

US will never lie. Iraq 2003 invasion is justify with WMD by Iraq that can wipe out the whole world. :enjoy:

What if i tell you that 99% of europeans give a shit about Syria, Russia and Assad?

If Putin wants he can blow Aleppo to the moon. Its none of my business.
Spanish foreign ministry now reviewing permit issued to Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier to dock in Ceuta
after outcry over Moscow’s Syria airstrikes.


Russian warships pass through English channel. Spain will reportedly allow them to refuel on their way to take
part in the bombing campaign against Aleppo.

Spain is facing criticism for reportedly preparing to allow the refuelling of Russian warships en route to bolstering the bombing campaign against the besieged Syrian city of Aleppo.

Warships led by the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov are expected to take on fuel and supplies at the Spanish port of Ceuta after passing through the Straits of Gibraltar on Wednesday morning.

Spanish media reported that two Spanish vessels, the frigate Almirante Juan de Borbón and logistical ship Cantabria, were shadowing the warships as they passed through international waters, and that the Admiral Kuznetsov, along with other Russian vessels and submarines, would dock at Ceuta to restock after 10 days at sea.

Late on Tuesday night, El País reported that the Spanish ministry of foreign affairs was reviewing the permit issued to the Russian flotilla to stop at Ceuta. The ABC newspaper quoted the ministry as saying: “The stops requested by Russia in Ceuta … are being reviewed right now based on the information we are receiving from our allies and the Russian authorities.”

At a meeting of defence ministers in Paris, Spain’s representative, Pedro Morenés, said the government would seek clarification from Russia about “the purpose and destination” of the ships, which he confirmed had “prior authorisation” to stop at Ceuta.

Last week British Royal Navy vessels monitored the Russian warships as they moved through the English Channel. The vessels were shadowed by the navy as they passed through the Dover Strait .

The enclave of Ceuta sits on the tip of Africa’s north coast, across the Straits of Gibraltar from mainland Spain, and bordering Morocco, which also lays claim to the territory. Although Ceuta is part of the EU, its Nato status is unclear, and since 2011 at least 60 Russian warships have docked there.

Nato secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg warned on Tuesday that Russian warships heading for Syria could be used to target civilians.

“We are concerned and have expressed very clearly by the potential use of that battle group to increase air strikes on civilians in Aleppo,” Stoltenberg said, adding that it was “up to each nation to decide whether these vessels may obtain supplies and refuel at different ports along the route to the eastern Mediterranean”.

Nato is monitoring the movement of the eight-strong carrier battle group from northern Russia en route to the eastern Mediterranean, where alliance officials fear it will launch fighter bombers to hit northwestern Syria early in November.

“The battle group may be used to increase Russia’s ability to take part in combat operations over Syria and to conduct even more air strikes against Aleppo,” Stoltenberg said.

Guy Verhofstadt, former prime minister of Belgium and now the EU’s representative on Brexit talks with the UK, called Spain’s decision to allow the refuelling “scandalous”.

The naval group is made up of Russia’s only aircraft carrier, Admiral Kuznetsov, as well as a nuclear-powered battle cruiser, two anti-submarine warships and four support vessels, likely escorted by submarines, Nato officials said.

The naval deployment, a rare sight since the end of the Soviet Union, is carrying dozens of fighter bombers and helicopters and is expected to join around 10 other Russian vessels already off the Syrian coast, diplomats said.

Washington’s envoy to Nato said Russia was within its right to move vessels through international waters. Military analysts say the deployment is a show of Russian force, as few countries have the ability to send an aircraft carrier group so far from home – although this would rely on refuelling in Spain.

“The problem would arise if this ship [Admiral Kuznetsov] contributes to the indiscriminate bombing of civilian targets in northwest Syria, particularly in and around Aleppo,” US ambassador Douglas Lute told reporters.

Members of the Syrian Civil Defence, known as the
White Helmets, search for victims following airstrikes
in Aleppo by Russian and Syrian warplanes.
Photograph: Karam Al-Masri/AFP/Getty Images

Sir Gerald Howarth, a former defence minister, told the Daily Telegraph it would be “wholly inappropriate” for a Nato member to refuel the vessels.

Former Royal Navy chief Lord West told the newspaper: “There are sanctions against Russia and it’s an extraordinary thing for a Nato ally to do.”

Spain’s foreign ministry told the Telegraph requests from the Russian navy were considered on a “case-by-case basis”.

A spokesman told the newspaper: “Russian navy vessels have been making calls in Spanish ports for years.”

A UK government spokesman said: “Access to Spanish ports is a matter for the Spanish authorities.
HMG [Her Majesty’s government] has previously expressed concerns to the Spanish government about its hospitality to the Russian navy when we have concerns about Russia’s military activity.

“We are clear that the UK’s relationship with Russia should not be business as usual.”

Last week’s Russian passage through the English Channel came after British prime minister Theresa May condemned Vladimir Putin’s aggression in Syria, accusing Moscow of being behind “sickening atrocities” in support of Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

May’s deputy official spokesman rejected suggestions that it was a sign of weakness that Russia felt able to send its ships via the English Channel. A Downing Street spokesman said: “I would reject suggestions that the Russians feel we are too weak. Clearly, we are not weak at all.”

Nato said the prospect of Russia’s only aircraft carrier heading to the region does not “inspire confidence” that Moscow is seeking a political solution to the Syrian crisis.

Russian defence minister Sergei Shoigu said in September that the Admiral Kuznetsov-led Northern Fleet would be joining a taskforce in the Mediterranean.

According to the Russian news agency Tass, he told a defence board meeting that the plan was to bolster the Mediterranean fleet’s “combat capabilities”.

A statement from the fleet to the agency on 15 October said the group also consisted of the Pyotr Velikiy battlecruiser, the Severomorsk anti-submarine ship, the Vice-Admiral Kulakov destroyer and other support vessels.

Press Association and Reuters contributed to this report.


Is there a way to kick someone out of NATO? Or do we have to elect Donald Trump to disband NATO?
Is there a way to kick someone out of NATO? Or do we have to elect Donald Trump to disband NATO?

If you kick Spain out of NATO you lose the hateway to the Mediterranean. Also i would be quite happy if italy leaves NATO. It would give us far more opportunities
If you kick Spain out of NATO you lose the hateway to the Mediterranean. Also i would be quite happy if italy leaves NATO. It would give us far more opportunities

Spain alone doesn't own all of it,neither can they stop America from going through it.

"The Strait lies mostly within the territorial waters of Spain and Morocco, except for at the far eastern end. The United Kingdom (through Gibraltar) claims 3 nautical miles around Gibraltar putting part of the Strait inside British territorial waters, and the smaller-than-maximal claim also means that part of the Strait therefore lies in international waters according to the British claim. However, the ownership of Gibraltar and its territorial waters is disputed by Spain, meanwhile Morocco dispute the far extern end (of Ceuta)."

As you can clearly see here America doesn't needs Spain's Aprroval to get through, Just Morroco and Britian both Long time Allies.

Yeah I hope NATO gets disbanded, gives far more freedom for the Russians to steamroll Far-Right Europe like in World War 2.
If you kick Spain out of NATO you lose the hateway to the Mediterranean. Also i would be quite happy if italy leaves NATO. It would give us far more opportunities
well, I wonder if right now Italy leave NATO , Can you guys divert enough money from other area to defense sector to compensate the loss of NATO support. Some years ago I heard complaint about many European countries rely too much on NATO and won't spend enough money on defense .
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