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Russia Is Deploying The Largest Naval Force Since The Cold War For Syria: NATO Diplomat

Black Sea Shipyard in Mykolaiv circa 1900.

Nikolaev Admiralty shipyard


Nikolayev launching cruiser Admiral Nakhimov. 1915


Kronshtadt-Class Battlecruiser Sevastopol (Russian: Севастополь) was built by Shipyard No. 200, 61 Communards in Nikolayev. She was laid down on 5 November 1939 and estimated as 11.6% complete on 22 June 1941. She was captured by the Germans when they occupied Nikolayev in late 1941, but the Germans did little with her other than to use some of her material for defensive positions and some was apparently shipped to Germany. Before the Germans evacuated the city they damaged her building slip and hull with explosives and made her a constructive total loss. She was ordered scrapped on 24 March 1947 and her dismantling began shortly afterwards. It was completed in 1948.
39,660 metric tons (39,034 long tons) (standard)
42,831 metric tons (42,155 long tons) (full load)
Length: 242.1 m (794 ft 3 in)
Beam: 31.6 m (103 ft 8 in)
Draft: 9.7 m (31 ft 10 in) (full load)

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Nikolayev Shipbuilding, Mechanical, and Iron Works––a Belgian-owned enterprise.
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Oct 19, 2016

Just moments ago we reported that in the latest escalation involving Syria, the Russian aircraft carrier Kuznetsov was now sailing past Norway on its way to Syria, where it is expected to arrive in just under 2 weeks. As part of the carrier naval group, Russia also deployed an escort of seven other Russian ships, which we dubbed the "most powerful Russian naval task force to sail in northern Europe since 2014" according to Russia's Nezavisimaya Gazeta daily reports.

It turns out it it was even bigger, because according to aNATO diplomat cited by Reuters, Russia is "deploying all of the Northern fleet and much of the Baltic fleet in the largest surface deployment since the end of the Cold War," the diplomat said on condition of anonymity.

"This is not a friendly port call. In two weeks, we will see a crescendo of air attacks on Aleppo as part of Russia's strategy to declare victory there," the diplomat said.

An intensified air campaign in eastern Aleppo, where 275,000 people are trapped, would further worsen ties between Moscow and the West, according to the diplomat who added that "With this assault, it should be enough to allow a Russian exit strategy if Moscow believes Assad is now stable enough to survive."

As we reported earlier, photos of the vessels have been released by the Norwegian military. A Norwegian newspaper quoted the head of the Norwegian military intelligence service saying the ships involved "will probably play a role in the deciding battle for Aleppo".was more than this and as Reuters reported second ago, citing a NATO diplomat, Russia is in fact deploying the largest naval force since end of Cold War to reinforce its Syria campaign. From Reuters:While there is little we can add to this that we did not just say in the previous post, we want to remind readers what the east Meditteranean looked like in the summer of 2013, when the first escalation between Russia and the US converted the sea off the Syrian coastline into a parking lot for warships.

In two weeks, it is about to get much busier.

* * *

For those who missed it, here are the highlights from our previous post on the composition of the Russian flotilla:

According to a report by the Norwegian military which released pictures taken by surveillance aircraft, we know that the Kuznetsov accompanied by a fleet of Russian warships, is currently on its way to Syria and is sailing in international waters off the coast of Norway near Trondheim. Photos of the vessels, which include the aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov and the Pyotr Velikiy battle cruiser, were taken near Andoya island, in northern Norway on Monday.

As reported by Reuters , a spokesman for the Norwegian military intelligence service said the country's armed forces frequently releases such footage, while newspaper VG quoted General Morten Haga Lunde, head of the service, as saying the eight ships involved "will probably play a role in the deciding battle for Aleppo". According to Russia's TASS state news agency, the aircraft carrier would carry 15 Su-33 and MIG-29K jet fighters and over 10 Ka-52K, Ka-27 and ??-31 helicopters.

The naval group which includes the carrier and its escort of seven other Russian ships, is the most powerful Russian naval task force to sail in northern Europe since 2014, Russia's Nezavisimaya Gazeta daily reports. The carrier can carry more than 50 aircraft and its weapons systems include Granit anti-ship cruise missiles.

Next in the flotilla, in terms of firepower, is the Russian nuclear-powered battle cruiser Peter the Great.


The Kirov-class cruiser Peter the Great escorts the carrier

As BBC adds, a Norwegian Lockheed P-3 Orion reconnaissance plane, monitoring the force, photographed the ships. MiG-29 Fulcrum jets and combat helicopters were visible on the carrier's deck.

The other Russian surface ships in the group are: two large anti-submarine warships - the Severomorsk and Vice-Admiral Kulakov - and four support vessels.




So more resources to butcher innocent Muslim civilians, I guess.
All supported by the genocidal states of Iran and Syria.
So more resources to butcher innocent Muslim civilians, I guess.
All supported by the genocidal states of Iran and Syria.

The world should just do nothing while Al-Quida, ISIS, FSA and others besiege civilians and behead children or better yet let's just arms them, wait the west and the gulf states are already doing that while claiming they want "piece" and Russia is "prolonging" the war.

Not everyone are a bunch of liberal feminists like the Swedes.
And ISIL, FSA, Ahrar al sham, Al Nusra are saviours you zion!
Fighting Islamists is one thing, indiscriminate slaughter and blatant war crimes is another.

The world should just do nothing while Al-Quida, ISIS, FSA and others besiege civilians and behead children or better yet let's just arms them, wait the west and the gulf states are already doing that while claiming they want "piece" and Russia is "prolonging" the war.

Not everyone are a bunch of liberal feminists like the Swedes.

The majority of Syrians civilians killed are killed by Assad, Iran and now Russia.
The side opposing Assad contains groups which are as criminal, no doubt about that.
Dutch navy took a peek

Dutch navy took a peek and laughed. The ship in the background looks sick belching out so much smoke.

Aleppo is deep inside Syria. What will an aircarft do in a battle needed to be won on ground with active air support from bases closer to beseiged city?
Fighting Islamists is one thing, indiscriminate slaughter and blatant war crimes is another.

The majority of Syrians civilians killed are killed by Assad, Iran and now Russia.
The side opposing Assad contains groups which are as criminal, no doubt about that.

Civilians are killed by Assad, Russia, and Iran but that's war. When the US and it's allies invaded Iraq how come there was no outcry for Iraqi civilians? Clear double standards at work.

The west is ignorant, the majority of Aleppo is controlled by former Nusra (Al-Quida) which the US has said they have no interest in targeting. Nusra, ISIS, the FSA and other groups all murder civilians and all have shelled civilians in government held areas but the west does not want to report it. Even the "moderates" that the west arms and supports have beheaded children and used human shields by locking civilians in cages and placing them on roof tops.

What is the solution? Do nothing? And let the autrosities continue? By that token the allies in WW2 should have just given up and not put up a fight right? All these groups are jihadists, it's that simple, most don't want democracy but a secretarian caliphate. Even if Assad steps down, the dozens of jihadist groups will continue to cut each others throats and murder civilians for their religious or political views.

But the west lives in a fairy tale by arming terrorist groups. This does nothing but prolong the war and kill people. It's truly a new low when ordinary soldiers defending their country from foreign jihadists invaders are killed by weapons provided from the west and gulf states.
Civilians are killed by Assad, Russia, and Iran but that's war. When the US and it's allies invaded Iraq how come there was no outcry for Iraqi civilians? Clear double standards at work.

The west is ignorant, the majority of Aleppo is controlled by former Nusra (Al-Quida) which the US has said they have no interest in targeting. Nusra, ISIS, the FSA and other groups all murder civilians and all have shelled civilians in government held areas but the west does not want to report it. Even the "moderates" that the west arms and supports have beheaded children and used human shields by locking civilians in cages and placing them on roof tops.

What is the solution? Do nothing? And let the autrosities continue? By that token the allies in WW2 should have just given up and not put up a fight right? All these groups are jihadists, it's that simple, most don't want democracy but a secretarian caliphate. Even if Assad steps down, the dozens of jihadist groups will continue to cut each others throats and murder civilians for their religious or political views.

But the west lives in a fairy tale by arming terrorist groups. This does nothing but prolong the war and kill people. It's truly a new low when ordinary soldiers defending their country from foreign jihadists invaders are killed by weapons provided from the west and gulf states.

It is not neccessarily a crime to kill civilians, as long as there are military targets nearby,
but continuosly attacking hospitals, when this is pointed out again and again is a major war crime.
When the US attacked a hospital in Afghanistan, they made an investigation, concluded that they
screwed up and are funding the rebuilding of the hospital, and pays compensation to the victims.
When Russia is criticized for attacking hospitls, they react by obliterating the hospital.

When purely civilian targets are attacked, it is also a war crime.
US soldiers have been killing civilians and have been court martialed.
I have no doubt that Islamist opposing Assad are committing war crimes, but that does
not give Russia a get out of jail card allowing it to commit crimes.
The guys beheading children were denounced by their own group,
and more like that is going to cost them.
It is not neccessarily a crime to kill civilians, as long as there are military targets nearby,
but continuosly attacking hospitals, when this is pointed out again and again is a major war crime.
When the US attacked a hospital in Afghanistan, they made an investigation, concluded that they
screwed up and are funding the rebuilding of the hospital, and pays compensation to the victims.
When Russia is criticized for attacking hospitls, they react by obliterating the hospital.

Most of this is nonsense propaganda. The Obama regime has also stated that Russia attacks civilians and hospitals on purpose which is extremely rediculus and makes no sense.

You're also wrong about Russia denying everything, Russia has stated that civilians have been killed.

It's funny that the US and it's cronies blame Russia for attacking hospitals on days Russia has no aircraft in the area. The hosptitals that were supposedly attacked can also not even be named. Russian reporters pressed the US state department for proof of their claims and the state department (which has a history of lying) could not even name those supposed hospitals.

Reminds me of WMD and babies being thrown out of incubators and such. No evidence, just propaganda to sway public opinion.

When purely civilian targets are attacked, it is also a war crime.
US soldiers have been killing civilians and have been court martialed.
I have no doubt that Islamist opposing Assad are committing war crimes, but that does
not give Russia a get out of jail card allowing it to commit crimes.
The guys beheading children were denounced by their own group,
and more like that is going to cost them.

Those guys beheading the child were photographed weeks after the incident still fighting along other terrorist scum. There was no denouncing, if there were those guys would be in prison or shot which they deserve.

Again, you can blame Russia but who is supporting these terrorists? It's the west and gulf states that are throwing gasoline into the fire. The west and gulf states are destroying a sovereign country, they are supporting an armed invasion and they blame Syria and Russia.

I asked you before, what other solutions are there? Assad leaving will change nothing. Do you propose just giving more arms to the terrorists?
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Fighting Islamists is one thing, indiscriminate slaughter and blatant war crimes is another.

The majority of Syrians civilians killed are killed by Assad, Iran and now Russia.
The side opposing Assad contains groups which are as criminal, no doubt about that.
says who ? an underwear salesman based in London ?
Dutch navy took a peek and laughed. The ship in the background looks sick belching out so much smoke.

Aleppo is deep inside Syria. What will an aircarft do in a battle needed to be won on ground with active air support from bases closer to beseiged city?
The Pyotr Velikyi brings with it yet more AAW capability (at least 48 S-300FM, with another 48 S-300F) ONLY this cruiser has the new 48N6 missile introduced in 1990, with increased missile speed for a maximum target engagement speed, increased the warhead size and increased the engagement range (150 km 48N6, 195km 48N6E2) as well as operating altitude envelope to (27 km). The new missiles also introduced the ultimate track-via-missile guidance method and brought with it the ability to intercept short-range ballistic missiles. The naval versions of S-300 are believed to include a secondary infrared terminal seeker, probably to reduce the system's vulnerability to saturation. This also allows the missile to engage contacts over the radar horizon, such as warships or sea-skimming anti-ship missiles. This in addition to the 20x 625km range supersonic P-700 Granit antiship missiles that it also brings (and which beefs up the total of these in the naval force from 12 on Admiral Kuznetsov to 32 total), which - when deployed at sea some distance from the Syrian coast - may force other naval forces to stay out farther out at sea in the Mediterranean Sea than they currently do, which may affect (reduce) the effectiveness or flexibility of non-Russaian carrier aviation. Considering e.g. the relatively short unrefuelled combat radius F/A-18E 722 km (449 mi, 390 nmi) for interdiction mission. (Rafale-M would be less affected with an unrefuelled combat radius of 1,852+ km = 1,000+ nmi on penetration missions.)
This is an improvement in capability over the support provided by the Slava class cruisers Moskva and Varyag (with 64 90km S-300F and 16 550km P-500/P-1000 Bazalt) , which have thuswar been charged with the air defences for the Russian aviation group based near the Syrian town of Latakia that conducts the air campaign in Syria.


This air defence is complemented since november 2015 with S-400 landbased (max 400km range, with 40N6 missiles, or 195-250km with 48N6E2 and E3 missiles respectively). The presence of S-400 could allow the Kirov class cruiser to move off-shore from Syria, extending the AAW and ASh coverage farther out to sea. Respectively to 800km and 1025km, all under cover of both land and sea based SU-27 and derivative model aircraft (With a normal fuel reserve of 5,270 kg, the Su-30MK is capable of performing a 4.5-hour combat mission with a range of 3,000 km. Combat radius for SU-34 is 1,000+ km (about 680 mi)).
See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S-400_missile_system#Missiles

The Kuznetsov - with its unreliable powerplant and operating Su-33 with lesser ordnance/fuel load - would stay close(r) to the coast and carry out naval air missions in Syria. The Mig-29K which copmplements the Su-33 has a combat radius of 850 km (531 mi), that can be increased to 1,300 kilometers with 3 underwing fuel drop tanks.
Each cruiser (whether or not aircraft carrying, this is how they are called in the Russian navy) would have at least an Udaloy destoyer for ASW protection, in addition to what can be added from forces already in theatre.






IMHO the significance is NOT the carrier aviation added to the campaign but the strengthening of Russia's ability to protect its vital overseas supply route to Syria, which is the lifeblood of the land campaign, from any interference by others. I also see the spastic overflights of US ships in the Black Sea in this context. And it illustrates nicely how closeure of the Bosporus either has potential as source of conflict or as punishment..
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Dutch navy took a peek and laughed. The ship in the background looks sick belching out so much smoke.

Aleppo is deep inside Syria. What will an aircarft do in a battle needed to be won on ground with active air support from bases closer to beseiged city?

Now we know why Russia invaded the Donbass areea: it wants Ukrainian coal mines to power up its naval fleet.

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