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Android users more humble and honest than iPhone users, study finds

They say people with very little are the most humble, so I'm not surprised at all by this finding
One of my friend has a Ford. He says its cheaper than Mercedes, it gives better mileage than Mercedes, it has Automatic Parking System that Mercedes ain't got, it has thousand other things that Mercedes won't ever have.

And he's right - check my post 2 posts up. It comes down to practicality v/s showing off everyone your status, assuming you can afford both. The only thing mercedes gives you is a bigger engine, which is only useful to a few people. For everything else, the Ford will work just as well. Why not use the extra money to make a lump sum mortgage payment, where you are losing money due to interest, or save for a child's tuition, etc. This at least my philosophy.

This is greatly driven by personality. At least in my personal life, I've noticed that people who are technical and are great in some technical field tend to be more practical and not worry about superficial/materialistic things just for the sake of showing someone their status. I know people like that making 500-600k CAD that drive Hyundais. This is a really good idea as your money can be spent better elsewhere.

They say people with very little are the most humble, so I'm not surprised at all by this finding

It's not necessarily got anything to do with having very little. Like I said above, there are people who are making a killing in their salary yet spend their money very carefully. I am in a similar situation as well, where I am very fortunate and blessed to have the ability to spend money very extravagantly and buy very expensive items, yet I choose to moderate my spending for things that are more important.
That's not really a valid comparison - you're comparing a simple matter to something that isn't so simple. With the more expensive bread you might be getting better return on the money. With the iPhone you're not. An Android phone worth 2/3 of an iPhone may not have as nice a user interface or be very simple to use, but the extra money spent is not worth it to someone who is technically savvy and will have no problem learning Android. Once you get past that user interface or simplicity, there is no advantage to having an iPhone. In fact some Android phones come with better features, such as fully charging your phone in 45 mins, etc.

These simply analogies don't really capture the essence of why people moderate their spending even they are financially well off. Another example I've heard of is getting a big house -- why not get a small house instead. To which I say, it's worth spending money on the house because you're actually getting something in return with the bigger house. More space, more rooms targeted for certain activities, etc. The same can't be said about, for example, a luxury car which gives nothing beyond a fully loaded Ford or Toyota.

It's all relative. Whether you spend $2 vs $4 on bread, $20 vs $40 on sneakers, or $500 vs $1000 on a tv.

You could argue it is nonsensical to buy Adidas sneakers when a competitor sells one just as nice for half price.
Some people like Adidas...maybe for showoff reasons...maybe because they like them.
It's all relative. Whether you spend $2 vs $4 on bread, $20 vs $40 on sneakers, or $500 vs $1000 on a tv.

You could argue it is nonsensical to buy Adidas sneakers when a competitor sells one just as nice for half price.
Some people like Adidas...maybe for showoff reasons...maybe because they like them.

Again, these comparisons are far too simplistic. You really have to compare each two items on merit on a case-by-case basis to see if the extra money is providing extra value. You can't just say that if a person isn't willing to spend extra on iPhone, then they will never spend extra. To that person, iPhone isn't providing additional value, while a $1000 tv might be. You are almost certainly getting something more out of a $1000 tv v/s a $500 one.
What's next? Ludo players are cheats and, therefore, must be watched at all times??!

Wait, that might actually be true! :partay: :partay: :partay:

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