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And here is the bigger virus... Just came to Pakistan

Why is he wearing a mask and gloves?

These Shariffs are superhumans! They don't need all this nonsensical protection.
RIP social distancing and precautions. Only one wearing mask .
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Typical pmln holier than all others. We all knew months ago that the sheer numerical superiority of selfish scumbags in our nation outweighs the number of honest patriots. We all knew this outbreak will be uncontrollable due to the unique population characteristics we enjoy. @Mangus Ortus Novem
Valid point on his own doctors, but then again, this platelets thing is not new, we've seen media reports about unstable counts for last few years. Also, IK was unsatisfied and unwilling to let him go and did have have him assessed multiple by his own doctors, including those form Shaukat Khanum. IK may never verify that he had his doctors assess NS, or that his doctors confirmed the illness, but that is what happened.
Good sir, please be well aware that a fluctuating platelet count in itself means nothing. What matters is the underlying cause. It can be autoimmune, malignant, drug induced or even due to injury, poison or infection. All the necessary medical expertise to diagnose it was present in Pakistan. There is not one single thing the doctors in UK did that the Pakistanis could not have done. Every sinister cause was excluded, leaving a diagnosis of idiopathic fluctuation. Once that diagnosis is made, all he needed was careful monitoring and control. Then of course, to further validate his excursion, issues about hypertension and coronary heart disease arose, which again are common ailments, treatable in Pakistan. The fraud is total and while I don't know what his medical records state, I've got a pretty good idea that they excluded the sinister causes and recommended monitoring and control.
Government has brought him back to face charges or run a shadow government in Punjab more efficiently?

Where is that tooi sensationalist HMS Path Finder?

now he'll be in news once again.
People will remember his performance, compare with Imran Khan.
Social media will be full of pictures of hospitals built by SS.
While IK has nothing to show beside all round destruction of Pakistan.
Imran Khan should order his arrest without delay or he'll damage his reputation.
Frankly, I don't care now about these NarcoLeaguez, PeePeez, MQMz, PTMz, FazoolMullahMaffia or PTIz... to hell with all of them....

I just am saddened at the helplessness of the poor... who are nothing more than serfs.. of these parasites...

Khottaism suits them all.... to hell with it....

After writing so much about the CriminalEnterprise and DeadDonkey of PakPolitics... I have stopped.

This Showbaaz and IndiaPhrand Noora has more than the blood of ModelTown on their hands... yet the PakState/Establishement makes deal with them...

I say to hell with it all...

My fear is that the FirstPeak is any day now...and if the news about Mutation of the KhooniVirus is correct... then....

Showbaaz might have infected the NarcoLeague head hanchoz
.... he might be back to OurLand to escape Herd Immunity ... I don't know and I don't care...

I just pray that somehow we manage to get the pandemic under control...since, it is now everywhere.. From up North to the Heart of Darkness interior Sindh....

You take care of yourself!

The greatest problem appears to be that inherent indiscipline and carefree attitude, which is ingrained in our public. Allah rehm karay.

Take care and stay safe.
Government purposely botched every prosecution.

It solely depends on intellectuals like you to come up with cover stories sitting thousands of miles away
Agree that it may have been a deliberate botch. I have no doubt PTI elements are equally capable of selling our national interest.

And my story isn't a cover story. It is the most likely explanation. It's very easy to claim being at risk of imminent death in Pakistan because of the idiots we are. When someone normal looks at a list of results in other countries, he asks the doctor to interpret, and the doctor will say "oh don't worry your platelets are slightly off, we shall exclude the sinister causes then you can be on your way".

When the Pakistani public (via the marasi Pakistani media) look at Sharif's platelet count, they themselves will diagnose it as life threatening and demand his release from prison because a couple of numbers are off. The rest of us in Pakistan - even the non pmln types - will buy this cocktail of rubbish because we're the same - we'd panic if a single parameter is off despite the reassurances of doctor sahib and we'll look up all sorts of stuff on the internet to justify our agenda and we'll move heaven and earth to prove our point of view to the doctor.
The greatest problem appears to be that inherent indiscipline and carefree attitude, which is ingrained in our public. Allah rehm karay.

Take care and stay safe.

You can't change behavior and culture overnight.
State need to focus, where they can deliver change and that is border with Iran and that's exactly where state is missing, beside one trip of zulfi.
All proposed treatments are just nonsense.... no one has the vaccine.
Ask Chinese what is the financial cost of attending each patient.
While clueless leadership in Pakistan thinks the solution is to do sentimental blackmail to young doctors... trust me that is going to back fire on Imran Khan.
It is our own pathetic sense of supreme entitlement in fact, that manifests from childhood, that Nawaz or Shabaz Sharif is simply an extreme example of. In many ways, the return of these scumbags is inevitable. We deserve no less. He is a mirror unto the darkest recesses of all our souls. I remember vividly educated Pakistani lawyers of all people storming a hospital and pulling oxygen masks off patients. It beggars belief that this is the legacy of Iqbal and Jinnah. We need to grow up and put the person on our right and on our left on an equal pedestal as our mothers place us on. We're not that special that we can overrule and override reality and science just because of some status we may hold, perceived or real.

Perhaps we will all learn harsh lessons in the coming months.
It is our own pathetic sense of supreme entitlement in fact, that manifests from childhood, that Nawaz or Shabaz Sharif is simply an extreme example of. In many ways, the return of these scumbags is inevitable. We deserve no less. He is a mirror unto the darkest recesses of all our souls. I remember vividly educated Pakistani lawyers of all people storming a hospital and pulling oxygen masks off patients. It beggars belief that this is the legacy of Iqbal and Jinnah. We need to grow up and put the person on our right and on our left on an equal pedestal as our mothers place us on. We're not that special that we can overrule and override reality and science just because of some status we may hold, perceived or real.

Perhaps we will all learn harsh lessons in the coming months.

I'm sorry but this is not true.... when Musharraf arrested them, all Pakistan distributed sweets.
If public had any love lost they would be in streets upon their arrests. However same can't be said in today's date.
It's just public in street thinks Imran Khan is a bigger crook hence they want to go back to smaller crook.
These people and their endless dramas will keep Pakistan from going forward, sad.

Agree, this picture is evidence that virus spread is conspiracy of SS.
All state machinery shall be in motion to arrest him and file case of heroin smuggling.
this picture is evidence that virus spread is conspiracy of SS
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