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Ancient Peshawar's forgotten Wonder: The Greatest Stupa on Earth

Should Kanishka Stupa be built by the Pakistan Government?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 65.2%
  • No

    Votes: 8 34.8%

  • Total voters
No, I didn't mentioned it because it was "non-Hindu" monument. I mentioned it because the monument's grandeur is unparalleled. There are many Hindu Temples in Pakistan that can be restored as the Indonesians did. I would be very happy to see them restored.

Even the Tomb of Rehman Baba wasn't spared in Peshawar, do you really think a Buddhist Stupa will survive in a city like Peshawar.

No. Please see wikipedia article named "History of Peshawar".

He is right, Peshwar was called Purushapura once and Kushans who came from Western China was an Indianized dynasty.
The Kushan king, Kanishka, who ruled from at least 127 AD, moved the capital from Pushkalavati (now called Charsadda, in the Peshawar valley), to Purushapura (Peshawar) in the 2nd century AD,[9]Buddhist missionaries arrived at Zoroastrian, Hindu and Jain Peshawar, seeking counsel with the Kushan rulers

Both are today part of Peshawar valley however the historical name is Purushapura i.e The City of Men
Read a book it was Cyrus who sent his envoy to the region who travelled by boat sailing through river Kabul n described the people of Panjabis as having a similar lifestyle as Bactrians .. His slab thingy which I think is will preserved in Iran wrote Panjabis as Hindustan or something coz of indus.. Book : The Pathans. .. Google it.
Then you don't know the entire history. Herodotus first mentioned about India in 440BC but it was Greek historian Megasthenes who wrote the entire account both North and South India around 300BC after Chandragupta defeated Seleucus. Megasthanes account for India remained a standard for more than two millenniums. Meanwhile India themselves had idea of 'Bharat' which extended from Gandhara in North to Chola-Chera in South India. ;)

Excuse me, are you folks living in a fools paradise?
If the real Pakistani's(which implies the majority, not the elite like yourselves) didnt even allow Shadman chowk to be renamed as Bhagat Singh chowk, you think Pakistani's would allow a Stupa to be built/rebuilt in Pakistan?

Construction/Reconstruction debate can only happen, if the Jamaat's and your Mullah's allow something to happen in the first place.

Cart before the horse.

The average guy doesn't give a shit abt non of it.. It's the political parties tht mess things up.
Read a book it was Cyrus who sent his envoy to the region who travelled by boat sailing through river Kabul n described the people of Panjabis as having a similar lifestyle as Bactrians .. His slab thingy which I think is will preserved in Iran wrote Panjabis as Hindustan or something coz of indus.. Book : The Pathans. .. Google it.

Persians named the land as Hindush, I am talking about the Greek name 'India' referred to the 'end of the earth' east of the Indus river and later on Megasthanes wrote the account of both North and south India in his book Indica.
Read a book it was Cyrus who sent his envoy to the region who travelled by boat sailing through river Kabul n described the people of Panjabis as having a similar lifestyle as Bactrians .. His slab thingy which I think is will preserved in Iran wrote Panjabis as Hindustan or something coz of indus.. Book : The Pathans. .. Google it.

The average guy doesn't give a shit abt non of it.. It's the political parties tht mess things up.

Very interesting, i would like to know what they wrote about Punjabis.
excuse me, what do you mean by living cities?

I think he means old city, that is still alive.

He is right, Peshwar was called Purushapura once and Kushans who came from Western China was an Indianized dynasty.

Hmm so Kushans were an "Indianized" Dynasty :rofl:

That has to be the joke of the day.

So let me ask you sir, who else were 'Indianized': Sakas? Mughals? Perhaps even British? :rofl:

P.S: Alexander the Great was an avid fan of Cyrus the Great. Does that make Alexander 'Persianized'.
Hmm so Kushans were an "Indianized" Dynasty :rofl:

That has to be the joke of the day.

So let me ask you sir, who else were 'Indianized': Sakas? Mughals? Perhaps even British? :rofl:

P.S: Alexander the Great was an avid fan of Cyrus the Great. Does that make Alexander 'Persianized'.

I got it, what you getting annoyed :lol::lol::lol: Just see the name of the later emperors of Kushan dynasty, hope you can understand Sanskrit names :coffee:

BTW both Sakas and Mughals too became desi after getting assimilated in Indian race. See the picture of Bahadur Shah Zafar, he don't look like an Uzbek. ;)
What rubbish

After the destruction of the babri masjid we should look to destroy all remnants of hindu or buddist temples or culture in Pakistan not rebuild it

The sights of those saffron rats on babri masjid will ensure such stupid notions of rebuilding temple's will never occur

Indonesia should be convinced to takes a similar line after babris destruction and what the buddist have done to the rohinga
Australia is a continent. If Greenland becomes inhabited vastly, it too will become a continent.

Continents are not defined by their population, but tectonic plate. There are seven major tectonic plates (major independent landmass), making the seven continents. Than there are some secondary plates, like Indian, which are too small to be classified as a continent. After that, there are tertiary plates, too small.

List of tectonic plates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So by definition, Australia is a continent, and India is not.
What rubbish

After the destruction of the babri masjid we should look to destroy all remnants of hindu or buddist temples or culture in Pakistan not rebuild it

The sights of those saffron rats on babri masjid will ensure such stupid notions of rebuilding temple's will never occur

Indonesia should be convinced to takes a similar line after babris destruction and what the buddist have done to the rohinga

when they destroyed bbri mosque, they destroyed their own piece of history
I think he means old city, that is still alive.

Hmm so Kushans were an "Indianized" Dynasty :rofl:

That has to be the joke of the day.

So let me ask you sir, who else were 'Indianized': Sakas? Mughals? Perhaps even British? :rofl:

P.S: Alexander the Great was an avid fan of Cyrus the Great. Does that make Alexander 'Persianized'.

Trust me Indic bhaiay is special case of identity crisis. For him every invader from Aryans to Kushans were indianized, even he don't know what does this mean. Funny thing is before Aryans there was no culture or civilization in India. Aryans gave them Ganga Hinduism.
It is not permitted for Muslims to allow the reconstruction of a kaafir site.

al-Bukhaari (3020) and Muslim (2476) narrated that Jareer ibn ‘Abd-Allaah al-Bajali said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to me: “O Jareer, will you not relieve me of Dhu’l-Khalsah?” That was a house (in Yemen) belonging to the (tribe of) Khath’am, which was called Ka’bat al-Yamaaniyyah. I set out with one hundred and fifty horsemen. I used not to sit firm on horses and I mentioned that to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). He struck me on my chest with his hand and said, 'O Allaah! Make him firm and make him one who guides others and is guided on the right path.' " So Jareer went and burned it with fire, then Jareer sent a man called Abu Artaat to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). He said, “I did not come to you until we had left it like a scabby camel.” Then the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) blessed the horses of (the tribe of) Ahmas and their men five times.

Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar said:

This hadeeth indicates that it is prescribed to remove things that may tempt or confuse the people, whether they are buildings, people, animals or inanimate objects.

If it is asked, how come the Sahaabah left alone the ancient idols of the Pharaohs and Phoenicians? The answer is that these idols fall into one of three categories:

1 – These idols may have been in remote places that the Sahaabah did not reach; when the Sahaabah conquered Egypt, for example, that does not mean that they reached every part of the land.

2 – These idols may not have been visible, rather they may have been inside Pharaonic buildings etc. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us to hasten when passing through the abodes of the wrongdoers and those who had been punished, and he forbade entering such places. In al-Saheehayn it is says: “Do not enter upon those who have been punished unless you are weeping, lest there befall you something like that which befall them.” He (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said that when he passed by ashaab al-hijr [the dwellers of the rocky tract – see al-Hijr 15:80], in the land of Thamood, the people of Saalih (peace be upon him).

According to another report narrated in al-Saheehayn, “If you are not weeping, then do not enter upon them, lest there befall you something like that which befall them.”

What we think is that if the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) saw a temple or building belonging of these people, they did not enter it or even look at what was inside it.

This will dispel any confusion about why the Sahaabah did not see the Pyramids or what is inside them. There is also the possibility that their doors and entrances were covered with sand at that time.

3 – Many of these idols that are visible nowadays were covered and hidden, and have only been discovered recently, or they have been brought from remote places that the companions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not reach.

Al-Zarkali was asked about the Pyramids and the Sphinx etc: Did the Sahaabah who entered Egypt see them?

He said: They were mostly covered with sand, especially the Sphinx.

Shibh Jazeerat al-‘Arab, 4/1188

Then even if we assume that there was a statue that was visible and not hidden, then we still have to prove that the Sahaabah saw it and were able to destroy it.

The fact of the matter is that the Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them) would not have been able to destroy some of these statues. It took twenty days to destroy some of these statues even with tools, equipment, and explosives etc that were not available to the Sahaabah at all.

This is indicated by what Ibn Khuldoon said in al-Muqaddimah (p. 383), that the caliph al-Rasheed was unable to destroy the estrade of Chosroes. He started to do that, and he gathered men and tools, and burned it with fire, and poured vinegar on it, but he was unable to do it. And the caliph al-Ma’moon wanted to destroy the Pyramids in Egypt and he gathered workers but he could not do it.

With regard to the excuse that these statues are part of the legacy of mankind, no attention should be paid to such words. Al-Laat, al-‘Uzaa, Hubal, Manaat and other idols were also a legacy for those who worshipped them among Quraysh and the Arabs.

This is a legacy, but it is a haraam legacy which should be uprooted. When the command comes from Allaah and His Messenger, then the believer must hasten to obey, and the command of Allaah and His Messenger cannot be rejected on the grounds of this flimsy excuse. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“The only saying of the faithful believers, when they are called to Allaah (His Words, the Qur’aan) and His Messenger, to judge between them, is that they say: “We hear and we obey.” And such are the successful (who will live forever in Paradise)”

[al-Noor 24:51]

We ask Allaah to help the Muslims to do that which He loves and which pleased Him.

Obligation to destroy idols
- islamqa.info

So the sands saved the Pyramids. :tup: Thanks to the Sands of Time. :enjoy:
What do you think should happen to them? Also the monuments in Pakistan now?

They should be destroyed with bombs thrown on them to annihilate them completely
Given what happened to Babri Mosque, I don't think you have the right to tell what we should do.

Pakistan's National Academy of Performing Arts (NAPA) is headquartered in a building called "Hindu Gymkhaha". There are dozens of Hindu Temples in Sindh that are as preserved as they can be in today's feeble law-and-order situation of Pakistan.
Err Babri was just one incident,I can show a lot of cases in Pakistan about places of worship of minorities being damaged.Also you convieniently chose to ignore how many Mosques India has built and i was not giving you any advice just my opinion.
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