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Ancient Pakistan the Defense Wall of India

In blood of people who call themselves Pakistani, it runs through em

Next day they name themselves Russians
It becomes ancient Russia

Name doesn't matter, people do, blood does

History is made of people and it's culture and traditions, it's legacy
Ah , finally you agree .
That you had a non muslim past , and not all of you are some sort of outsiders from teh subcontinent.
What was the legacy of Aryans in India before they came to India? The history doesn't start from 11 century for people living here. Hinduism wasn't the first religion in current day India.
It was the first and oldest , Buddhism came later
What was the legacy of Aryans in India before they came to India? The history doesn't start from 11 century for people living here. Hinduism wasn't the first religion in current day India.
It was the first and oldest , Buddhism came later
Still , all that got destroyed due to various reasons , not known to me.
The real ancient history of india starts with gangetic plains , the Deccan and southern regions are different things all together .With their extensive contacts to outside world through sea trade and their connections to north for religious and cultural affinities

Larger kingdoms and societies were raised in what is called today . republic of india .
Punjab rather has been invasion ground for india and not some defence line.
Yours claiming Indus civilization heritage is equal to people from macedonia claiming heritage of alexander
Look up for macedonia , it's a Slavic country.
As far as cities are concerned , all major cities in gangetic plains and Bengal are very old , as for pakistan and it's history , i find no city older than purushpura
@Comrade bhartiya
History started when our ancestors had civilization of multiple cities with sewage systems, irrigation

while y'all were living in jungles like a bunch Hunter gatherers aduwasis

don't look down on people and civilization with collective memory much older than you
Know your place in the pecking order of civilization
Real India is South-Eastern Pakistan. Modern day country called India is not India (land of Indus).

So technically North-West India would be western parts of Pakistan's Punjab.
Again a false argument comrade , according megasthenes .
India is a quadrilateral shaped country bounded by ocean on its eastern and western sides . And since when pakistan has two oceans , tell me ?
Best part is cities in Deccan and gangetic plains are constantly inhabitated.
That's what matters , continuity of the civilisation .
I gave argument of megasthenis as you people wont accept any indian description.
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It was the first and oldest , Buddhism came later
Hinduism is amalgam of vedism and what aryan brought with them. And i am not talking about Budhism here, as humans were found to be worshipping half human half line statue 32,000 years ago. Hinduism is 4000 years old at max.
That you had a non muslim past , and not all of you are some sort of outsiders from teh subcontinent.
Now it is your time to accept your Iranian past as well. The genome mapping reveals a lot more than what is claimed by nationalistic "history" writers.
Hinduism is amalgam of vedism and what aryan brought with them.
its not ..totally different gods culture and practices
vedics believed in afterlife, burried their dead used to eat beef.Studied and worshiped forces of nature.they didnt have caste system
vedism is now a dead religion
yes we had Islamic past but we had brains and realized piss dont heal and cow aint holy and stones are stones!
No , no again how you converted we kNow that .
Sufis converted you , still my religion is better or not is up to me
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its not ..totally different gods culture and practices
vedics believed in afterlife, burried their dead used to eat beef.Studied and worshiped forces of nature.they didnt have caste system
vedism is now a dead religion
You will find many customs of vedism in Hinduism.
You will find many customs of vedism in Hinduism.
like? if you are talking about vedas, its purely inspration.. it was a word of mouth for more than a thousand years till it was written so you can imagine how well it could even reflect. Having a sawastika hanging on the wall doesnt contribute to same custom..We dont know its significance for vedics.
its not ..totally different gods culture and practices
vedics believed in afterlife, burried their dead used to eat beef.Studied and worshiped forces of nature.they didnt have caste system
vedism is now a dead religion
Hindus too believe in after life , they had varna system and no they didn't eat beef
"Anago hatya vai bheema kritye ma no gaamshvam , purusham vadih"
It's a great sin to kill horses , cows and humana.
Atharveda, 10.1.29
" Ya aamam maanssamdanti paurushayam cha karvih garbaan khadanti keshvastaaninto naashyamasi."
We ought to destroy those who eat cooked and uncooked meat , meat involving destruction of males , females foetus and eggs

Atahrveda ,8.6.23
yes we had Islamic past but we had brains and realized piss dont heal and cow aint holy and stones are stones!
Adopting religion of invaders is not what I feel is correct thing , to be honest.
like? if you are talking about vedas, its purely inspration.. it was a word of mouth for more than a thousand years till it was written so you can imagine how well it could even reflect. Having a sawastika hanging on the wall doesnt contribute to same custom..We dont know its significance for vedics.
Polytheism, offering milk, butter and barley to deities in the presence of fire, stratification of vedic society in 4 parts (Brahman, Kashtriyas.. etc.)
Adopting religion of invaders is not what I feel is correct thing , to be honest.
This is exactly what current day Hindus did, adopted a new religion from Vedism. Animal sacrifice was a norm in Vedism.

Hindus too believe in after life , they had varna system and no they didn't eat beef
"Anago hatya vai bheema kritye ma no gaamshvam , purusham vadih"
It's a great sin to kill horses , cows and humana.
Atharveda, 10.1.29
" Ya aamam maanssamdanti paurushayam cha karvih garbaan khadanti keshvastaaninto naashyamasi."
We ought to destroy those who eat cooked and uncooked meat , meat involving destruction of males , females foetus and eggs

Atahrveda ,8.6.23

Adopting religion of invaders is not what I feel is correct thing , to be honest.
dude afterlife is not the same as reincarnation of soul but rather the same body coming to life.
Hinduism is amalgam of vedism and what aryan brought with them. And i am not talking about Budhism here, as humans were found to be worshipping half human half line statue 32,000 years ago. Hinduism is 4000 years old at max.

Now it is your time to accept your Iranian past as well. The genome mapping reveals a lot more than what is claimed by nationalistic "history" writers.
Aryan invasion theory is now Aryan migration theory , soon it will be Aryan picnic theory.
We will see that , then I will accept my iranin past 😁
Polytheism, offering milk, butter and barley to deities in the presence of fire, stratification of vedic society in 4 parts (Brahman, Kashtriyas.. etc.)

This is exactly what current day Hindus did, adopted a new religion from Vedism. Animal sacrifice was a norm in Vedism.
Aryans didn't invade , from what I know .
Animal sacrifice is norm even today , i have myself sacrificed a Buffalo .
It's meat is good though.
dude afterlife is not the same as reincarnation of soul but rather the same body coming to life.
Very interesting , anyway worst possible death in Hinduism is by suicide without any reason , then there is after life involved too .
Like how we would not be human again , how we won't gain moksh which is never be reborn again to finally merging with ishwara , the formless supreme deity .
So yes it's a mix and revolves between two.
Polytheism, offering milk, butter and barley to deities in the presence of fire, stratification of vedic society in 4 parts (Brahman, Kashtriyas.. etc.)

This is exactly what current day Hindus did, adopted a new religion from Vedism. Animal sacrifice was a norm in Vedism.
There is no evidence of caste system in vedics.I fail to understand how you came to such a conclusion.There is no evidence of caste system found from the gandhara ruins nor in BMAC nor in pontic steppes..Vedic religions was a byproduct of the sintastha and andronova culture and religion .they worshiped nature, they believed in a sky god, they would try to please the god by doing different thigns to get rain..hindus are worshiping idols when they are feeding their deities...this is not comparable. the act of pleasing deities exists in countless beliefs
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Aryan invasion theory is now Aryan migration theory , soon it will be Aryan picnic theory.
We will see that , then I will accept my iranin past 😁
The best part about genome mapping is that, we don't have to wait for someone to own their past so it is irrelevant if you own your genes or you don't.

You can play around with different scenarios of invasion or migration but the fact remains that Aryan came to this land where vedic were always present. Pick up genome map of north Indians and you will find all type of genes from Iranians to gene prevalent in Hungary.
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